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Bernard Shaw Man and Superman

Describe Bernard Shaw's life force' and the Superman' and how it applies to Tanner and Ann in "Man and Superman." Does Shaw believe that the use of drama should be simply to entertain, or does he believe drama should have additional purposes'


The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of the "glass ceiling" at Avon Products, Inc. Specifically, it will take a position on the male management of Avon, and their reaction to the growth in female upper-level management in the company.


The backdrop for the creation of the classical school of criminology was the movement in Europe, traditionally referred to as the Enlightenment. Generally, the Italian thinker Cesare Beccaria is credited with the creation of classical criminology, but it is important to remember that in creating his ideas, he did not so much generate original concepts as link together and systematize the ideas that were already circulating in the Enlightenment in to a cohesive theory of criminology. His influences were thinkers, such as Locke, Bacon, Rousseau, and Diderot. At the heart of his conception was the belief, taken from Locke, that the was an underlying system of natural laws, which one could use as the basis of human law: A law of nature is a law prescribing conduct which is separate from and independent of the conventions of mankind: independent, that is, of the positive laws of states, and of established social conventions or customs . . . positive law

Pricing Analysis

The writer explores the rationale for variations in pricing of a book for sale at three point-of-purchase locations, including the four "P's" of marketing. This two page paper is written in APA style.

Recessions Definitions Causality and Treatments

One of the most common economic terms, familiar even to the most ordinary consumers of business information is that of a recession.' However, the definition of a recession is more controversial than might initially be expected. A recession is not simply a period of economic contraction, as opposed to a period of economic expansion. According to the Wall Street Journal headline of November 27, 2001, entitled "It's a Boy! It's a Girl! No, It's a Recession! When Will It Officially End'" a recession is generally defined as two consecutive quarters of negative growth in real GDP or Gross Domestic Product. However, the National Bureau of Economic Research or NBER defines a recession as a widespread decline in economic activity lasting more than a few months. The NBER does not simply look at the GDP. It also looks at measures of industrial production, employment, real (inflation-adjusted) incomes minus government benefits, and r

Barn Burning by William Faulkner

Destruction by burning can be seen in more than one way in "Barn Burning" by William Faulkner. The most obvious act of burning down barns is an outward expression of Abner's inner turmoil for the life he bitterly hates. The impact of Abner's violence can be seen in Abner's family, especially Sarty as he comes to see the destruction his father causes. This paper will examine the impact of Abner's anger and how it effects his family. Abner's anger causes his son to feel distant from him. We can see how Sarty comes to realize this only as a grown man when we are told, "Later, twenty years later, he was to tell himself, `If I had said they wanted only truth, justice, he would have hit me again'" (477). We can also pull from the text that Abner is able to tolerate his landlords' insults because he knows he can always get even by burning a barn. It seems as though Abner experiences great pleasure of being able to determine the time and place of a burning--generally

The Stake Holder Concept

The stake holder concept is one that is typically used by Public Relations professionals to describe parties that are affected by corporate decisions. It was conceived of as a modification of, or in reaction to, the seminal business concept of shareholder value. The difference between a stakeholder and a shareholder is that a stakeholder is anyone who stands to be directly affected by a business decision. This mentality is not unique to the United States: in Germany, for example, the boards of major companies include representatives of the employees, who exercise collective bargaining powers. However, stakeholders can also be members of a community in which a business plans to expand its activity, or other parties affected by business decisions. The stakeholder concept is one that can be expanded to incorporate other contexts in which parties have a vested interest in the actions of organizations. At work, employees that have a natural stake in corporate

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking involves the process of decoding the ancillary factors which affect our decision making process, and getting down to the significant factors, and identifying the desired outcome which are at the core of any decision. For a consumer to decide what kind of car he would like to purchase is a decision affected by many factors. The cost of the vehicle, financing terms, and the auto's historical reliability are all important factors. However, the person's needs also affect the buying decision. Does he work in an executive position, or need to carry tools to a construction sight every day' Does he have a family, and needs a vehicle to carry his kids to and from soccer games, movies, school events and church on the weekends, or will a sporty 2 seat sports car better suit his bachelor lifestyle' Finally, the options which car manufacturers make available can all factor into the buying decision. Details that cover the color of the interior and exterior

Salvation Black People and Love

Author bell hooks (she always spells her name without capital letters) is a writer, teacher, and speaker who expounds on cultural issues, feminist theory, and related matters. She was formerly a professor in the English Department at Yale University and Oberlin College. She is now a Distinguished Professor of English at City College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She has written about love before, and this book can be considered a continuation and expansion of that work. In this book, hooks considers the power of love in the lives of African-Americans, beginning from a personal perspective. She recalls her own learning about love relationships in her community and through her parents and grandparents. She then looks to history and notes how African- Americans were viewed not as human beings but as property during the slave era as whites assumed that blacks did not have the same range of emotions as civilized people. The author recalls visiting

Industry analysis

Amid the economic woes that face our society there is a bright spot; the home improvement industry The home improvement industry is among the most successful industry's in the nation. There are several major retailers that provide consumers with everything from chainsaws to kitchen appliances. These stores have benefited greatly form the stability of the housing market and home owners' desires to make improvements to their homes. The purpose of this discussion is to provide an in depth exploration of the home improvement industry. We will discuss industry characteristics and the types of products and services firms in the industry offer. We will also discuss the number of firms including concentration ratio and Herfindahl Hirschman Index. Industry Characteristics A major characteristic of this industry is the rapid growth that it has realized in the past ten years. The home improvement industry has quickly become a multi-billion dollar industry. This industry is characterized by warehouse stores that sell home building and home improvement products. The stores tend to be extremely big and divided into various sec


The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the book "Continental Drift," by Russell Banks. Specifically, it will discuss the significance of the talking dog on page 131.

In the Lake of the Woods

In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien is a novel that shows the way the Vietnam War still holds a grip on the American psyche and some of the reasons why this is so. The novel illuminates issues that ar reflected in other literature, both fictional and non-fictional, regarding the war and its effect on those who had to fight it. The My Lai massacre is not representative of American actions in the war, but it does hold a particular place in the effect that war had on those at home, a pubic that was horrified at some of the things being done in its name. This contributed both to the end of the war and to the unfortunate way many returning veterans were treated by an unforgiving public. The story centers on John Wade, who has run for the U.S. Senate and who has lost because of the revelation that he participated in the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War. This is a secret he has hidden from his wife--the loss of trust is a key theme in this novel. Wade himself was trusted


Amy Tan is a great writer who must be considered a part of the literary cannon because she has been a major force in highlighting the issues facing the Chinese and immigrant community in the United States. But Amy herself doesn't want to be labeled as a Asian American writer and thus instead of being a part of Asian literary canon, it would be great to include her in the lost of major writers of United States. Below we shall discuss some features of her famous works and then see why she must be a part of the literary cannon. The Hundred Secret Senses' is Amy Tan's third novel and received positive response from the readers because of her earlier successes namely The Joy Luck Club and the Kitchen God's Wife'. The book as her earlier works was a beautiful blend of east and west and the writer herself coming from a Chinese family brings an element of Oriental culture and values in the Hundred Secrets Senses too. While the storyline is definitely unique in its own way, i


The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of business research. Specifically, it will discuss an example of a current business research project found on the Internet, and include a synopsis of the project.

Robert Owen

Robert Owen was the sixth child to his parents and was born in Newtown (Mid Wales) in 1771. As a child he showed exceptional intelligence and was unusually studious for a boy of his age. He was a voracious reader and spent a lot of time reading philosophical texts and biographies of famous men. He joined as an apprentice in a draping company even when he was just 10 years old. This early exposure helped him start his own cotton business and in a few years he became the manager and finally a partner of Chorlton Twist Company', one of the biggest cotton mills in London. Soon his company bought the New Landmark mills' and he became an accomplished businessman. Robert Owen was a great social reformer who spent all his wealth and devoted his entire life towards the betterment of the society. [Robert Owen Memorial Museum] Social and Educational Reforms Robert Owen was a philanthropist who was not simply contended with his business interests but also very co

GlaxoSmithKline's Paxil for Depression and Anxiety

Patenting constitutes the best way to secure intellectual property from undue commercial exploitation by others. The United States government allows the original inventors of any product or concept to patent it for a period of 17 years. During this period other competitors cannot duplicate, create or sell the patented product. Though patenting protects the hard earned results of the original inventor it has a crippling effect on the society at large. Patenting creates a monopolistic market, which is not consumer-friendly at all as it gives more market power (domination) to the firm. Any idea or invention is useful to the society only when it is easily accessible and affordable. Patenting seriously limits the scope of the product or invention. Alongside patenting, healthcare industry is seriously affected by tariffs and import and export restrictions on generic drugs. Theoretical

Megamergers and Oligopoly

The various market structures such as oligopoly, monopoly and perfect competition' all have their own implications on the consumer as well as the firms themselves. The business dynamics are strictly related and controlled by the prevailing market structures. From the perspective of the companies an oligopolistic market structure offers many advantages. Firstly the presence of very few competitors implies a greater possibility of collusion. In this way companies evolve a secret understanding between themselves and increase the market barrier so as to minimize new competition and continue their dominance. Another possibility is the development of a cartel between the companies, which has the effect of creating a monopolistic market. So we see that the greater the trend towards a monopolis

Taxation and Lottery for Profligate

The mayor of Profligate is correct in thinking that raising the taxes might exacerbate the city's financial problems, not to mention create new problems, as well. For one thing, the mayor cannot know that the city will make the same amount of money based on previous revenues. Secondly, the mayor knows if taxes go up, consumers are likely to spend less. An increase in sales tax could also result in residents moving out of the city, which would be negative for every segment of the community. For instance, a tax increase would not only burden retail owners and purchasers; it could also cause some retail workers their jobs. Any state tax increase will make an impact on the profits of retailers. Some individuals might lose their jobs and, even worse, retailers operating on marginal profits may be forced to close their businesses. If retailers aren't forced to close, they may still have to lay workers off. These unemployed people are generally people who desperately need jobs just to be able to eat. In addition, those who are laid off tend to spend less money because they have less money. This, in

Eating Less for a Longer Life

Within the article, "Eating Less May Extend Human Life," there are three main studies discussed. Those studies have a population of rodents, rhesus monkeys, and male humans respectively. The three groups the study specifics, are all slightly different in both population and scientific characteristics. Though each study is different they all reflect similarities of findings and suggest that further research will yield promising results. In the rodent tests, the article suggests that there have been several tests conducted on both mice and rats with predictable results, include a test and a control group. The test group consists of a population of rodents with a reduced dietary intake of about 30 percent. In addition to this those rodents within the test group also share three biomarkers, thought to be as a result of the reduced caloric intake, lower body temperature, lower blood sugar and high levels of the hormone DHEAS. The control group

Chromosomes and Heredity

The theory of the genetic basis of heredity was quite unheard of until the time of Gregor Mendel who proved with his experiments on pea plants that organisms inherited their traits from their parents. It was Mendel who first proposed that genes were the basic units of all living organisms. Children receive half their chromosomes from their father and half from their mother and hence they share the character traits


The portfolio consists of three documents. The first is an essay concerning the banking concept of education as explained by Freire. The essay discusses the concept together with Freire's suggestion that a more constructivist approach needs to be taken with regard to education. True education, after all, is not merely the receipt and reproduction of static information. Instead it is the dynamic process within the mind of each student. This dynamic process needs to be stimulated for optimal results. The essay suggests however that the banking concept should not be completely abandoned. It has its place in elementary level education, where necessary basic skills are required. However, when students have acquired basic skills a higher level of education is needed in order to match the higher level of skills. Here the essay suggests that the constructivist approach

Classic Literature Defined Through Ethan Frome and To Kill a Mockingbird

Classic literature is considered classic because it contains very specific elements. One critical element literature must possess to be considered classic is that it be a timeless story. Classic literature survives because it can be enjoyed and understood by readers from any generation. Another element of classic literature that is crucial to its survival is an important theme. Classic stories survive because they have a moral or they observe society and make a statement about the human experience. Themes are very important in classic literature as well. Themes in classic literature are usually universal--they are stories to which we all can relate. Classic literature also possesses the ability to communicate across cultures. Based on that understanding, this paper will examine the qualities that make Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton, and To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, examples of classic literature. Ethan Frome fits this definition because it depicts the

Service learning and Professional Writing

Service learning has become a integral part of educational curriculum from the youngest to the oldest learning populations. The challenge at a college level is to both instruct students in an informed and engaging manner and to offer opportunities for learning that hold the six tenets of service learning to heart; integrated learning, high quality service, student voice, civic responsibility, and reflection. Today, many educational approaches emphasize the importance of having students take charge of their own learning. The processes for acquiring self-knowledge described here are consistent with that emphasis. Whether through experiential, on-the-job, classroom, or community/service learning, students can enhance their awareness of themselves for their career development by continually summarizing and reflecting upon what they are learning as they continue their progression through school and work. (Lankard, 1) Withi

Demons Examined in Keats' Lamia Coleridge's and Christabel

Myth, mystery, and passion work together to create powerful creatures of deception in John Keats' poem, "Lamia" and Samuel Coleridge's "Christabel." Each poem is an allegory that depicts females possessing disdainful qualities to illustrate the power of women. This paper will examine characteristics of each female and how they use their power to achieve their ultimate goal. The poems are similar in that each one contains gothic elements and at some point, each woman appears to be a serpent. Michael Schmidt, author of The Lives of the Poets, says that Lamia is a human drama, "despite its gothic and magical elements" (Schmidt 416). It is important to note that Keats does not moralize "Lamia," stating that the poem is a "metaphor of emotion" (417). In fact, according to M. H Abrams, editor of The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Keats intended for "Lamia" to present an inevitably fatal situation" (Abrams 827). Schmidt also notes that "Christabel" is a ghost

Characteristics of a Strong Governor

The office of governor is a position that has gained strength over the years. Under the tenets of Jackson, governors became elected officials, which was more democratic and better for the state government system. (641) Many states have strengthened the office of governorship by positioning the role of lieutenant governor as running mate. This automatically eliminates the occurrence of a lieutenant governor that may be opposed to the governor. In theory, the governor enjoys the same advantage over Congress in his or her ability to "make policy decisions and to embody these in a program on which the state legislative body can act" (Schmidt 642). In order for a governor to enjoy this type of power, however, many factors must come into play--many of them beginning with the governor as a person. To be a strong governor, one must be a leader that not only has good ideas, but also one who can motivate others about those new ideas. In