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China Today laws, government and business environment for the investor

Currently, the China of today has attempted to wrest itself from its Maoist communist path and embark upon a program of sustained economic reform. Legally, "after expressly declaring to adopt a socialist market economy in 1992," the 8th and 9th National People's Congress of China passed "a series of market-oriented laws" so that "consequently a preliminary legal system accommodating to the market economy came into being." (Building China's Market-Oriented Legal System, 2003) In recent history, China has indeed practically and legally attempted to bolster market reforms and enter the capitalist world economy. However, it is important to note that the National's People's Congr

File Sharing Software

One of the most controversial technological innovations of the past decade or more, file sharing software applications have transformed the ways people view intellectual property. In fact, intellectual property has only recently been a subject of popular debate, since the newsworthy demise of Napster. With the advent of the Internet and subsequent software developments, computer users worldwide have been able to upload, download, and share files, many of which contain copyrighted material. In some ways, this type of file sharing seems to fall under the "fair use" clauses in copyright laws, which dictate that individual consumers are free to make a few personal copies of material for limited use. However, file sharing software calls into question the extent of "fair use" because potentially millions of people could have access to one copyrighted file. File sharing therefore raises a host of ethical and legal conundrums. First, the creators of the copyrighted material: music

Prejudice & Discrimination

On February 11, there were two reports regarding the proposed ban on gay marriages in Massachusetts. The first is an interview with CNN's legal analyst, Kendall Coffey (interviewed by Carol Costello, while the second was reported by Wolf Blitzer. Both reports were conducted in a way that did not suggest any prejudice on the parts of the speakers themselves. However, there are obviously many different viewpoints regarding this issue. Two groups can be distinguished in this debate: fundamental Christians, and gay people, along with those who advocate gay rights. Two distinct viewpoints are also highlighted during reporting. One viewpoint concerns equal rights, while the opposite focuses on the right of people to vote for or against gay marriage. If a court were to decide which law to pass, the latter group claims that democracy and the right to vote hold no meaning. Another interview by Daryn Kagan with Sandra Scham from "Archaeology" magazine on the same day is also close to the heart of the Christian community. This interview concerns

Compare Contrast The Story of an Hour and A Rose for Emily

Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour" and William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" both characterize the nature of marriage and womanhood by delving into the psyches of their female protagonists. Also, although Chopin makes no clear reference to geographic locale in "The Story of an Hour," both authors usually set their stories in the American South, which impacts these characterizations. These two tales share many other points of reference in common. For instance, Mrs. Mallard in "The Story of an Hour" and Emily Grierson in "A Rose for Emily" die at the end of the story, and both deaths are in some way related to how the women felt about their male partners. In fact, in both cases, the women are deeply affected by the men in their lives: their personalities and lifestyles have been shaped and molded chiefly by men. However, Mrs. Mallard and Emily Grierson develop differently. Mallard is a relatively young woman, while Grierson

Computers and Society

In "Africa Goes Online," Daniel Akst and Mike Jensen discuss the potential of the Internet in combating the "information famine" in Africa. In a country where there are little resources to spare for social services, virtual universities could bring learning to millions at a fraction of the cost of traditional schools. Educated residents in these countries would have a larger, global outlet to market their skills and services. The authors cite several case studies as examples of this potential. In Dakar, Senegal, for example, video link-ups allow medical students to study under a group of physicians from Brussels. Secondary students from Namibia are working on a website to showcase the important African entomological collections in the country's National Museum. An organization called SchoolNet Africa is teachi


A team is a group of very different individuals who share a commitment to working together to achieve common goals. Most likely not all of the people in the team are equal in experience, talent or education, but they are equal in one vitally important way, their commitment to the good of the organization. Even understanding this, management often does not pay attention on the formal and informal relationships that are developed in teams, which often become the powerful source of team dynamics. Because of the differences in education and talent, there is going to be some conflict between team members, but by communicating about the differences, focusing on the common goals For this reason the mix of individuals, with individual personalities and behaviors, in a team has become an important issue for the management. This also means that team members will have individual preferences for

Cold War

As WWII ended, the world remained in total disarray. Actual battles on land, sea and air transposed into a new type of war and with new players. USSR ruler Joseph Stalin depicted the globe as a ball cut in half: imperialist and capitalist regimes on one side and the Communist and progressive world on the other. Likewise, U.S. President Harry Truman saw the political world divided into two wholly opposed systems: On the one hand was the free world and on the other, a force that wished to overpower other nations. At the Yalta Conference, Poland and Yugoslavia gained independence, but the USSR received control of Eastern Germany when it promised to help fight against the Japanese. However, Stalin did not keep his end of the bargain. He disallowed a free vote in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria and brought in Communist governments. Also, the war against Japan was over before the USSR had the opportunity to show its support. The final rift between th

Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography

The book "Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography" was written by Roland Barthes and is 119 pages long. Camera Lucida was the final book written by Barthes and is actually part of a trilogy, including the books Roland Barthes and A Lovers Discourse. Camera Lucida discusses several aspects of the art of photography, according to Barthes. The topics discussed in the book include; Emotion as Departure, Photography as Adventure, and Photography as a casual Phenomenology. Barthes also explores the responsibility that photography has to inform, surprise, signify, paint, and awaken desire. Barthes begins the book by explaining his amazement with photography from an early age. The author describes a photograph of Napoleon's youngest brother, saying that he was immediately intr

Behaviors and Processes team leadership project and time management

It is often asserted that life is a journey, not a destination. In other words, the process of learning as a group is often more instructive than a review of an individual or even a collective final product. One of the most instructive aspects of working as a team is the ability to observe and critically evaluate different time management strategies over the course of the learning process. To do so is particularly critical in the world of business, particularly businesses the embrace individuals from a multitude of cultures/ For instance, different cultural contexts have different approaches towards time and time management. It has been anecdotally as well as anthropologically observed that some cultures (such as France and Italy) have a very diffuse attitude towards punctuality, where one's individual relational and immediate social contextual needs often surmount the desire to meet specific time goals. Thus,"˜10am' can mean anytime from 9:45 to 10:30. Oth


Conflict is usually a common problem facing any organization but it need not be grave in nature and should not prolong unnecessarily if the management knows how conflicts are to be managed and resolved. In my firm, the two most important means of conflict management is communication and effective diversity management programs. Our firm believes in keeping the channel of communication open so the employers can make themselves accessible in case a problem arises. Communication is a major problem in organizations as employees feel they do not now how to approach the senior management when some problem arises. When changes are being planned, the importance of communication is heightened. The employers should take the staff into confidence and explain clearly why changes are to be introduced. Plsek and Kilo (1999) explain: "Change is not so much about overcoming resistance, as it is about creating attraction. Viewing the movements of a colony of ants over time reveals a detailed pattern of complex behavior and many cycles of change as the

Truths and Mistruths in Gendered Communication Studies The Oriental Hong Kong Perspective

Catherine Ng's journal article for Women in Management Review entitled, "Do women and men communicate differently at work' An empirical study in Hong Kong," discusses and analyzes the gendered communication phenomenon in the workplace setting. Using the survey research method, Ng explores the dynamics of communication in the workplace, particularly between male and female members of a business organization. Questionnaires are designed to illustrate and reflect specific aspects of gendered communication, which are enumerated as follows: (1) communication styles at work with the same sex (same-sex communication); (2) communication styles with the sex of the other party (mixed-sex communication); (3) the nature or topic of discussion (personal or business-related); and communication style of the communic


In anthropology, the study of primate evolution was dominated by three main theories. Primate evolution studies were triggered by the question, "how early shrew-like mammals develop into the first primates'" Three dominant ideas emerged from this scientific question. The first primate evolution theory, the ARBOREAL THEORY, is proposed by W. Jones in 1916. In this theory, Jones posited that enhanced primate characteristics such as grasping hands a

Public Policy

Public Policy impacts almost every aspect of our lives, be it economic, social or cultural. Our economic well-being is, to a large extent, determined by the fiscal and monetary policies of government, while socially we are directly or indirectly affected by public policy on a range of issues from healthcare and education to welfare and the legal system of justice. Culturally, too, our lives are influenced by, for example, public policies formulated in the area of working hours, national holidays or racial issues. All in all, the presence of public policy is so all- pervading that its importance in a democracy cannot be overemphasized. As such, it is desirable that every citizen gains, at the least, a rudimentary understanding of how public policy works and how it can be influenced so that greater economic and social justice for all segments of society is achieved. The importance of public policy becomes all the more evident with the citing of one, highly per

Social Welfare Policy

Ladies and Gentlemen, as our attention has been increasingly drawn toward the international arena, our president and his administration have conveniently avoided addressing issues that actually affect your daily lives. As a result, many of us have become complacent about such important domestic policy issues as social welfare. We have conveniently forgotten about the millions of homeless, jobless, and poverty-stricken Americans who live next door to us, instead worrying about overblown threats to national security. Well, I am here to remind you that many of the social services you rely on are in jeopardy. Your fellow citizens, your neighbors, even your friends and family members are suffering while the wallets of corporate bigwigs are being stuffed with your taxpayer dollars. Even those of you who do not rely on any governmental or outside assistance know that social services are necessary for the kind of egalitarian and just society that our founding fathers envisioned.

Romanticism and Values

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the poems "The Tyger," "The Lamb," "Mock On, Mock On, Voltaire, Rousseau" by William Blake and the ideas of Jean Jacques Rousseau in "From Confessions." Specifically, it will compare and contrast the values and define the "idea of love" in each author's writing. These two writers might seem far removed from each other, but their work illustrates their ideals and values were not so far apart, and they were both highly acknowledged members of the Romantic Movement in Europe.


Thesis: Regardless of the glaring differences between marriage and military life, both are social, political, and economic institutions that entail similar experiences.


Nationalism, as used in modern discussions or nation's histories, is made up of political or social philosophy in which the welfare of the nation-state as an entity is considered paramount. Nationalism is a collective state of mind or group consciousness in which people believe their primary duty and loyalty is to the nation-state. Often a highly nationalistic society will go so far as to assume a level of national superiority, as in Nazi Germany, and the peoples glorify various national virtues. Although nationalism as a measured phenomenon, it is a comparatively recent understanding of peoples groups. The first extreme example of the same was probably born with the French Revolution. But despite the short duration of sociologist and historian's understanding of nationalism, it has been extremely important throughout time in forming the bonds that hold nations together. Today, scholars understand that it operates alongside the legal structure and provides suppleme


Biff Loman of Death of a salesman is in many ways similar to Nora, a female character in Henrik Ibsen's A doll's house'. Both suffer from identity crisis and are living in a delusional world, which has been created by the lies that others feed them. Biff is the eldest son of Willy Loman who lacks self-esteem and due to his own failures, he has created a delusional world around him where he is a successful man and Biff is an equally brilliant person. However the reality is quite different. Biff reluctantly plays along until his moment of epiphany when he intuitively grasps reality and realizes that he father had been wrong about him and he is nothing but an ordinary man. Similarly Nora lives in a world of delusions and considers herself blessed until the day when she awakes to the reality of the situation and realizes how she had lost such important years of her life, living in a world that didn't really exist. Death of a salesman revolves around the disillusioned and delu

Strategic Planning

Definition Strategic Planning can be defined as the process by which the guiding members[1] of an organization envision its future and develop the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future. (Goodstein, et al, 1993, p. 3) Steps of the Strategic Planning Process The following four steps cover the basics of Strategic Planning, although the number of steps required for the process may vary according to the strategic planning model used and the individual requirements of an o

Mission statement essay

According to Professor Marilynn Weisensee of the State University of New York, a mission statement is a concise declaration of their individual beliefs which are then expressed in a creative way. (Almond, 1993) A company mission statement says much about the company, but also about how the company perceives itself, and how it goes about its business. The attitudes and priorities of the company are communicated in the mission statement, and as a college student looking for an employer, the attitudes of the company

Affirmative Action

Affirmative action policies were first enacted in 1965 with the best of intentions -- to level the playing field for women and minority ethnic and racial groups. These policies have helped many people pursue higher education and as a result, secure better employment opportunities. However, in recent years, these same policies have given rise to charges of reverse discrimination, particularly in regard to university admission policies. This paper argues for the continued need for affirmative action policies that give more consideration to the special circumstances of racial and ethnic minorities. This position is based on three main arguments. First, race and socio-economic class continue to play a large role in the academic performance of many minority students. Second, critics of race-based affirmative action fail to address the related issue of "developmental" admissions, which give preference to children from wealthy or alumni families. Finally,

The Vietnamese Conflict and the Rise of Ngo Dinh Diem

This paper explores the rise of South Vietnamese president Ngo Dinh Diem. The writer examines the life of Diem as well as the history of the nation to illustrate how Diem rose to power and became president of the nation. There were nine sources used to complete this paper.

Nations and Nationalism

Common Themes I. The most salient common theme, running through all three sections, is the divergence between the way colonial powers view nationalism, and the way the conquered nations view it, if they view it at all. A. For the first part of a colonial period, the indigenous population is often unaware it is being considered a nation; it is still operating under a more organic system in which things are not enumerated and particularizes; in which places are not located according to scientific principles, and; in which the artifacts' used by a conquering nation to display the national' character of the colony are reduced to logos. B. Later in the colonial period, the indigenous people may separate into two groups, the nationalists,' or those who militate against the colonizer and the colonizer's ways, and nationalists who

Use of Instant Messaging in Business

This is a feasibility study for Clinical Study Applications, Inc. on the need for, and benefits of, installing and utilizing a real-time instant messaging communications program for use between CSA's offices in Arizona and Wisconsin. The paper will look at the technology involved in computer based instance messaging software, (IM), the various instant messaging packages available, and what can be the advantages for companies whose employees use instant messaging to communicate between offices or while on the road. This study will also address concerns such as the security issues and potential abuse of instant messaging, and how these concerns can be addressed. Background Instant messaging was once the domain of teenagers who had found the high-tech equivalent to passing notes in class. They used the Internet and on-line services to chat from their computers. Nevertheless, with 600 million messages being sent on a daily with America Online's messaging s

MS Project Memo

Organization, time, and money management are essential to successful business, project, and team management. MS Project software includes a host of tools applicable to any project or task. The application enables users to design a plan of action and clearly outlines the steps necessary for its timely and efficient completion. Moreover, multiple members of a team can view, edit, and track changes to the project data. Microsoft's Project software also works in tandem with ot