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Minority Education

This paper discusses the reality of education for minorities in the US, through the use of some statistics, and looks at the reasons why minorities do not receive the same type of education as white Americans. The paper argues that there is no reason why minorities should not receive the same education as white Americans, and argues that the fact they do not is unfair.


If you thought A bout de soufflé is remembered for its unique storyline or its powerful performances, then you are probably one of those who have heard about it but haven't yet seen the movie. This is because had you watched the movie, you would have never connected it with the traditional ingredients of a great film. For one the film, which is known, as Breathless in English speaking world doesn't have a distinctive storyline to begin with. But still it is one the best movies to come out of 1950-60 decade and is remembered as a great milestone in the history and evolution of French cinema. Why, you may wonder' To answer that question, you really need to study the film from various different angles while taking into account its historical significance. Before we conduct an in-depth analysis of the film, let us first understand that genre and movement that the movie belonged to. It is a romantic thriller that was made under the influence of Nouvelle Vagu

Shall We Dance

"Shall We Dance" by director Masayuki Suo is a refreshing and provocative story of a Japanese man who breaks out of his humdrum existence through the unlikely intervention of ballroom dancing lesions. Suo's adept direction makes this film erotically charged and hilariously comic at the same time, and full of interesting and believable characters. The cinematography is flawless and engaging, and the viewer is soon immersed into the world of the unlikely hero. Ultimately, the movie's greatest strength is in its ability transform the mundane and comic into the beautiful and sublime.

Planters and Sharecroppers

The two works, Lanterns on the Levee: the Recollections of Planter's Son by William A. Percy and All God's Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw by Theodore Rosengarten are very representative of the mind of the South during the era in which they were written. Though they are simply the stories of two men the works have often been used as a reasonable comparison between the lives of the social elite whites in the rural south and the lives of the financially and socially oppressed blacks. Although it is impossible to create a complete picture of the lives of all people living within the conditions of the antebellum south, through the stories of just two men, the messages of these two works express some hints of the ideals of each class represented. Additionally, within these two works can be found reasons for individual successes of these two men and by default those who shared their respective statuses. Within the text of these two works there are many points of c

Creating a Network Environment

In building a network environment, it is a good practice to follow several important steps to achieve an efficient and easy to maintain network environment. The five most basic steps to follow when building a network are planning and design of a network, setting-up of a network, testing, implementation, and documentation of the network environment. Planning is a very critical and necessary stage, and must be the first phase to consider when building a network. A good network plan can prevent the existence of complex problems. Or, should a problem exist when the network is already functioning, it can help in the identification of possible solutions. From Community Resources Online, following are some important steps that may help you plan a network environment for a medium- sized business. 1. Determine the minimum and maximum possible number of users of the network. This helps in identifying the types of hardware and software that must be implemented o

Trinity Church and the John Hancock Skyscraper in Copley Square

Copley Square is a historic landmark of Boston, Massachusetts, that remains to be one of the defining features of the city due to its historical and architectural significance and its unique open-space setup filled with trees, flowers, and grass. The incredible architecture of Copley Square that spans the style and history of many decades, combined with the park-like atmosphere of the plant life, is able to transport any visitor to a different state of mind, and it serves as a great escape from the dark alleys and traffic pollution of Boston. One of the fascinating things about the Copley Square area is that it was once a tidal marsh unable to support any buildings until the Back Bay was filled. (Wieneke.) Two of the defining landmarks of Copley Square are the Trinity Church and the John Hancock skyscraper. The original Trinity Church in Boston was was built by John Endicott in the 1700's. (Norton) However, in 1860 the Vestry voted to move the church to a new location. In

Susan Lori Parks Venus A theatrical review of a self-consciously political act and spectacle theater

Ideally, political theater should be both polemical and entertaining. It should instruct the viewer in a message that the viewer, after learning' in the classroom of the theater, can apply to his or her own life and society after leaving the darkened room of the auditorium. However, political theater should not be so fixed upon its political project that viewers do not wish to enter the theater in the first place, for fear of being lectured to at the expense of receiving any entertainment at all. To do so would drive people away from the communal benefits of the theatrical experience; drive them back into the confines of their homes and televisions. Moreover, political theater should use at least some of the compelling aspects of drama to draw the viewer into the project' of the piece. Even Brecht's famous alienation' effect, where characters are self- consciously represented rather than seamlessly embodied by the actors, makes use of the techniques of song, humor, and

The reasons for U.S. military involvement in Vietnam

This essay will examine the reasons why the United States became involved in the Vietnam War. It will also look at the nature of the war and what impact the war had on American society as well as foreign policy.

The Great Depression and the New Deal

This paper presents a detailed examination of the causes and effects of the Great Depression and the onset of the philosophy, programs, and effectiveness of FDR's New Deal.

From an isolationist nation to a global power

This paper presents the causes and effects of the emergence of the U.S. from an isolationist nation to a global power in the late 1800's and early 1900's. The writer includes discussion about an arms race as well as the build up of armed services. There was one source used to complete this paper.


Religion may be a personal thing for many, but when we discuss religious freedom, the issue doesn't remain so personal. Actually we must know that religion does not ensue in a space. It is, more frequently than not, included into an individual's assessment system and extremely impacts that individual's way of relating in society. Separation of Church and State is vital, but the State can't be a religion-free zone also. Actually the division of Church and State was intended to protect religious minorities. To legislate religious free zones goes in opposition to the foundation of religious freedom and freedom of idea. If there are some places in the society that do not permit this freedom, then they are moving away from being a free society. "Some of the religious scholars who are closely involved with the incredible diversity of holy and religious beliefs in their area, they have said that religious persecution and intolerance permeates their society." (Alexander, 1998, pag

Critical Thinking Styles and Forces of Influence

A recent organizational problem occurring in my work place relates to a situation where a personal banker is thought to be forging customer signatures on loan paperwork. As bank manager, I have to confront this employee in regards to the actions they have been accused of. This problem will now be considered by applying critical thinking to it. This will begin with a description of the setting, proceed to a framing of the problem and a consideration of the types of thinking used. Finally, other forces of influence will be considered. This consideration will allow the problem to be understood in more detail, with this assisting in finding a way of dealing with the problem. A. The Setting The setting is an organizational one, where in the bank environment I am the bank manager and the banker is an employee. This setting puts me in a position of authority, and the banker in a position of subordination. This includes the banker as a subordinate to myself as m

Organizational Change

In any organization, especially in today's increasingly competitive world, employees are usually under pressure to complete assigned tasks, meet set objectives and manage the myriad number of small and big crises that are common in any workplace environment. To that extent, very rarely, do employees welcome any change to a pattern or system of things that they have grown accustomed to and are comfortable with. Add to that, the fact that human nature, by itself, is resistant to change and you have a very good rationale as to why organizations must plan carefully to introduce any potential change, no matter how imperative or beneficial. The preceding facts also imply that Acme Enterprises springing a surprise on its employees and asking for literally an overnight switch to Cranberry Computer systems is inadvisable and will affect employee morale as well as possibly negatively impact business processes and productivity. Instead, what Acme Enterprises needs to do is to c

Comparative Analysis between A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings and AI

The Theme of Social Neglect in A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and AI by Steven Spielberg Works of art, especially those of literature, had been portrayed effectively through the print and audio-visual media. Through writing, ideas are expressed vividly, and more focus on characters, settings, and the plot of the story are given. On the other hand, audio-visual material, such as movies, provides people with greater illustration of events happening in the story, although the depth and essence of the story are sacrificed in order to focus on the visual and audio elements of the movie. Despite the disadvantages between the two media, both print and audio- visual mode of witnessing and experiencing an account of a social reality are effective in extending and informing the message

The Healthcare System As Shown in Patch Adams

In the movie Patch Adams, Robin Williams plays a medical student who believes laughter has as much (if not more) healing power as medicine does. Patch is a passionate and dedicated doctor who truly wants to help his patients, and he does this by getting to know each one of them on a personal level. When he talks to them, he doesn't just ask about what hurts and how they are feeling; rather, he asks them about their lives, family, friends, interests, etc. He shows an interest in each one of his patients, and he's not just concerned about their sickness. He does this because he genuinely cares, and because he truly believes that making people laugh and feel happy inside, and making them talk about something other than their illness will take their mind off being sick and thus give them something positive to focus on. Patch thinks of this as alternative medicine. In the movie, however, he is at first scrutinized by his

Caribbean Basin

The motives behind the establishment of American relations and intervention in the internal affairs of smaller nations have been anywhere or anything from security, ideological, economic to psychological (Pastor 1998). The attention pattern the US shows is said to fluctuate between obsession and disinterest, or something like a "whirlpool." In its obsessive stage, that attention results in, or introduces, massive security, political and/or economic programs in critical times in that small nation or region. When the crisis is over, the preoccupation also wanes and shifts elsewhere. In the case of the Caribbean Basin, the US relations suggest a drive to draw from its resources, uproot opposing ideologies, implant a particular political philosophy or install an economic policy. But the US is mainly driven by security, not out of the desire to control the region but to keep situations from going out of control to the point of opening itself to the control of


Historians have pieced together several scenarios as to the reasons why the Mayan civilization practically disappeared from the height of its glory in the jungles of Guatemala. It is generally accepted that by about AD 900 a decline had set in with the Mayan people through warring invaders and diseases. The Mayans were introduced to Europeans in 1502 when Christopher Columbus and his men encountered a Maya trading canoe near the coast of Honduras. The "Spaniards seized the canoe and rifled the cargo, which included copper axes, yellow stone hatchets, wooden war clubs studded with flints, pottery, and colorful garments of woven cloth. The invaders realized that this canoe belonged to a rich trading network." (Trout, 89) As word spread on the potential to gain riches at the expense of this newly discovered civilization, more and more invaders began searching for the Maya. "In the 16th century, soldier-chronicler Bernal Dfaz del Castillo described two m

Underground Railroad

Throughout the United States, free Blacks were treated as social pariahs, whether they lived in the North or the South, and they were denied legal and political equality with whites. In addition, public facilities such as hotels, bathrooms, and schools were strictly separated by the concept of "de jure" segregation, or segregation by law. Notorious slave rebel, Nat Turner led some eighty-plus slaves to a revolt in Virginia, and the uprising terrified slave owners throughout the South. Social and political controls on slaves became tighter, and the beatings and lynching of attempted slave uprisings grew throughout the mid 1800's in the South. Of course, racism was ubiquitous in the U.S. at the time, not merely the South. In fact, even after the progressive abolition movements of the 1830's, free Blacks could only vote in four New England states, and with the excep


Beowulf is an epic poem written somewhere between 750-1000 A.D. Exact year is not known because the poem was anonymously written but from what historians have learned from style of writing and language suggest that it was written during or after seventh century. The language is a form of England that is almost impossible to understand today and for this reason readers usually rely on translations of the work. The language which is called Old English or Anglo Saxon however has been used skillfully and creatively to depict various themes in the true poetic style of those days. Commenting on the language of the poem, critic Heaney Seamus (2000) writes: "The fact that the English language has changed so much in the last thousand years means, however, that the poem is now generally read in translation and mostly in English courses at schools and universities. This has contributed to the impression that it was written (as Osip Mandelstam said of The Divine Comedy) "on offici


Niccolo Machiavelli is probably at one and the same time one of the most read and one of the most widely misunderstood of any of the political philosophers of the renaissance in Europe whose ideas are still considered relevant and in active circulation today, indeed, as Leo Strauss has noted, there seems to be a prevailing notion that Machiavelli's teaching was a basically malevolent one that offers little hope for progress in governance: . . . the old fashioned and simple opinion according to which Machiavelli was a teacher of evil . . . the only philosopher who has lent the weight of his name to . . . [a] way of political thinking and political acting . . . Callicles and Thrasymachus, who set forth the evil doctrine . . . are Platonic characters . . . the Athenian ambassadors who state the same doctrine . . . are Thucydidean actors. Machiavelli proclaims openly and triumphantly a corrupting doctrine . . .

Differential police treatment

This paper focuses on the police use of excessive force with suspects who are African American. It examines citizen perceptions regarding police brutality and racial profiling in the African American community, and evaluates the evidence in support of this belief. In the conclusion, this paper evaluates various methods that have been proposed to solve this problem.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" has become a classic film of the 1970's, and it has aged quite well over time. It shows the mental heath care field in a very dark light, and illustrates a time when health care was more about rules and regulations than experimentation and cure. Nurse Ratched, played by Louise Fletcher, is a strict and unfeeling woman who should not be a nurse, and probably would not be in the health care field today. The hospital runs like clockwork, mostly because the mental patients are afraid of Nurse Ratched. It is clear she is serving her own needs, r

J.R.R Tolkien: Life and Works

Tolkien was born John Ronald Reuel Tolkien in South Africa in 1892. Tolkien moved to England after his father died in 1896 and lived the remainder of his life in England (Doughan). In 1937 he published The Hobbit, a book that was originally aimed at a child audience. His publisher then requested a sequel, with this attempt to produce a sequel turning into his epic work The Lord of the Rings. This work was created and published in three parts, the first as The Fellowship of the Ring, the second as The Two Towers, and the third as The Return of the King. It is this epic work that he is best known for, though he did also contribute a significant amount as a literary scholar. Educational Background Tolkien's educational background appears to be one of the most significant impacts on his writing. This impact is seen from his study of languages and his study of classic literature. Tolkien's overall educational achievements have been described saying tha

Western Europe and the European Union

The way in which government and politics operate in West European politics says a lot about the future of the nation. Most Western European systems are classified as parliamentary because of the fusion of powers between the executive and legislature. Most are also advanced industrial democracies, confronting the same fundamental issues of democracy that concern American leaders. The European Union (EU), which was drafted in 1984, concentrated on goals relating to political unification for Europe (Norton, 2002). The EU called for a federal-type Western European government, with a two-house legislature. When examining the effects of the EU on Western European politics, it is important to look at the roots of its existence. The beginning of the EU's existence was actually the creation of the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) in 1948. The OEEC was created to advance the rebuilding of war-torn Europe and to help distribute American financial aid (Marshall Aid) for West

Movie Chicago

I didn't expect much going into Chicago. Although I had read several raving reviews, I still didn't believe that all that glitz and glamour could come off as being truly comedic, entertaining, or fun. Basically I expected a lackluster, over-the-top Hollywood production with some big name billings to rake in the dough. But not only did Richard Gere, Renee Zellweger, Catharine Zeta-Jones, and Queen Latifah light up the screen with their song and dance: the entire cast and crew contributed to a marvelous and captivating sil