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Robert Lowells The Drinker

Robert Lowell was an alcoholic, a manic depressive, and a poet. There is no poem where these three aspects of Lowell combine than in "The Drinker." This poem describes a man's descent into drunkenness one night. However, while the poem is just describing one night, it manages to show the state of the man's entire life. By using a variety of poetic devices, Lowell is able to show that one cannot escape from one's problems, but is confined to them, with the person only able to wait until life is over to find the escape one longs for. Robert Lowell was a brilliant poet and also a troubled man. His life was marked by struggles, with these including alcoholism, broken marriages, and manic depression (Kamm 282). This manic depression is especially important to note because it meant that Lowell was not able to gain control of his own emotional state. He was helpless and could only watch as he tumbled from major highs to extreme lows. Evidence of this state is se

A narrativerave of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

The novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is a narrative of the "new world order" of the future human society. The future, according to the novel, is a "perfect" human society wherein live birth, pregnancy, and human display of emotions are considered taboo, while perfectionism and rationalism devoid of any emotions is the social ideal of an individual. Brave New World contemplates the condition of human society if the conventional becomes unconve

Enders Game The Universal Truths of Buggers and Astronauts

Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game has been hailed as one of the greatest Science Fiction works of all time, earning among many other honors the Nebula Award in 1985, and the Hugo Award in 1986. This best seller quickly became embraced by readers of all ages and interests, not only appealing to the adult science-fiction enthusiasts that Card intended, but also to children and fans of drama and religious fiction. The widespread praise of this book, and later of its sequels, is not surprising to any individual who has traveled into the complex world of Battle School and the Bugger War. Yet why, one must ask, is Ender's story such an instant classic among casual readers and academics alike' One of the factors included in Card's brilliant story and character development is that while this story takes place in the distant future and in the outer reaches of space, every character remains true to human nature and serves as an archetype to give insight into the human condit


According to John N. Burk, "Ludwig van Beethoven, with the exception of Johann Sebastian Bach, played a more decisive role in the evolution of music than any other single figure" (24). As a musician, Beethoven liberated the classical forms from their former restrictions and gave them an altogether new expanse and flexibility. He brought to the art of music new depths of expressiveness that were not known before his time and also brought new richness of speech to every instrument for which he wrote his symphonies and other musical pieces. In essence, Beethoven was highly influential in bringing modernity to the art of music, for as Robert H. Schauffler maintains, Beethoven "stands as the epitome of the master who initiated the turning point of the ways of modern art and combined the sum of past human efforts in the direction of musical design" (45). After Beethoven, the course of music changed drastically, due to his complete emancipation of human emotion and his att

An Economic Analysis of Argentina

Introduction. Officially known as the Argentine Republic, Argentina occupies the majority of the southern portion of South America. Argentines have tended to disagree about why it has been so hard for them to prosper economically or collaborate politically. Over the years, they have claimed that it was due to their unfortunate victimization, insisting that they were exploited by foreigners who were always economically more powerful than themselves. The people who ran the world economy, they said, controlled the nation's governments. While this interpretation of the nation's economic condition today is appealing because of it is simple and appears plausible, it relies too much on a single cause to account for the way Argentines practice politics. Furthermore, this explanation ignores the fact that countries facing similar economic problems do not always share Argentina's types of political problems. Today, Argentina's recovery from such disappointments and its prospects for future de

Don Delillos White Noise

This report attempts to answer the question, how does Don Delillo's White Noise' illustrate the concept of postmodernism' It then goes on to answer how the novel's treatment of religion fits into the concept of postmodernism' Of course a good place to start is with a definition of postmodernism. The Cambridge dictionary defines postmodernism as "a style of art, writing, music, theatre, popular in the West in the 1980's and 1990's, which includes features from several different periods in the past or from the present and past." Postmodernism in my opinion rejects a notion of a universal truth and therefore disputes the meaning is usually culturally con

Angela's Ashes: A Coming-of-Age Story

Frank McCourt's biography, Angela's Ashes, is a coming-of-age story. As the story begins readers find a young boy who has street smarts, emotional strength and a desire to learn. These qualities enable him to survive and move from a sickly childhood and his impoverished existence to realizing more than his society requires or expects. As the story progresses, readers see Frank's thought processes and actions move from immaturity to maturity. Readers also see how he utilizes his qualities to get what he feels he wants and deserves in life. He sets a goal (to go to America) and achieves it. In chapter 17, page 359, line five, Frank sets sail for America. Crucial

The Psychology of Attitudes

Attitudes in a psychological context are defined as "the tendency to respond in a certain way toward certain issues, products, objects, or events" (Seamon & Kenrick 661). This consideration puts the focus on how attitudes impact on how people think. However, as Seamon & Kenrick note, psychologists studying attitudes are also particularly interested in how attitudes influence behavior. The first interest in attitudes occurred in the 1920s. At this point, the interest in psychology was largely confined to experimental techniques, where aspects of psychology were tested and measured. Thurstone used this approach to test people's attitude toward different ethnic groups, with people asked to rate various statements about the Chinese (Jones). This method was essential a survey, with the survey a rating tool for recognizing people's attitudes. While this method identified attitudes, it did nothing to try and explain how attitudes were formed. This focu

Desire & Death in Death in Venice

This paper will highlight the issues of death and desire based on the film "Death in Venice" it will discuss the issues of desire found amongst the gay population and how beauty effects a persons affection even at old age. It will further highlight the strong essence of love, which can make a person opt for death instead of life. The paper will also discuss Judith Butler's theory of "Desire", and how it has been applied in the film "Death in Venice".

Coping with Conflict in an Intercultural Interethnic Situation

Contemporary society requires that communication occur between individuals of different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Thus inter- cultural communication has become an important area of investigation among linguists and business managers alike. Operating in a global society, individuals must communicate on the basis of business, immigration, political and even recreational premises. Research suggests that international communication is more however, than simply learning the language of another country. There are hundreds of verbal and non verbal cues that are utilized from a cultural perspective depending upon the environment in which one is communicating. To avoid conflict and to adequately facilitate effective international communications, business representatives must first acknowledge and take an active interest in learning the cultural distinctions that exist from one country to another. To do this, individuals must first recognize communication pat

Gender Equality

Equality in education is an important issue, as gender equality guidelines improve education for both men and women. The goal of providing better education for women does not mean neglecting or suppressing men. By placing men and women on an equal level, the relatively increased valuing of women will also benefit men by informing them of the strengths, capabilities and contributions of members of the opposite sex. It may also decrease the pressure many boys feel to conform to the traditional roles, behaviors and ways of thinking. Eventually, the stereotypes may be counteracted and eliminated, so education will be more gender balanced. In 1972 the US Department of Education passed Title IX, a group of amendments designed to reform gender inequality in schools (American Association of University Women, 1998). According to the amendment (p. 28), "no person in the US shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to di

Equality Between Men and Women

This paper will highlight the problems and issues that are being faced concerning gender equality. The papers will discus all the important aspects about equality between the genders of males and females. It will further highlight the ratio of male and female representation in the field of education, media and above all the work place specially highlighting the different pay scales that are offered to men and women in the work place.

Disney Theme Park

It is impossible to find the Walt Disney Company mission statement in a publicly accessible place. However, there are two things that function company-wide as a mission statement. One of these is a famous statement by founder Walt Disney: "I only hope we don't lose sight of one thingâ€"it was all started by a mouse." (Disney corporate Web site) The second thing is that the company's product is happiness, according the Martinez, writing in HRMagazine. (1992) According to one researcher, "The company's original mission was to nurture the imaginations of children around the world as well as to celebrate


Background and History: The era of modern terrorism began in 1968 with the hijacking of an Israeli airliner flying from Rome to Tel Aviv (Dershowitz). The distinguishing feature between earlier criminal aviation hijackings and the pattern of terrorist aviation hijackings is that prior to 1968, the motive was either to divert the aircraft or to ransom it for money. Modern terrorists learned very quickly that their goals can be reached more easily through terrorism than through peaceful negotiation if the law abiding community at large is unprepared to respond decisively. Terrorism is particularly successful when elements of the government are sympathetic to their objectives, since it can provides a perfect excuse to make concessions that could not ordinarily be justified. The psychology of terrorism is simple enough, it is the same psychology behind old-fashioned kidnapping: the idea is if you want to coerce someone effecti

Human Motivation

Introduction In some ways, U.S. business has come a long way from the "leave your brain at the gate" era. Supervisors can no longer get by with saying "Do it because I said so," and executivesâ€"some of them at leastâ€"expect input from their managers, and reward them for providing it. After the introduction of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in business schools, there was at least an awareness that modern people are motivated by lots besides fear. Understanding the bases of motivation has done a lot to change the way companies reward their employees. At MRI Center, motivation is expected to be intrinsic to a great degree, because it is an organization employing mainly professionals in their fields. But there is always room for reward and encouragement, and MRI Center provides both. Relationship of human needs to motivation Survival needs are being met by paychecks, and they are not otherwise addressed at MRI Center. But

Hamlet a tragic hero

The Arden Shakespeare edition of Hamlet introduces Hamlet as a tragic hero bent on a paradoxical quest that makes action difficult. "The act he is impelled to involves him in evil of the kind which he would punish. As the ruthless revenger he exemplifies in his own person the evil which is inseparable from the good in human nature; as the reluctant revenger he can symbolize the good's abhorrence of it." Following the death of his father, Hamlet is besieged with inner turmoil, grief, and anger. Although in some ways he reacts as any human being would to the news of his father's murder, Hamlet soon becomes obsessed with death and with exacting revenge, an obsession which turns Hamlet into a complex and paradoxical figure. He feels compelled to avenge the death of his father after meeting the ghost, but never seems posed to take any concrete action. Because of his incessant moral questioning, Hamlet indicates that he is at heart a good man. He seems to realize that b

Dell Computers Direct to the Top

Of all the companies in the computer sales arena, few are as storied as Dell Computers. In just twenty years, the founding of Dell has become the stuff of IT industry legend. Started by university freshman, Michael Dell, in 1984, the Texas company is now one of the largest sellers of PCs and hardware in the world, with more than 40,000 employees. This success is based on a "direct-to-consumer" model that skeptics claimed could never work in the computer sales industry. The direct model of computer retailing involves selling Dell products (primarily PCs, but increasingly other products as well) directly to the end consumer. This consumer targeting has led to an extremely efficient organization with near record growth since its founding. Frequently compared to another customer-oriented retail giant, Wal- Mart, Dell Computers has claimed such a large market share of PC sales by reducing costs through the supply chain and passing on savings directly to t

Whitman Versus Frost: Structure of Modern Poetry

Structure is a major consideration in poetry and also represents an issue that many critics and poets argue about. For some, a poem is not a real poem without some kind of formal structure. To many of these people, a poet writing without structure should not be considered a true poet. For others, structure is viewed as limiting a poem. The question then, is who is right in this argument. Is structure necessary to a poem' Or does structure just get in the way of good poetry' A consideration of two major poets will show that both unstructured and structured forms are not only acceptable, but capable of resulting in poets that are considered among the best ever. These two poets are Walt Whitman and Robert Frost, each poet on the opposite of the argument and yet both poets using their opposite approach to create effective poetry. This leads to the final answer, which is that the important point is not whether or not structure is used, but whether the poet uses e

Using the Federal Rehabilitation Act 1973 versus Americans with Disabilities Act in court

In this instance, Lawyer Smart thinks it is unlikely that Mr. Ganizer could win a suit against the public university in question under the Americans with Disabilities Act because although the terms of the act requires employers to make reasonable accommodates to individuals with medical disabilities, the individual in question must be able to perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodations. What this means is that employers are not oblig

Elizabeth Bishop The Fish

Elizabeth Bishop is a poet that is often admired for her vivid descriptive poetry. Her interest in reading and writing came early in life as she suffered from several illnesses that caused her to spend many hours alone. (Gale) Many critics admire Bishop's objectivity "because she was interested in viewing details spontaneously, without imposed rationalizations, in the manner of a naturalist" (Gale). Bishop is also known for writing poems about ordinary experiences that "convey subtle revelations" (Gale). One excellent example of this can be seen in her poem, "The Fish." The poet's observation in this poem not only creates an image of the fish for the reader, but it also expands the scope of the poet's appreciation for the fish. "The Fish" is a narrative poem in which the poet discovers the beauty in nature. The poem displays Bishop's use of rhetorical and sound devices as well as tone, metaphor, symbolism, personification, simile, and imagery. While the poem s

The Role of the Financial Manager versus the role of the Accountant

Because of its institutionalization as a profession, accountancy often has more legitimacy as a profession in the eyes of many individuals, as opposed to more vague notions of what constitutes financial management. However, simply because his or hers is a newer position within the American corporate financial structure and hierarchy, this does not mean that a financial manager is simply a so-called glorified accountant.' (Brearley, 2003) In contrast to accountants, the role of a financial managers tend to be both more diffuse and qualitative in nature. Its lack of definition can be a strength and a source of interest for a potential financial manager, as well as a detriment. Th

Howard Schultz's Leadership Approach

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of Howard Schultz, President of Starbucks. Specifically, it will answer several questions regarding Schultz and his method of leadership. Entrepreneurs are a special breed. These leaders possess special characteristics that lead them far from normal thought and invention. Good leaders are not afraid to stand out on a limb while creating new types of trees, and Howard Schultz is no exception. Entrepreneurs are indeed special types of leaders, and it takes a special person to be a successful entrepreneur. Generally, many entrepreneurs share several of the same characteristics and leadership style. One of these characteristics is an "unbridled passion" for what interests them, and usually, what interests them is what they eventually do as their career, so they are usually quite passionate about their companies and their role in their companies. Schultz writes in his book "Pour Your He

Ecofeminism Movement

One of the most basic tenants of feminist environmentalism is that people's relationships to their environments are differentiated by gender. A review of the ecofeminist movement reveals a deep division between essentialist and anti-essentialist positions that actually obscures the fundamental flaw within the entire movement. Ultimately, the ecofeminist assertion that men and women's relationships to their environments are fundamentally different seems to be fundamentally erroneous, and fails to take into consideration more important factors like race, economics, and even personal experience. Ecofeminism is seen as "a feminist rebellion within male-dominated radical environmentalism" (Sturgeon, 25). Ruether notes "Ecofeminism ... explores how male domination of women and domination of nature are interconnected, both in cultural ideology and in social structures" (2). Essentially, ecofeminism at its most basic definition focuses on the ties that exist between

To Have and Have Not: a book review on Ernest Hemingway's famous novel

This paper on To Have And Have Not presents a book review on Ernest Hemingway's famous novel, To Have and Have Not. This paper emphasizes on the theme, setting and symbols portrayed in the novel by the author. This paper also analyzes the main characters of the novel and the role played by them. This paper also highlights some quotes to support its claim.

Japanese Prisoners: Why do Japanese view their hostages as "shameful" rather then honored

Why do Japanese view their hostages as "shameful" rather then honored' When compared to the US -if thesei¿½ hostages were US citizens, they would be celebrated for their bravery and good deed. What makes us different' What makesi¿½ our countries react differently to these hostages' According to a recent article from The New York Times on the former Japanese hostages' situation, the reason these individuals are seen as "Japan's shame" rather than brave heroes is because they committed a transgression against their society, ignoring a government advisor