Driving in Oklahoma and Freeway 280

             The poems, "Driving in Oklahomaâ€" and "Freeway 280â€", are different in many ways, but they also have a lot in common. First, they both are modern poems, so we cannot find rhymes or clear meter in them. Almost all contemporary poetry does not have rhymes. This style has even a name - "free-verseâ€". In my opinion, it is the easiest way to write poems: a poet does not have to think carefully about phrases and rhymes that create a finished thought and music of words at the same time. A poet just has to put some poetic images and ideas in his creation to call it "poetryâ€". But this is only my opinion. Nowadays critics call that kind of literature "poetryâ€", so I will do as well.
             The next and very important thing that is shared by both authors is comparing two different worlds in their poems. Lorna Dee Cervantes speaks about her past and present. She looks back on her past, to the place where she spent her childhood, where she grew up. She tries to bring back to life her memories, hoping to find the part of her that is missed. Carter Revard compares the world of a modern person with all its complicated technology and civilization, where he belongs, to a world of simple nature that really is much more sophisticated than any human-made world. Reading both poems, we can feel that the authors miss something they do not have, something that is a piece of their souls, something that they wish to possess or to be a part of. But let s look more closely at each of the poems.
             Lorna Dee Cervantes talks about missing homeland. In the poem she describes the place where she grew up. Lorna uses details and images that help me, the reader, to see how that place looked like, to feel her attitude to this place, to understand why that place is important to her, why she so persistently returns to her past in her memory. She writes:â€"wild abrazos of climbing roses and man-high red gera...

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Driving in Oklahoma and Freeway 280. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 09:12, March 04, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/85679.html