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George Balanchines Influence on Ballet in America

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of ballet history. Specifically, it will discuss ballet in America today and George Balanchine's influence on ballet in America. What influenced ballet in America and how was it embraced' Who were the major players' Ballet has not always been an important and viable art in America. It was not until the 1930s, when George Balanchine arrived in the United States from Russia that ballet companies began to flourish and thrive. Balanchine's influence on the arts in America is immeasurable, and his legacy lives on today in innovative and demanding choreography in some of the most successful companies in America.

Whats Eating Gilbert Grape: the journey of a hero and the challenges that face him

"What's Eating Gilbert Grape," is an outstanding film in both content and character. The film expresses themes and ideas on many levels and poignantly expresses the journey of a hero and the challenges that face him. The three levels of conflict within the film are societal, familial and individual. Gilbert transverses all three levels, learning from each, that which holds the most value and that which he believes he should leave behind, in order to grow into an individual who remembers his own needs, while still taking care of everyone else. Character entrances are significant as the first frame begins the journey of Arnie, a consummate child, delayed and needy, and about to turn the pivotal age of eighteen. Gilbert is Arnie's main caretaker and the only person in his life to this point who understands and can communicate with him. Each member of Gilbert's family must take on a role of one of the absent parents, both of whom have to a large degree disapp

Does Zeus Exist An Analysis According to the Theogony by Hesiod

Introduction Hesiod was one of the oldest known Greek poets, and perhaps the oldest. He lived at Ascra in Boeotia (situated in central Greece) in the late 8th century BC (West 1999). The earlier of his two surviving poems, the Theogony, provides a systematic genealogy of the gods from the beginning of the world together with an account of their violent struggles before the present order was established. Even from a contemporary perspective, the Theogony provides compelling evidence that Zeus, in fact, existed during this ancient period in human history, and continues to exist to this day. This paper will provide an analysis of Hesiod's the Theogony to demonstrate these points, followed by a summary of the research in the conclusion. Review and Discussion Religious views are a highly subjective and personal affair, and they can manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways and intensities. In this regard, the Olympian gods were perhaps as just as "real" and "alive" to the ancient Greeks as the God of Abraham is to billions of Christians, M

Mohandas Gandhi recognized as one of the greatest leaders and thinkers of the 20th Century

Mohandas Gandhi, born to a merchant cast in India, defied his family and caste beliefs by studying law in England. This experience broadened his view of the British Empire. He found that he was often accepted there as an equal. After he finished his studies in England he returned to India, but was not terribly successful. Eventually he was hired by a company in 1893 to represent their interests in the British colony of Natal in Africa. He was the first "colored lawyer allowed to practice in Natal and did well. However, he discovered that Indians in Natal were harshly discriminated against. He believed that as a British subject he should be treated as the equal to the Englishmen in Natal and organized the Natal Indian Congress to work for Indian rights. However, he remained loyal to the British, intending to change their policies. He helped organize ambulance services during the Boer War and also helped against a Zulu revolt. In 1906, however, when no changes had occurred, he developed the philosophy of civil disobedience, based o

Book Review on OVER HERE the first world war and American society

A good and nearly complete account of the happenings during the first nineteen months of the participation of United States in the First World War has been documented in "Over Here" by David Kennedy. The details in this book are between the period between April 2, 1917 when the war message was first given to Congress by Wilson and November 11, 1918 when the Armistice was signed, the book gives details of the political innovations, social disruptions and the cultural heritage of the experience of America in the War (p.V11). There is a brief prologue which sets the stage, and then Kennedy plunges into the description of the war for the Americans, and the thoughts that accompanied the entry of US into the War. At the same time, one has to remember that Wilson had won the re-election in 1916 as he had promised to keep America out of the War, and this required him to make some explanations when the country got in

Heroism in Black Hawk Down

Somalia, an East African country of some 6 million, was decimated by famine and civil war in the early 1990s. International aid groups tried to help, but factional fighting and bandits halted the flow of food. Somalis were dying at an estimated rate of 1,000 per day as cargo ships were shelled, trucks were hijacked, and relief workers were murdered. In December 1992, U.S. President George H. Bush announced that the United States would provide the backbone of a multinational military force to secure supply lines and deliver food to the starving. U.S. troops were not greeted warmly when they arrived in Mogadishu, the seaport capital of Somalia. Gen. Mohamed Farah Aidid was especially opposed to their presence. Despite the volatile situation, military intervention appeared to be helping Somalia. The new U.S. presidential administration of Bill Clinton was determined to forge a lasting solution. Clinton's team supported the passage of U.N. resolution 814, expandin

A Dolls House Character Analysis of Nora

Many readings of Ibsen's play, A Doll's House, attempt to show that there was great change within one character in particular, Nora. It is fairly easy to see that Thorvald, her husband, is a wooden character, imposing and seemingly without humor or compassion, both at the beginning of the play and at the end. Krogstad is also one-dimensional, a petty criminal who has spent his life trying to get by without ever owning up to his larcenous tendencies. Mrs. Linde does not change much, either; in fact, she seems to be a sort of Greek chorus just inserted into the action to move it from one situation to the next. In addition, Dr. Rand is destined for only one change, death. The addition of Dr. Rand to the action is merely a small complication in Nora's life; she has bigger worries than whether a dying doctor is in love with her. However, Nora's worries, despite what some critics say, are not those of a person changing and growing up. Instead, hers are the worr

Tragedy From Oedipus the King to Death of a Salesman

Around 2400 years ago, Aristotle wrote his famous work "Poetics," describing in it the qualities of a tragedy. In this work, Aristotle offered "Oedipus the King" as a perfect example of a tragedy. Over two millenia have passed and writers are still creating tragedies. "Death of a Salesman" is one modern example of a tragedy. This leads to the question of how the tragedy had lasted and remained relevant for so long. And at the same time, has it changed to adapt to the modern world' This will now be discussed, first by offering a modern definition of a tragedy. Both "Oedipus the King" and "Death of a Salesman" will then be described in turn, with it shown that each play meets the requirements of a tragedy. Finally, the meaning of the similarities will be discussed, with it shown that a tragedy is essentially a human story of the struggle to overcome one's flaws. The persistence of the tragedy suggests that this is a common struggle of man, and one that remains

Oedipus Othello and A Dolls House: represent individuals struggling to cope with the truth

William Shakespeare and Sophocles are playwrights that illustrate their keen understanding of human behavior. In the plays Oedipus the King and Othello, we observe man's inability to reliably distinguish between what seems to be and what actually is. Additionally, we are shown how different individuals handle the truth in various circumstances. Some choose to ignore the truth while others use truth as weapons to get what they want, as we see in A Doll's House. These plays illustrate how the truth is rarely plan and simple. Oedipus and Othello incorrectly assess their circumstances and, as a result, make bad decisions. They misjudge people and situations because they allow themselves to be influenced by their emotions. Their decisions ultimately lead to their demise. However while both men share a lack of insight, the theme of their inability to see the truth are treated differently. In Oedipus the King, we are introduced to the search for truth from the be

Computer Clusters

Computer clustering has proved to be on of the most important technological innovations of our time. It involves the use of multiple hardware, typically personal computers (PCs) or UNIX workstations, storage devices, and redundant interconnections, to form what appears to users as a single integrated system. Common uses of cluster technology already include parallel processing, batch processing, load balancing and high availability. In the future, grid computing, a form of distributed cluster computing, holds the promise for a virtualized computing environment

The Life and Legacy of George Balanchine

By the time of George Balanchine's untimely passing on April 30th, 1983, this 20th century master of choreography in ballet had created more than 400 works. His name is celebrated in the art world, much as Picasso or Stravinsky. Balanchine was arguably the most influential person in ballet, and his legacy continues to benefit the world of ballet long after his death. George Balanchine was born Georgi Melitonovitch Balanchivadze in St. Petersburg, Russia. He was born the son of a composer, and as such, was exposed to music at any early age, not often experienced by any other composer. At the age of five, Balanchine began to take piano lessons, and at nine years old, "he was accepted into the ballet section of St. Petersburg's rigorous Imperial Theater School, and, with other young students, was soon appearing on the stage of the famed Maryinsky Theater in such spectacles as The Sleeping Beauty." ("George Balanchine, 1904-1983") While dancing, the multitalen

Comparison of Henry V as Directed by Kenneth Branagh and as Directed by Laurence Olivier

Kenneth Branagh and Laurence Olivier are often considered to be quite similar. This is based on obvious similarities such as the fact that they are both actors and directors and that they have both acted in and produced adaptations of Shakespeare's plays. One effective way to compare the two is to consider how both have approached the same film. This will now be completed by analyzing and comparing the film "Henry V." This will show that Branagh and Olivier are very different, with many of their differences related to the time in which they directed. The first difference that is seen in the two films is that Olivier's version seems more like a movie of a play, than a movie. This has several impacts on the way the film is viewed. The first is that is makes you more aware that you are watching a Shakespeare play. As a viewer, this changes expectations of what will be seen. In movies, you generally expect to see a realistic chain of events, where you fol

Character Comparison In Snow Falling on Cedars

This paper will discuss the characters of Carl Heine Senior and junior. The paper will discuss the differences that existed between the two characters in "Snow Falling on Cedars". The paper will compare the two characters their similarities and differences at the time of war and after the war.

Being a Team Player An Ethical Dilemma in Management

No one likes to penalize someone for honesty, and Barbara's honesty is certainly commendable in her forthrightness about her interpersonal abilities. However, if being a team player is an essential component of the assignment, not hiring Barbara for lacking the essential qualifications for the prospective position, if playing on a team is one of those qualifications, is hardly unethical. It is no more unethical than not hiring someone for a plumbing job if they admit, look I'm

The Notion of Nation

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of nation. Specifically, it will discuss how the term "nation" has changed in meaning over the years and how it is best defined today.

Value of Standards

Within any type of organization, it is essential that every member and every phase of the organization follow a set of common business rules or what we know as business standards. Business standards make an organization function systematically. Many businesses apply different sets of standards that correspond to the different phases of business operation. Having standards is considered by almost every organization and company as an essential technique to achieve success. Business standards is a critical element in accomplishing tasks. It helps prevent incompatibilities between related business processes. Further, it helps in the provi

E Commerce Versus Technology Companies Is there a Difference

Wall Street has a habit of defining e-commerce companies as technology companies and vice versa. Unfortunately, this description has more to do with convenience than accuracy. Most technology companies have a large e-commerce component. Similarly, virtually all e-commerce companies rely on sophisticated technology to operate their businesses. This large overlap in the technology and e-commerce domains has led to the two terms being used interchangeably. This, however, ignores the reality that the two sectors have quite different characteristics. Technology companies have the goal of increasing society's technological capabilities. This encompasses a variety of different companies, from software to infrastructure support to hardware components and related applications such as biotechnology. Many of these companies rely on e-commerce as a component of their business. Technology and its advancement, in these cases, is the pr

Dogar, R., & Peraino, K. (1999). Wired for the bottom line: The Leaders of

Introduction We are witnessing a paradigm shift in communication technology and the internet has affected every aspect of your lives. The internet has fast developed into one of the important commercial and educational communication mediums of the modern world. The unlimited possibilities of the web, has wooed all kinds of entrepreneurs to explore the online medium for expanding their businesses. Ecommerce has evolved a great deal and is viewed as an efficient and economical way of conducting business. However the anonymous nature of the internet media has also contributed to security concerns, theft of intellectual property, identity theft and privacy concerns among other related problems like hacking, snooping etc. With computers invading the health care, insurance and other important sectors of our life, concerns over privacy and security of data have become all the more pronounced. Over the years regulatory restrictions have been enforced and are continuously

The Internet: A Sea Change in How Business is Conducted

The Internet has fundamentally changed the way that business is carried out. But do the changes brought about by the Internet constitute a sea change' When considering this question, it's important to define the concepts that we are discussing. A sea change is a complete shift, a fundamental change that brings with it entirely new circumstances. It is more than a series of advances that move business forward, it a change in the business itself. In this regard, the Internet is more than just a facilitating tool, it represents a sea change in the way business is conducted. One major way in which the Internet has brought about a sea change in the way a business conducts its affairs has to do with the relationship between customer and business. The Internet is as much a tool for today's consumer as it is for today's business, and this fact has to be considered by any business that hopes to remain competitive in today's commercial environment. Internet

Systematic and Unsystematic Risk

Unsystematic risk is much more focused than systematic risk. The latter focuses on large classes of assets, liabilities and the market. Large-scale events such as economic change or political events influence a large market portion. Systematic risk entails that all assets are more or less affected by moves in the market. The risk thus involves the possible decline in asset values. Unsystematic risk on the other hand

Preparing a Cash Budget and Float Management

Prudent cash management programs for large or small companies rest in the company's ability to maximize interest on those funds not readily needed for immediate expenditures; and also in preparation for future expenditures. A vital component of the cash management program is the cash budget, which outlines the necessary cash needed, day, week, month, and year, for necessary cash expenditures. The cash budget clearly and specifically outlines the inflow and outflow of cash within a comp

Battle Tactics

Much of what we now understand about war and tactics has been gleaned from centuries of history birthed in the Greco-Roman experience. Not only did Greek and Roman culture lead directly into later European theory by inspiring the tactical writers and thinkers of the Rennaissance and its history become a textbook case for latter strategical study, it also had a directly hands-on influence on the Western approach to war. It is hard to find a nation in Europe or Eurasia whose natives did not both train under the direct military guidance of Rome and gain further combat experience in turn fighting against Roman troops. The so-called barbarians of the Roman era, after all, were destined to become the predominate races of medieval and modern Europe, and the ideals of Imperial Rome inextricably bound up with the morality of the dominant European religious structure. (King, 2004; Sazerac, 2002) So it should not be surprising that there is much to be learned from Greco-Roman

Rational Reasoning A Personal overview and philosophy

"Don't be so irrational!" Using these words in one's personal life, towards one's spouse, is an excellent way to add fuel to an already heated argument. In the workplace, rational reasoning can often be deployed with much success. But not always so in the personal sphere of one's life. As a supervisor over a car assembly line at General Motors, I have come to appreciate this fact. For instance, if the line seems to be operating in an inefficient fashion, one must consider the possible reasons for this inefficiency in a step-by-step mannerâ€"is it a human or a mechanical problem, for example' A supervisor uses the scientific method to target the problem and find a solution. It has been said that "rational thinking for developing claims about reality involves the use of the valid reasoning such as logic and science for determining the truth about reality," and "science attempts to use to determine the truth about reality" by explaining that certain aspects of perceived reality are false except for one hypothesis, after the process of elimination of all false proposed solu

The Human Brain

I believe that my brain is the determinant of my personality. So in that sense the "self" that I experience every day does reside in my brain. In terms of spirituality, there are those who believe there is a soul with an existence apart from both the body and the brain. I however do not believe this. Everything is dependent on the brain, including ideas and ideals relating to religion. I therefore do not think that my existenc

Repetition in the colonialist and post colonialist imagination

The Writings of Jamaica Kincaid and Alex La Guma In works of the poetic imagination, repetition is often used as a rhetorical or literary trope to give aid to the beauty and rhythmic verbal texture of a written work. Both the South African writer of the 1960's Alex La Guma and Antigua's (and North America's) contemporary novelist and essayist Jamaica Kincaid could be called poetic authors in the sense that they are both master craftspeople of the linguistic, prosaic art of writing. They deploy repetition to add beauty to the texts they unweave before the reader's senses. Yet repetition in the titular short story of La Guma's "A Walk in the Night" uses the narrative functions of repetition as a way of showing the tragic sameness of the central characters lives under an oppressive White regime, as well as a way of rendering the ugliness and repetitive texture of daily life in poetic prose. Jamaica Kincaid, in contrast, in viewing the world of her native Antigua as