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Information Technology

I am currently a part-time employee with a bank that relies heavily on Information Technology to communicate with its customers, business associates, channel partners and all its employees across its network. The communication channels used comprises of Video Conferencing Equipment, the Internet, and the Corporate Intranet, accessed via Personal Computers, Lap Tops, Palms and Automated Teller Machines. Implicit in the preceding list is the fact that different types of Information Technology Solutions are deployed depending on the communication task and the needs of the users. It would, therefore, be appropriate to discuss the improvements in communication brought about through the use of Information Technology by user segment. To start with, Information Technology has hugely facilitated the speed, accuracy and the amount of information that the bank disseminates to its customers. For example, all bank cust

The Gods Must be Crazy

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the film "The Gods Must be Crazy" directed by Jamie Uys. Specifically, it will examine and analyze the film, and include how the film reflects various concepts of material and non-material culture, subcultures, norms, folkways, mores, values, role conflict, counter-culture, rewards and punishments for appropriate behavior or actions, and ethnocentrism. "The Gods Must be Crazy" is a comical film that reflects the social aspects of the Bushmen's life in the Kalahari Desert, before they were influenced and infiltrated by Western culture.

Personal Essay Addressing Educational Goals, Career ObjectiveTeamwork Experience etc

Diligence is perhaps my main strength and the aspect that I have in facing all challenges in life. This includes facing my educational goals and career objectives. I am a student enrolled in electromechanical technology course. Aside from being a student, I am working in retail which I have been doing since I graduated from high school. Both educationally and professionally, I have goals that I try to achieve to


In order to answer this question, many things must be taken into account, such as the environment and upbringing of the people that fit into the category of the poor. Of course, genetics plays a major role in determining a person's status in life, especially in regard to the abilities and talents inherited paternally and maternally, being from the father and the mother. But it must be pointed out that circumstance also plays a role when it comes to a person's social standing. For example, if a person is brought up in an environment where the parents stress education, reading and some form of artistic pursuit, then it is reasonable to assume that an individual nurtured in this type of environment will utilize these advantages in his/her daily life as compared to a person whose parents do not stress learning and individualism in the home. As to whether there exist a distinction between the d

Brown v. Board of Education

Until the mid-1950s, less than a century ago, African-American children from certain states were forced to attend different schools from their white counterparts. Segregation pervaded almost every aspect of society, however: blacks used separate washrooms, drinking fountains, and eating facilities. In the early 1950s, the NAACP helped to bring several cases before the Supreme Court to prove that school segregation in particular was harmful to black children and was a direct violation of the fourteenth amendment to the United States Constitution. Although judges in Kansas ruled in favor of the Board of Education initially, the Supreme Court eventually overturned the "separate but equal" laws in the landmark decision known as Brown versus Board of Education. If I had been on the panel of Supreme Court judges in the mid-1950s, when that case was decided, I would have ruled similarly but with further

What image do you project through nonverbal communication

What image do you project through nonverbal communication' For the most part, I tend to manage my non-verbal communication, especially in settings in which I don't know the other people well. I studied theater in high school, and learned some basics that work onstage to communicate various emotions to the audience, and I often catch myself using them in business and social situations on purpose. For example, I am aware that crossing the arms in front of the chest can mean that one is shutting out what the other person is saying, or disbelieving it. I have done that, to convey just that message, on purpose. Sometimes, though, I notice that I'm doing it when the person I'm speaking with is doing it, and then I

Workplace Stress Internet Article

There's no doubt that factory conditions, and even office conditions, in the nineteenth century and the first third or more of the twentieth were dangerous, stress-inducing in the extreme, as Carol Hymowitz and Rachel Emma Silverman pointed out two years ago in an article for In addition to the real physical dangers of industrial-society workplaces, they noted that letters by business tycoons, commodity clerks and assembly line workers in the early twentieth century were filled with complaints about no one having time to stop and give a stranger directions, or take time with the family or for community service. [1] Thankfully, they don't pretend to say that just because it was a current reality back then, it's OK for it the same sort of clock-oriented, production-hungry attitudes and behaviors to prevail now. The authors open with the case of an attorney who has five children to put through college and a retirement nest egg to build. He is stre

Customer Quality

As a valued customer, we demand a high level of quality from Thurmont. We have found that attention to quality improves our operating efficiency and decreases cost and that lack of quality results in lost business, lost workers and negative impact on the bottom line. Quality represents the success of Thurmont's materials, end product, workers and processes in our

Contingency Planning

Some kinds of planning situations are "programmed" and some are "unprogrammed." Why is it generally easier to work in programmed situations' What can happen to programmed plans when there is an unexpected event' Programmed situations are easier to work in than unprogrammed situations for a number of reasons. Programmed situations are obviously thought out and planned for ahead of time, while unprogrammed situations happen before the business has had time to think them through and develop a plan of action. Clearly, the attacks of September 11, 2001 were unprogrammed attacks, because few if any people thought that planes would fly into buildings, and the buildings would collapse. Programmed situations are planned for and even practiced, but unprogrammed situations are not planned for, and so, they can be much more dangerous and demanding. Programmed plans can fall apart when there is an unexpected event that is not planned for

Comparison & Contrast

My mom drives a minivan and my dad drives a BMW 325. Both cars get us from point A to Point B. The two automobiles solve the family problems like my parents getting to work, me getting to school and when my friends and I want to go to the movies both cars can save a walk. So, the basic functions of the car and the van are the same - transportation. But the van and the Beemer are very different in other ways. When we go grocery shopping, we rarely, if ever, take the BMW. The trunk is too small for the amount of groceries we usually buy. So we could get to the mall quickly but getting home would be very uncomfortable. Another time for the van is when we go on family vacations. The smaller car again is not as practical. I like our van because it is like owning a family tractor trailer. But, my dad has an image at the office so the BMW helps his ego. The car is small, fast and sleek an

Effective Personal and Organizational Communication

Abstract Communication via signaling and discussion is central to organizational effectiveness. Understanding the concepts of communication, however, is a two-fold process whereby understanding oneself and how personal communication is conveyed is necessary for developing strategies of communication within a group, as well as comprehending the communication and goals of others. Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills in communication are thus necessary for effective self and organizational management for successful conflict resolution and optimal performance outcomes. Organizational management is facilitated by the use of behavioral styles of conflict resolution, each method distinct when considering the degree to which individual interests of the parties involved are preserved, and the extent of concern each party has of the other's interests. All modes of communication and resolution styles can be utilized when in the context of an appropriate situati

System analysis for a retail company

Abstract: With the ever changing model of recent technological applications, we are incessantly dependent on the rapid computer systems and technology, which inadvertently effect to a safe, secure and reliable infrastructure to provide services an develop routine activities that can be carried forth for a long or short-term management functioning. Privacy and security are two main areas where expertise required for developing reliable information networking along with acceptable implementation of policies for these practices. (Stewart, T. 1992[1]) Hence, any company whether large or small requires an efficient and uniform method for developing its information systems and networking. In case of a retail management company, these techniques have an utmost importance for the simple reason that if System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is implemented successfully, it ensure systems developed by the concerned depa

Gay Marriage A Subject of Controversy

The subject of gay marriage is one that has sparked much controversy in recent months. Gay activists have been arguing for some time that they have a constitutional right to have their union recognized by the letter of the law. Conservative representatives however and religious leaders oppose any legislation that would afford gay couples the right to recognition of their marriage by law. Part of this opposition stems from deep seated religious beliefs that marriage is a sacred institution and should be protected as such from the government. Some have gone as far as arguing that the purpose of marriage is to bear children, and since gay couples can't do this they shouldn't marry. This controversy is explored in greater detail below. Many people have vocalized their support of legalizing gay marriage. An equal number of people or more oppose gay marriage. Supporters of same sex unions argue that a ban on gay marriage violates their constitutional right to equality.

Product Concepts Sell But Price Is Always the Bottom Line for Consumers

This work gives an general overview of the two brands Banana Republic and Old Navy, both owned by Gap Inc. it then outlines a by a point by point comparative analysis of the marketing factors of globalization, relationship to other brands in the parent company, segmentation, environmental issues, purchase decision structure, channels of distribution, promotion and advertising, pricing, and ethics for each of the two brands.

Our Secret

Like the fabric of time itself, Susan Griffin's essay "Our Secret" is an essentially non-linear piece of writing. However, the author creates cohesiveness by weaving core threads of meaning and intent. Passages that would otherwise be completely disjointed from one another: stories of the Holocaust, of Griffin's childhood, of the manufacture and design of ballistic missiles and of the structure of DNA, form the warp and woof of the skillfully rendered essay. The fundamental theme of "Our Secret" is embodied in its title, which directly derives from Heinrich Himmler's own words: "we should take our secret to our graves." Using Himmler's biography as the nucleus of the essay, Griffin explores the reverberations created by the Reichsfuhrer. His influence, according to Griffin, is not only felt directly by those whose lives he encountered and inexorably changed vis - vis Nazi practices, but also in the ways he helped to create the collective consciousness of a nation. Moreove

Conflict Management Styles

The "fight or flight" theory of animal behavior dictates that in a conflict situation the parties engaging in the conflict will choose either confrontation or avoidance. These behavior patterns revolve around an innate sense to protect oneself from harm and preserve integrity of values, and can be witnessed in all social animals, including humans. While the choices seem simple, stay or leave, a range of sub-actions can also be considered. The styles of conflict management include competition, collaboration, compromise, accommodation, and avoidance. While conceptually distinct, the five behavioral styles of conflict resolution do incorporate two other dimensions: the degree to which individual interests will be preserved and the extent of concern for the other party's interests. With competition the concern for the competitor is of highest order while with avoidance self-interest is of least concern. Accommodation is the first degree of interaction beyond


Clerical celibacy is an important trait of Buddhism, and celibacy has also been mandated for various periods in the lives of many followers of different Eastern religions. To the Western mind that associates clerical celibacy with conceptions of sex-as-original-sin or of the priest as wed to Christ, these trends may seem strange when divorced from a Christian setting. Our preoccupation with sex that exists in secular society may also make celibacy seem odd. However, it is important to approach Eastern conceptions of celibacy on their own terms, apart from Western traditions. In Eastern thought, celibacy can be seen as life affirming rather than life- denying, a way of preserving vital personal integrity and transcending physical needs to reach higher spiritual planes. According to the primary source presented, celibacy was also a difficult sell to the early Chinese Buddhist church. The earlier Chinese religion was based in ancestral worship. Ancestor worship im

Evaluate a single Curriculum framework for one subject for grades 6-12

The curriculum framework of history-social science for kindergarten through grade twelve is an effort to strengthen education system by building on the best practices contained within previous frameworks. The revised framework focuses on the chronological study of history. Placed in its geographic setting, history establishes human activities in time and place. History and geography are the two great integrative studies of the field. While exploring the past and present, students should recognize that events and changes occur in a specific time and place, that historical change has both causes and effects and life is bounded by the constraints of place. "History and geography are the two great integrative studies of the field [of social studies]..".Throughout this curriculum, the importance of the variables of time and place, when and where, history and geography, is stressed repeatedly". (John J. Patrick, Geography in US


The subject of critical thinking has occupied central position in debates concerning education, cognitive development and personality formation. For this reason, the term critical thinking has repeatedly been defined taking into consideration new research and new findings. However no specific or unanimously accepted definition of critical thinking is available, making the comprehension and learning of critical thinking a rather difficult task. The increasing important of critical thinking however makes it impossible to ignore the term and or its impact on learning and intellectual development and for this reason; we shall discuss various differing definitions of critical thinking. We shall focus on the definitions from early 20th century to recent times in order to see the differences that have occurred and the similarities that remained in the definitions of this term over the decades. John Dewey was one of the early thinkers to develop and present a sound definition of c


In the year 1763, Great Britain stood victorious in North America after sweeping France from the continent with the assistance of the American colonists, and few would have predicted the end of the long ties between the English Crown and the American colonies. Yet by the last months of 1774, "only those with closed eyes and minds could avoid the conclusion that the Americans were headed toward open and armed rebellion against Great Britain and the powers of the English monarchy" (McDowell, 45). The Americans, however, did not rush into a revolution, for before the final breach England and the colonies suffered under a long series of conflicts that steadily grew in strength and importance, and "during the twelve years of disagreements preceding the engagement of arms at Lexington and Concord, the clashes between the mother country of England and the American colonies waxed and waned in intensity" (Reeder, 56). The thirteen American colonies, with over two


In the year 1763, Great Britain stood victorious in North America after sweeping France from the continent with the assistance of the American colonists, and few would have predicted the end of the long ties between the English Crown and the American colonies. Yet by the last months of 1774, "only those with closed eyes and minds could avoid the conclusion that the Americans were headed toward open and armed rebellion against Great Britain and the powers of the English monarchy" (McDowell, 45). The Americans, however, did not rush into a revolution, for before the final breach England and the colonies suffered under a long series of conflicts that steadily grew in strength and importance, and "during the twelve years of disagreements preceding the engagement of arms at Lexington and Concord, the clashes between the mother country of England and the American colonies waxed and waned in intensity" (Reeder, 56). The thirteen American colonies, with over two

Heroin Use and Abuse

Darren Aronofsky's film Requiem for a Dream follows the lives of 4 people, lost and isolated in their own worlds into the descending spiral of drug addiction. At first, their desire for the drug is a based on a desire to escape from the doldrums of everyday life. An elderly widow uses prescription pain killers in order to clam her nerves, but soon the psychokinetic effects are the focus of her desire, and she slips into a fantasy dream world. A pair of young lovers and their friend starts the journey seeking a bit of fun, which turns into a desire for power, and then an addiction to the ability to escape the devolving conditions of their lives into the drug induced dream. Unlike feel good endings of most of today's modern films, individual vignettes conclude the film, showing each of the four lived helplessly shipwrecked, somewhere in between reality and make believe.[i] The effects of powerful drugs such as heroin, or cocaine on the lives of their users

Corporations' Role in Politics

There is no simple straight line from corporations to politics to job loss in the economy. Nor is it possible to consider politics as being simply corporations making donations to a particular candidate's campaign, and then that candidate somehow shutting down a factory. The issue is more complex, and it is now also global. Nevertheless, the result is pretty much the same as if XYZ Corporation paid off Rep. Smiley Face to vote to increase taxes on XYZ's product's components making it advantageous to move XYZ's plant to Mexico, where the peasants work cheaper and the investors will get a greater return on their XYZ stocks. But because of the interrelationships between corporate America, global commerce and politics, perhaps one of the first places to look at corporate political influence and unemployment is by looking at the events surrounding the World Trade Organization. In 1999, more than 50,000 took to the streets of Seattle to demonstrate against

The NAFTA Act of 1993

In 1993, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was passed. Included was a gradual removal of tariffs on various goods traded between Mexico, Canada and the United States. The first implementation of these tariff removals began on January 1, 1994. According to the U.S. information service, "Under the NAFTA, all non tariff barriers to agricultural trade between the United States and Mexico were eliminated. In addition, many tariffs were eliminated immediately, with others to be phased out, resulting in full implementation of all agricultural provisions by the year 2008." (Economic Perspectives, June 1996) It may be worth noting, in the aftermath of the recent outbreak of mad cow disease in a northwestern United States dairy herd that among the tariffs removed, making trade easier and more profitable for Canada, were restrictions and tariffs on agricultural products, including cattle. The infected cow was traced to a dairy cow producer in Canada. Si

Trends in Mobile m-commerce

"The future has become clear during the past year or two. While attention has focused on dead dot-coms and stumbling stock markets, the foundation for the next e-commerce wave has been established. Some can already see it coming". ("Keep It Simple," 2001) The fulfillment of the promise of mobile commerce or m-commerce is still awaited by many people. After the first enthusiastic predictions about the commercial potential of interaction between mobile devices, the Internet and commerce, there has been an awakening to the complexities and reality of m-commerce. The failure of m-commerce to meet expectations is in many ways linked to the reasons for the DOTCOM failure in 2000/1. However, the jury is still out on the future of m-commerce and the verdict on its future is divided between those who see it as a nonviable commercial enterprise and those who view the future of mobile commerce in a positive