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Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy is a major social concern today. Teens are not usually emotionally or financially prepared to become parents, yet teens tend to have high fertility rates. Most often, when teenagers become pregnant is is completely unplanned, and the overwhelming nature of this situation can cause them to make impulsive decisions. (Mayo Clinic) "Teenage pregnancy rates remain high. In the United States, approximately 1 million teenage girls become pregnant every year. As many as 5% of teenage girls give birth and, in 1997, about 13% of U.S. births were to teens. About 25% of teenage girls who give birth have another baby within 2 years." (WHC) As a mother of three young girls that are about to reach their adolescent years, this is a topic of the utmost concern for me because I know they are all at risk of being affected by teen pregnancy in some way. There are serious consequences of teenage pregnancy including that the children born often have health problems like

Jesus and the Role of Sin in the Catholic Church

According to the Catholic Church, every Catholic, through the sacrament of Baptism, "is freed from sin and reborn." Through the first sacrament of baptism and immersion, all individual members of the Catholic Church engage in the act of becoming members of Christ. Baptism enables an adherent of the faith to incorporate into the Church and made sharers in the mission of the Church. ("The Seven Sacraments of the Church ("The Seven Sacraments of the Church." 1213:5) However, without Christ's sacrifice of his life and suffering on behalf of humanity the sacrament of baptism would not be possible. Baptism addresses the Original Sin of Adam and Eve in a way made possible only by the sacrifice of Jesus. As St. John baptized Jesus, so are all adherents of the Church. By Jesus' teaching, suffering, and dying the Church and its sacraments gain its power and original sin is obviated. "If water springing up from the earth symbolizes life, the water of the sea is a symbol of death and so can represent the mystery of the cross. By this symbolism Baptism signifies communion with Christ's death." ("The Seven Sacr

The Role of the Financial Manager Not just a number cruncher more than an accountant or a bean counter

The United State's economic recovery may still be shaky. However, the potential role and overall job outlook for all occupational varieties of financial managers seems to be expanding. As such positions grow more lucrative and attractive to potential job seekers, these positions are also increasingly more specific in the nature of the duties performed by different aspects of the profession than ever before. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, "almost every firm, government agency, and organization has one or more financial managers who oversee the preparation of financial reports, direct investment activities, and implement cash management strategies. As computers are increasingly used to record and organize data, many financial managers are spending more time developing strategies and implementing the long-term goals of their organization." (Job Outlook, 2004) All financial managers perform particular tasks that are unique as well as specific their organ

Women of Imperial China

At the end of the essay we will have a clear imagine of what the women of imperial china were like and about there rituals, wealth, laws, customs, etc concerning the women of that era. Special emphasis will be given to the women of Qin and Han dynasties.

Bravery Loyalty and Courtly Love are Qualities of Chivalry in Le Morte D'Arthur

Chivalry is the term used to describe the qualities of an ideal knight. In Malory's work, chivalry appears to evolve with King Arthur as he grows up, becomes king, and eventually dies. While the basic tenets of the chivalric code remain relatively unchanged throughout, the actions of the characters, as well as the progression of events, necessitates evolution within the code. Thus bravery, loyalty and courtly love as qualities of chivalry evolve and change throughout the book. Bravery Bravery is expected of all knights throughout the book. The strength inherent in bravery is both mental and moral. At first in Malory's work bravery is demonstrated in battle. The knights know that they are in mortal danger, but fight nonetheless. Arthur's bravery as a young king is demonstrated in his willingness to demonstrate his kingship with his sword. His bravery is located in complete self-confidence, as well as confidence in his sword and in Merlin, the w

Arguments For or Against Women in Combat

Women should be allowed to fight in combat with infantry units and Special Forces units in a wartime environment. A number of arguments have been traditionally given against women in combat that range from women's lack of aggressiveness, the possibility that female soldiers will be raped, the familial damage caused by the absence of female soldiers, potential damage to military cohesion, and the physical weakness of women. Each of these arguments will be discussed, and revealed as inherently flawed. In addition, the historical value of women in combat suggests that women can play a valuable role in the US military in combat. Further, inability to experience ground combat seriously limits the potential career track for women in the military. Taken together, these arguments suggest a potentially valuable role for women in ground combat in the US military. The issue of women in a combat role in the US Military is one of the most hotly contested topics i

Objectives of Customer Relationship Management

At the end of the paper, we will be able to understand the role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in ecommerce. What role it plays in business managements and how it helps in the financial setup of business.

Analsys of the Ethical Challenges faced by E-Commerce

Introduction There is no single, well-established, and widely accepted definition of eCommerce. However, this is not a serious impediment. For present purposes it is sufficient to follow the OECD view of eCommerce as: "Business occurring over networks which use non-proprietary protocols that are established by an open standard setting process such as the Internet." (OECD, 1998). Ecommerce provides a tremendous opportunity for any business, whether it's a private en

Textual Analysis of the article Killing Monsters

According to comic book author Gerard Jones, the Incredible Hulk undid much of the psychological damage done to him by overprotective parents and a repressive culture. By awakening little Gerard to his alter-ego, the Hulk empowered him, helped him find an avenue for the repressed rage and powerlessness that most children experience. Violent fantasies, what Jones calls "creative violence," can be a psychological heal-all, of special benefit to young children who otherwise feel unable to properly channel or express uncomfortable or unacceptable emotions like rage. "Killing Monsters" is a well-written, artfully constructed article that employs three of the Greek rhetorical techniques. Jones begins by pulling at the reader's heartstrings with pathos. His choice of diction and focus on children together form a skillful use of pathos to prove his point that violence can be healthy. However, Jones does not disappoint readers seeking a sounder, rational argument. The author segues

The Pro's and Con's of Encomium for Panhandlers

"Can I have a quarter for gas' My car broke down." I've heard the story a thousand times before, literally: twice a day for several years. I rarely give money to panhandlers because in general I despise the web of lies they weave to swindle people out of money. "Just come right out and ask for money, don't give me a stupid story," I say to myself, occasionally out loud. I see the same panhandlers each day because I walk by the same spots. I've grown inured to panhandlers, rarely smiling at them, offering simple eye contact or even saying "No, sorry," in response to their pleas for payments. It's not that I feel panhandling is wrong; many panhandlers are homeless or otherwise unable to earn money by conventional means and begging is their only way to eat. Basically, like many other people, I try not to be rude while at the same time remaining on guard. Bob stood outside the supermarket I frequent, a noticeably new face on the block already ridden with beggars and vag

Define Discuss and Analyze: What is Divorce

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of divorce. Specifically, it will define and discuss divorce, an intangible idea, and provide a definition of the idea based on a window of my own experience. Technically, divorce is the disillusion of marriage between a man and a woman, but in reality, the definition of divorce is far more convoluted and emotional.

Diderots Supplement to the Voyage of Bouganville reaction paper

Even from the beginning of Diderot's document, the author hints to the reader that he questions the strict veracity of the record of the original voyage, penned by Bouganville as the unvarnished truth of his encounters with savages' in Tahiti. B, speaking on behalf of the author, notes, "Man is born with love for the marvelous and exaggerates everything round him. How should he then keep his sense of proportion about things, when he has, so to speak, to justify his journey and the trouble he has taken in going so far to see them'" Bouganville is an unreliable narrator, B suggests. Long before postmodern discussions of authorial bias, Diderot, upon quoting the truth of the "Old Man's Farewell," states that yes, while it is a "vehement discourse," but "for all its somewhat abrupt and savage style I seem to detect in it European ideas and turns of speech," despite the fact it supposedly comes from the mouth of a savage.' In B's dialogue with t

Narative of Humanity in Bartleby

In "Bartleby, the Scrivener" by Herman Melville, the main character, Bartleby, and the narrator form a parallel to each other, and also compliment each other in terms of humanity. Both also lose part of their humanity as a result of the inhuman business environment in which they find themselves. As Bartleby however shows signs of losing all his humanity the dark, gray world in which he lives, he increasingly has a humanizing effect on the narrator. The humanizing process is complete with Bartleby's death. Bartleby The effect of the dehumanizing world on Bartleby is manifest in the decayed nature of his physical body. A change in administration is what causes the loss of his original job, which was soul destroying to begin with. As Bartleby's working life with the narrator progresses, he becomes increasingly passive. His decay of body is thus followed by a decay of his spirit. He increasingly refuses gently to do anything at all. His words of refusal

English Reformation: When England Broke Away From Rome

Introduction There have been a number of critical breaks in civilizations throughout history. It is important to look at the English Reformation which resulted when England broke away from Rome. Cause The English Reformation began when "Henry VIII summoned the Reformation Parliament in 1529 (" The Reformation occurred due the "new learning - humanism. Eramus of Rotterdam was one of the leaders, but he praised John Colet, who had returned to England from Italy in 1497, bringing the Renaissance w

Compare Pricing Structures Between Websites

This research paper compares the content and presentation of two websites that sell books. It compares the pricing structure between each website and the conclusions drawn from those prices. This paper will also compare the quality of the user interface of each website and the ease with which each is used.

Comparison of Jane Austen's Emma and Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen's protagonists, Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice and Emma Woodhouse in Emma, have three distinct similarities. Both the girls come from the same types of families with similar societal status. They have similar personality traits that are good. The protagonists also have comparable flaws that threaten their happiness. By both novels' ends, the protagonists reconcile with their flaws and discover their true loves, thus overcoming obstacles to marriage. Jane Austen's characters Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice and Emma Woodhouse in Emma have similar familial and social status. Elizabeth is the second daughter in the Bennet family. Similarly, Emma is the second daughter in the in the Woodhouse family. Elizabeth Bennet's father admires his daughter as seen in an early exchange between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. ". . . they are all silly and ignorant like other girls; but Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters'' (2). In a like man

Pablo Neruda and Il Postino's Poetry

The accessibility of Pablo Neruda's poetry is demonstrated in the film "IL Postino", where Neruda's poetry plays and important part in the development of Mario, a postman in a small Italian town. The accessibility of Neruda's poetry is tied closely to his use of contemporary language, and the range of his subjects and sheer volume of his work. In addition, the ability of the user to identify with Neruda's poetry and adapt his works for his own needs is an important component of the accessibility of Neruda's works. Neruda's poetry was largely so accessible because it was based on contemporary spoken language. Neruda's poetry was always written in the language of the people, rather than in the language of academia or of history. As such, his poetic works rarely contained obscure literary references that confused the general reader. Further, Neruda's poetry did not use convoluted turns of phrase or difficult words that would alienate the common person. Instead, Neruda's use of contemporary spoken language for the basis of his poetry helped make his works widely accessible. Neruda uses the ease of the language in his

Determining and Assessing Job Satisfaction Measures

Introduction In today's workforce, where numerous types of industries are continuously emerging, it is important to determine and assess the factors that affect the working condition of employees. Such factors are essential because they are the foundation and basis of employees in measuring the level of satisfaction in their jobs. Before, turning from one job to another is not a usual case. Employees often take many years of rendering service in a job before they move to another work or company. Comparing to the staying longevity in a job in the past year's workforce and today, the situation is very much different. Employees now seem to be active in hopping from one job to another, looking for a job where they can have better working condition, or simply, where they can experience better job satisfaction. There are many factors that can be considered as measures in determining the level of job satisfaction in today's workforce. The most common of which that man

Fashion for Ideal People and How They are Defined

The ideal person in contemporary American society is generally defined as thin, fashionable, sexy and wealthy. This includes a myriad of people capitalized on by the media, from Julia Roberts to Donald Trump. In American society, celebrities are the ideal people, whether television stars, sport pros or corporate moguls. To be an ideal person in American society means a status second only to royalty. He or she is literally known by everyone from the janitor at a rural school to the President of the United States. And the perks that come with this status are infinite. Everything from free designer clothes, shoes, and accessories to complementary hotel suites and tables at the trendiest clubs and restaurants. Moreover, the media is forever watching, ready to capture an exclusive picture and story for their latest edition of the evening news or supermarket tabloids. And fortunately or unfortunately, ideal people become role models for Americans, whether hou

Introduce Discuss and Analyze The Eyes on the Prize summary of Chapter 8

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the book "The Eyes on the Prize: Civil Rights Reader" by Clayborne Carson, David J. Garrow, Gerald Gill, Vincent Harding, and Darlene Clark Hine. Specifically, it will summarize Chapter 8, "Two Societies," and state both sides of the arguments presented.

Advantages of Using Trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean Trade

Traveling merchants were a major vehicle for creating vast interregional networks and trade routes in the great overland oceanic networks increased in importance (Interregional Pp). Transportation was an important factor, whether meaning better ships and navigation, or the increasingly widespread use of the camel as a ship of the desert (Tropical Pp). Before the 1st millennium CE, the Sahara was an almost impassable barrier separating the North African coast from sub-Saharan Africa (Tropical Pp). And the Atlantic Ocean not a highway for travel, but a barrier (Tropical Pp). The only route connecting the two areas was the Nile, however, in its southern reaches travel was made difficult by both rapids and s

Chinese Philosophies: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalist

ESL Reading Strategies

Primary Language Instructional Theory Synopsis Reed and Railsback (2003) maintain that a "basic knowledge of language acquisition theories is extremely useful for mainstream classroom teachers and directly influences their ability to provide appropriate reading instruction to ESL students. It is especially important in those schools or districts where limited resources result in little or no instructional support in a student's native language. In these "sink-or-swim" situations, a committed mainstream teacher with a clear understanding of language acquisition can make all the difference". There are various types of strategies that have been developed to address the primary instruction of ESL students. Three programs that include various strategies are:
• Developmental Bilingual Programs
• Two-Way Immersion Programs or Dual-Language or Bilingual Immersion
• Newcomer Programs Primary Langua


Hindu Mythology or religion has a unique triad known Trimurti, which comprises of three important gods, each of whom has a special attribute and responsibility. These three are Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. Vishnu is believed to be the second in rank and was not a very important figure in ancient Hindu Vedas. However it was only with latter development and evolution of Hindu mythology that Vishnu became an important god, only second in rank to Brahma. Vishnu is considered the preserver or sustainer of the Universe and while he was important when he first appeared, it is widely believed that he is more powerful in his subsequent incarnations. Hindu religion states that ten incarnations of Vishnu are expected. Alan Hefner writes: "â€it is thought that ten such incarnations or reincarnations of Vishnu will occur. Nine descents are said to have already occurred, the tenth is yet to come. Rama and Krishna were the seventh and eighth". He is believed to a supreme deity with many unique attributes that are normally assigned to the one Great Creator of the Universe. For example, he considered an omnipresent, supreme entity that preserves the worl

Relocating a Company

Cost of Labor One of the foremost decisions in relocating offshore is concerned with the cost of the labor. In majority of countries outside of the United States, the salaries of employees are comparatively low. In India, for example, salaries for customer service representatives (CSRs) can be 80 percent to 90 percent less than those of U.S. agents. Most CSRs in India have college degrees, whereas in the United States most CSRs have only high school diplomas (Chanen, 2004). The differences in low labor costs are stimulating more and more companies to consider outsourcing their contact centers to service providers in offshore and near shore locations. Travel Expense At different stages of relocation of a business, travel expenses enter the picture as well. A trip overseas helps the company CEO and other managers get comfortable with their choice. After all, offshore vendors can send they're best and brightest over for a show, but checking out the compa