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The firm

In this paper I am going to discuss the renowned thriller, "The Firm" by John Grisham, written in the year 1991. Basically, John Grisham is a lawyer from Mississippi; however, his law practice was not as successful as his writing of law thrillers. His novels, the first one was A Tile To Kill, includes The Firm, Pelican Brief, The Rainmaker, The Street lawyer, The Partner, The Chamber, The Client, The Testament, The Brethren, Skipping Christmas, The Summons, The King of Torts, The Bleachers and the latest one is the Last Juror.

Technology And Stress

In this paper, John Mueller shows how technology causes too much stress during the job. Some of this stress is related to the work, while a large part of it is due to the technology. The biggest problem with the use of technology is that it is not always reliable, and when one does not have the back-up plan, technology is always the cause of increasing the stress. John Muller therefore argues that instead of being too much stressed out because of the ineffectiveness of the technology, one must learn to cope with it. The use of technology can be effective for only those people who are tolerant and patient to bear the ineffectiveness of the technology. Some of these people may be making their living from fixing the problems of the technology. Although one can still work effectively without using much of the current day gadgets, there are a lot of market forces and interest groups arguing that one cannot work video-telephones and other newest gadgets. The other p

Archetypes, Campbell vs. Pearson

Within Pearson's The Hero Within and Campbell's The Hero With a Thousand Faces there is much attention paid to the archetype of the Innocent. Though the works are very different in focus, Pearson's work being more an establishment of real life, modern patterns associated with real psychological development within real individuals and Campbell's work conversely a representation of psychological processes as they are applied to literature and characterization. Though the Campbell work intends to lead the reader to wonder how the works applies to the real, it is only by secondary causation, while Pearson intends to give insight to the real person through the direct application of demonstration of thoughts and acts of the archetypes, present in us all. The treatment of the Innocent archetype is very similar throughout both of the works. The Innocent is a temporary state of psychological progress. Though the Innocent, in a sense reestablishes itself as a dominant characte

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Boyish wonder and charm are part of the magic that makes Mark Twain's novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn such a successful story. It is through the eyes of a young boy that we are able to catch a glimpse of the era in which Twain lived. The character of Huckleberry Finn reflects the characteristics, circumstances, and lifestyles of society in the south. This paper will examine how Twain stylishly weaves the serious social issues of his day into Huck's comical adventures. Everett Emerson notes that part of the reason why Huckleberry Finn is so popular is because through Huck, Twain could "free himself for a time from the inhibitions of the culture that one whole side of him had chosen to embrace. Through Huck the novelist who had chosen to be civilized escapes more completely and out of greater need than young Samuel Clemens ever had" (Everett 216). The southern culture that existed just after the Civil War provides fertile ground for this novel. Undoub

Texaco's Multi Million Dollar Mistake

Discrimination is not only unethical, but it is also illegal because it involves using irrelevant facts about employees that affect how they are treated in hiring or promotions, firings or demotions (Discrimination and affirmative action). Facts normally irrelevant to employment include a person's sex, race, religion, etc. Only facts that are relevant to a job such as skill and experience should impact how an individual is treated. Ethics involved in taping conversations is a bit murkier especially in the absence of company policies prohibiting taping and local laws requiring two- party consent (Taping/eavesdropping on conversations). In the Texaco case, executives engaged in unethical behavior by engaging in discrimination. Allowing the tapes was deemed legal and also appears to be ethical given that the tape revealed that executives were discussing destroying documents linked to the lawsuit when the conversation was recorded (Mulligan and Kraul, 1996). Th

Tax Report

Understanding the process of consolidating income tax returns can be challenging even for the most adept accountant. This article will clarify some of these issues by describing the qualifications and elections by entities that wish to prepare consolidated income tax returns.

The Transformation of Everyday Life Robert Florida

In his essay, "The Transformation of Everyday Life," Robert Florida explains how the emergence of the Creative Class has caused a societal transformation. This transformation effects primarily the economy and the business sector. While some of these changes may appear to be drastic, they are positive results and will benefit society as a whole. This shift has been responsible for several positive changes. For starters, creativity has impacted certain areas of the economy. Florida explains, "Capitalism has also expanded its reach to mobilize creative people around promising ideas and products" (Florida 5). Additionally, businesses seek creativity. An interesting effect of this trend is the fact that it has allowed eccentric and nonconformist individuals to attain levels of success, which were previously impossible because of corporate climate. This is a positive effect because it opens the doors for more possibilities. (6) Another positive effect of this t

Classical Composer Felix Mendelssohn

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy was born in Hamburg in 1809. His father was banker, and his grandfather a noted Jewish philosopher who advocated religious tolerance (Teachout, 2001). He only lived 38 years, dying in 1847. He was a child prodigy (Columbia, 2004), composing and performing as a child much as Mozart had. Like Mozart, he began producing mature compositions that have withstood the test of time beginning at age 16. By age 17 he had composed one of his most famous worked, the "Overture to a Midsummer Night's Dream." (Columbia, 2004) In addition to symphonies and chamber music, he composed choral music, such as the oratorio "Elijah," lieder, and six organ sonatas (Columbia, 2004). However, he composed no operas (Teachout, 2001). In spite of these accomplishments within a very short life, some critics have been reluctant to classify him with the other musical giants such as Brahms, Beethoven, and Bach. Some authors have gone so far as to characterize him as a minor composer focused

Gulliver's Travel: A Fairy Tale with a Twist

Thesis: Gulliver's Travels is a political and social satire on the life and nature of humans. The adventures within the pages of the book describe the frailties of human nature and the evil inherent within every person which is perceived as goodness, as society creates rules of nonsensical nature. Swift in his satire reveals the beast in the man though the satiric ways in which he deals with the realities of life are amusing and at times ironic for in depicting a fairy tale based on reality he mocks societal life and norms as humans are so apt to believe and follow.

Conflict Management

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of conflict management. Specifically, it will identify a type of conflict management approach, and analyze how it matches or contradicts with your personal conflict management preference or style. Conflict management is a necessary skill in today's workplace, and using conflict management effectively can create a more cohesive and successful team environment.


According to Edgar Johnson, in the novels of British writer Charles Dickens (1817-1870) "there is evidence that his troubled childhood left its mark upon the man and his works. The sense of power and the self-assertion, combined with an inadequacy for self-criticism, were perhaps compensations for the frustrations of his early years" (26). Generally considered as one of the greatest writers of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens' novels "are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice and hypocrisy" (Books and Writers, Internet) which may be a reflection of his lower middle-class upbringing. In addition, Dickens is "probably the best known and most popular of British 19th century novelists," due to not only "the quality of his writing. . . but also to the widespread adaptation of his work for the stage and screen" (Catharton Authors, Internet). Though born on the South coast of England, Dickens was quite young when his parents brought him to live on the


One of the most comprehensive studies conducted on the effectiveness of online education indicated that cyberlearners performed significantly better than those in classrooms (Navarro 1999). The study compared two groups, consisting of 200 undergraduates at the University of California, enrolled in the Introductory Macroeconomics course: one in the traditional classroom, and the other, through cyber learning, with the use of a set of multimedia CD-ROM lectures. The cyber group was also given many electronic equipment tools, including an electronic bulletin board linked to a discussion room, with access to an electronic testing center, which was a motivational tool for the students. At the end of the course, both groups were subjected to a common exam, wherein the cyber learners scored 15% higher than the traditional learners, regardless of gender, ethnicity, academic background, computer background or academic aptitude (Navarro). This finding came in the midst

David Duke and MLK

Many social analysts have argued that Christianity and the Bible lend themselves to diverse and often conflicting interpretations. This view is borne out in the case of race. Preachers of racial tolerance and those who advocate racial extremism have cited the Bible as a source of their beliefs regarding race. This paper compares and contrasts the racial views of two very different leaders, namely Dr. Martin Luther King and David Duke of the modern Ku Klux Klan. It focuses on the religious and biblical underpinnings that both leaders have used to justify their teachings regarding race. The first part of this paper examines the relationship between race and religion, as articulated by David Duke. This section looks at how Duke articulates his racist beliefs through a series of biblical misinterpretations. As a result, Duke argues for a God who privileges the Caucasian race over the rest of creation. He also argues for a separation of the races, on

Human being's fundamental duty

Duty is one of those concepts that you can never truly pinpoint, mainly because it takes more than one form, according to the person giving the definition. It is agreeable that the concept of duty has different connotations for different members of society and depends not only on its self meaning, but also on the person (object, belief, creed, etc.) towards whom the duty is. For a monk or a priest, duty is towards God and it means serving him at the best of one's possibilities. A soldier's duty is towards his superiors and towards the state. However, for a simple individual, duty may be towards his family, his loved ones, and only afterward towards his state and country. Antigone is a significant representative of this last example that I have mentioned. Indeed, her first and main duty goes towards her family. Additionally, we may identify that she believes so strongly in her own moral laws that she is willing to ignore her civic duty and to die for wha

1920s and Today

Fashion The 1920's were trademarked by the "flapper" styles which pushed moral and even legal boundaries. For the first time, women were wearing short dresses and short hair, without a corset. Flappers would also wear their stockings rolled down. This decade was also largely influenced by the discovery of King Tut's tomb in 1922, and fashions were based on Aztec and Egyptian styles that made up the Arts Decoratifs movement of Paris. There was a trend of simple lines and solid rectangular lines of a chemise dress which simply pulled over a woman's head. One successful style was called robes de st

Journal Pages Discovered by Romeo Montagues Body

Is there no hope for one whose love is not returned' Rosaline does not love me and I am doomed. Sadness consumes me and I shall never forget her beauty--beauty that only leads to my despair! Exquisite she is far from my reach and I shall never forget her eyes, her lips . . . all of her. The sun itself has never seen a beauty that matched that of my Rosaline. Benvolio knows not what he says when he urges me to forget. Who knows what I feel but a man struck by Cupid's own arrow. Later . . . In hopes of seeing Rosaline, I will attend the Capulet's feast tonight. I will attend in disguise in hopes that I may see her. Later . . . I cannot believe my luck. At the feast, the most wonderful thing happened. I met the true love of my life. In fact, my heart never loved until now. Juliet is her name and her beauty is too rich for the earth. But what terrible fate we have encountered! She is a Capulet, but that will not stop the force of real love. And she loves m

JFK's Assassination

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Specifically, it will contain a discussion of the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination. Today, more than 30 years after President Kennedy's assassination, controversy still swirls around who killed the president, and why. There are several conspiracy theories that have never been completely erased from the publics' minds, and these theories shed light on political subterfuge in our nation's government, and how a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy could have indeed been the real reason the president died that day in a Dallas hospital so long ago.

Play Review for "The Fabulous Fable Factory" by Joseph Robinette

"The Fabulous Fable Factory" by Joseph Robinette is a work children's theater. An individual unfamiliar with this genre of theater might simply assume a work of children's theater to be a dumbed-down version of adult theater. This might be particularly the case in terms of "The Fabulous Fable Factory," when such an individual heard that the narrative of the play was one in which Aesop's fables were retold in a modern context. However, the use of a fable-like structure for this work of children's theater is actually a brilliant, creative, and strikingly interactive choice of a plot. Fables by their very nature are int

Text to speech

Text to speech devices is "a talking device (â€) that inputs text and converts it automatically to synthetic speech"[1]. These type of technologies have suffered constant and continuous improvements in the last couple of years and there are several companies specialized in this area. The Internet text-to-speech devices are similar to a traditional browser (it does everything the usual browser does), but the recent trends and development have increased the initial only browsing availability. IBM, for example, has improved its text-to-speech software so as to include and provide "greater access to e-commerce operations and improved Internet surfing options"[2]. Recent trends show new developments in the e

What is happiness

Marx and Engel's conceptions about happiness refer mostly to labor and how you can achieve happiness through labor. As described on one of the Internet websites, "happiness involves expressing our species nature"[1] and this species nature', the thing that makes us different from other species is our ability to be creative and, especially, to "labor creatively". Admitting in their works that happiness was the supreme end and goal of man, Marx and Engels sought to achieve this type of material happiness through "organized collectivism"[2], because history and society itself was determined by basic economic needs. A better organized collective would have had more chances to achieve the material happiness they saw for man. So, both Marx and Engels, founders and theoreticians of communism saw happiness as being material, determined by the best assurance of economic needs. Jeremy Bentham's definition of happiness can be found in one of his first books, pu

Teachers are underpaid

Numerous studies have previously raised concerns regarding the deteriorating quality of education in the United States. American students lag behind their counterparts in other developed countries in key subjects like reading, math, history and science. Furthermore, a comparison of present and past scores in standardized examinations shows that students today are posting lower scores compared to the previous generation. To address this problem, government education administrators have instituted reforms that put the onus of improvement on the educators themselves. The "No Child Left Behind" policy has increased the demands on teachers, in terms of their work and responsibilities. Teachers are also required to undergo more tests and evaluations, and to take expensive courses to earn their certification (Reising). Many analysts view this as a positive development, since educators are seen as public servants who perform a vital social duty. This view

Management of the Future

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of business management. Specifically, it will describe the future of management, and differentiate between management and leadership, while describing emerging management concepts and/or trends. It will also examine how the perception of the four management functions (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) will change in the future. Management is never static, and it is to be expected that the future of management will hold many exciting and diverse changes in how managers perceive and carry out their functions, while managing their staff. The future of management is of course part speculation and part expectation, but it is clear management and its functions will alter in the future in many ways.

Nineteenth Century Responses to Industrialization

The industrial age brought about a series of political, economical and social changes that were generally reflected by the art works created at that time. We can think of many such works: Dickens and his novels of course or some of the paintings of mid-19th century. These works of art reflected not only a period of change for the society, but also the use of new means of production that endured faster made and usually better quality products. This is also the case of graphic design- in many ways, it followed the evolution of any other industry. The Gutenberg press was in use for several centuries when the steam engine was invented in the 18th century. "The development of the steam engine impacted on the mechanization of the printing presses"[1]. As in any other industry, the apparition and development of the steam engine and the "mechanization" of the design process made it possible to create more in much less time[2]. Even thus, as in many other areas

Presidential Primaries The 2003-2004 Democratic Primary Season is Over Almost before it began

The media both writes the story of presidential primaries, influencing outcomes, as well as, in reaction to surprises to the storyline' it has been telling, writes a new story, reeling from the aftermath of a surprise turn' in the primary road after Iowa or Super Tuesday. At first, Howard Dean was the supposed anointed king of the Democratic primary, chosen by young, hopeful anti-war Democrats in reaction to President Bush. However, when Dean's support proved lackluster in early and crucial primary races, Dean began to get more negative publicity, particularly in terms of his more irrational-seeming moments of raving on the stump. The media began to sound the death-knell of his campaign, right along with late night comics. Soon Senator John Kerry became the anointed son in Deans' stead, despite strong showings from Jonathan Edwards. The media admitted it was surprised at the latter's success. Electability, it stated, was key for Democrats this year, rather than ideological conformity. But this does not mean that the media necessarily functions as a purely reactive force. Edwards withdrew from the race after the media began to stres

Strengths and Weaknesses

My two biggest strengths are that I am enthusiastic and that I'm a hard worker. For instance, when I learned to snow ski, I was so enthusiastic about it that I talked five friends into trying it as well. I came back from my first ski trip and described it in terms other people could understand. I said that it was like riding a horse without the horse, or like riding a motorcycle without the motorcycle's noise. People could really relate to it, and it was obvious how much fun I had had. No one had thought of me as an athletic person, and I think they realized that if I could learn to do it, they could too. We all enjoy skiing now. I'm also a very hard worker. This is true whether I'm doing class work, assignments at a job, or just for fun. Since I'm not very athletic, it really took a lot of work for me to ski. I was the weakest person