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This is a paper concerning the past and future of 4-H. There are two references used for this paper.

History of antitrust efforts in the U.S. and Europe

The ways in which nations interact with the world have, arguably since the Industrial Revolution and even more so since the beginning of the jet age, depended upon their corporations. Globalization, first through rapid international physical transit and more recently through instant access, at least concerning intellectual property/goods and transactions surrounding that intellectual property as well as tangible properties shipped and received, is making two things possible, one after the other. The first is the inevitable knocking into each other of the old-world methods of commerce, and those of the new world: the U.S. notably, of course, but also Canada and the NAFTA trading partners, conceivably. The second is that "the forces of globalization may be eroding the elements that once made European corporations unique. Still, historically speaking, and especially when compared with their American counterparts, European companies exhibit enough common traits for u

An analysis of I Have a Dream

This famous speech by Martin Luther King, Jr, in 1963 is an example of structured and impassioned rhetoric that is also carefully designed to elicit a specific response and to appeal to a wide ranging audience. The use of language and stylistic devices in the speech serve to enforce the central massage, which is repeated and built on throughout in different contexts. The central thrust of the speech lies in the demand for freedom and equality for African Americans or the Negro' population. This is a carefully structured and controlled argument that begins with the necessity to rectify the injustices of the past and then, logically and emotionally, builds on the legitimacy of this demand. This is enforced by a veiled threat that the demand for equality is not to be taken lightly; which in turn is ameliorated by a reassurance that the speech is not a call to irresponsible actions. Lastly, the speech emphasizes that the issue of freedom and basic human rights for the N


Living Doll's by Gaby Wood may not be the most fascinating account of robots you have ever read, but it is certainly an original one. Wood collects the robotics-related true stories and puts them together to show that man's fascination with artificial intelligence and artificial life is anything but dead. The book explores this fascination and in some cases obsession of man to produce lifeless creatures that resemble living creatures but are not human. What is the cause of this fascination' This question sadly remains unanswered in the book despite some attempts made by the author to examine the causes. However Wood does a good job at collecting true stories and tracing the history of man's obsession with artificial life. The main purpose of the book was to trace the history of artificial life and not to unearth the causes of man's fascination with it. Gaby Wood has thus done a good job in this


This paper discusses why it is impossible for an auditor of a company to guarantee financial statements free of errors, mainly because the price for this is very high for the company and the auditor's fees.


Most people have a view of what they think mental illness is. Most of us have seen, at one time or another, someone walking on the street muttering to him or herself, perhaps gesturing, or picking through trash cans but pulling out peculiar things, or exhibiting other behaviors we think are "off" in some way. However, most people who meet the criteria of some psychiatric diagnosis look just like everyone else. In fact, the characteristics for most psychiatric disorders are behaviors we all show at one time or another. They just occur more often and cause problems for the person (Frey, 1999). For instance, we all worry sometimes or feel anxious sometimes, but we don't meet The diagnostic standards set out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV (DSM-IV) unless the symptoms are severe enough that they actively interfere with important parts of our lives, such as work or relationships, in a significant way (Frey, 1999). ANXIETY DISORDERS One of the most common diagnoses fro

Flannery O'Connor and the Grotesque

Many writers are known for utilizing different styles and techniques to create unforgettable characters and situations. Flannery O'Connor is known for using the grotesque to portray fundamental human struggles. By creating dynamic characters that demonstrate some aspect of the grotesque, O'Connor makes them seen larger than life. This paper will examine O'Conner's technique of utilizing the grotesque to prove her points in "Good Country People, "A Good Man is Hard to Find," and "The Life You Save May be Your Own." Paul Lauter states that while "Grotesque, Catholic, and Southern--each of these labels has been affixed to O'Connor's writing, yet none fully captures it scope. For her work is all of these and more" (Lauter 1935). This is an excellent description of O'Connor and her complex, yet entertaining writing style. Rosa Lee Walston once stated that O'Connor had an eye for picking out unusual people from a crowd. (Cash 179). This observation could explain on

A Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the short story "A Cat in the Rain" by Ernest Hemingway. Specifically, it will develop an interpretation of the meaning of the story and argue why the interpretation is correct. "A Cat in the Rain" is an interesting short story that tells the tale of an American couple in Italy, who are emotionally distanced from each other. The woman in the story longs for something to make her complete, such as motherhood, and the kitten represents the closest she can get to it with her disinterested and selfish husband.

Third Stream Movement

Jazz music can be identified, but not easily defined by, it's variety of forms. However, one distinguishing characteristic of jazz is its ability to lend itself to individuality among artists. Performers of jazz have enjoyed modifying and adjusting certain music elements to set themselves apart as well as make a statement. One movement that emerged from this new attitude toward jazz is the Third Stream, which fuses Western musical influences with classical music. The Third Stream movement is significant because it revived the dying tradition of bebop and encouraged young jazz performers to redefine jazz. This paper will explore the history of the Third Stream movement as well as the individuals who influenced it.

The Storm By Kate Chopin Emotions in The Storm

"The Storm" by Kate Chopin, is a tempestuous short story about a fling' between Calixta and Alcee. The two characters had been involved in a flirtation years before, but were now both married to other people. The storm concerns the sexual tensions and restraints experienced in the Victorian era, while also "making a statement about human's natural tendency towards sexual passion" (Bartee, unknown). The title itself gives the reader the first impression that something turbulent is being suggested. In literature a storm is symbolic of conflicts and high energies usually associated with passions and turmoil. Robert Wilson suggests that the title is symbolically feminine, and as the storm is attributed to nature, can be seen as a direct symbol of female passions and sexuality. This image is a recurring theme throughout the short story. Calixta is introduced to us as a housewife, busy doing chores. Her husband, Bobinot has gone to the local store with t

Gifted Education in the Middle School Setting: Analysis of Differing Perspectives Common Ground by H. Rosselli and J. Irvin

The article by Hilda Rosselli and Judith Irvin, entitled, "Differing Perspectives, Common Ground: The Middle School and Gifted Education Relationship" discusses the issue of the middle school as a conducive environment and venue for the education of gifted children. In describing this issue and phenomenon, the authors confront the current state of education among gifted children, as asserted by "leaders in gifted education," who stated that inappropriateness of the middle school setting in educating gifted children. According to the article, "when middle grades philosophy positioned heterogeneous grouping as one of the preeminent guideposts for policies and practices endorsed by the field, the common ground between the two fields lessened" (35). This statement shows the necessity for a distinction between gifted and ordinary' middle school students, primarily because the former is considered as possessing extraordinary talents and intelligence than the latter.


Nationalism is a widely held sentiment by the national population that places the existence and well-being of the individual people group, or nation highest in the often conflicting scale of political loyalties. In political terms, nationalism signifies a person's willingness to work for the nation against foreign domination, whether threatened politically, economically, or culturally. Nationalism is not only seen in time of war and during military armed conflict. Nationalism can also be seen by one group's desires to guide their own destiny, and pursue the goals and dreams which the individual group holds as important to them. As such, nationalism cannot be imposed on a group of people, but must rise up from the individual desires of those who seek individual and national identity. Under this broader definition, nationalism can be understood as a universal longing of each individual for freedom and the freedom to direct the course of his or her own life as an indivi

Technology Problem in Japan

The paper deals with the problems faced by Japan in the field of technology and the effect on the Japanese economy.


The community studied for purposes of this community health analysis is Blacktown. The population demographic and socio-demographic welfare of the people living in the area indicate a need for more community mental health and educational programs targeted toward young people living in the area aged 22 and below. This paper will examine the demographics of the area followed by a synopsis of the economic and health statistics for the area.


Related to international trade theory, there are virtually no cost advantages for producing goods overseas instead of domestically. When producing goods domestically, producers often can utilize local content, component parts and packaging materials for the final assembly, thus reducing costs that may be imposed by tariffs associated with transport costs. Additionally producing goods in the domestic arena results in a lower labor and raw material cost. Local competition might also be greater than that of the international market for products produced domestically (CSUPOMONA, 2004). Typically manufacturers seeking out supplies know where to purchase them on a domestic level to realize the best rates as well. When operating on an international level, manufacturers will not have the advantage of working within a well known market. Producing goods domestically also provides incentives for local consumers to spend in a domestic market, thus increasing the potential capita

Causes of the Civil War

When the states united to form a national government, they could not envision the far-reaching changes that would overtake the continent in the next 100 years. The seeds sown in colonial times resulted in cultures of people as different as the landscapes they inhabited. This and the incredible growth of an ever more-educated population pushed their diversity to a breaking point. Could the weak union withstand the powerful divisions of economic necessity and manifest destiny as a single nation, or would issues such as slavery, inhibited economic development, discouraged education, and states rights shatter the dream' The answer would come in war. How will we live' The South, with its lush climate and vast tracts of fertile land was perfect for large plantations. The major cash crops were tobacco and cotton. "Cotton from the American south, grown mostly by slave labor, furnished three-fourths of the world's supply" before the 1850's. Southern staples provi

Evil in Monkey Wrench Gang and Ceremony

Ceremony and the Monkey Wrench Gang are both identical on one count and that is both the books set on to embark on a mission of preservation, one towards the preservation of the rituals and the other towards the preservation of the nature. Nevertheless, the apparatus both the book employs ponders us towards the deployment of evil, by means of witchery in Ceremony and the destructive machine in the Monkey Wrench Gang. Brinkley and Abbey in The Monkey Wrench Gang put forth the idea of Bonnie and Clyde from ecological perspective. The book is about the four main characters: Sarvis, Hayduke, Smith and Ms. Abbzug. All these main characters come together in the book to decide on the matter that it is rather imperative for the survival of the environment to make efforts to put a stop to the earth's degradation and environmental erosion. The book is expressive and emotional for those who think that the earth needs reformation and that we have done too much to destroy


According to the text Advanced Accounting, bonds are debt that are issued for a period of more than one year. Although the US government, local governments, water districts, companies and many other types of institutions sell bonds, there also a potential value for a for a parent company to extend bonds, or to extend credit, to subsidiary companies of the parent. A parent company that purchases its subsidiary's bonds would eliminate investment on paper in terms of its bonds and bonds

Death Penalty

Outline The Death Penalty Debate There is an obvious problem concerning violent crime in America, assuming as most people do that violence is a bad thing. Newspapers and television programs are infused with reports of homicide, and the question of finding a solution to this problem is raised by politicians and the media alike. There are many uncertainties that are answerable in terms of philosophical discussion only, such as what the underlying root causes of violence and crime may be, or what is the absolute moral solution to this problem. One proposed solution, which has been used for centuries, is putting convicted criminals to death as punishment for their committed crimes. In today's supposedly humanitarian society, though, this has become an issue of much controversy. Capital punishment is said to be politically incorrect by some people, and is considered to be the only possible solution t

Sex Role Socialization and the Media

Cigarette advertisements have a significant role in the construction of gender images through the media. While people may be most familiar with the Marlboro Man cowboy and Joe Cool camel which create a masculine ideal that can supposedly be reached through smoking, cigarette ads also penetrate the ideal image of women in order to sell the product. Take, for example, a recent ad released by Virginia Slims. This ad features the silhouette of a woman of African descent in an evocative leaned pose against a bright r

Tristram I choose you Joust Attack Now Or the role of jousting in Malorys Le Morte d Arthur

The various stories regarding Sir Tristram take up a great deal of space in Malory's Morte d'Arthur. He is listed as one of the more worshipful of the knights, equaled in skill and valor only by Sir Lancelot. While to many readers the most interesting aspect of of Tristram's story is the history of his tragic love affair with the beautiful lady Isolde, Malory seems to view this almost as an aside to the main story of his great victories on the field of honor. Indeed, the relationships and passions that occur throughout this work seem to always serve more as an occasion to battling than as the main focus of the work. One is reminded, somewhat unfortunately, of the popular strain of children's T.V. shows now cluttering network television in which barely pubescent boys go wandering about the countryside challenging each other to various sorts of battles (Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh come immediately to mind) to find out who will be considered the greatest duelist of all. Like t

1995 Quebec Referendum

On October 30, 1995, Quebec had its second referendum in twenty years, which asked the question of where Quebec stood in relation to Canada, and asked the question of whether or not Quebec should follow a path toward independent statehood (Wikipedia, "1995 Quebec referendum"). The referendum brought with it scores of discontent and politic discussions among all members of all classes. This paper will examine the reasons for the referendum, both past and present, and will examine its effects on the various populations within Canada, specifically within Quebec. To understand the reasons behind the referendum, we must first understand what the referendum was attempting to accomplish. The question placed on the ballot was as follows: "Do you agree that Quebec should become sovereign after having made a formal offer to Canada for a new economic and political partnership within the scope of the bill respecting the future of Quebec and of

Accounting Systems

In order for accounting modules to be effective, they must have the ability to perform a variety of tasks as well as reconcile information contained within the general ledger. For example, an accounting system should in theory have the ability to perform the following functions: financial management, supply chain management, HR management, project management, e- commerce, analytics and reporting, inventory and order processing and fixed assts allocation (2020s Software Inc., 2004). The general ledger is often considered the stronghold of any accounting function; thus an accounting system must work in tandem, essentially coordinating all journal entries contained within the ledger to function adequately. Accounting modules are also often conside

The Company of Microsoft and Risk Assessment in Accounting

According to the article found in Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, entitled "Inherent Risk and Control Assessments: Evidence on the Effect of Pervasive and Specific Risk Factors," the concept of assessing the interdependence of various risks is key to understanding the audit risk model of component accounting. In this model, risk is not a uniform concept, but a series of factors. The standards of the model depict each component risk individually. However, the audit risk model will not produce proper results unless the components are considered in relation to each other. The authors posit as a hypothetical example two firms, A and B, with identical control structures with respect to an audit objectives. If auditors consider only features of the internal controls as to the basis of the risks of an audit, then they will assess A and B firm's control risk as the same. However, to use the risk model properly, the assessed control risk of firm A should be

Interpersonal Skills of Classroom Teachers

The ability to communicate, one would assume, should be automatic and come to us all as easily as breathing. Unfortunately, the art of good communication is often lost, whether because of lack of empathy with the person or the subject, lack of respect, and a forgetting of the arts that combine to make somebody a good communicator. One can assume that communication in the classroom is a vital part of the learning process, but too often, something is lost in the translation' and more and more of our children are leaving school without a decent grasp of the basic knowledge and life skills that will help them succeed in adult life. This paper will take a look at the interpersonal communication skills used by teachers. Surprisingly there is little research on the subject, but we will be looking at a few research articles that have made conclusions and suggestions on this topic later in the paper. Firstly we will identify what is "good" communication, and what does it entail'