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Mental Imagery Its Nature and Use with Regard to Motor Performance

Definitions Mental imagery is a technique that has been increasingly used to enhance motor performance, especially as this relates to fitness and sports. According to Annie Plessinger, mental imagery, visualization or mental rehearsal, is an experience in the mind that resembles the actual experience without any physical activity or stimuli. Another, and perhaps clearer, definition is that mental imagery involves the mental repetition of a certain skill or movement, without the accompanying physical movement ("The Use of Mental Imagery in Soccer"). Basically the definition of the term entails that in motor performance, mental imagery entails rehearsal using the mind only, without any physical involvement. Mental imagery thus means to imagine movement without carrying it out (Plessinger). In fitness and sports, this means vi

Athletes as role models

Sports in today's world have a major role in American culture. They are used to escape daily routine, as entertainment, as a part of a healthy lifestyle, and as a tool to teach fundamental teamwork. More importantly, however, the people who play sports on a state, national, or international level, are seen as role models to the youth and adult populations. While the influence of those role models can be extremely positive, there are also negative effects that can be equally detrimental. According to a 1999 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 88% of American kids ages 10 to 17 believe that athletes teach children good behaviors. The children rank athletes second only to parents and equally with their teachers as the people they admire and look up to. More than half of the 1,500 children surveyed, 54 %, reported that they strive to work harder at a sport because of an athlete they look up to (Kaiser, 1999). One question this brings about is whether or

California Recall Of The Gray Davis Election

This paper discusses the California Recall Of The Gray Davis Election outlines the major events that took place during the recall election. This paper illustrates why the public of California ousted Gray Davis and how he had betrayed their trust. This paper also highlights the factors that led the famous movie star, Arnold Schwarzenegger to victory.

The Political History of Nicaragua

This is a paper on the issue of terrorism and Nicaragua and its relationship with the US. It has 8 sources.

Nicaragua and Terrorism

This is a paper on the issue of terrorism and Nicaragua and its relationship with the US. It has 8 sources.

Evolution of the submarine, as a technology, and it role in the American identity

There is always a love for adventure in most men and the feelings must be the highest in a land of pioneers, the United States; and this spirit will naturally find its best expression in a situation where the unknown is the highest - in the land filled with dark still sea waters. Americans have had a historic association with the submarines and the fleet celebrated its centenary in the year 2000, for which the preparations had been going on for a long time. The first submarine of the country was accepted by the Navy on a day in spring of the year 1900. This ship was known as the submarine boat called USS Holland and is numbered as (SS 1). The acceptance was of course after a lot of trials. These were so extensive that the pioneer had to sell his shipyard to his battery supplier, and under the new ownership the yard supplied a large number of ships to the navy. The demonstration trials were held off Mount Vernon on the Potomac

The Tax System in Ontario, Canada

The issue is whether Ontario should have a different tax system than the federal government of Canada. The provinces already have different ways of calculating taxes from the federal government and from one another. Verburg (1998) noted five years ago that the taxpayers in Ontario and Alberta were benefiting form an effort by each to have the lowest taxes in Canada. Still, Verburg also noted that the tax cuts to that time were not very substantial even as each province was trying to become the most attractive province in which to do business for the North American economy. Alberta long had the lowest personal income-tax rate in Canada, but the Ontario government set out undercut Alberta by half a percentage point by lowering its basic personal income-tax rate to 45% of the basic federal tax. Alberta answered this soon after by cutting its basic rate to 44%, at which time Ontario countered with 40.5%. Verburg cheered them on, stating that "the two provinces are chipping away at Can

Domestic Violence: Germany v. US

Domestic Violence in both the United States and Germany has gotten out of control. "As many as 46,000 German women are estimated to spend some time at women's refuges every year because of domestic violence." (World: Europe, Germany gets tough on domestic violence) In the United States, domestic violence has been found to be the number one reason for women and children to find them selves homeless. "Domestic violence and sexual assault occur frequently in the United States. 1,500,000 women are raped or physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States, and 1 in 4 women in the United States will experience domestic violence or sexual assault in her lifetime." (Domestic Violence in the United States) Whether the violence takes place in Germany or in the United States, domestic violence is wrong. Other than the similarities around the world regarding abusive relationships, there really is no typical victim type when it comes to domestic abu

Civil Disobedience

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the essay "Civil Disobedience," by Henry David Thoreau. Specifically, it will discuss how Thoreau's essay influenced other leaders of passive resistance campaigns, especially Gandhi and Martin Luther King' Henry David Thoreau may have originally coined the term "civil disobedience," and since he wrote his essay in 1849, many people have used Thoreau's theories as a basis for their own forms of civil disobedience to call attention to the problems of their people.

Thoreau, King, Gandhi and Civil Disobedience

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the essay "Civil Disobedience," by Henry David Thoreau. Specifically, it will discuss how Thoreau's essay influenced other leaders of passive resistance campaigns, especially Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Henry David Thoreau may have originally coined the term "civil disobedience." Since he wrote his essay in 1849, who has he influenced with his writings, if anyone' Martin Luther King, Jr. and India's Gandhi were both highly motivated in their fight for equality by the writings of Thoreau. They used his writings to form their own forms of civil protest and civil disobedience, carrying Thoreau's theories around the world. Their lives have inspired countless others to protest the wrongs they see in the world, and so, Thoreau's words continue to inspire non-violent protest in the form of civil disobedience.


Carrying out discipline to a child is a critical task in parenting. Controversies and debates as to what should be the proper measures to discipline a child have surrounded the disciplinary actions taken by parents due to incidences that turned into child abuse. Among the different parental disciplinary courses given to children, this paper will provide a discussion on one of the contentious disciplinary measures - the spanking. Wasim Saadeh, in his article Spanking, states the following definition of spanking. Spanking is a type of corporal punishment, which refers to striking a child with an open hand on the buttocks or extremities with the intention of modifying behavior without causing physical injury. Spanking, as it was defined, refers to a corporal punishment that is not meant to cause physical injury. Parents spank their children in an intention to modify misbehaviors and misconducts. Generally, spanking is executed with hands. Howeve


Carrying out discipline to a child is a critical task in parenting. Controversies and debates as to what should be the proper measures to discipline a child have surrounded the disciplinary actions taken by parents due to incidences that turned into child abuse. Among the different parental disciplinary courses given to children, this paper will provide a discussion on one of the contentious disciplinary measures - the spanking. Wasim Saadeh, in his article Spanking, states the following definition of spanking. Spanking is a type of corporal punishment, which refers to striking a child with an open hand on the buttocks or extremities with the intention of modifying behavior without causing physical injury. Spanking, as it was defined, refers to a corporal punishment that is not meant to cause physical injury. Parents spank their children in an intention to modify misbehaviors and misconducts. Generally, spanking is executed with hands. Howeve

World trade organization

One should probably start an argument on the issue of the Group of 21 proposals with a statement from Oxfam International's 2002 report Rigged Rules and Double Standards: "the problem is not that international trade is inherently opposed to the needs and interests of the poor, but that the rules that govern it are rigged in favor of the rich.' Starting from this, I aim to prove not only that WTO's role is almost exclusively in favor of the rich, but also that the important players in the WTO system do not abide by the very rules that they have created. The recent Cancun round of negotiations within the WTO, regarding especially agricultural subsidies, showed that finally the developing countries starting with giants such as India and Brazil, preponderantly agricultural countries with significant contribution to world trade, backed up by China, could finally make a common point and a stand still against the European Union and the United Stated. The strange a

World trade organization

One should probably start an argument on the issue of the Group of 21 proposals with a statement from Oxfam International's 2002 report Rigged Rules and Double Standards: "the problem is not that international trade is inherently opposed to the needs and interests of the poor, but that the rules that govern it are rigged in favor of the rich.' Starting from this, I aim to prove not only that WTO's role is almost exclusively in favor of the rich, but also that the important players in the WTO system do not abide by the very rules that they have created. The recent Cancun round of negotiations within the WTO, regarding especially agricultural subsidies, showed that finally the developing countries starting with giants such as India and Brazil, preponderantly agricultural countries with significant contribution to world trade, backed up by China, could finally make a common point and a stand still against the European Union and the United Stated. The strange a

Preschool Programs

Unlike countries such as the United Kingdom, Sweden and Italy, the United States does not have a free, universal and comprehensive pre-school system. Early childhood education has been a neglected priority, to the detriment of the country's youngest citizens. After all, studies have shown that preschool and early childhood education programs have both short- and long-term positive effects on a child's physical, emotional and intellectual development. This paper argues that preschool programs can have a lasting impact on a child's life. Given the importance of this early foundation, the federal government should thus follow the European example and provide funding for preschool programs for the country's children. Motor skills development Children learn to develop fundamental motor skills in early childhood. These early motor skills later serve as foundations for more advanced movement, such as the coordination needed to play sports. Researchers

Globalization news article

In the article "A Hard Habit to Break," Newsweek's Brook Lamar discusses the growing illegal trade in cigarettes originating from China and extending to other parts of Southeast Asia. This trade has two components. First, genuine foreign cigarettes from tobacco giants like Marlboro, Philip Morris and Salem are smuggled into the country. Second, China also has a flourishing counterfeit cigarette industry. Fake cigarettes, complete with official-looking government import seals and a "Made in America" label are then sold in the black markets in Singapore, Shanghai, the Philippines and even Australia. This article illustrates a type of economic globalization. The sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products have dwindled significantly in the United States due to health

American Way

There's nothing more ingrained in the American value system than work ethic that involves the notion that hard work will lead to the fulfillment of the American dream, economic success. According to the New York Times (Schmitt, 2001), there's ample evidence to suggest that American hard work is paying off as evidenced by a sharp increase in living standards shown by census data for the 1990s.[1] The proof provided by the article includes:
• An increase in high school and college graduates
• An increase in people owning cars, with eighteen percent owning three or more
• bigger homes, with an increase in the number of houses with seven rooms or more
• growing family incomes However, books such as Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (Schlosser, 2001)[2] and Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America (Ehrenreich, 2002)[3] dispute the claims of The New York Times. Thes

Mark Twain

This is a paper that analyzes Mark Twain's treatment of children. Special focus has been given to his daughter. It has 11 sources.

Mark Twain

This is a paper that analyzes Mark Twain's treatment of children. Special focus has been given to his daughter. It has 6 sources.

Individual Development Plan

Leadership and its effectiveness Strengths I believe that elasticity differentiates a leader (Johansen, Kusy & Rouda, 1996). I always evolve to work inside boundaries aimed by strategies. Progressively, I set goals either through involvement or management of their varied constituencies. This assists my attentiveness and focus on the growth and progress of my association and myself as well. I am constantly unsatisfied with the status quo. Consequently, I proceed by looking at ways to expand myself, as well as my environment, inventing measures for assessing the effects of transformations, generating options, presuming and utilizing those that work out well and removing those that do not work out well. In this process, reliable and appropriate procedures are employed that give success. I believe in improving the perception of my constituencies in relation to what is important, enhance greed f

The United States and British Political Systems

Though the United States and Great Britain had different political systems, both countries both have democratic forms of government. The United States practices a more centralized presidential government. Great Britain, on the other hand, has the parliamentary form of government that is typically practiced in Europe. This paper compares the structure of the national governments of both the United States and Great Britain, focusing on the executive and legislative levels. The first part of this paper examines the workings of the presidential system of government in the United States. The next part then looks at the corresponding system in Great Britain, focusing on the structure of the British House of Parliament. The final part of this paper then compares the two systems, examining how the two countries rely on their different political systems to serve the needs of their constituents.

The Republic of Plato

The concept of "good" is evident within The Republic of Plato (Bloom,). Socrates demonstrates the concept of innate good through a variety of descriptions and actions while also providing guidance to others during his trail. This idea of "the good" provides an "end in itself" and becomes the fundamental principle we use to orient how we are going to act in difficult situations. The Republic of Plato is a dramatic work written to present the thoughts and teachings that were representative from the life of Socrates. Socrates spent most of his time in speaking to or teaching the male youth of Athens. His method of teaching was to ask questions and allow the Athenians to reflect by in self-examination and in tending to their souls. Socrates looked for the innate good of all people and believed that if one searched, they would discover that good would prevail over evil. Socrates enjoyed life immensely thus achieving popularity among the young because of his ready w


"When a health care worker makes a mistake, someone can die." Although human beings are fallible and will always make mistakes no matter how competent they are, the consequences of certain errors are more severe than others and therefore should be punished accordingly. Health care workers have the lives of human beings in their hands; they should be held accountable for their actions even if mistakes were unintentional. Much human error is preventable by adequate training or simple concentration; therefore, it is not unreasonable to hold accountable he

Nutrient Cycling

There's a saying that comes swooping out of the chaos of the Universe in times when order is needed: the only constant is change. Nutrient cycling is about change. Unfortunately, it's also about pollution and waste. Think about waste for a moment. There are two meanings to the word. To waste something is to not utilize all the benefits and worth within in. On the other hand, waste is what's left when all the benefits and worth have been utilized. Waste is both a verb and a


Section A 1. What is language (sounds, symbols, a complex system, speech and writing) Language defined in simplest terms is a system of communication using vocal symbols. Although its origin will never be fully known the oldest written symbolic language known is only 7,900 years at most. Spoken language is believed to have been developed long before that. Linguists divide the study of spoken language into two categories, phonology and grammar. Phonology is the study of sounds. Grammar is how the sounds are used to make sense. (Dalby, 1999) Human language is a symbolic communication system that is learned, rather then an inherited trait, such as barking. Symbols in the form of sounds have been arbitrarily assigned meanings. For instance, the English word "rock" does not in any way physically resemble the object it stands for. All symbols have a material form but the meaning cannot be revealed by simple sensory inspection of their forms, they are abstractions.