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Ethical Issues

The recent wave of accounting scandals in Corporate America has led to a resurgence of interest in the subject of business ethics. As a result, most business firms, large and small, have developed and implemented an ethics statement to affirm that ethical behavior is an important element in the work environment. Of course, there are some firms who do not have such a formal, published statement, but nevertheless claim to have a code of ethics underlying their business practices. Such firms point to their organizational values, as embodied in a vision or mission statement as proof of their ethical behavior. The company I work for, Standard Parking Corporation (SPC), belongs to the latter category. SPC's mission statement reads, "To maximize the value provided to our clients through excellence, innovation and efficiency in management services provided by a superior team of transportation and parking professionals dedicated to the highest levels of customer servi


The field of prisons corrections is a challenging one. Our society continually changes its mind about what it wants prisons to do: we want them to punish wrong-doers, but we also want to help the prisoners return to society ready to be productive citizens. But today's prisons also face important issues that may not be obvious to the country's taxpayers. Ted Strickland, a congressional representative from Ohio, used to work as a psychologist in an Ohio prison. He reports some of the behaviors he had to deal with while trying to help prisoners who were mentally ill: he had urine flung in his face and was threatened multiple times with violence. One time someone threatened to throw HIV-positive blood in his face (Strickland, 2002). He is one of a number of prison professionals who realize that today's prisons contain a large and growing population of prisoners with significant mental health problems. Many of these inmates hove problems with substance abuse as well (Sigu

Authentication in e-Commerce

E-commerce is a growing technology in today's business and trade. It has become a quick and easy medium of trading, facilitating buying and selling for both the consumers and the merchants. With just a few keystrokes and entry of one's information, business transactions are easily carried out. In view of this, because e-commerce utilizes the Internet, it is very important that e-commerce applications should provide protection to business transactions' critical information, both of the consumer's and the trader's. Authentication is among the many forms of protecting information and securing transactions in e-commerce. With the use of authentication tools, information sent online can be validated. The growing number of Internet users makes classified information more and more volatile from online hackers. Thus, it is essential for e-commerce applications to apply several authentication processes. According to Charles Kolodgy, in Michael Chait's online article, "â€individuals on the Web are not authenticated, it is relatively easy to impersonate somebody online" Authenticat


The terrorist attacks of September 11 played a crucial role in awakening the world to the possibility of advanced warfare. Before this tragedy, the world could hardly imagine that our good old airplanes could actually be used as missiles to kill ten of hundreds of unsuspecting souls. But September 11, proved that terrorists were far ahead of the intelligence agencies and the general public when it came to designing and deploying sophisticated war tactics. War for a terrorist need not involve the military or military tactics of any nature; it is simply a conflict where the side with best strategies and most unique weaponry stands a better chance of emerging victorious. It appears that United States and the entire world was largely unaware of this perspective on war and thus underestimated the intelligence of terrorist groups since they merely focused on conventional ways of securing the nation that had little or no protection to offer against advanced terrorist tactics and


In the following section, I briefly describe a critique of K-Mart and WalMart Web sites on their usability:

Henry James Paste

Henry James short story, Paste, is a tale about how pride can blind us to true value and worth. Arthur refuses to entertain the idea that his stepmother's pearls are valuable, feeling that this will cast doubt upon her virtue. In contrast, Charlotte and Mrs. Guy are attracted to their pearls for the beauty and worth, although Charlotte must reconcile her desire for the pearls with her conscience's twinges over not revealing their value to her cousin. Ultimately, Charlotte's desire to be truthful to her cousin falls prey to his prideful inability to acknowledge the pearl's value, and the pearls end up in the possession of Mrs. Guy.

Gibson's Passion

Problem: Illegal Immigration The problem of illegal immigration is twofoldâ€"one, there is the problem that illegal immigrants take jobs away from American citizens. The second, a more recently recognized threat, is that because illegal immigrants often lay America open to terrorist threats. Approaching this problem must not simply be confined to improving airport security, border patrols and creating less permeable borders. Many high-risk immigrants penetrate the border legally, often with temporary v

Nationalism and NatureThe Poetry of John Edwin Pratt (E. J. Pratt)

Literature has been used, over time in history, as a medium through which people can express their feelings and thoughts about significant events that they experience in their lives. Because of this, literature is often considered as a reflection or mirror' through which people can witness an individual's subjective interpretation of life and his/her social experiences. The individual, in this case, is the author/writer/poet, where s/he is able to channel his/her reality as s/he perceives it. Like American and English poetry, Canadian poetry has its own legacy of literary writers who have contributed significantly to the development not only of the country's culture and the arts, but in nation-building as well. Edwin John Pratt, popularly known as E. J. Pratt, is a Canadian poet, who had spent his academic career creating works of literature that contribute the nation-building efforts of Canada. Growing up in Newfoundland, Pratt had become accustomed to w


GAAP--Compare and contrasts GAAP and income tax accounting. Describe how they are similar and why there are differences. Also, include specific examples of how and when to apply the principles of both types of accounting.


Tax Law in our country is as old as the constitution itself and the history of taxes in this land goes back to the days of British colonial rule. One thing, which must be remembered, is that tax law id directly connected with government revenues. Higher the taxes, greater the revenues. For this reason, taxes are used as a good source of government's income. Revenue collection is usually the most important purpose behind the imposition of a new tax or increase in the present ones. However revenue collection is not the sole objective even though it is certainly the most important one. There are other reasons for which taxes are either increased or decreased. Tax law is actually one of the very few fiscal measures that government has to control the financial markets. Apart from its main objective, which is revenue for the government, taxes also help in controlling economic activity in the country and are often used by the government to control the flow of money in the marke

Cincinnati Flood of 1997

The Event Within two days between March 1 and 3, 1997, a killer storm developed from the Gulf of Mexico from Mississippi all the way to West Virginia and carrying with it a deluge of rain as the worst flood in 33 years (Mazzola 1997). Right on day 1, it was an unusually moist type of weather with a terrifying potential for torrential downpours. It turned violent, bringing thunderstorms and tornadoes across a 250-mile spread of destruction. In five hours, Arkansas experienced 14 tornadoes, which killed at least 24. It lashed nearby states, killing one person a day in Mississippi and Tennessee and its high winds, claiming two lives in Texas. Rains continued on day 2 through Kentucky and Southern Ohio, as swollen streams and creeks poured into the Ohio River (Mazzola). Their levels rose to a foot a day until day 3. Licking River rose to 52 feet, or 12 feet above flood stage. All through day and night 3, 12" rainfall crashed through 40,000 homes and busines

Sales improvement

In order to increase the market share of a product which has stalled in the marketplace, the company would be wise to undertake an Ansoff evaluation. The Ansoff Matrix, developed by Igor Ansoff, (Hussey, 1999) presented a strategy for business to use in order to investigate its current markets, and customers, and evaluate potential markets, products and customers. The Ansoff matrix is a tool to use when evaluating the life cycle of a product. The matrix was developed in order to help businesses break down, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of a product , and determine the sectors which the company can and should apply marketing research to in order to expand their products market penetration, market share, and build on any company momentum toward introducing additional products. This evaluation is used when a product has plateau-ed in the marketplace, or the company overall is plateau-ing, and needs to identify specific growth sectors. |The Ansoff Matrix

Le Morte Darthur

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the book "Le Morte Darthur Books: XX & XXI: The Death of Arthur" by Sir Thomas Malory. Specifically, it will answer the question: What makes these two last books unique from the rest of the Tales' The last two books in "Le Morte Darthur" are vastly different from the books that come before them for several reasons. These books are the climax of the tale, but they are also the climax of the romantic involvement in the book. They move along much more swiftly than the preceding books, and they highlight the characters and their romantic relationships that are all coming to a head. They are a classic example in fiction of the crisis, the denouement, and the final crashing finale.

Obesity and Adolescent Development

In recent studies of obesity in adolescents and young adults, it seems that researchers had discovered many effects beyond the purely physical that make overweight an unhealthy thing. In fact, the psychosocial effects are quite devastating as well, but they are not caused directly by the state of being heavy; they are caused more often by the individual's perceptions, what he or she believes about the overweight status that causes the harm. There is no firm conclusion yet as to whether a single factor or multiple factors cause the obesity that in turn contributes to the poor self-image. Some researchers believe that the overweight condition itself caused by a self-fulfilling prophecy allied to the overweight condition. There is only one thing that has become accepted as certain, a truism coined by Alfred Adler and quoted by Hoover and Whitehead, 2000: Numerous children grow up in the constant dread of being laughed at. Ridicule of children is

Balconies are Romantic

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze three works, "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, "Cyrano de Bergerac" by Edmond Rostand, and the film "Roxanne" directed by Fred Schepisi. Specifically, it will compare and contrast the balcony scenes of each of the works. A warm summer night, romantic stars, and a balcony looking out over the scenery. What could be more conducive to romance' Not much, according to these three classic works that all make use of a balcony to bring the couples together and create romantic tension.

Marketing Manager

This paper deals with the various pricing objectives that can be applied by various companies. These strategies help the product being launched to have a positive outcome on the customers. By the end of the paper, we will have various methods in front that will help the company in advertising its product and having high annual outcome. These strategies when applied give fruitful results. It also focuses on the role and importance of the marketing manager in the launch of a product specially the objectives of pricing.

Enola Gay Display at the Smithsonian

America is in the midst of a culture war, and one of the latest skirmishes occurred between the houses and hedgerows surrounding the Smithsonian Museum. On one side were the members of a growing numbers of acedemians and cultural theorists who believe that American should not be honored as a country which has been a continued source of peace, and leadership in the world. History should be taught in a context, and that context needs to challenge individuals to think on a larger social scale of how our actions may adversely affect others. The opposing forces are those who have fought, and sometimes given the ultimate sacrifice to earn the countries place of responsibility as the leader of the free world, and only remaining superpower. These men and women look back at America's actions and remember the issues and limitations of the day. This group has a living memory of historical events, and is opposed to reinterpreting them in light of 21st century political cynici


Violence is, at its core, a physical act intended to injure, damage, hurt or destroy another person. Webster's New World Dictionary also offers " great force or strength of feeling, conduct or expression; vehemence, fury" as an alternate definition. But to understand violence as a concept, one must consider more than it's simple definition. The motivations behind violence vary according to the situation, and there are different types of violence as well. The causes, perpetrators and victims of must be considered in order to fully understand violence as a concept. The causes of violence are intricately tied to the demographics of the people involved. The most common types of violence include: gangs and youth violence, violence among certain ethnic groups, and violence against women. These three categories by no means cover the gamut of violent acts, but many of the most common incidents of violence fit into one of these three categories. Gangs and youth violence Gang violence depends on strength in numbers, and they typically appear in larger cities as grass-roots organizations among

The Process of Becoming a Professional Chef

Anyone who wants to become a professional chef probably needs to view an historic TV show, the 1955-1956 season Honeymooners show about "The Chef of the Future." In it, Ralph Kramden, the underachieving bus driver with dreams, decides he can strike it rich by going on late-night TV and selling the "Handy Housewife Helper." This is a piece of kitchen equipment with a bottle opener, corkscrew, scissor sharpener, can open, fish scaler, potato peeler and apple corer, cheese grater and lots more, most non-culinary, all rolled into one. But if you can't laugh at Jackie Gleason dressed up in a chef's toque and scrambling everything except the eggs, perhaps professional cooking isn't your path. ("Handy Housewife Helper") If it is, though, the road to becoming a professional chef offers five different lanes. Choosing one that's your speed is the first step. 1. Learning by doing. One extremely inexpensive way to become a professional chef is to find a job w

Knowledge Management and Culture in Organizations

"Knowledge Management in Research and Development" by R. Chapas et. al. provides an analysis of the importance of knowledge and cultural management within organizations, particularly in the business setting/environment. These two factors are discussed in the article because of recent studies illustrating the vital role that knowledge management and cultural diversity play in the development of intra- organizational communication and interaction. Further, knowledge and culture have significant relationships with each other, influencing the kind and effectiveness of management within the organization. The authors trace the shift of focus of business organizations from being skills- and asset- to knowledge-orientedâ€&q

Social Constructivism The Self according to George Mead, Lev Vygotsky Margaret Donaldson and Richard Stevens

In the interactionist tradition, humans are seen as constantly and dynamically changing and giving meanings to their social realities. As people interact with one another, the process of giving meanings to activities conducted is inevitable, thereby resulting to new constructs' that alters or modifies the individual's social reality. Indeed, in the social construction of reality, "our meanings and understandings†arise from our communication with others, a notion of reality deeply embedded in sociological thought" (Littlejohn, 1998:175). Furthermore, in the social construction of reality, the individual, or the self, knowledge obtained is considered a "social product" and is understood in the context in which this knowledge or reality is experienced. Studies on the phenomenon of the social construction of the self has become rampant, and has produced theori

Controversy of Harry Potter

J.K.Rowling has taken half the world by her vast imagination from her book, "Harry Potter". There are yet few people who have not read the book and not appreciated it as well. While millions have found a positive approach towards this story, there are some parents who have raised an objection towards this creativity, fearing that it maybe leading their children in the way of harmfulness. We have discussed the story's strong views and the message it portrays for school going children. Controversy of Harry Potter Harry Potter created quite a stir around the world after the first two books were released in Sept 1998 and June 1999, respectively, shortly followed by the third series in Sept 1999. Instantly, J.K.Rowling (Joanne Kathleen Rowling) became an overnight success through her vast imagination, attracting half the w

The Price of Glory

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the work, "The Price of Glory" by Alistair Horne. Specifically, it will discuss the image of the First World War the author presents in the book, and what perspectives on the war were gained from reading the book. Reading this book was an eye-opening experience, and a glimpse into an important event in world history. Author Horne presents his evidence clearly and in great detail, and reading this book gives a better understanding of the First World War and the events surrounding the key battle at Verdun.

Social Security

INTRODUCTION Our society has gone through tremendous change in the last 100 years. Thanks to tremendous advances in medical technology, life expectancy has been increased significantly. During that period, we also had a surge in the birth rate starting shortly after the end of World War II. The resulting generation was dubbed the "Baby Boomers" reflecting the boom in population growth during that time. The oldest of these "Baby Boomers" are now approaching or at the 50-year-old mark. The Baby Boomer generation is headed for retirement and Social Security payments. Because of how social security is currently structured, they will rely on the generation following them to support their retirement checks through the contributions the younger people make to Social Security. This leaves younger people feeling quite edgy about how Social Security is structured, because economists predict that eventually, Social Security will run out of money. When these young


There should be an anonymous' group for writers, like Overeaters Anonymous or Shoppers Anonymous. Just as everyone has to eat something, and everyone has to shop sometimesâ€"which makes it hard to go cold turkey' if you're addicted to food or your credit cardsâ€"the same thing is true of writing. You have to write. You have to write a letter to the car dealership that messed you over, or to your child's teacher, or to the UPS driver to ask him to please leave the food you bought online with your credit cards at the side door. So it's no wonder people go from there to thinking maybe they could be a professional writer. Obviously, if you're sitting here, you've had that idea.