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The Land Made Incarnadine

James Fennimore Cooper's book The Last of the Mohicans is designed to entertain us the way that any novel would, for it is replete with entertaining characters and swashbuckling deeds. However, Cooper also wanted to do more than simply entertain his readers. He wanted to make them more aware of what was happening in the world around them, of how the coming to America of the Europeans had changed the entire natural and social order of the New World. And in order to impress on his readers the seriousness of those changes he chose the most potent symbol possible: That of blood. This paper analyzes the use of the symbol of blood in this novel. Cooper uses blood to stand for a number of different ideas in the book. It serves, first of all, as a symbol for knowledge and even more specifically for the ways in which we come to know our way in the world - how things come to be "in our blood". When European settlers came to America in the

Negotiation Strategies

Today the increasing trend in hiring employees is to look at industries which are likely to require more employees in the immediate future than to look at the development of specialized skills among the employees. This is the opinion of some experts who have been even Secretary of Labor during the time of President Clinton. Others go to the extent of suggesting that jobs in American industry itself are dying out and in that case looking at industries which may give more jobs in the future are not likely to get any results. Practical situation during the three years prior to 9/11 suggests that is not a realistic evaluation. That was a period when there were a lot of available jobs and even then the salary levels rose sharply. It was then that the organizations could not get enough employees from within their own system. This was due to the practice that the American companies had been following of hiring employees at t

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or is it

Reality TV has become the new genre of television programming to arrest the attention of the American viewer. When 16 people get thrown off a ship, and have to live for just less than 40 days on a deserted island, modern culture is held spellbound. How does a person live when nothing more than their wits are guaranteed. Yet Americans are glued to their televisions, engrossed in the drama as if they were present themselves. What about the myriad of shows which put a cruel twist on love, dating, romance, and money. How realistic is it to spend months in a European castle while being jetted all over the globe, and expect to find love with a person who is your host. Joe Millionaire is a fraud, the Bachlorette is choosing between you, or a million dollars, and your blind date is listening to your ex-dates dish dirt through an exclusive feed while you try to make a good impression on someone you have not met until now. Even the Television Emmy awards have created a cate

Article Review Supply Analysis

1. At first, the rise in the GST will have relatively little impact upon the decisions of new home buyers to purchase homes. This economic factor is due to the fact that, the building and the construction industry cannot respond to changes in supply costs very quickly, because of the nature of the business and the nature demand in the construction sector. For instance the homes currently up for sale, regardless of the cost of the items used to construct these homes, will be affected more by last year's prices of building supplies rather than current price structures. Thus, even though demand usually goes down as price goes up, the prices of homes will not immediately rise because the costs of supply last year are what is affecting the prices, by and large. Thus, although conventional supply analy


Role of campuses in Environmental protection Environment protection is one of the most burning issues these days with people complaining about the negative effects of various business and social activities on ecology. In this connection, green movement activities and environmentalists around the globe are urging people to pay closer attention to the consequences of many activities with may even appear harmless on the surface. Urban areas are the special victims of environmental destruction. Orr (19991) writes: "It is becoming increasingly apparent that our present environmental crisis is evidence of a prior failure of mind and perception- which is to say, a failure of education. The loss of species, topsoil, rain forests, and impending climate change are not primarily technological problems or even economic ones. They are first and foremost about how we think about the world we inhabit". However while we do know how cities are contributing


Role of campuses in Environmental protection Environment protection is one of the most burning issues these days with people complaining about the negative effects of various business and social activities on ecology. In this connection, green movement activities and environmentalists around the globe are urging people to pay closer attention to the consequences of many activities with may even appear harmless on the surface. Urban areas are the special victims of environmental destruction. Orr (19991) writes: "It is becoming increasingly apparent that our present environmental crisis is evidence of a prior failure of mind and perception- which is to say, a failure of education. The loss of species, topsoil, rain forests, and impending climate change are not primarily technological problems or even economic ones. They are first and foremost about how we think about the world we inhabit". However while we do know how cities are contributing to destruction of ecology, we simply fail to understand how colleges and

Who is the real Socrates the humble man or the heroic figure

Plato's "The Apology" begins with Socrates standing accused of impiety and, possibly the worst of the charges, passing his impiety on to the young people he supposedly corrupts. The book concentrates on his defense. Basically, Socrates makes two major arguments for his innocence, the first of which may have come across with some cockiness, that he was simply doing as he believed the gods wanted him to do, as the wisest of all men. The oracle at Delphi had stated that no one was wiser than Socrates, and ever since this time, Socrates made it his mission to find someone wiser, as he did not believe he could possibly be the wisest. This mission led to the sharp criticism of Athenian leaders and eventually resulted in Socrates' trial. While his defense may seem cocky, Socrates was actually anything but. The wise philosopher would travel throughout the city, seeking out those that were perceived as wise in their trade, whether it was politics, poetry, or even woodworking.

Raw Materials for Ford Motor Company

One of the efforts of the Ford Motor Company that made it to the market for countering the polluting effects of gasoline or diesel was a natural gas version of the popular E - 450 Cutaway Econoline van. This was offered by Ford in the 2001 model year. The model itself has been developed from the chop vans that were very common during the 1960s. The vehicle is a short chassis cab van which does not have a back panel and is used for commercial applications. The vehicles are generally used for shuttle services to the airports and delivery of parcels. With the introduction of the new model, the customers will have a choice between three types of vehicles depending on the type of fuel that the vehicle will use. The vehicle can now have engines using natural gas, gasoline and diesel. This will be an addition to the line of vehicles that Ford Motor Co has using natural gas as fuel. These vehicles were then Crown Victoria, F-

What's in a Name The Significance of Naming for Ralph Ellison and the Significance of Naming Today

In Shakespeare's famous romantic tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet," the female protagonist implores the stars, "What's in a name' A rose by any other name would smell as sweet'" However, audiences in ages since have mused, no doubt, a stink cabbage might disagree"and could Juliet have loved her Romeo so much, if he were named Norman, or perhaps even Ralph' No young protagonist of foreign extraction in the United States could ever make such a mistake. He would know all too well the heavy burden naming' places upon the individual soul and mind. But to glean a better understanding of the importance of naming, perhaps it is best to first turn to another, real-life literary figure, that of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ralph Ellison would be another one of those nay Sayers, who would tell Juliet that names are quite important. He was born disliking his own name and even though he eventually came to like the oddity of his name, he would never deny the significance

Emily D

Why Death€"Nor the use of the poetic techniques of point of view, tone, and metaphor is not to be feared, at least according to Emily Dickinson It is often said that death, because it was a more constant presence in the lives and living rooms of the inhabitants of Early American New England, was not regarded with the same fear and horror that we, the contemporary residents of America are apt to regard the final exit from the living world. This may or may not be the case, as it is difficult to measure' fear. However, it is clear by the way that Emily Dickinson as an individual and as a poet deployed the poetic devices of point of view, tone, and metaphor, that she was intent upon attempting to convince her readers and perhaps herself that death was merely another mode of existence, and therefore not something to dread. Death is another world and state of being, rather than a termination of being itself, in Dickinson's poetry. One of the Belle of


This is a paper that explores an article on microeconomics. There is one reference used for this paper.

Article Review Poisoned Water

1. In this particular case, it is not simply enough for the factory owner to state that he cannot afford to operate an economically sound factory. It is not only his economic future, or indeed his legal future, that is at stakeâ€"it is also the rights of the individuals whose lives may be affected by his environmentally and economically irresponsible behavior. Furthermore, clean water is a scarce resource. Unlike sunlight, it is not naturally renewable. By tainting this resource, the individual impedes the economic development of others. For instance, if I cannot go to work because I am sickened by the pollution from the factory, my own economic health as an individual is impeded. One useful economic model to deploy when examining the i


This is a paper that answers ten questions concerning microeconomics.


In their Oct 2003 article, Can free entry be inefficient' Fixed commissions and social waste in the real estate industry Chang-Tai Hsieh, Enrico Moretti (2003) argue against removal of entry barriers in real estate industry as they notice inefficiency prevailing in the cities where number of real estate agents in relatively higher. In other words, they argue against the commonly held belief that there should be no barriers to entry. The author maintain that even though barriers to entry sound like a scary term to most economists, it must be borne in mind that free entry or relatively easy entry into any industry can lead to inefficiency and loss of productivity. This is most pronounced in the case of real estate industry where presence of higher number of real estate agents almost always leads to inefficient distribution of income. To understand this problem, we must first take into account the definition of economics or what is the real purpose of this science. Lionel Ro

Group work

When students work together as a group to produce a team project, some traits people have can help the progress of the job, and some can get in the way. Some of the traits valuable to the rest of the team include dependability. When people say they're going to do something, whether it's type up a preliminary report or gather research, they should do it, and do it by the time they say they will. Other people are depending on them. Another important trait is the ability

War Without Mercy

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the book "War Without Mercy: Pacific War," by John W. Dower. Specifically, it will focus on power relationships between dominated and dominating groups, social classes, men and women, stronger and weaker nations, while discussing the role of racism on World War II. Race was a dominating force in World War II, and not only in the Pacific front. Racism was rampant both at home and on the battlefield, and it colored the way Americans at home viewed the enemy, and our own fighting men.


Introduction The use of marijuana on college campuses is one of the most contentious issues facing the academic world today. Marijuana is widely used within American society, despite widespread anti-drug lobbies and prevention campaigns. The effects of marijuana have been said to include effects on memory, negative social effects, and health effects like cancer, immune damage and respiratory problems. Additionally, anti-marijuana groups often point to marijuana as a "gateway" drug, and note that marijuana use can potentially be dangerous while driving. In contrast, many scientists contend that marijuana is largely misunderstood, and may have many positive medical uses. Given this debate, it becomes difficult to determine how marijuana use should be regulated or prevented, especially given the stunning inability of current approaches to stop the growth of marijuana use among young people. Decriminalization of the drug is one likely candidate, coupled with stiff

Writing a Lab Report Called Solids in Smoke

Solids in Smoke Objective To detect the difference of the amount of particles within the smoke of filtered cigarette and the second hand smoke released into a room from a cigarette. In doing this, it will be determined what harm these types of smoke can cause to the smoker and to those in the same room. Materials and Methods For this experiment, filtered and non-filtered cigarettes were used. An apparatus to collect the smoke of the two types of cigarettes was constructed. Two 250ml flasks were taken and had a piece

The Long Walk The True Story of a Trek to Freedom by Slavomir Rawicz

Biography: Slavomir Rawicz was born in the city of Pinsk (today a city in White Russia) in 1915, to a Polish father and a Russian Mother. In Pinsk, The Rawicz family lived a relatively well-to-do life. They not only owned a successful estate business, but a beautiful house within the city. Slavomir grew into a young man, and he entered the Wawelberea and Rotwanda Technical School in Warsaw. There, he studied for a certificate as an architect and surveyor. In 1937, Slavomir was called up for military service in the Polish Army. He served a long twelve months in the infantry training school in the city of Brest Lotvsk (also a city in modern-day White Russia). Soon, after the completion of his infantry training, he volunteered for additional training within the cavalry reconnaissance division of the Polish Army, where, in 1937, he graduated with the highest possible cadet rankâ€"that of a Cavalry Brigade Officer. Immediat

Theater of the Absurd

In Jean Genet's play, The Balcony, the action surrounds a bordello in which the women who work there help their clientele to engage in a series of increasing more absurd fantasies that are both exceptionally complex and psychologically and philosophically telling. For example, in the work, often these moments of deep and hysterical charade take on implications that include existential philosophy as well: Carmen (bringing a lace handerkerchief): Viewed from here, life seems to me so remote, in any case, men slow their naked selves, life seems to me so remote, so profound, that it has all the unreality of a film or of the birth of Christ in the manger. (Genet 42) Indeed, here in this statement are couched several intriguing philosophical concepts, the first of which is the idea that men in the brothel reveal themselves in a more "naked" form. Since, existentialism states that ex


Anne Bradstreet is known as a prolific poet of 17th century whose work is largely based on Puritan theological concepts. Puritan society had its own unique set of Christian beliefs, which were slightly harsh compared to modern Christian values. For this reason, English writings of this period reveal a sense of hopelessness and despondency as far as this worldly life is concerned. Material accomplishments were viewed as selfish desires, which had to be abandoned if a man sought to achieve happiness in the world thereafter. These were some of the common Puritan concepts, which must be kept in mind when reading and analyzing Bradstreet's poem, Upon Burning of Our House'. This poem was written in 1666, a time when women were barred from entering the world of literature. Thus it was all the more important for female writers and poets to adhere to strict Christian beliefs and values in order not to infuriate the unyielding Puritan society. For this reason, we notice every lin

Civil Disobedience

It is simple to say that Henry David Thoreau's essay, "Civil Disobedience," influenced two of the most well known political figures of the past hundred years, Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King. It might be less easy to connect Thoreau's ideas with those of more flamboyant€"and one might also propose less wildly successful€"political reformers such as Philip Berrigan. Yet that connection can be made, and moreover, it can be made in a way few students of Thoreau might have considered. Perhaps few commentators on the lives and work of Gandhi, King and Berrigan would have thought of it either. And yet, in the post-feminist age, the age of a new masculinism,' Thoreau can be proposed as the intellectual forebear of a new masculinism,' one that forswears guns and violence in favor of passive resistance of the sort carried out by Gandhi, King and Berrigan. Interestingly, Thoreau was one of a group of New England transcendentalists that in

The Gothic Diptych at the Minneapolis Museum of Art

The Gothic Diptych at the Minneapolis Museum of Art, which is attributed to the Master of the Passion Diptych, seems at first glance to be a fine example of the mixed mannerism and classicism typical of a time in transition between Gothic and Renaissance styles. The small ivory panels, which are dated at approximately 1375, have a deeply traditional subject matter. They portray a series of scenes from the life of Christ, beginning with the Annunciation and proceeding through his birth, adoration by the Magi, betrayal, death, ascension, and the final gift of his spirit to the people at Pentecost. These subjects are executed skillfully in the tiny medium (the entire work in less than 9 inches tall), with careful attention paid to the expression and placement of the figures. Stylistically, this piece seems both common to its time and yet also enlightening as to its historical moment. There is a certain classical stylization to the flow of the drapery and clothing about the figures

Themes of Education Migration and the Next Generation in the African American Communities of Youngblood The Street and The Piano Lesson

Education of the next generation forms a core, central theme in many of the greatest works of literature, particularly those of the African- American tradition where the next generation holds such promise for those oppressed by the historical weight of the present. However, in the narrative framework of the novels Youngblood by John Oliver Killens Ann Petry's The Street, as well the play "The Piano Lesson," it is not only the youth of tomorrow whom receives an education from their wiser elders. Although the older individuals in the play educate the younger members of the family, ultimately the education in all fictional contexts is holistic, rather than an unbalanced relationship of old teaching morality to young. In all of the family structures presented, the protagonists are children, more or less, if not in years, than in certain dearly held but false assumptions they have about life and their place in history. The role of education in the African-American


Cloning is the process of replication of organism in order to reproduce favorable or remove undesirable traits from the product (clone). In last half century, there has been rapid advancement in scientific technology, which has resulted in discoveries such as of DNA structure, the stem cell, and with production of cloned sheep Dolly, curiosity and ethical issues have elevated concerning human cloning. There are several benefits and dangers of cloning of human genes. With advances in discovery of stem cell, the process of transplantation would be made easy for patients. With the storage of stem cells the waiting time to find an organ for transplant and chances of rejection by patient would be decreased. Secondly, because the stem cells can mutilate0 on they're own, diseased or faulty tissues in rare diseases can be replaced e.g. the implantation of fetal stem cells in patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. Thirdly stem cells can help in the drug development. Instead o