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Women in the Military Focus on Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of women in the military has increasingly become an issue acknowledged by officers and civilians. Sexual harassment of women in the military can have profound effects on a woman's psychological and physical well being. Sex harassment also may impact women's ability to succeed among the ranks of the military. Recent headlines in the news suggest that sexual harassment is still a prevalent problem in the military. A survey conducted by the US Department of Defense between 1988 and 1995 revealed that sexual harassment is in fact however, declining. According to the survey, the percentage of military women who reported some form of sexual harassment, which includes uninvited and unwanted sexual attention, declined from 64 to 55 percent. Men also were surveyed, reporting a drop from 17 to 14 percent (Defense Link, 1996). The U.S. Department of Defense has reported these statistics as positive. However women considering entering the military

Argentina - Economics, Industry, and Natural Resources

This paper begins by giving a brief description of Argentina over the past one hundred years, including an overview of the size of the country, its population and its main geographical features. The main involvements in which Argentina took part are also discussed. The structure of the economy is then discussed, including agriculture, industry - and industrial specializations - unemployment statistics and exports of goods and services, including GDP.


According to actor Jim Backus, "We started out making a routine program picture in black and white (that) was going to be. . . about teenage kids that I thought was going to be a sort of Ozzie and Harriet with venom. Then the reports started coming in on East of Eden, and they (the studio) knew they had a star on their hands" (Alexander, 56). Since Backus was signed by Warner Brothers to star in Rebel Without A Cause as the father to James Dean, his comment on the film as being something similar to Ozzie and Harriet "with venom" should be viewed as highly accurate, for in Nicholas Ray's American masterpiece, the presence of "venom" is easily sensed, due to the various cultural/societal conflicts that erupt between the two opposing sides, being the teenagers and their older superiors. James Dean, in the role of Jim, the non-conformist "rebel" son of Backus, seems to provide most of the conflict through what is now generally described as the "generation gap" which was

Laura Fair Zanzibar

Laura Fair's book, Pastimes and Politics: Culture, Community, and Identity in Post-Abolition Urban Zanzibar, 1890-1945, describes how the former slaves of Zanzibar used dress, music, and sport to challenge the inherited social order and to redefine race, ethnicity, gender and class. As slavery ended, the formerly enslaved people (mshenzi) were sought a new identity that marked them as equals. Protests against government rent in the 1920s created a feeling of solidarity and power among the former slaves. They expressed this desire for equality through music, dance, clothing and sport. In the process, they challenged the inherited social order, and helped to redefine race, ethnicity, gender and class in Zanzibar.

Cuttlefish and Squid Jets of the Ocean

When most people think of marine life, they imagine fish-like creatures, swimming through the deep waters with a swish of the fin. However, there is another class of animal that uses a very different form of locomotion. Instead of the more common "finned" animals, these creatures use a kind of jet propulsion to moveâ€"a method of locomotion that is surprisingly effective. Two of these animals are the squid and the cuttlefish. The squid is one of the fastest


WHY AM I INTERESTED IN THIS TOPIC': My main interest in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder which is defined by Sarah C. Aronson as "an anxiety disorder. . . characterized by distressing, intrusive thoughts and/or repetitive actions that interfere with the individual's daily functioning" (2004, DSM-IV), lies in the fact that my family has a history of this disorder which appears to be genetically inherited. This disorder has caused many problems for my family, especially with my grandmother, now eighty years old, who exhibits many of the traits and characteristics associated with it.

The United States United Kingdom special relationship friendly big brother or playgroud bully Discuss

Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organization will be gained without what I have called the fraternal association of the English-speaking peoples. This means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States.[1] The wartime British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, himself of mixed Anglo-American parentage, is credited with inventing the phrase special relationship' to describe the particular connection between the United Kingdom and the United States.[2] A relationship that was special' in certain respects had existed between the two nations before 1939-40, but it was the experience of the Second World War that made an Anglo-American relationship defined in terms of closeness, co-operation and mutual respect into a reality. General George C. Marshall's comment that the Anglo- American war effort represented the most complete unification

Southwest Airlines

Executive Summary: The commercial airline business is highly capital intensive and competitive, and is characterized by boom and bust periods that largely correspond with global and/or domestic economic cycles. Indeed, the fortunes of most major airlines rise and fall in keeping with economic growth and recession (Industry Profile, 2004). One airline, however, which has consistently managed to grow and that too profitably, irrespective of periods of economic growth or downturns is Southwest Airlines. Southwest's impressive performance is evidenced by the fact that the airline has managed to earn a profit every year since 1973 (Southwest Fact Sheet, 2004). The key to understanding Southwest's success lies in its unique business model of rock bottom fares, low operating costs, and outrageous customer service (Freiberg, cited Peters, 1998, p. xiv). It is therefore not surprising that Southwest Airlines has grown steadily to become America's fourth largest major airline, with

Shakespeares Hamlet

Prima facie, Shakespeare's Hamlet is a tragedy with the theme of revenge at the heart of its drama. Yet, among the myriad number of revenge tales, Hamlet stands out as one that strikes a highly resonant chord with its audiences. While, no doubt, there are many reasons for Hamlet's universal appeal, one definite reason is that most audiences identify with Hamlet's sense of isolation. Indeed, it is Hamlet's isolation that makes him into such a tragic figure, since he is seen as standing apart and alone in a corrupt world that is full of political ambition, sexual depravity, and moral conflict. A universal state of affairs that is all too recognizable and experienced by every individual at some point in time in life. Thus, it is the isolation of Hamlet's inner conflicts and struggles that enable audiences everywhere to easily identify with him. Hamlet's isolation and loneliness is evident in the play's first act itself, which portrays him as isolated in his mourning for his father; b

Process of Change From Rookie into a Pro

Life demands changes. In the diverse challenges that we face in our everyday living, there are times when we come to realize that we have to change something to meet our goals and needs. Such times demand process of change. One process of change that everyone perhaps wishes to achieve, in any form of personal skills, talents, or abilities, is turning from a rookie into a pro. One may perhaps be able to identify personalities whom they know have once started as rookies, and are now being admired for being among the bests in their fields. With an enthusiasm to be one of the best in his field of interest, people usually have a notion that the only thing they need to do to be a pro is to give their best. This usually involves the thought of aiming for the goal of being always accurate and 100 percent correct in every activity involving one's skill. However, if we have to look deeper, the process of change in turning from a newcomer or beginner (rookie) into an exp

Telnet Protocol

Introduction Telnet Protocol is a method of providing a standard way of communication between computer terminals. Through Telnet Protocol, computers are able to communicate in a bi-directional and eight-bit oriented method. It is generally used to allow standard terminal interfacing as well as standard communication between processes. The original purpose of a Telnet Protocol is to allow a user login to a remote terminal and have communication access to other terminals through a telnet server program. This telnet server program handles and processes all data passed by every connected terminals. Telnet Protocol Connection Connection of terminals in a telnet protocol is established using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), the transmitter of data. Basically, there are three concepts that make telnet protocol an important communication facility.
• Network Virtual Terminal Network Virtual Terminal or NVT is an imaginary device th

Text to Speech Over the Internet

The technology of Text-to-Speech is among the state-of-the-art advancements brought about by computer research and studies. Aside from the visual properties that people used to enjoy while Internet surfing, such as graphics and animations, text-to-speech is an added functionality to a computer's usability. What is Text-to-Speech' ATRC describes text-to-speech software as a tool used to convert words from a computer document into an audible form. Nowadays, the technology of text-to-speech is used by some web sites over the Internet as additional aid to web users. It is a tool that can facilitate the presentation of information by providing audible information as supplement to the traditional text and graphic forms of information. An example of a web site that currently employs text-to-speech technology is CEC System's www.cezin


The early 20th century saw the development of the totalitarian form of government and society. This form of government appeared after World War I and remained for nearly 70 years. Two of the most brutal totalitarian regimes took place in Germany under Adolph Hitler and the Soviet Union and the communist block under Joseph Stalin. Because survivors of these regimes had the courage to create literary accounts of their experiences as a citizen of these regimes, we are provided insight into the world of the tortured "individual" and are given the opportunity to understand the role the individual plays in these societies. In Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague1941-1968, Heda Kovaly takes us along with her as she tells the story of the life of the individual in the Nazi camps through the development and implementation of communism in Prague. Elie Wiesel provides us with a detailed account of life in the Nazi camps of Auschwitz and Buchenwald in his book Night. Throu

D H Lawrences The Horse Dealers Daughter and The Blind Man

Issues of power and rebirth are at the heart of D. H. Lawrence's short stories, "The Horse Dealer's Daughter" and "The Blind Man." The themes of these stories present characters that undergo a transformation through the process of touching another individual. Lawrence's attention to detail emphasizes how each character experiences a dramatic change. This paper will examine how each character exists in a dark world and through the experience of touching another human being, their lives are changed dramatically. Lawrence uses dark images to convey the world in "The Horse Dealer's Daughter." Lawrence uses dismal and depressing images to describe Mabel's surroundings. For example, the family has fallen into "debt and threatening" (The Horse Dealer's Daughter 126). The family never received any company and Mabel had no female friends. We are also told that she "lived in the memory of her mother" (126). For example, we are told that her father and brothers "talked

A Simple PlanThe Consequences of Ideas And or Ethical Decision Making

Why does one choose to obey the speed limit, wait on line for their turn, or confess to murder' Is it the consequences of ones actions that keep one from going too far astray, or is it a higher set of principles that guide one's choices' The American Heritage Dictionary defines ethics as, "a principle of right or good conduct, or a body of such principles. A system of values, rules or standards concerning the conduct of the members of a group or profession" (A.H.) The consequences of the simplest decisions can take on a life of their own, snowballing into a nightmare of cause and effect. Some choices have greater consequences than others do. The effect of those consequences may keep one from making an error in judgment. One may aspire to a higher standard of good to decide one's course. The laws of a society embody the ethical standards of a culture. Some are based on a religious foundation, and all have consequences. "And while one vital purpose o

Alice Walkers Everyday Use

Stark contrast is the focus of Alice Walker's short story, "Everyday Use." While we may feel sympathy for Maggie in the beginning of the story, we feel admiration and respect for her by the story's end because she exhibits positive characteristics. On the other hand, early in the story, we perceive Dee to be an assertive young woman pursuing her dreams only to see her superficiality and selfishness. Dee expresses a confidence and a flair for life that her mother accepts but could never quite understands. For example, Dee chooses to leave her mother and sister to pursue a college education. We are also told that Dee "wanted nice things" (Walker 1423). Dee also changes her name while she is away at college to "Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo" (1425). Explaining to her mother that she could not bear "being named after the people who oppress me" (142

Gender and Children's Lit

Many scholars believe that fairy tales, especially those handed down for hundreds of years, are in large part reflective of the societies that they depict. Towards this, feminist theorists have looked at how these fairy tales expose cultural norms regarding patriarchy. In their study of classical fairy tales like Cinderella, Jerilyn Fisher and Ellen S. Silber (2000) conclude that these stories "recount true female experience under patriarchy, a world in which innocent young women are set against their sisters and mothers in rivalry for t

What Should Tarkwell Do

In the case of Jerry Tarkwell's options, the expert I agree most with is Cheryl Wang, while I also found great value in Mary P. Rowe's suggestions. Taga's assessment of the situation focuses on the situation in Japan rather than the case itself, while the other two do not appear to make suggestions for improving Jill's situation. Wang's suggestions are particularly helpful, because firstly they acknowledge the shortcomings in Jerry's approach. Fu

Admissions Essay Huck Finn

I have to say, admissions committee, I'm not entirely sure I reckon that college is the right place for me. There's a part of me that still thinks that book learning is not all that it's cracked up to be. For instance, I think of the widow, who I lived with for a spell, who made me wear stiff clothes and eat with a fork and spend my whole day inside, listening to her fine speeches and breathing in all that Bible dust in her house. She meant well, but I don't think I learned nothing, I mean anything, other than starch scratches my skin. Gosh, I'd rather be dressed as a girl than wear some of those shirtsâ€"not that I made a good girl, or that I want to get into that charade of mine. (I got found out at that, real quick. So don't put me up as some sensitive guy trying to get in to be women's studies major or anything like that.) Anyway, I don't put much stock in book learning as a rule. Like, I also think of those fighting families and the r


In the decades following the Nazi Holocaust of World War II, psychologists endeavored to understand the psychology behind mass acceptance of and participation in large-scale moral atrocities. In 1967, Burt Ross' controversial "Wave" experiment into group identification and blind obedience using high school students seemed to offer insight into Nazi Germany. In 1972, Stanley Milgram designed a series of (filmed) experiments at Yale University, which dramatically illustrated the profound susceptibility of otherwise "normal" individuals to perpetrate brutality even before it was ever conducted on the post-war German population, for whom the experiment was initially intended (Luban, p.97). Almost simultaneously, in 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted another series of (filmed) experiments at Stanford University that were originally designed merely to investigate the effects of captivity. Unexpectedly, they revealed dramatic data rel

Controlling Madness

In learning about the psychological mechanisms of oneself, there is the added benefit of confronting the fears that confront all humans. Learning what causes fear and understanding how it is connected to the unconscious can help the individual prepare for those situations and, or, avoid certain circumstances which might initiate a disassociative response. In the book, The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman the protagonist seems to have no control over the disassociative madness that overtakes her. However, her madness allows her to make sense of her world in a way that calms her mind. In the short story, A Wilderness Station, by Alice Munro, the narrator is seen to have control over her madness, which leads her to a confession that allows her to quiet her mind and find an

My Side of the Matter by Truman Capote

Capote's My Side of the Matter is a humorous short story revolving around the relations between a hapless, young husband and a houseful of querulous female in-law relatives. Narrated in a first person, chatty style from the point-of-view of the sixteen year-old husband, My Side of the Matter is a hilarious tale about a young man in the clutches of his pregnant wife and two rather eccentric aunts. In fact, the title itself, as the reader later comes to understand is not just a matter of the narrator defending himself but also indicative of the archetypical divide between a man and his in-laws. As the narrator begins recounting his side of the story, the reader learns that he wishes to establish that in spite of the stories circulating about him, he is the innocent, wronged party. As he states, "The facts: On Sunday, August 12, this year of our Lord, Eunice tried to kill me with her papa's Civil War sword and Olivia-Ann cut up all over the place with a fourte

Are Americans Better Off

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of Americans now versus one hundred years ago. Specifically, it will state the reasons Americans are better off, with specific examples. Americans are much better off today than they were in 1904 for a variety of reasons. We have more technology, more medical understanding, and more education to create better futures for ourselves. Americans lived simply in 1904, and we live much better today. There are many reasons why we are better off today than Americans who lived in 1904. Technology is one example that is quite important to our lives today. We use computers in every area of our lives, and they make it easy to access information, to do our jobs, and learn more about the world. Computers have changed the way we live our lives, and they make a lot of what we do much easier. Of course, computers are not the only technologies that we enjoy today; there are many other things we take

Result of the Civil War

One positive result of the Civil War was the emancipation of the slaves. Before the Civil War, the Union was divided on this issue. Abraham Lincoln desired to unify the Union and he realized that emancipation was absolutely necessary for two reasons. First, it would keep the country together. Second, it would allow all men and women to be free. In 1864, Congress called for the thirteenth amendment, which prohibited slavery

History of the Violin

The history of the violin in its physical development is about as interesting and diverse as the history of its social standing. On the one hand it was seen as a lowly instrument not worthy of genteel time, while on the other it rose with leaps and bounds in social standing during the 17th century. Even today the instrument still fascinates and even obsesses many musicians and manufacturers. According to Gheerardyn, the violin originated in the form of three historical instruments: the rebec, the Renaissance fiddle, and the lira da braccio. The first can be traced back to the 13th century and included treble, alto-tenor and bass instruments. Its pear shape featured no sound post, while the neck and peg box were integrated with the instrument itself. Three strings were tuned in fifths, whereas its sound was reminiscent of the oboe (Gheerardyn). The Renaissance fiddle originates from approximately the 16th century. It included five strings and a violin