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The Impact of Airport Security Breaches

Airport Security has always been a major concern for the United States as well as many other countries. However, September 11, 2001 forced the world to re-evaluate standard airport security procedures and forced the United States Congress to enact numerous aviation security improvements designed to strengthen aviation security (Aviation 2004). These improvements included the development of a passenger prescreening system and the federalization of airport screeners (Aviation 2004). Yet, despite these changes, the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration still face challenges to improve aviation security (Aviation 2004). Airport security breaches not only effect national security and possible loss of human life, but depending on the severity of the breach, may effect financial markets, both nationally and globally. The September 11th tragedies exposed the vulnerability of the world's greatest superpower, leaving the Unite


Hamlet is often regarded as one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies because it is timeless in its preoccupation with the dilemmas and the uncertainties that are at the heart of life (Hibbard, p. 2). Indeed, it is the playwright's preoccupation with the internal conflicts in a man's soul that are inevitably created by life's dilemmas, which ultimately turn Hamlet into one of the world's most revered tragic figures. Faced with difficult, disillusioning circumstances, Hamlet is torn by the need to avenge his murdered father and the personal desire to appease his own conscience. In fact, nowhere is Hamlet's agony more evident than in the now immortalized lines, "To be, or not to be - that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them'" (3.1.57-61) Hamlet's struggle to resolve the conflict between his conscience and his duty also leads to an appar

Taxi Driver

This is a article on the film Taxi Driver' outlining the social as well as criminal issues depicted in the movie.

Rediscovery and Regression Dreams and the Self in The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud

The development of human society in the 19th and 20th centuries is characterized by the emergence of individualism, where people are giving focus more on the "self' rather than the society. This prevalent trend is reiterated by ideologies and philosophies that have been influential in the field of natural and social sciences. The concept of the "Self" is influenced by the individualist society prevalent in Western societies. Indeed, individualism through introspection is evident in the main themes discussed among discourses and literary works of this period. Sigmund Freud was an Austrian physician and founder of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a branch of psychology where unlearned biological instincts and experiences influence the way people think, feel, and behave. He developed 20th century philosophy and thought, influencing people with his works on the theme of individualism through introspection, mainly through the method of psychoanalysis. Psychoan

Quality Assurance and Production Control

Quality assurance and control and productivity usually seem to share a see-saw in any business. I am asserting this taking into consideration the fact that, in order to make sure the product is at its highest quality, you need to spend more time ensuring quality control. This, however, is not only non-productive and decreases the productivity of the company (considering the fact that you produce less because you verify more), but also increases the costs, most of the costs that will not be recuperated later on. In order to exemplify my statement, we will be considering the case of a company producing any type of goods. The chain of the product is rather simple and could be summarized into two large parts: production itself and marketing and sales. Assuming that the company has a well-developed market, with an increasing potential target, we will be facing two types of decisions: (1) spent all the time producing, ignoring thus

Survival Pain and the Social Environment: Factors Influencing Human Violence and Motivation throughout History

The Aztec warrior. Human sacrifices. Hammurabi's Code. Gladiatorial combats in the Colosseum in Rome. World Wars I and II. Mass suicides. School killings. These are but some few examples of human displays of violence throughout history. Humans, for one reason or other, killed people for one or more of these three motivations: violent acts are motivated either by the need to survive, alleviate pain, or reinforce conducts tolerated by the individual's social environment. Notice that these motivational factors have evolved, where there is a transition from committing violence due to physiological pain to pressures and influences in the social environment. The move from quantitative towards qualitative outlook of human violence illustrates the increasing complexity of defining and determining violence in the contemporary times. In order to understand the nature of human violence in society throughout history, it is thus imperative to trace the origi


Handling and managing an IT project, whether a traditional one or a technologically "in-fashion" project, should not have much difference. For instance, a traditional LAN-based flight booking system and an e-commerce type online flight booking system must receive the same focus and attention from a project team. From the start of systems development up to the stage where the system is already in operation, it is essential for both the traditional and e-commerce projects to undergo the same phases in a project's full life cycle development. All IT projects that are being developed for important purposes to users need good management protocols. Whether it is a traditional or e-commerce project, none must receive less or greater attention from a project team. For instance, because an e-commerce project may use a more advanced technology

Content Management Systems

A content management system (CMS) is a term used to describe a system that manages Web site content. The CMS is well known for its ability to provide templates that allow a content author to manage the creation, modification and removal of Web site content without the need to know Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Thus, the organization is less dependent on specialized Web developer skills for Web site development and maintenance. However, the are numerous lesser known benefits such as data integration, design consistency, personalization, content syndication, automation of review, approval and publishing, and indexing, search, and retrieval that make CMS's an attractive value proposition for most companies. Because a CMS separates the management of content from design, a

Andrew Jackson and The Indian Removal Act

Andrew Jackson's lack of positive actions and policies ultimately forced the westward migration of the "five civilized" Native American tribes, the Creeks, Chickasaws, Seminoles, Cherokees and Choctaws. Jackson's failure to enforce his early promise that the migration of the Native American tribes would be voluntary was a major factor in the success of the forced migration, as were Jackson's repeated failures to ensure that treaties with Native Americans were kept and that land deals with Native Americans were not fraudulent. In addition, other legislation like the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act of 1834 resulted in more migration out of the area, by reducing native rights and sovereignty. Further, Jackson's role in forwarding the forced migrations was likely motivated by a desire for profit and land, political concerns, and racism. In The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians, Anthony Wallace describes the forced removal of thousands of Nativ

Issues in Marketing in Ecommerce Personalization as Distinct from Customization in ecommerce

What is the difference between customization and personalization of an eCommerce website' To understand the distinction, one must first understand the definitional difference between these two terms in the land of eCommerce. To enable a consumer to customize his or her product, a customer is able to, with a fair amount of speed and ease, render, change, or utilize the product in such a fashion so that it may uniquely speak to his or her needs. To engender a website that is personalized, however, merely means that that the virtual space has a quality of friendliness or specificity that is not necessarily specifically tailored to the individual customer, in the customer's hands, but merely creates a kind of personalized ambiance or ease of use to all customers. Consider the website One of the website's unique features is that it enables a customer to customize his or her personal settings, when surfing the site.

Customer Relationship Management

Recently, the world has seen a major shift in business practices and attitudes. Experts agree that companies have much to gain by moving away from inward-looking, product-focused organizations to becoming an outward- looking, customer-focused business (McKeown, 2001). Customers today have more powering the current marketplace and businesses must compete based on relationships, rather than simply relying on the basic products and services customers have come to expect. In addition to traditional direct channels, companies are moving to the Internet and also working with channel and alliance partners to meet customer needs. E-commerce has become a necessity for competition, and businesses must carefully manage networks of relationships to build loyal and profitable end customer relationships. However, the term "customer centric" goes beyond simply being nice to customers - it is more concerned with really understanding how to deliver an o

Problems teenagers face today

It is an old cliche now that the teenage years are the most trying ones for both the teenager and the parents. The transition from childhood to adulthood is fraught with physical, emotional, mental and psychological changes. Teenage problems are now compounded by the challenges facing society today. The life experiences encountered between the ages of 12 and 20, burgeoning emotional and sexual feelings; physiological development of secondary sexual characteristics; entry into the order of society through individual and group affiliations, leave a lasting impression. Some of the difficulties facing teenagers have to do with drugs, (its availability and effects on development), threat and high incidence of HIV and AIDS, violence and gang-related violence and depression. These have deep effects on the physical, emotional and cognitive


The origin of all emergency medical services lies in the emergency life saving techniques of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation made possible by the combination of two Maryland pioneers in pre-hospital emergency care. In 1958, Johns Hopkins physician Peter Safar published a study in the New England Journal of Medicine that evaluated emergency artificial respiration techniques, which at that time, emphasized repeatedly raising the arms of the patient over the head to induce respiration. Specifically, Safar investigated the efficacy of the chest-pressure/arm lift technique compared to mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-airway techniques, establishing the overwhelming superiority of the latter over the former (Safar). At approximately the same time, another Johns Hopkins physician, William Kouwenhoven, was engaged in research into the development of effective cardiac defibrillation equipment, when he noted the dramatic effects of external p

Tower Records and the Internet

In February of this year Tower Records declared bankruptcy. The company sighted internet downloading and file-sharing as the primary reason for the demise of the company's profits. The company joins a long line of casualties that have succumbed to the decline of record sales due to music file sharing over the internet. The company also has to compete with other companies that sell music over the internet. The purpose of this discussion is to examine why Tower Records can't compete with these two factions. Firstly let's explore the impact of music file sharing on the recording industry as a whole. Over the past dew years music downloading and file sharing has become the Achilles heel of the entire recording industry. Retailers such as Tower Records can not compete with the high availability of free music. No matter which schemas Tow

Courtroom Observation

The courthouse itself was abuzz on a Monday morning. Just about every courtroom was filled, some with trials for petty traffic violations, some with murder trials. The courtroom I selected for observation had a small group of people milling about outside, most of them men and women in business suits. Obviously there to witness the trial, I also believed that a few of the people standing outside the room were slated to be witnesses in the case. Usinger -v- Bartholemew Roofing was a criminal negligence suit filed by a man who claimed that the roofing company he hired had deliberately used substandard materials and performed shoddy work. A section of the Usinger home had been destroyed because the roof suddenly caved in over the dining room. Luckily, no one was injured. This was the second day of the trial. A few minutes before 9 o'clock, most of the people outside the courtroom meandered inside to take their seats. The courtroom seated about two hu

Milagro Beanfield War

The Milagro Beanfield War chronicles how local, traditional cultures that are deemed incompatible with modernization. This is seen in the tensions between Chicano communities in Milagro, New Mexico and the land development corporation that wants to turn the community into a resort community and golf course. When Joe Mondragon irrigates his makeshift beanfield with water diverted from a stream that "belongs" to developer Ladd Devine, the farmer/handyman becomes a catalyst that brings these tensions to a head. The conflict theorists offer a good framework for a sociological analysis of the events depicted in The Milagro Beanfield War. The conflict perspective sees society as being composed of different groups with contradictory interests. Conflict theorists are critical of functionalists, who believe that these disparate interests can be resolved amicably. Instead, theorists like Karl Marx have argued that ruling class interests will come to dominate over

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution dramatically changed the world both economically and socially, and the "Captains of Industry" were the brave leaders of these changes. Without the Industrial Revolution, the technology that we take for granted in the 21st century would not exist, and America would be a very different place. During the Industrial Revolution, machines took over many jobs that had been previously handled by workers, and workers became much more productive with the aid of more efficient machinery. Products began to be mass produced instead on individually handmade, and with the production of more items prices dropped, lessening the gap between what the fortunate and less fortunate could afford. Not only did Americans enjoy more access to products they already used, but there were many significant inventions that changed the way people lived their lives. Samuel Morse invented the telegraph in 1836, allowing people to communicate across vast distances and

Kate Chopins The Storm and Desirees Baby

Kate Chopin has always been known for her exploration into matters of human identity and sexuality. Two stories that focus on these themes are "The Storm" and "Desiree's Baby." Through metaphor, setting, imagery, and foreshadowing, Chopin explores and represents issues of human sexuality that have two very different outcomes. In "The Storm," Chopin uses the setting of the storm as a metaphor of the storm that Calixta will experience when Alcee appears on her doorstep. We are told that "sombre clouds were rolling with sinister intention from the west" (The Storm Chopin 648-9). This image indicates that something unexpected is about to occur. In addition, just as their sexual escapade is over, we read that the "growl of the thunder was distant and passing way" (651). In short, the storm is very significant to the development of this story. In addition, Chopin employs imagery to heighten our interest in the characters. Christopher Baker notes that Alcee "enter


Background: Lieutenant General William H. Tunner single-handedly revolutionized military transport operations of the United States Air Force. His successful career spanned thirty years and included distinguished service in World War II and Korea. His greatest contribution to wartime military transport operations were in the realm of logistics and mission safety, as well as for his crucial role in re- supplying China across enemy territory in Operation "Hump" in 1944. A native of Elizabeth, New Jersey, Tunner graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1928, a commissioned second lieutenant, and then in 1929, from the Advanced Flying School at Kelly Field in Texas. (1) He began as a staff officer at the Ferrying Command, which grew to become the Air Transport Command under his leadership, and later expanded to incorporate naval transport operations as well. (2) While General Tunner distinguished himself during w

The Protestant Reformation and Its Influence on American History

Much has been written about the Protestant Reformation but most of it has dealt with European countries and the changes that were caused by Protestant teachings. However, Protestant religion is a large part of America as well. Originally, most individuals who came to America were Catholic and the Catholic Church was very controlling of not only England but the settlers who came to America from that country and others (Tolson, 2003). However, there was a growing influence from Protestant congregations and this has been the case for many years. Around 40 percent of people who live in the United States today see themselves as a born- again Christians or as evangelical in some way (Tolson, 2003). While many people do not see the ties between 18th century Puritans in New England and conversion to born-again Christianity there is a great deal of similarities between the two. Simply put, American history is full of religious issues and difficulties (Tolson, 2003

IBM's Recent Mergers and Acquisitions

IBM has recently been at the center of several acquisitions and mergers. The most notable being the acquisition of Rational Software which IBM purchased for $2.1 billion to acquire the company. An article entitled, "IBM completes acquisition of Rational Software", explains that Rational Software "provides open, industry standard tools, best practices and services for developing business applications and building software products and systems, including embedded software for devices such as cell phones and medical systems." ("IBM completes acquisition of Rational Software") This was an important acquisition for IBM and will increase the scope of the companies operations. This particular acquisition was approved by Rational's shareholders in January of 2002 and Rational Software will be integrated into IBM's business as the fifth brand

The Australian Social Security System

This paper explores the Australian Social Security system. The writer examines the history of the system, its structure and a prediction of how the system will operate in the future. There were three sources used to complete this paper.

Crowding Impact in the Prison System

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of crowding in the prison system due to America's war on drugs. Specifically, it will discuss the crowding impact on the correctional organizations in the State of California and propose three workable solutions to the situation. Prison overcrowding continues to be one of the biggest problems in the criminal justice system, and much of the current overcrowding is a direct result of the "war on drug" in America, and increased incarceration of "soft," or nonviolent offenders. Overcrowding simply cannot continue, but the solutions to overcrowding are not simple or simple to carry out.

Whale Rider Characterization

In the movie Whale Rider, the characterization of Pai is an important component of both the movement of the story and an important insight into director Niki Caro's vision for the theme and meaning of the film. Pai's poised and gentle assurance gives the viewer with an understanding that she is truly the tribe's chosen leader, and this conflict against her grandfather's ultimately ill-fated belief that the leader cannot be a girl drives the movement of the story. Ultimately, Pai's characterization as visionary illustrates the director's view that culture must embrace truth above tradition, and her respect for her grandfather shows the director's theme of the importance of family. Whale rider is told in the context of a Maori tribe in modern New Zealand. The movie tells the story of a young girl, Pai, and her grandfather Karo who must struggle with adapting a patriarchal Maori legend with the Pai's seeming affinity with sacred traditions. In Maori legend, the Father arrives on the humpback of

Critical Thinking Analysis of a Web Site

Accuracy in Media (AIM) is a non-profit organization, which was founded in 1969 by Reed Irvine, with the objective of working towards "fairness, balance, and accuracy in news reporting." Indeed, the organization's objective is clearly reflected in its very name, as well as in its mission statement, which reads, "Accuracy in Media is a non-profit, grassroots citizens watchdog of the news media that critiques botched and bungled news stories and sets the record straight on important issues that have received slanted coverage." (Accuracy in Media, 2004) Prima facie, the name Accuracy in Media indicates either an industry initiative to self-regulate its practices or a body set up by government to protect citizen's interests. In point of fact, however, it is a non-profit organization that subsists on fund-raising efforts and the patronage of private donors such as the Sarah Scaife Foundation and the Carthage Foundation (Media Transparency). Quite obviously, if the