9 Natural Laws of Leadership

             The book I chose to read for this assignment was The 9 Natural Laws of Leadership by Warren Blank. Although I haven't read many leadership books, I believe that this one has an original concept. The belief held by the author is that leadership as in nature there are laws that govern. This is the continuing theme in this book, but the book itself is based on how to become a quantum leader.
             The 9 laws themselves appear early in the book. These laws are found in every leader and are as follows.
             2. Leadership is a field of interaction- relationships between leaders and former allies
             4. Leaders use influence beyond normal authority
             5. Leaders operate outside the boundaries of organization
             6. Leadership requires risk and uncertainty
             7. Not everyone will follow a leader's initiative
             8. Consciousness- information processing capacity- creates leadership
             9. Leadership is a self-referral process. Leaders and followers process information from their own subjective, internal frame of reference
             In each of the following chapters these are further explained, and the major ones such as consciousness, leadership as an event and self-referral it goes heavily in depth.
             All through out this book is mentioned the phrase quantum leadership. As in physics quantum leadership represents the evolution to the more modern way of thinking. The quantum view of leadership differs form the classical
             Classical Physics View of Leadership Quantum Physics View of Leadership
             1. Leadership is its parts 1.Leadership is a field
             2. Leadership a continuous attribute of a person 2.Leadership is a discontinuous event
             3. Leadership influence is based on force 3.Leadership influence is an interaction

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9 Natural Laws of Leadership. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 13:56, February 23, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/87830.html