Persuasive Article

             Reality TV – what is so interesting about watching other people eat, sleep and argue? Is this what the world is coming to?
             In recent years, I have personally noticed the growing trend in reality TV shows. To some this isn't a bad, but to everyone else its bad thing! We've all watched an episode of Big Brother, we've all watched an episode of Popstars and we've all watched an episode of Survivor but wouldn't it be better for both the TV companies and for us to end this reality TV craze on a high, and while it is still quite popular?
             September 11th was a day that changed everything, including television, so it's not surprising that things would be different. However this doesn't mean TV has changed too much, or does it mean it hasn't changed enough. Whatever your answer there is one thing that sticks in my mind.... Humankind cannot bear too much reality. A famous quote from T.S. Elliot, and now I know what he meant! What moment of TV can you still remember and always will, is it when Craig won Big Brother, when Jade wouldn't shut up, or when you watched the two towers topple in dry silence?
             Reality TV has always received bad publicity, but as they bad publicity is good publicity, and with scores of people tuning in and being gripped by a series of these reality shows, it doesn't look like things are going to slow down, or does it? Recent figures have shown that only 6.9 million viewers have been watching the new series of Popstars, compared to 11.2 million viewers watching the last series at the same stage. Also, the BBC's attempt of reality TV, Fame Academy is lucky if it gets over million viewers, making it the corporations 12th most watched show of the week. Sex, swearing, and smoking that's all Big Brother seems to be about, and is this is the kind of thing we want our easily influenced teenagers watching? How wou

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Persuasive Article. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:15, September 19, 2024, from