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World War II was basically caused by the rise of totalitarian, militaristic regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan, which resulted partially from the Great Depression that plagued the world in the early 1930s and from the conditions created by the peace settlements following World War I. After WWI, Germany, Italy and Japan were anxious to regain or increase their power; all three adopted forms of dictatorship, such as socialism and facism, which made the state supreme and called for expansion at the expense of neighboring countries. These three countries also set themselves up as fighters of communism, which made Western democracies more tolerant of their early actions. In addition, the democracies were so eager for peace that they did not adequately prepare their militaries. Finally, the League of Nations, which was weak from the start by the defection of the United States, was unable to promote disarmament. Basically, the drawn-out economic depression sharpened natio

The Great Depression Hoover and Roosevelt

This paper presents an examination of the way that Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt reacted to the Great Depression and how their policies still affect America.


Music is a lived, performative medium that cannot be fully encompassed in the description. Even when an individual piece of music is rendered into print in an effective and moving fashion, it still changes the nature of the music itself into something different, namely into a piece of prose that is a crafted example of the written art, rather than a work of music that is a moving and vibrant work of sound. One of the greatest jazz musicians of recent date is that of Charles Mingus. His work and his life cry out for a biography of his contribution to the musical medium and of his life as a performer. How to render the the genius of the man in such a way that his personality and his contribution to musical history can be understood' Perhaps the best, albeit imperfect way, turn to print only as a way of fleshing out the concrete details of Mingus' contribution to jazz after spending one's life loving his music. In the absence of this, seeing the man on film through a documentary

Western Civilization

This is a paper focusing on the Ancient Babylon for the Code of Hammurabi, Athenian Greece; the way in which believed in wars and all about their cultural values as well as the cultural tenets of the Republican Rome in the implementation of the constitution of Rome.

Dispute Resolution in the Workplace

For the purpose of this paper, a hypothetical workplace dispute was created between Suzanne and her coworker, Walt. After working with Walt on several technical writing projects, Suzanne informs her manager, James, that Walt has sexually harassed her. When James confronts Walt, he becomes very upset, denying her charges and arguing that she simply doesn't understand his humor and mannerisms. James is concerned for many reasons.


AIDS is no longer the automatic death sentence that it used to be. Currently many people who have AIDS are living full lives including the pursuit of career goals. Hospitality Management is a popular career goal in the world today, therefore there are going to be issues of how to handle AIDS questions in the workplace, from a co-worker standpoint as well as a customer standpoint. Education and precautions are the best tools in the case of AIDS in the workplace. "Experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) believe that every U.S. company will have at least one employee with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) at some point. Some experts have even predicted that AIDS will become the number one problem facing American businesses in coming years (Naglieri 1987). Therefore, small businesses must learn to deal proactively with the issue of AIDS in the workplace(Briney, 1992)." The largest pro

Jewish Synagogue

This is a paper that concerns visiting a Jewish Synagogue. There are five references used for this paper.


During the 1960s, the resistance to racial segregation and discrimination included strategies such as civil disobedience, nonviolent resistance, marches, protests, boycotts, "freedom rides," and rallies. There were also continuing efforts to legally challenge segregation through the courts. Many believe that civil rights struggles ended with all the accomplishments resulting from all the sacrifices made in the 1960s. However, struggles continue to this very day even though there is less activity. A massive 1963 March on Washington with more than 200,000 marchers was one of the first civil rights events to grab the attention of the entire nation. Blacks and whites called on President John F. Kennedy and the Congress to provide equal access to public facilities, quality education, adequate employment, and decent housing for African Ameri

Nickel and Dimed

Barbara Ehrenreich doesn't just want us to feel sorry for the kind of low-wage, no-benefit worker that she profiles in her book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America. It's not that she would mind your feeling compassion or pity for them, but rather that she is interested in making a larger point: Those low-wage workers - in restaurants and Walmarts and Home Depots and Kohls - across the nation are actually supporting the rest of us in the kind of middle-class life that we have become accustomed to. This will probably be a shocking statement to many because few of us want to think that we owe our own prosperity (even if it happens to be a very modest level of prosperity) to the exploitation of someone else. But Ehrenreich knows that everyone living in the United States who isn't himself or herself at the very bottom of the economic ladder is depending upon the underpaid work of others . This is a topic

Wright and Dostoevsky

"The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread," wrote French intellectual and social critic Anatole France in The Red Lily in 1894 and in doing so he summarized the often great distance that exists between laws and people's concepts of justice and truth. Justice is a slippery concept and the truth even more so. This distance has been taken up by a number of different authors, and in this paper we examine what two of those authors have to say about the subject.

Desiree's Baby

Kate Chopin's short story, "Desiree's Baby," begins by explaining how Desiree comes to live with Monsieur and Madame Valmondeâ€"Monsieur Valmonde finds her as a child sleeping on his property, and he and his wife decide to raise her. When Desiree grows up, Armand Aubigny falls in love with her, and despite Monsieur Valmonde's warnings that Desiree's origins are unknown, Armand marries her and they have a baby boy. At first, they are both extremely proud and happy, and Armand even treats his Negro slaves kindly because he is in such a joyful state of mind. However, Armand's manner changes when the baby is three months old: he stops looking into Desiree's eyes when he speaks to her, he treats the slaves awfully, and he seems to fall out of love with Desiree. Desiree is miserable and cannot understand why her husband has changed. One day she is in her room looking at her sleeping child and she notices that his skin color is darker than "normal;" sh


Many people believe that alcohol abuse is less common in Western European countries such as Germany. They support this belief by explaining that teenagers are allowed to drink at a younger age, and that alcohol consumption is treated as a normal part of life and not as a big deal, and that this engenders healthy attitudes toward alcohol consumption. The implied suggestion in this argument is that the United States would also be better off if it eliminated age restrictions regarding alcohol consumption. However, a look at research on alcohol abuse among German youth suggests that German young people face many of the same problems that many young Americans do, and that problems stemming from alcohol consumption have not been eliminated in Germany by looser age rules. In Germany, 16 is the legal drinking age (Barnow et. al., 2002). In the United States, those who will develop the habit of drinking too much alcohol typically begin this pattern by late adolescence.

Preparing for Union Contract Negotiations

In order to prepare for union contract negotiations at the manufacturing plant in which I supervise, I must undergo a series of steps. First and most importantly, I must review union agendas from previous negotiations; this will help me understand how former arguments were dealt with and whether the desired outcomes were achieved. I will also review the key issues that were discussed so I can determine if they will resurface in the upcoming negotiations. Secondly, I need to review the operating experience during the span of the previous contract. This includes

Art and Criticism in the Poetry of Sir Walter Raleigh

During the 16th century Western civilization, Europe had been actively involved with the Age of Discovery, where Christopher Columbus discovered the New World,' or the Americas. Because of stiff competition among other European nations, Britain seized the opportunity to inhabit and colonize America. Sir Walter Raleigh, English adventurer and writer, became one of Queen Elizabeth's knights who were given the privilege of being one of the primary leaders that will facilitate over Britain's colonies in the New World (Microsoft Encarta 2002). However, Sir Walter Raleigh's role as an explorer for Britain is also illustrated through the early works of prose, categorized under the early works of American literature. As a writer, Sir Walter Raleigh composed works of prose and poetry, which often depict the society he lives in during the Age of Discovery. In particular, Sir Wal

Ethnicity and Aging

The number of older Americans has increased more than ten-fold since 1900, when there were 3 million people age 65 or older or 4 percent of the total population. In 2011, the "baby boom" generation will begin to turn 65, and by 2030, it is projected that one in five people will be age 65 or older. The size of the older population is projected to double over the next 30 years, growing to 70 million by 2030. The population age 85 and older is currently the fastest growing segment of the elderly. In 2000, an estimated 2 percent of the population is over 85. By 2050, the percentage in this age group is projected to increase to almost 5 percent of the United States population. This change in the population has affected every aspect of American society, presenting challenges as well as opportunities to policymakers, families, businesses and healthcare providers. In addition, as the older population grows larger, it is also becoming more diverse, reflecting the demographic chang

Tiziano de Cadore - Influential Renaissance Artist

In Vasari's "Lives of the Artists," Vasari offers us a fairly in-depth portrait of Tiziano de Cadore (most commonly and hereafter to be referred to as "Titian") both as one of the great painters of the Renaissance and as an influential and beneficent individual. Indeed, the portrait of Titian that Vasari offers is one of a prodigiously and supremely talented youth whose early paintings went through a series of exceptionally dramatic, although always impressive, shifts. Indeed, many of these changes were due to his alternation tutelage, as well as the fact that, hailing from Venice, he was not initially in contact with the changes in painting then going on in Rome. Specifically, Early works of Titian betray a general ignorance of the resurgent classicism and historical study of painting then occurring in Rome, but with the arrival of some Roman-schooled painters, he adapted his style to be more in tune with the Roman one, while retaining much of the vigor and energy of the Venetian pain

The Assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi

Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr. posed challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s through non- violent and peaceful moves and put across his message to the white Americans to help support the cause of the civil rights. After his assassination in 1968 at the prime time of his civil rights movement, King became a symbol of protest in the blacks' struggle for racial justice in America. (Badger) Early Life King was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist. King Jr. was ordained as a Baptist minister at the age of 18. (Badger) King attended local segregated public schools and graduated with a bachelor's degree in sociology from Morehouse College in 1948. He graduated with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951. He earned a doctoral degree in sy

Billy Budd by Herman Melville

This paper is a brief review of the book Billy Budd and its author Melville. It starts off with an introductory paragraph followed by a brief biography of the author, the plot summary, critical analysis of the work, and a concluding paragraph including personal observation.

Hstorical events do not represent themselves, they are represented, they do not speak, they are spoken for Hans Kellner

According to Thomas Benjamin in La Revolucion, history is much more than past events and the facts that describe them. It is also a collective memory and the way some reminiscences are passed on from generation to generation while others get lost or forgotten. Benjamin shows that people can fight with memories just as they fight with guns. In this way, memories may be as real, if not more so, than the "actual" events to which they refer. This is what happened during the Mexican revolution: Through such memories, the revolution with a small "r" became an all-compassing and almighty Revolution with a capital "R." In "Construction," the first section of La Revolucion, Benjamin discusses how from 1911 to 1928 each revolutionary faction put its own slant on the meaning of the political conflict within Mexico. For example, freelance writer Gaspar Bolanas wrote propaganda for newspapers and gave speeches that supported Madero. Bolanas and other Madero "voices," liv

A Plea for Mathilde Loisel

In Guy de Maupassant's short story, "The Necklace," Mathilde Loisel is a pretty and charming girl who was born into poverty. She is described as "having no dowry, no expectations, no means of being known, understood, loved, wedded by any rich and distinguished man" (de Maupassant 983). Mathilde becomes bitter because she is not rich. Over time, she becomes so obsessed with materialism that everything she sees reminds her of what she does not have. When she sat down to dinner with her husband, she imaged a more luxurious dining setting. The dance presents her with a situation to have something nice, and even though they could not even afford her dress, she bought one anyway. "All those things, of which another woman of her rank would have never even have been conscious, tortured her and made her angry" (984). Clearly, Mathilde is envious of the life she does not have and resentful of the life she does have. Mathilde's thoughts and actions clearly demonstrate the

International Trade

This paper is written at undergraduate level. It covers the aspects of transport, cost of labor, legal system and trade agreements between the U.S and countries such as China, Mexico, France and Ghana.

Female Genital Mutilation and Male Circumcision Should Both Be Abolished

There has been countless news reports and television programming discussing the horrors of female circumcision or female genital mutilation. However, there has been very little in the main stream press regarding the practice of male circumcision. Female genital mutilation is no more of a human rights violation than male circumcision , therefore both should be abolished. Although, genital mutilations are usually referred to as a cultural practice, there is increasing evidence that this innocent and benign label actually evades, dismisses and covers-up the horrific effects these mutilations have upon a child's psyche and soma, and, moreover present a very real danger to the child's health.[1] Thus, one wonders how such a practice ever began in the first place. People or cultures who engage in such practices view them as an essential right of passage and often an important requirement for a marriage partner, while those who do not practice genital circumcisi

History Of American Art

This paper on the History Of American Art illustrates how American art evolved from the time of the Native Americans. This paper highlights the importance of the colonial period of the 18th century, in setting the foundation and standard of American art. The paper also points out some artists that proved to be influential not only for the future art but also for the future artists.

The Causes and Effects of Unsafe Sex

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of the causes and effects of unsafe sex in teenagers. Specifically, it will discuss causes, including media and peers, and some effects, including sexually transmitted diseases, (STDs) and unwanted pregnancy. Teenagers who practice unsafe sex are playing with a time bomb that could go off at any time. With the advent of easily accessible birth control and condoms, there are no more excuses for practicing unsafe sex that can cause an unwanted pregnancy or even death by disease.

Racism Colonialism and The Development of the Third World

The twentieth century witnessed the wildest form of racism and colonialism. The two world wars had a devastating impact on humanity and bought to fore the grave realities of racial prejudices. Political leaders have interpreted Darwin's theory of natural selection' and survival of the fittest' favorably to justify their grueling actions. The holocaust was the worst expression of racial prejudice that exterminated almost 2/3rds of the Jews from the world. The concept of Survival of the fittest perfectly justified colonial expansion and nations that deemed themselves as the superior stock went ahead with their imperialistic notions. Let us analyze as to how Josiah Strong (a protestant reformer) and Adolph Hitler (German dictator) absorbed and applied Darwin's theory in their religious and political aspirations respectively.