Polar Bear

             Who would have guessed Arctic is derived from the Greek word arktos meaning "bear", and is a reference to the constellation Ursa Major, or Great Bear, which appears prominently in the northern sky (Hare 150)? The polar bear, a habitant of the Arctic, is the largest living carnivore. Three interesting components of a polar bear are its care and maintenance, reproduction, and unique characteristics.
             An interesting aspect of polar bears is its care and maintenance. Polar bears can be found near the North Pole, in a 150-mile diameter all around. Hare, the author of "Animal Habitats" said, "They are found to dig dens to survive fierce blizzards and the bitter cold"(Hare 151). The polar bear has fur that is different from any other animal. It helps to adapt to its climate and stalk its prey. Close to their bodies they have a woolly layer of fur to keep them warm, but their skin is actually black to absorb heat from the sun. Their fur looks white because it is hollow and reflects the sun (Hare 130). Wexo says, "Fur on polar bears is actually yellowish not pure white like most people think" Wexo (11). "It is a yellowish because of the oxidation of the sea oil" (Hare 131). For cubs the color of the fur is bluish white, then goes to a creamy white, finally when an adult it stays at this yellowish color. In the book "Polar Bears" Wexo said that the light color of its fur helps the polar bear hide as it stalks its prey (11). One way that a polar bear gets its food is by stalking prey or waiting for seals to come up for air from under the water (http://web14.epnet.com/citation.asp>). Polar bears mainly eat young seals, usually ringed, but will eat bearded, harp, and hooded seals. They prefer seals but have also been known to scavenge for dead walrus, eggs and beach cast carrion. During the summer, when they don't have snow for cover or ice for the access to the seals...

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Polar Bear. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 04:27, March 09, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/90529.html