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Slave Reparation

This paper will discuss the issue of slave reparation. The paper will discuss the pros and cons of this issue and whether slaves should be given reparation or not. The paper will highlight the various issues that are concerned with slave reparation.

Contrary to Natural Law

There are many tough issues facing our country today, and three of the most perplexing are abortion, euthanasia, and suicide. In our "throw-away" society, life simply does not seem to be as important as it used to be, and many people condone these three types of murder as socially acceptable. However, it is not hard to see that each of these murders is a sin, and are very contrary to the natural law - which is always about survival at any cost. In natural law, nature decides when a person or anything else dies. Suicide, euthanasia, and abortion are easy ways to change natural law, and so many people accept them today as normal, everyday occurrences. Man has discovered it is simple to alter the natural order of things, and so he does it without thought of the moral and religious obligations of his decision. However, the natural law of God and the universe dictate otherwise. Abortion is the ending of a human life at the choice of the parents, rather than God.

Six Perspectives of the Zachman Framework

This paper outlines the need of implementing the Zachman Framework within an Enterprise Architecture whereby its six perspectives have been mentioned in detail.

Behaviorist Theory

The human mind constantly responds to the environment or external stimuli. Thus, the social environment and culture that we are exposed to, especially as infants and in our youth, condition our very thinking and behavior. This is precisely why family environment and values play a key role in personality development, as do religion, educational institutions, peer groups, and the media. Indeed, in many ways we are very much a product of our environment, which explains the commonality in values, lifestyles, and even fashion that ca

Similarities and Differences between The Two Great Philosophers: Dante Alighieri and Karl Marx

This paper discusses the two great philosophers of the Renaissance and the Modern ages. Dante Alighieri is from the former one and Karl Marx hails from the Modern age.

Flauberts Madame Bovary: Depicts the Unfulfilling Roles of Women in the Mid-Nineteenth Century

Gustave Flaubert's novel, Madame Bovary, is important because it operates on many levels. While modern readers may appreciate Emma's Bovary's plight, it is also important to understand how the novel was received to gain a greater understanding of its significance. The novel was the first of kind in that it was what has now become known as a realist novel. It depicts the unfulfilling roles of women in the mid-nineteenth century and, as a result, criticized the bourgeois society in general. Flaubert was condemned for his novel by a society that was absorbed in morality. However, his great achievement is pinpointing human desires through the character of Emma and presenting them in a realistic setting that does not condemn or condone them. Literature of the mid-nineteenth century was largely a product of romantic notions. Flaubert said that by writing Madame Bovary, he was "exorcising the romantic demons that hover about literature" (Russell 8). His style focuses

The Tortilla Curtain Symbolism Commenting on The American Dream

T.C. Boyle's The Tortilla Curtain is a novel dealing with the controversial subject of illegal immigration in America, specifically dealing with Mexicans crossing the border into California. While this is the overall subject of the novel, there are various themes within the book. One of the most noticeable ones is that of the American dream, where the novel deals with how it is obtained and how people act when they have achieved the dream, and when they are trying to achieve the dream. To comment on this theme, Boyle includes a number of symbols in the novel. Four major symbols seen are the car crash incident, walls and borders, houses, and coyotes. Through the use of these symbols, Boyle shows how those that have obtained the American dream become so busy protecting it that they actually force out everyone else, while not even gaining real joy from having achieved it. Each of the four symbols will now be looked at in turn, while explaining how each contributes

Global Marketing Standardization vs. Adaptation

1. The similarities between the French and Quebec markets were wildly overestimated and overemphasized in the marketing of Cleopatra soap in Quebec. It appears that Steve Boyd, group product manager for Colgate- Palmolive Canada, wanted a big win and saw Quebec as a proving ground for using European advertising techniques and appeals on the North American continent. He reasoned that French-speaking Quebec would offer that chance. If the French-speaking people of France liked it, why not the French-speaking people of Quebec' This seemed to follow a standardization' path, because "Though many critical issues pertaining to standardization remain largely unresolved, there is a general belief that greater efficiencies might be achieved through the standardization of global marketing activities," and this could be considered one small step in that direction. (Samiee, 1994, 579+) However, there were a couple of red flags immediately. First, at least as it is written

History of the Labor Unions

The history of labor unions in the United States is almost for the entire history of the country. There were no problems of unemployment initially, yet today it has become a major problem. This is turn has caused problems for the country as these people have to be provided a living allowance. In turn, the labor unions also have their own problems, and the chief among those problems are the proper management of the union funds, and the earnings of the unions are quite high today. When the unions started, the aim was to achieve decent living conditions for the workers, and the full organization that is seen today was not designed. That was the stage when the movement was more of a social benefit movement. The nature of the movement changed when the money in the business was realized. The growth of the unions was unimpeded over a long period, but the starting was marred in a lot of controversy. The major strikes were opposed b

Lending to Telecom Companies

When BankBoston developed its strategy for lending to telecommunications companies in 1999, it was responding to several changes in the telecommunications regulatory environment. The first of those changes was not a regulation per se but a ruling by federal judge Harold Green in `984. That ruling, the result of an antitrust suit brought by the U.S. government against telephone industry giant American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), "redefined the structure of the industry." (Rainie, 1999, unpaged) It divided the U.S. into 1`61 Local Access and Transport Areas (LATAs), each of which, in turn, had a number of local exchanges. AT&T had to sell all of its local exchange business; that spin-off was further rearranged to form seven Regional Bell Holding Companies (known as Baby Bells, or, more formally, RBOCs). (Rainie, 1999, unpaged) All this spinning off' left lots of room for new companies to enter the market, and for some older, regional, independent AT&T-er

Creative Writing Information Technology

Information technology (IT) is increasingly being viewed as having the capability to alter business strategy, work structure, and processes to improve business performance. For gaining the competitive advantage, it becomes critical that business units and IT management work in unison, because IT models are often subsumed under business strategy; and, at the same time, business strategy

Price Elasticity

Southwest Airlines offers no frills flying at lower prices than non- discount airlines. The company has made it possible for more people to fly than ever before possible because of its lower fares. The company views its competition as not just other airlines, but also a variety of travel substitutes. When it set its initial prices, it based prices on what bus companies and rental car agencies had set for trips of comparable

Transborder Data Flows

Perhaps before we start discussing information security and transborder data flows, we need to briefly address two of the characteristics of the global society nowadays: economical and cultural interdependence and the ever-growing technological developments. Indeed, if we refer strictly to the countries in the OECD, countries that are most advanced technologically, the globalization process taking place for the last couple of years has meant that they tend to interact more often, in such a manner that we can now address the term of "Transborder Data Flows". According to one of the articles, these can be defined as "flows of data with an international dimension"[1]. The internalization of information and the increasing data flow has two major implications, in my point of view. For once, it induces the OECD states to create the appropriate regulation that will prevent such things as "the unlawful storage of personal data, the storage of inaccurate personal

Future of Business under Bush

President George W. Bush has announced a 6-point agenda for stimulating the US economy that he plans to implement, if re-elected. The plan would help businesses as follows:
• The cornerstone of President Bush's economic plan is his proposal for eliminating double taxation on corporate dividends carrying a price tage of $ 370 billion over the next 10 years. At present, the IRS taxes a company's profits and then taxes i

Analysis of Moral Dilemma

Philosophers have studied moral concepts of right and wrong for millennia. During this time, great thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Bentham, and Kant have developed a number of carefully reasoned and eloquent approaches to moral questions. These approaches in the field of ethics can span from metaethics (the core of ethical principles or universal truths) to the field of normative ethics (which takes a much more practical approach to solving specific problems) to the field of applied ethics (which looks at specific issues like abortion or animal rights) (The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Each of these fields of ethics has sparked some often surprisingly elegant approaches to difficult ethical problems. However, in the real word, moral decisions are often much more difficult and confusing than they appear during reasoned ethical analysis. Moral dilemmas like the following illustrate the profound difficulty in coming to an ethical decision under tru

The Holy Family by Jan Brueghel the Elder

"The Holy Family" by Jan Brueghel the Elder clearly shows the influence of the Northern Renaissance both in theme and technical rendering. Brueghel was one of the key artists of the Northern Renaissance, a period characterized by realism, perspective, and the themes of religion and nature in art. Brueghel's The Holy Family contains many elements characteristic of the Northern Renaissance, including the themes of religion and nature, as well as a profound realism and detail. The religious theme of the painting is consistent with an influence of components of Christian thought and stylistic techniques common in the Italian Renaissance. Jan the elder Brueghel was one of the major artistic forces of the Northern Renaissance in the Netherlands. Born into an artistic family, he was the son of Pieter the Elder Bruegel, and the brother of Pieter the Younger Brueghel, and the brother of Jan Bruegel II, while his father-in-law was David Teniers the Younger. Jan the elder Brueghel was born in 1568, and died 1625. Painted during the Northern Renaissance, Brueghel's The Holy Family reveals a great deal of the important themes of the era. The Northern R

Presidents Drug Policy

The President's National Drug Control Strategy 2004 focuses on three key areas: the prevention of drug use, providing treatment for drug addiction, and damaging the economic basis of the drug trade. In the strategy, the President notes a special role for law enforcement, school and community. In addition, the arrest of drug dealers is an important component of the policy. Despite its many positive points, like a focus on treatment, the President's drug policy has several important flaws. Overall, the President's drug policy will be held to be successful if it holds up to long-term goals like reducing drug use and crime that is associated with the use of illegal drugs. Law enforcement plays an important role in the President's drug policy. Importantly, the policy proposes "close alliances between treatment and law enforcement" as part of a larger alliance between the community and government. As an example, the policy notes the case of Shirley Morgan and

Employee Rights Supreme Court

Saint Clair Adams had been hired as a sales counselor by Circuit City Stores, Inc., in California. As a condition of employment, he was required to sign an agreement that any disputes that arose between Adams and his employer would be settled by arbitration. Despite that, Adams sued Circuit City Stores, Inc., in state court for various discrimination complaints. The Ninth Court of Appeals in California held that "Title VII disputes cannot be made subject to compulsory arbitration agreements" as they do not constitute interstate commerce' as specified in the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). (King, 2001, Jones Day Web site) The facts in the case, as it began, are simple: Adams signed an employment contract that demanded arbitration rather than lawsuits to settle issues between employer and employee. When such an issue arose, however, Adams decided to pursue it in court rather than seek arbitration. Circuit City Stores, Inc., acted to compel Adams to en

Hamlet: Highlight and Discussion of Famous Phrases, Lines and Quotes

The following paper will highlight and discuss some of the famous phrases from William Shakespeare play "Hamlet" and the famous lines "TO be or not to be". The paper will discuss and explain some of the quotes and what do the quotes mean in the modern century.

Reliability and Validity: Complex Issues Concerning the Applicability of Intelligence IQ Tests

With the development of statistical and other quantitative tools and methods that quantify abstract and qualitative information, the late 19th century, where subsistence to empiricism is evident, have led to the proliferation of quantifiable measures, called tests, that seek to state in simpler terms an individual's skills, knowledge, and characteristics (personal attributes). One prominent example of these measures are intelligence tests, which is a measure used to determine an individual's "general mental capability to reason, solve problems, think abstractly, learn and understand new material, and profit from past experience" (Detterman, 2002). The development of intelligence tests originated way back in the late 19th century, when Sir Frances Galton introduced the eugenics movement, which attempts to discriminate between superior' and inferior' physiological and psychological characteristics of people. Methods and concepts concerning intelligence testin

GASB & FASB: discusses it's roll and describes their relationship, objectives and similarities

Introduction In its most common meaning, Governmental Accounting Standards Board or GASB for short stands for the group which is authorized by the accounting profession and its professionals to actually establish a generally accepted set of accounting principles (GAAP) which are applicable to state as well as local governmental entities. On the other hand, Financial Accounting Standards Board, called FASB in short is the independent, private and non- governmental group, which has to its authority the role of accounting profession and professionals to undergo the establishment of a generally accepted set of accounting principles in the United States. This paper discusses the role of GASB and FASB as well as describes their relationship, objectives and similarities. Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Governmental Accounting Standards Board has the duty to establish financial reporting standards for both the state as well as the local governments which might include within them states, cities, towns, villages, and special-purpose

Sudan and It's Problems

Nimeiri In May of 1969, the Nemeiri coup was held. Colonel Jaafar an Nimeiri led the coup which soon placed him in power. Cause of Nimeiri's coup: economic and national problems were not attended, as well as the lack of constitution. In 1971, a coup against Nimeiri was attempted by the communist party. As a punishment, they were executed. Nimeiri lost his power as the leader of Sudan in 1965. Following his government was a civilian form of government. Events That Got World Attention In 1995, the United Nations placed sanctions against the civilian government of Sudan was accused

The Scientific Method for Treatment of a Lawn

Introduction Recently, in observations of the health of my lawn I have realized that most of my grass is brown, much of it is dead and what isn't dead is not growing well. Although I was initially inclined to blame meteorological factors beyond my control, I have come to realize that my neighbor's lawn is green and tall. . .essentially thriving. Because of the fact that weather over my neighbor's lawn is the same as that over mine, I have concluded that there is some other factor responsible for the difference in the quality of our lawns. Since our lawns are side by side, many of the variables that affect my lawn also affect his. Things such as temperature, moisture and daylight hours are constant for both. This has led me to believe that there is something my neighbor is doing to his lawn that leads to its far superior health. By careful observation of the habits of my neighbor in his lawn care regimen, I have noted two fundamental areas that diffe

Discuss Human Personality Development and Explain the Concept of Love by Maslow and Carl Rogers

This paper will discuss human personality development. The paper will also explain the concept of love as described by Maslow and Carl Rogers. It shall also highlight the concepts of beings motivated and loved and what are the consequences of the deprivation of motivation and love.

President Bush Plans for His Administration

This paper discusses the plans the Bush administration has in its bill after the success in the forthcoming American Elections. It also discusses the drafts in a brief manner.