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Advertising may be one of the essential marketing tools available to the corporate sector today, but it is certainly not the most ethical one. Advertising has come under attack from various sections of society because of the images it projects and the way they ultimately affect all of us. If we carefully analyze advertising campaigns and techniques, we would notice that advertising is intricately connected with the principle of consumption. Consumers would buy anything that advertisements say is good for them, including culture and values. In much the same way as a consumer would be forced to buy a product, media today is being used to effectively transform cultural values and sell images that are often misleading. Associate a good-looking guy with a cigarette, and you send a message to the public- smoking is the "in" thing. Even though we all know smoking is injurious to health, we would still be tempted to give it a try based on the images that advertisements project. In PBS's Merc


The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of losing weight via stomach stapling. Specifically, it will discuss how stomach stapling changed my life, and why diets do not work for many people in our modern American society.


As soon as the feeling of autumn is in the air, the leaves start to turn color and people move indoors, the influenza season will be on its way. Although the flu can hit individuals of all ages throughout the world anytime, the highest number of cases occurs between November and March. In 2001-2002, for example, the influenza season in the U.S. peaked in mid-to-late February, when 40 states reported regional or widespread flu activity to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.1 Although in temperate climates influenza generally affects people in the colder months, it can occur all year round in tropical climates. A possible explanation for the high level of activity during winter is that the congregation of people indoors facilitates the transmission of the virus and viruses survive longer due to the dry indoor air.2 Influenza results from a virus that infects the upper respiratory tract, or the nose and throat. The viruses are divided into three major types, A, B and C, and alter from year to year because of changes in the antigens. This is also called antigenic shift in Type A flu and antigenic drift in Type A or B. Since the flu is so changea


The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the poem "God's Grandeur," by Gerard Manley Hopkins. Specifically, it will discuss the theme and language of the poem. "God's Grandeur" is an uplifting celebration of God's love, our own lives, and the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

Social Darwinism

Social Darwinism applies Charles Darwin's theory of evolution to human beings, contending that throughout its history, human society has operated like a jungle where only the fittest'[1] survived. The theory was first propagated by Herbert Spencer, a 19th century English sociologist, who believed that such a process of seemingly cruel human evolution carried important long-term benefits for the human society and should not be interfered with. Social Darwinism did not find widespread acceptance in Britain or Europe but was enthusiastically supported in the United States of late nineteenth and early twentieth century especially by the elite intellectuals and some influential businessmen. In this paper we shall take a detailed look at Social Darwinism and explore its impact on the American society. Origins of Social Darwinism Charles Darwin was an English biologist who captured the attention of the world when he published his thesis ab

Justify and explain how the complexities associated with the Web minimizes competitive business advantage

One of the most essential results of corporate strategy is for a business to create competitive advantages. This allows a business to differentiate from its competitors. The advantage can be a process, resource, copyright or an intangible asset. Furthermore, these competitive advantages should be sustainable for the company to have lasting success. The web has minimized competitive business advantages by limiting barriers to entry, while improving the flow of communication, and often simplifying business systems. The web has greatly changed the environments for many industries. It has increased communication, made information more accessible and has become a viable platform for commerce

The Tragedy of Gertrude and Ophelia, Women of Denmark As Imagined by an Englishman

"Hamlet" is often thought of as a drama primarily about one man's relationship with a dead father and a living and murderous stepfather. According to the Bedford Introduction to Literature, one of the critical components of any story, drama or novel, is that of "Plot," forming one of the dominant subject headings of this basic guide. The plot of "Hamlet" could be summarized with only two cursory mentions to its main female characters. It might go something along the lines of Gertrude marries Claudius. Laertes vows revenge upon Hamlet because of the madness of his sister.' However, two of the most memorable characters in Hamlet remain that of Gertrude and Ophelia, Hamlet's mother, and Hamlet's sweetheart,' girlfriend,' or fiancée,' depending on what character you talk to at what juncture of the play. They are memorable despite their peripheral nature to the bare-bones narrative of "Hamlet" and their relatively flat character structure. Ophelia's mad sc


Every new technology and invention brings along a promise of revolutionizing some area of our lives. Electromagnetism and similar other electronic technologies have however not only made a promise, they actually kept it too. The changes that has resulted from these technologies have truly revolutionized the way we do everything from communicating to commuting, from reading and writing to listening and perceiving, almost everything has changed dramatically so much so that the entire western culture is undergoing a swift transformation. Every new technology contains within it some social, economic and political properties. The seriousness or gravity of these properties depends on the extent of the technology's influence. The greater the impact, the more inflammatory the technology becomes. This is because with new technology, certain areas are likely to be affected. With a technology, which had wider range of influence, it is only natural that it would spark wider and more i

Conf 6 The Long Run

When we talk about "the long run", we usually are referring to the time period where all factors of production change or are affected. In the long run, "all costs are variable because in the long run you have a choice whether or not to renew your commitment to these unavoidable costs" (Davies, 2003). In "the short run" labor is the variable factor, while capital is the fixed factor of production. The number and amount of equipment in a firm under a short run is fixed, while in a long run, these are more variable as industries can come and go over the period of time. The productive lifespan of a given asset, venture or activity is referred to as its economic long run. It may also mean the time required for a given asset to pay back its investment, or the time required for a given

Conf 8 Public Goods

By definition, a "public good" is one that is not traded on a market like a private good; it has no competition per se, and is often non- excludable in consumption. Public goods have two key factors which are its cost is indivisible, making it have a marginal cost of zero, and it is not practical to charge for its use. A public good that is under-produced, could be, for example,


The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of implementing solutions. Specifically, it will summarize the key points that are important for the class to review to better understand the relationship between change and implementation. Probably the biggest barrier to success implementation of problem solutions is the fear of change. This fear can apply to an organization, and individual, or a group, and it can effectively stifle successful problem solving and implementation if it is allowed to flourish.

A Standard Format For Structured Problem Solving

This master's level paper discusses A Standard Format For Structured Problem Solving emphasizes on the importance of a standard format used in problem solving. This paper highlights the various advantages of employing a standard structured problem-solving format and gives some examples simultaneously.


My approach towards problem solving is rather creative in nature. I believe in out of the box' thinking and therefore agree with people like Edward De Bono who propose creativity in problem solving. All those who believe that creativity is the key to problem solving in today's world should adopt De Bono's strategies for problem solving. We see that almost everything around us is radically different from what it was fifty years ago, and for this reason, old strategies no longer work in any area. We must therefore develop a flexible approach to problem solving that w

Resisting Change

According to Syncopation Management Systems, people sometimes resist change because they think they will lose something that is of value to them. In situations related to employment, individuals may fear they are losing authority, or some kind of job status in general, reduced or increased workload, or perhaps their physical location. When individuals experience this kind of fear, "they tend to focus on their own immediate best interests and not those of the whole" (Syncopation Management Systems). Part of this fear may include the inability to l

Charging Fees for Instant Messenger Services

According to the press (Hu, 2002), AOL is one of the companies to start charging fees for their Instant Messenger (IM) Service. The reason cited for this is the decline of advertising revenues in the Internet context, coupled with a declining subscriber growth. Thus nonmembers are charged fees for certain features of the Instant Messenger. It is understandable that AOL would want to explore revenue generating options in the Internet economic climate. I don not belie

The Free Market System

The free market system has been praised by many as the answer to the world's economic problems. It is the economic equivalent of democracy; every merchant is free to sell goods or services at a price determined by him- or herself. According to this system, the ideal is for an individual to pursue his or her own self-interest, which then culminates in a result that is also of benefit to society as a whole. T

Market Pricing

A Parable about Soup, Profits and Power Once upon a time, Kahn's Chicken Soup Company was faced with an interesting challenge. The company discovered that if it raised the price of its chicken soup products to $1.25 per can, it made an extra twenty-five cents of pure profit on every can, bringing the profit per can to a handsome $0.75. Marketing geniuses at the company set about using a small portion of that new profit to advertise the nationwide' availability of the soup, although, of course, consumers who wanted soup already knew where to get it. And the factory's 1,000-gallon vats were augmented with another set of similar vats. At first, the farmers were happy to sell all their chickens at a good price; shortly, the farmer realized Kahn's really needed their birds, so they plumped up the prices. This caused a slight drop in the Kahn's profit margin, until Kahn's realized that it could shrink the cans by one ounce and the consu

Implementing Problem-Solving Solutions

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of implementing problem solving solutions. Specifically, it will summarize a few key points that are important for the class to review to better understand the application of planning in problem solution implementation. Implementing problem solving solutions is never easy, but it can be streamlined by effective planning before implementation.


The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of Ned Herrmann's work on thinking. Specifically, it will select one topic beneficial to the class in understanding right, left, and/or whole brain thinking and place the results as a response to this topic. Ned Herrmann was a pioneer in whole brain thinking, and his Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument has become a well-used tool in corporate and educational training around the world.


The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of Edward de Bono and creative thinking in articles on the Internet. Specifically, it will summarize why the articles would be of interest to the class as a response to the topic. Edward de Bono is one of the world's foremost authorities on creative and lateral thinking, and his ideas are meant to grow and adapt as the world moves unceasingly forward toward new technology and globalization.


The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of creative problem solving. Specifically, it will summarize a few key points that are important for the class to review to better understand the application of continuous innovation for maintaining competitive advantage. Creative problem solving can be the lifeblood of an organization if it is handled correctly. Continuous innovation keeps an organization current in the marketplace and gives it a distinct advantage over competitors. Allowing creativity and inventiveness in the staff and management is one way to keep creative problem solving alive and viable.

Dream of Scipio

The Dream of Scipio' is an excellent historical novel which portrays a gripping account of three protagonists each placed in a different time frame. The whole plot is woven around the theme of the horrendous crimes that are committed by mankind as civilization succumbs to the dark periods of each era. The pitiable plight of the Jews is neatly bought to the fore by the author. Particularly the author has projected a clear picture of the loss of discriminating capacity that results from religious prejudice. Manlius (fifth century), Oliver de Noyen (fifteenth century) and Julien Barneuve (20th century) are the three main characters who are affected by the disintegration of society and the upsurge of religious intolerance. Pears recounts how Judaism has been the target in all th

Free Market System

Proponents of the free market system, or free trade, claim that the system encourages greater production efficiency and is more able to respond to changing consumer preferences. While this may be true, free market systems create several economic, political, and social problems. Although the free market has benefits, corporations should not be allowed to have more power than elected officials. Otherwise, multinational corporations and the CE

Dazzling Demand

According to Dan Looker and Rod Fee, in their February 2000 article entitled "Dazzling Demand," the consumer demand for beef is increasing. Probably written before the Mad Cow scare, this article shows that consumers are willing to pay more for quality beef. Whereas the pork and poultry markets had stolen some business from beef vendors, beef purchases and consumption rose in the years immediately preceding 2000. The authors of the article attribute some of that change to new health trends like high- protein diets. However, this increase in d

College Admission Letter - Law Degree

Dear __________________, For many years, I have been interested in studying law. My interest in pursuing this field began at age five when I first set eyes on a courtroom setting. Even at that early age, I was fascinated. The honorable judge of the courtroom, for some reason unremembered, took me on her lap and allowed me to rap her gavel. Days later, I received a gavel via UPS from that very judge. From that moment forth, I knew I would someday follow her example. Completing this application takes some courage on my part, realizing my past mistakes and misjudgments may have jeopardized my chances for acceptance. However, I must at least try. During the last three years, I have struggled academically in the wake of many personal tragedies, and through it all, I have never stopped believing in my abilities. Now, I am crossing my fingers in the hopes that my drive to succeed shines past my previous mistakes, and in the hopes that you will see before you a person driven to excellence. It has taken three years for me to realize my dreams