Gahndis Seven Sins

             Gandhi's creed stated seven sins: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, and politics without principle. These sins are committed everyday in business and in people lives. Wealth without work, includes playing the stock market; gambling; and sweatshop slavery. With capitalism and materialism spreading around the world the area between a day's hard work and sitting back and profiting from other people's labor is growing. Pleasure without conscience, people find ways of bringing excitement to their everyday lives. Taking drugs and playing dangerous games cause health problems. Irresponsible acts of sexual pleasure also cost the people's health. Not only do young people lose their childhood but babies are brought into the world and often left uncared for. The emotional, financial, and moral price is on everyone. We ignore spiritual pleasures of life and prefer the physical pleasures, which is "pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character is the obsession with materialism that makes us concerned about getting knowledge to get a better job and make money. If someone scored "A's" in every subject and o maintained his grades. He would be known to have become a bookworm. When he passed and got a job, he would not be able to deal with people. He had no time to learn these important parts of life. In return, he could not live with his wife, children nor work with his co-workers. All those years of study and excellent grades did not bring him happiness. Therefore, it is not true that a person who is successful in wealth is necessarily happy. Then there's commerce without morality, we commerce without morality to make more money by any means possible. Price inflation, imitation of brand name products, cheating and making false claims are a few of the ways

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Gahndis Seven Sins. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:23, February 23, 2025, from