The Godfather: "Hospital" Scene Analysis
I was particulary interested in the scene where Vito Corleone has recently been severely shot and hospitalized and is at a local hospital for recuperation. The scene caught my eyes in several different ways including: the lighting, music, use of set, point of view of camera, low angle shots, and extreme angle shots.
The scene starts out with Michael Corleone getting out of a taxi at the hospital steps. The shot is perhaps ironic in that there seems to be foreboding music playing with a tall, dark, castle-like hospital, but there are Christmas lights. Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and peace, but in this scene there is no peace, nor joy. Upon entering the hospital it is empty and foreboding, with extreme long shots of empty hallways, all the while intense, ominous music is playing on the movie. Michael encounters no one, just a skipping record player and a half-eaten sandwich. His mood seems to quicken as he senses that his father is in danger and the music quickens, and Michael starts to run. He knows enough that he feels something is wrong and that something bad has happened or will happen soon. Upon reaching his father's room we see the two chairs of the guards who were supposed to be there empty. His father is safe, but we here some ironic news from the nurse telling about why the guards are not there, "They were interfering with hospital service." This is ironic because the hospital seems completely empty and because the police dismissed them, and they would know how much danger Vito Corleone is in.
This is the point in the movie where we see Michael Corleone come into his own, and fall into his fate to be the head of the Corleone Family. He is pushed by situations into this role where he must take charge to save his love ones, and he definitely shows that he is more than capable of it. He takes charge and pushes his father's