William Faulkner

             Many great writers are criticized about the way they write there: novels, poems, essays, etc. Even some of the skilled writers are criticized, William Faulkner was a great writer that wrote several novels but was not criticized that much about the way he wrote. Although Faulkner was very creative in writing his novels and essays he still had various flaws which were sometimes criticized by critics. Before Faulkner won the Nobel Prize in 1950, "Faulkner was generally considered by most critics as a minor regionalist and something of a crackpot."("William..."). At the time he was really poor and most of his books were out of print.
             William Faulkner was a young man who never graduated high school, never received a college degree, and was living at the time in the poorest state in the nation. He worked as a screen writer in Hollywood but was known for his drinking binges which affected his health, writings, and relationships with his friends and family. Some of Faulkner's best works were: As I Lay Dying, The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, Absalom,Absolom!, and Go Down Moses. Most of Faulkner's early writings were romantic, but once he moved to New Orleans he became more popular and began writing several essays and novels.
             After he finished writing his first novel, "Soldier's Pay," he published it and decided to move near Paris, France. Faulkner was mainly influenced be the observations he would take, and experiences of life in the South. Because of the fact that Faulkner grew up in the South being exposed to harsh racism, he witnessed how the blacks were being discriminated against. I believe Faulkner wrote about the South in several of his stories because he was affected greatly by all the racism going on. Growing up around racism, made him write about it in some of his stories, which many people disliked, because he would show racism in his stories.

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William Faulkner. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 03:58, February 23, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/81905.html