Washington Irving

             Washington Irving is one of the most memorable writers in history for his many works. To learn more about Washington Irving these are three most important points of this author, historical background, work, and his last years as a famous writer.
             To begin is the historical background of Washington Irving life which begins on April 3,1783 at the end of the Revolutionary War which was the day he was born. ("Resources for Educators" 1) He was born to a big family that included his father, a wealthy merchant, and also his mother who was an English woman who was as well the granddaughter of a clergyman. Irving was the youngest of 11 children, yet it is not stated how many brothers or sisters he had. When Washington Irving was born the hero of the United States George Washington saw Irving and gave his blessing to him and his family. Washington Irving was born and raised in New York City. When Irving went to school he was one of the most influential of all students, so he enrolled himself in law school instead of following his elder brothers to the nearby Columbia College. He later had met his fiancé Matilda Hoffman, yet sadly he never had the chance to marry her because she passed away in 1809 with tuberculoses at the age of seventeen. (American Authors 1) At the age of nineteen Irving began his writing for a newspaper The Morning Chronicle that started his career in writing. When Irving returned from his tour of France and Italy, he followed his brother William Irving and J. K. Paulding in publishing Salmagundi. ("Irving Washington" 141) The critics said that the book was a whimsical essay, which mirrored the rise and fall of New York. It was his opinion on social life, books, theatres, and politics. ("Washington Irving-Biography" 1) When Irving started writing his books he started using pen names to make it seem like the person in the story was the one that wrote the book. One name that he used was Diedrich Knickerboc

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Washington Irving. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 07:15, March 13, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/78854.html