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Early Sex Socialization

As early as pre-kindergarten, many children come to school with concrete ideas regarding gender socialization. Many girls, for example, will not engage in rough play. When a little boy gets hurt during a playground, he will do his best to keep from crying, for fear of being teased as "a little girl." This trend often continues as the child grows up. Boys are more participative in class because they tend to speak out more. Many young girl

Internet Site Evaluation

The World Wide Web has become a valuable and helpful resource for both teachers and students. The variety of sites available ensures that students of all ages and abilities and teachers of all subject areas and grade levels can find information that is accessible and useful. This evaluation examined six sites designed for students as well as six sites designed for teachers. A brief summary of these sites follows as well as a detailed evaluation of one student-focused website and one teacher-focused website.


Within the last eight years or so, the literary works of J.K. Rowling, in particular her highly popular series of dark fantasy novels centered on the character of Harry Potter, has generated a great amount of social controversy based on her use of sorcery and occultism in order to relate the fantastic adventures of Harry, an up-and-coming wizard and practitioner of the so-called "black arts." Not surprisingly, the most vocal opponents to Rowling's Harry Potter series can be found within the religious community which has viewed Rowling's works with much suspicion, due to what they see as a blatant attempt by Rowling to introduce impressionable young people to the arts and practice of magic, sorcery, witchcraft and occultism via the actions and predicaments of Harry Potter. However, this viewpoint, taken predominately by the Christian community, is based on the traditional ideals of organized religion which for centuries has attempted, without much success, to turn peo


Reliability and validity are two elements of measurement that are vital to the success of any research project. Below is a consideration of each, along with some of the difficulties that may be faced in obtaining either reliability or validity. Validity appears to be more difficult than reliability to establish, since this has to be inferred. However, with the correct approach, the researcher could at least ensure that validity as perceived by peers is as solid as possible.

The role of organizing in the critical thinking process

Unless thinking is organized, it is simply daydreaming. The role of organization in the critical thinking process is to create a process by which one can arrive at a conclusion. Daydreaming might be termed a process, however, with thoughts drifting from one thing to another. But critical thinking demands several things not demanded in daydreaming. First, a problem or goal must be identified. Second, it must be determined what means are to be used to solve the problem or reach the goal. Third, although not properly part of the critical thinking process per se, means to achieve what has been decided upon through critical thinking must be defined, and then put to use. The origins of order are found in the organizing principles of the universe. In some ways, critical thinking can be viewed in the same way. Just as a world could not long exist in chaos and, as the scientists say, seeks order, a human mind will als

Childhood Wounds in Cat's Eye

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the novel "Cat's Eye" by Margaret Atwood. Specifically, it will reflect the affect of human childhood wounds in relation to Elaine, the main character in the novel, when we allow them to be repressed. Anyone who has ever suffered at the hands of others in childhood can identify with this moving novel, which shows the effects of childhood wounds as they carry inevitably into adulthood. Elaine suffers as an adult because she cannot forget the wounds of the past, and this novel shows the results of that repression and rage bottled up inside for so long.

A 12-Step Meeting

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of Alcoholics Anonymous and their 12-Step Program. Specifically, it will analyze the relative value of such self-help programs and the usefulness to the nurse in planning client care. The 12-Step Program, such as the one utilized by Alcoholics Anonymous is a proven way of conquering addiction and enhancing lives. These programs can be quite useful to the nurse planning patient care for an addicted or compulsive patient. The nurse needs an understanding both of the patient and the programs themselves to make informed care decisions, and so attending a 12-Step meeting is a good way to understand the principles behind the programs, while preparing to advise patients who may need help with their addictions. The History of Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12-Step Program

The Mythical Man-Month

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the book "The Mythical Man-Month" (anniversary edition) by Fredrick P. Brooks, Jr. Specifically, it will encompass the main points in the book and communicate them effectively. Frederick Brooks book has become a bestseller, selling nearly 10,000 copies a month, years after its' first printing. The anniversary edition is made up of mostly the original material with some new insights and thoughts from this thought-provoking author.

George W. Bush

Although politics is something that never excited me before, I am pretty excited about voting this year. It will be a little bit different for me. You see, my family has voted Democratic for as long as I can remember. It has always been assumed that the right vote in any election was always for the Democrat--regardless of who was running. That is just the way it is and the best I can come to explaining it is because my parents have always voted that way and their parents always voted that way and so on. No one really even knows how far that tradition goes back and even worse, it seems that no one really cares. None of that really bothered--me until September 11, 2001. After that, I began to see things in a different light. Fear, anger, and patriotism were just a few of the emotions I experienced after the attacks. From all of that came an incredible respect for President Bush. I remember the first speech he gave after the attacks and I remember feeling proud for the first time. I'm not completely sure what I was

Death Penalty Right or Wrong

This paper is based on Death penalty, how it relates to American politics and government. It covers the arguments against death penalty by those belonging to the anti death penalty clan and gives the counter argument in favor of death penalty by those who support. In the end, it aims to prove that death penalty indeed is just and needed.

Athletic Fundraising

This High School level paper on Athletic Fundraising emphasizes on the importance of athletics and their association with fundraising. This paper illustrates how athletic fundraising motivates individuals not only towards sports but also towards academics. Many clubs, schools and universities are working on their athletic fundraising programs in order to curb the society into a better place to live in.


This paper is based on management function of leading and leadership. It is based on Kenma Consulting Services, a hypothetical organization that aims to provide engineering consulting services to the petroleum industry to perform non-destructive testing (NDT). The paper discussed the leadership style that will be most effective for this organization.

Opportunity Cost

The term "opportunity cost" refers to the fact that money is finite and can be spent in a number of ways, or invested, and that each opportunity to use that money has both obvious and hidden costs as well as obvious and hidden benefits (Sivaramakrishnan, 2002). The "opportunity cost" of buying a computer is the money spent to buy it. The real cost, and the real benefits, will vary from situation to situation. In a business, upgrading computers might lead to increased productivity. At home, it might simply be a personal desire to have a faster, more up-to- date machine, with no real tangible gain, and loss of the earnings the money could have made. One place individuals could look at opportunity cost in terms of how they spend their own personal money could be in acquiring a college education. While it is very time-consuming to earn a bachelor's degree on a part-time basis, it is more feasible to complete a master's degree in that way, making it a rational

Valuing Individuals in the Workplace

Valuing individuals in a workplace, despite of their differences and diversities, is an important factor in maintaining an organized work environment. From the source, "Valuing Individuals", Wachovia suggested work environment values and rules while addressing several employee relation issues that may exist in a workplace. Wachovia's workplace rules aim to provide ideas that can help organizations exemplify commitment, not only to customers and clients, but to the company's life as well - the employees. Treat all employees with the highest level of professionalism, courtesy, and respect. This preceding statement, according to the article, is the main f

Book review Stealing Time

Book review Abstract Although it wasn't written as a business management book per se, Alec Klein's popular work, Stealing Time: Steve Case, Jerry Levin and the Collapse of AOL Time Warner, is a primer in corporate bad behavior and greed with financial disasterâ€"for someâ€"as the result. The lessons that emerge from the book, while not based on in-depth survey research, are nonetheless valuable as a study in contrasts between the old and new paradigms in American business. Both companies had been successful in its own field, Time Warner in entertainment and AOL in the new, accessible technologies. Time Warner's success had stood the test of time; AOL's hadn't, but its success over a short period was extreme. The agreement to merge the two companies was kept secret; the obvious question is why: who was embarrassed' And why' These are questions that might profitab

Participative Design

The ideas of the approach to change, though presented in a view within a workforce environment, provided me an overview of how to become adaptive to change, and how to organize and redesign the structure and capabilities of a group. I consider that the approach presented can be applicable to myself as a student. Being able to learn how to become adaptive to change is a good value to learn. Especially t

Events that occurred on June 20, 1981

The America of the early 1980s was characterized by concerns relating to the Cold War. On June 21, 1981, for example, the Soviet Union launched a research satellite to dock with the Salyut 6 space laboratory. Though ostensibly for research purposes, the thought of a permanent orbiting Soviet station in space raised concern in the United States regarding Soviet technology ("Soviet Plans Big Orbiting Station"). This growing concern over the harmful potential of foreign technology was also evident in the American interest in the first Arab nuc

Request for Information

Request for Information Mary Smith 8 Any Street Charlotte, ILL 61111 January 24, 2004 Galaxy Resorts and Vacations 45 Primrose Lane Orlando, FL. 24867 Dear Sir/Madam: I just saw your advertisement for townhouses and condominiums in resort areas of Florida. My older sister, her two children and I will be going to Orlando for the weeks of April 5 and April 12. We want to stay in a place that has a kitchenette, dining/family room and two bedrooms. This is much easier than sharing motel rooms and going out to eat. We also want a rental with a swimming pool and other activities such as tennis and a recreation room if possible. My sister has two children, a ten-y


Rhetoric and persuasive argument has been used since the inception of human language, from Greek philosophers in ancient Athens to religious sages in the Far East. Persons who feel strongly about their opinions have a right and in perhaps a responsibility to express their views and to try and influence the minds of others. Persuasion engages people in dialogue and debate, which are natural and healthy forms of interpersonal communica

Emily's Character Traits in Bad Characters

Jean Stafford's Bad Characters, is a story of the loneliness of Emily Vanderpool, a young girl experiencing extreme growing painsâ€"growing pains that are illustrated by three detailed character traits. Emily's first and most important character trait in the story is unquestionably her loneliness. It is this loneliness that underscores the effect "peer pressure" has on her, and it is a loneliness that she illustrates in

The Story of an Hour: The Theme of Freedom

"The Story of an Hour" (1894) is a famous short-story by the 19th century feminist author, Kate Chopin. Due to its exceptional brevity (just over 1000 words), the story leaves a lot of questions unanswered and is open for interpretation by the readers in many different ways. The central theme of the story, however, is "freedom" which this essay shall explore.

How Economics can be Taught in a More Interesting Way

The importance of Economics courses in the course of undergraduate studies frequently appears when problems and issues are encountered within the national economic status, or sometimes, even during own financial difficulties. William Becker, in his Teaching Economics in the 21st Century, indicates Siegfried's view of the goal of Economics courses. "The primary goal of undergraduate courses in economics is to enable students to think like economists." Many mediums affect our perspective of economics. Mediums such as the televisions, radios, and newspapers, act as influences on how we view economics. Particularly in educational institutions, such serve as influences on how economics is taught. Becker and his colleagues, however, indicated a problem on this. "But even college-educated high school teachers of economics have beliefs about economics that are more highly correlated with those of journalists than with those of economists." This journalist-like view of economics is among the several problems that are seen in the way economics is taught. Economics educators tend to b

Philosophical Musings about Life, Failure, and Death and Symbolism in After Apple-Picking by Robert Frost

The poem After Apple-Picking by Robert Frost is a poem that illustrates implicitly the process of human life in the worldâ€"that is life begun, lived through hardships and failures, and eventually ended with death. These primary themes in the poem, namely life, failure, and death, are narrated and given meaningful interpretations using symbolism. Utilizing symbolism as representations of these themes is embodied by the act of apple-picking, apples, the coming of winter, and sleep. Robert Frost, famous American poet of the 19th and 20th century American poetry, was known for his traditional, yet revolutionary, composition and creation of poems. Frost's poetry style is categorized to be mainly traditional, centering on themes that depict rural life and individual musings of an individual who has been nurtured and lived close to nature. Evidently, the poet's style reflects the traditional and rustic feel of rural life. Nevertheless, despite the

Subjectivity of Evaluation Research

It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900) Without a doubt, one of the most useful and common research tools is the questionnaire. The reason for its popularity is undoubtedly its perceived simplicityâ€"just write up a questionnaire on anything from shopping preferences to health care, and presto, you have your information. Unfortunately, the actual science of questionnaire research is quite complex. In fact, there are several pitfalls that one can fall into when composing and administering questionnaires that can adversely affect the quality of the data gathered. These pitfalls can include "double-barreled" questions, issues of response and non-response, problems in questionnaire length (either too limited, or too lengthy), the influence of perceived anonymity, researcher objectivity (or lack thereof),

How was your verbal communication during your presentation

During one of the presentations that I did about one year ago gave me the opportunity to reflect on my presentation style, verbal communication, communication of ideas, and personal appearance. Seeing different aspects of my presentation, I realize that I made several errors during my presentation. Some of the significant mistakes that I made are given below: In the presentation style, I now realize that I had not rehearsed earlier how I should present my material; also I did not have a good understanding of the material that I was suppose to present. I was especially not sensitive to the needs of my audience. Therefore, during my presentation, I was not so confident and did not look at the audience. I rather spoke rapidly in an unclear manner and did not state my goal of the presentation. Carnegie (1992) argues that the ability to communicate effectively and finding the audience's co-operation is important in enhancing the presentation style. How