Edgar Allan Poe

             Edgar Allan Poe, a great poet, who is known world wide for his stories of terror, grief, revenge, and misery. Yet all his ideas all target the same thing, French writer Charles-Pierre Baudelaire. The story of Poe's life is nearly as compelling and horrifying as the stories that came form is evil, insane imagination.
             Poe was born to his actor parents Elizabeth Arnold and David Poe Jr. Born in Boston in 1806; he was conceived while the acting company was performing Hamlet. He was named Edgar after the theatre manager. His mother later gave birth so his sister Rosalie, and struggled to support her family, so she sent Edgar's brother William to live with David Poe's family in Baltimore. Elizabeth soon became sick with tuberculosis and died on December 8, 1811 at the age of 24.His sister was sent to like with the MacKenzie family. When Edgar was about 3 he was sent to live with Frances and John Allen. His early years with the Allan's were pleasant.
             When Poe was 6 his life made a sudden change again. John Allen took the family on an extended business trip with him to England for 5 years. There he attended London academy in 1816 and in the fall of the next year went to the Manor House School in Stoke Newington. Judging from the poems he would write later on, the 3 years he spent in the gloomy narrow halls of the Manor House were important ones. "He seemed to have absorbed the Gothic atmosphere into his very soul". (Poe, pg 21)
             Often in Poe's writing the image of a dying woman appeared often, and also in his life. Poe first experienced the death of his mother and then later on at the age of 15 he encountered the death of another woman in his life. Jane Stanard. She was the mother of Edgar's classmate Robert, and he had an odd crush on her. Poe always referred to her as Helen, a name that is often associated with beauty. She become sick and died in April 1824. This painful los

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Edgar Allan Poe. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 03:42, February 23, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/93929.html