Pollution in Bangladesh

             Bangladesh is apparently now in the grip of all sorts of pollution, like air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution and what not. Dwellers of the urban areas are the worst sufferers. The indiscriminate industrialization process in Bangladesh over the past decades has created significant environmental problems.
             Among the most significant is the enormous volume of solid waste which is being produced every day but not be disposed properly. The mismanagement of the solid wasted, particularly the polythene shopping bag has caused serious threat to the soil, public health, and drainage system in the cities. The drainage system is about to collapse, About five to six feet of polythene layers have developed at places at the bottom of many rivers and other water bodies. As a non-biodegradable environmental hazard it has already wreaked havoc in public sanitation, not to speak of the irreparable damage its further use could inevitably bring to our life system.
             Environmental Engineering deals with the study of the technical processes, which can be used for minimizing pollution and environmental impact. Environmental engineering creates the capability of practical application of environmental studies in the real life. The Environmental engineers must play unique rolls to identify the aspects of various environmental issues, emphasize on studying the problem and create public awareness to conserve the environment. The protection of the environment from the potentially deterious effects of human activity, the protection of human populations from the effects of adverse environmental factors, and the improvement of environmental quality for human health and well being are the major concerns of environmental engineering. Hence the polythene plight also must be a distinct cause of action for environmental engineering and its various sides should be dealt from the socio-economic point of view.
             On the 1st of March 2002 The Govt. banned the ...

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Pollution in Bangladesh. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 16:48, March 09, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/9738.html