
             "We are facing one of the great crisis in the history of man. There are, almost everywhere, too many people."# There is irrefutable evidence that, in the long term, this planet cannot support the current rate of population growth, much less the ever-accelerating rate of such growth. While it will be much disputed, it is necessary that action be taken to fight overpopulation in order to avoid the disastrous effects of an earth living far beyond its carrying capacity. The limitation on overpopulation will be opposed with passionate zeal, but when this planet can no longer support an adequate quality of life, such limitation will be absolutely unavoidable. The goal should be to implement certain restrictions or policies in the near future in hopes to achieve somewhat earlier acceptance of the harsh realities of the long term future, and thereby reducing the suffering during that cold, cruel, unforgiving period. However, there is absolutely no conceivable way that one organization alone can combat this problem. There is a need for collective minds to set down in writing all the necessary evidence and arguments, in proper proportion, in regard to political, economic and social matters on the topic of population control. While the United Nations, as well as various countries, have discussed and researched the topic of overpopulation to a great extent, efforts have done little to curb the trend. This can be attributed to their inability to take action, as well as current religious positions held by many of the world's faiths; most specifically Catholicism. In addition, governments have failed to sufficiently educate its people on the dire consequences of overpopulation and how it contributes to a lower quality of life. It is imperative that the United Nations, along with political and religious leaders, develop and put into action a collaborative campaign to control population growth; only by working together can this growing ...

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Overpopulation. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 23:53, February 01, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/99545.html