Critique on the film

             Today, many Americans take the fact that we have food, education, transportation, clothing, jobs, and doctors to fix our physical ailments for granted. Nobody can really appreciate life until they witness the hardships and tragedies of another.
             In the Chinese film To Live, tragedy, suffering, and poverty are all depicted throughout the movie, but tied in with wisdom, love, and determination. Nothing is so bad that you can't go on, and this is shown all the way through the entire production.
             Fugui and his wife Jiazhen struggle through life just by doing everyday things Americans wouldn't think about today. Fugui and Jiazhen are a married couple that don't let poverty get in the way of their happiness. No matter what happens, they always go on. Fugui is a man who liked to gamble but soon realized that putting family first is a top priority. Jiazhen is a kind, caring mother and a loving wife. She is mainly the person who keeps Fugui straight through the hard times in the movie. I give them credit for such a dedication to optimism. For example, they became very broke, but they were glad. They wanted to be poor townspeople. Jiazhen suffered from a temporary loss of her husband when he went to war, but with a positive attitude begun to raise Youquing on her own until Fugui returned. Both Jiazhen and Fugui suffered in the great loss of losing their son, Youquing in a dreadful accident at school, getting run over by a car. They had also suffered in losing their daughter, Fengxia from giving birth, but showed such great hopefulness that they found their lives to be back on track in no time.
             Jiazhen and Fugui loved their children greatly. This made it easy for them to have such big hearts. Fengxia, their daughter experienced her share of hardships, also. She had permanently lost her voice from a horrible sickness as a child, witnessed her brother dying, and when giving birth, she fought for her last livin...

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Critique on the film. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 21:36, March 06, 2025, from