The Effects of Disruptive Behavior

             One of the main goals for parents, when they are raising their children is to make sure that their children behavior is socially acceptable. Their goal is for their children to be sociable and acceptable in society. As children become more independent, they start to understand what their likes and dislikes are. Many times, this new identity formation can conflict with their parents¡ idea of how they should be raised. These conflicts between parent-child usually result in a negative way. Children behaviors sometimes become negative or disruptive. These inappropriate behaviors are usually ¡§transient¡ and considered ¡§normal¡ base on that child age. An example will be a toddler displaying temper tantrums or an adolescent rebelling against their parents. However, there are children who disruptive behavior is very extreme. They exhibit disruptive behaviors with greater intensity and/or frequency than would be expected. An example of disruptive behavior will be temper tantrums, excessive whining/crying, demanding attention, noncompliance, defiance, aggressive acts against self or others, stealing, lying, destruction of property, delinquency, etc. These children who display these behaviors are view in society as ¡§acting out,¡ ¡§antisocial,¡ ¡§conduct-disordered,¡ etc. Parents who children suffered from disruptive behavior reports that the most common form found among their children are their inability to listen to their parents, bossiness, doesn¡t obey, cries, has extreme tantrums, etc. Statistical report shows that some form of disruptive
             behavior is the primary reasons for most children being admitted to mental health clinic. This paper will focus on the classification and diagnosis of disruptive behavior disorders, their prevalence, comorbidity, persistence etiology, the normal developmental course and correlates of disruptive behavior and issues and methods for assessment and treatment.
             Over t...

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The Effects of Disruptive Behavior. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 20:19, March 04, 2025, from