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Internet Security: Discuss the Issues of Data Security, System and Communications and Risks of Data Communications

It is nearly impossible to read any internet publication these days without finding an article on internet security; either how it has been breached or how to keep it from being breached. Many people are able to use highly technical terms like firewall and privacy protection but do they really understand what it is they are talking about, how these items work and how they can be breached. This paper will discuss the issues of data security, system and communications security, and some of the risks that have been identified in data communications.

The Old and the New in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily

The difficulty of change becomes a focal point in William Faulkner's short story, "A Rose for Emily." Faulkner conveys dark moods and elements of surprise in a seemingly simple story about an eccentric old lady who refuses to let go of the past. The story of Emily becomes a testament to the difficulty one encounters when faced with change. Faulkner combines imagery, symbolism, and language to illustrate the vast difference between the Old South that Emily lived in and the new emerging traditions following the Civil War. Faulkner utilizes the techniques of imagery to draw attention to the difference that exists between the past and the present in Emily. For example, very early in the story we are told that the men in town attended her funeral "through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument" (Faulkner 451). This image reminds represents how Emily served as a type of monument to the old traditions that belonged to the south before the Civil War.

Data Collection Regarding Problems At Low Income Schools

Creating a data collection plan for problems at low-income schools presents a number of problems for the potential researcher in and of itself. However, there are several methodologies that can be deployed. First of all, the definition of what constitutes a low-income school must be determined. The relative average and median income of the student body's parents in relation to the cost of living of the area must be determined, as must the income of the outer lying school districts. The average median income of the student's parents or guardians must be determined to be low' according to studies performed. A comparative analysis with the teacher's income, to see if there is a substantial discrepancy between what the student's parents earn and what the average income of the teachers are would also be illustrative, in terms of seeing the class and income differentials between students and teacher's lifestyles and incomes, as well as between teacher's incomes ay low-income schools a

Speeches of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln Compared

Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln are both addressing people who are experiencing a difficult time in history. In fact, both men are facing the issue of a nation at war. Jefferson was speaking to a nation that was seeking its independence from a separate country. Lincoln was addressing a country that was facing an internal war. Both men were forced to look at what government meant for the people and more importantly, they had to decide if that government was worth fighting to keep. In the face of tension and strife, Jefferson and Lincoln produced documents that not only helped to settle growing conflicts, but also helped define America as it grew to become what it is now. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson is speaking for a group people that desire to break free from the control of Great Britain. He is also addressing the British government. His views must be understood by both sides in order to be successful. Jefferson laid this document out in

Mystery of Vocation

Malcolm Muggeridge's biography of Mother Theresa, Something Beautiful for God, and Graham Green's novel, The Power and the Glory, reveal a great deal about the influence of a calling on an individual's choice of vocation. Muggeridge reveals Mother Theresa's calling as a powerful, innate force that she has never questioned, thus sublimating her needs completely to her vocation. In contrast, the whiskey priest in The Power and the Glory struggles with his human weaknesses and fear, and yet finds himself compelled to remain true to his calling as a priest. In today's world, the choice of vocation is often seen as driven by a number of factors, such as economic and materialistic concerns, as well as personal desires such as hours of work, time spent with family, and concerns like prestige and recognition. Others see a vocation as linked to a sense of personal identity. Notes Muggeridge, "There is much talk today about discovering an identity, as though it were

Affirmative Action: Requires the Elimination of Any Barriers to Equal Employment Opportunity

Executive Order 11246 Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and Section 4212 of the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act ban discrimination and require Federal contractors and subcontractors to take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for employment, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or status (Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs 2002). The implementing arm is the OFCCP, which exercises jurisdiction over approximately 26 million or close to 22% of the civilian labor force, consisting of almost 100,000 non-construction establishments and 100,000 construction establishments. The Executive Order, through the OFCCP, requires the elimination of any barriers to equal employment opportunity as a condition to a federal contract. The OFCCP also investigates complaints of discrimination (OFCCP 2002) and implements programs to prevent it. A contracting agency must include the equal op

Project Management and Why It's Needed In An Organization

Organizations generally perform two types of work: projects and operations. The Project Management Institute (PMI) notes that projects are temporary and unique while operations are ongoing and repetitive (PMI, 2000). PMI defines a project as being a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. To meet the criteria of being a temporary endeavor, projects must have a definite start and finish point. To meet the criteria of being a unique product or service, projects must be distinguishable from all other work. PMI further notes that project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements (PMI, 2000), and that project management entails initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing projects. Therefore project management is a defined process that guides the planning and execution of temporary endeavors to create unique products or services. Project management is needed by an organization if the organization desires well-planned and well-executed projects. Project management provides structu

Reiview of Hemingways The Old Man and The Sea

First published in 1952, Ernest Hemingway's classic short story "The Old Man and the Sea" concerns Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, who ventures far out into the Gulf Stream and hooks the biggest marlin ever caught in those waters. Then, alone and exhausted by his struggle to harpoon the great fish, he is forced into a losing battle with swarms of sharks that in the end leave him nothing but the skeleton of his once-in-a- lifetime catch. Thus, "The Old Man and the Sea" symbol

Syntax Semantics Body Language and Cross Cultural Communication

According to Wordiq, an Internet dictionary search engine and dictionary, there is a crucial distinction between syntax and semantics when communicating ideas and concepts in different social and cultural contexts. The syntax of a word is its dictionary definition, outside of relational, linguistic context. ("Syntax," 2004) Semantics, and the semantics of any specific term relates to how the word functions within sentence structures, and on a larger level, within the function of a particular culture. ("Semantics," 1996) For instance, take the English word no.' The syntactical meaning of no' means no,' as in a negation. In a syntactical sense it is simply the opposite of affirmation or yes.' But in some American semantic use, No!' can mean you're pulling my leg," or "I don't believe you.' Kinesics, or body language in the form of non-verbal behavior can give additional meaning or resonance to particular words, when reinforced with gestures, or change th


The hostess seated Confucius and I at a table by the window. Thus, we were able to both observe what was transpiring within the restaurant and without, which pleased my dinner guest immensely. As a visitor to the United States for the first time, Confucius immediately said to me, "When you go abroad, to behave to every one as if you were receiving a great guest," (Analects, Section 3). I already knew the dinner conversation was not going to be light; we weren't just going to talk about the weather or about the latest movies we had seen. "I agree," I told Confucius. Many people, when they travel, try to bring their home values along with them. Instead, I feel they should be humble and appreciate the culture in which they find themselves. It really makes traveling more enjoyable and it's less offensive to the host culture. We Americans need to learn more respect for different cultures." When I put in my drink order, Confucius turned to the waiter and said, "I

British Airways and Ryanair Key Factors in Performance

In the last few years, the commercial fortunes of British Airways and Ryanair have been going in opposite directions. It is the objective of this paper to study the respective performance of the two airlines with the purpose of understanding the key factors underlying this phenomenon. British Airways has long been recognized as one of the world's premier airlines. Yet, this carrier has had to undergo significant reorganization in order to stem losses and get back on the road to profitability. Indeed, it is only a number of stringent, cost reduction measures that have enabled the airline to post a profit in the fiscal year, 2003-04: "Group pre-tax profit for the year was 230 million pounds compared to 135 million in the previous yearâ€. No interim dividend was paid and the Board has decided not to recommend a final dividend." It is important to note the board's decision to not pay a dividend, as this is an indicator that the airline has yet to gain

Major Developments in China (1976-1978)

The year 1976 was a watershed year for the development of China. Three of the most senior officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) - Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and Mao Zedong - died in that year. The year was also marked by mass demonstrations and criticism of the Maoist regime. When Deng Xiaoping attained power in 1978 he created a new atmosphere of political and economic promise, which in many ways sharply contradicted governmental and political proceedings of the previous two decades. One of the most significant changes implemented by Xiaoping was on the economic front, which included a series of far-reaching economic reforms.. Yet, the most essential change in China since 1976 has been the decisive move away from the Maoist emphasis and focus on the class and political struggle to a focus on economic development. There are many reasons for the reforms in China. The fact that the previous communist reforms were not capable of sustaining and cre

Why Online Medical Record Keeping is perceived as the Greatest Confidentiality Threat

The introduction of technological innovations including the increasing use of computer technology into the field of medicine has resulted in new challenges for the health community. Computers can be used in many ways to improve the dissemination, storing and tracking of patient information. There is some concern however, among both patients and clinicians regarding the security of medical records stored and shared via computer technology.

The Odyssey, The Aeneid and The Divine Comedy

While Homer's The Odyssey, Virgil's The Aeneid, and Dante's "The Divine Comedy" share the characteristic of being epic poems, they each offer different accounts and opinions of what lies in Hell. While Homer's account of Hell is largely filled with encounters of different personalities, the experience serves as another aspect of his adventure. In The Aeneid, we encounter a more vivid description of Hell that also contains the souls of those who are being punished for their sins on earth. In "The Divine Comedy," Dante presents us with a frightening account of Hell that is divided into sections, each one reserved for a particular type of sin. While each author may describe Hell differently, each description reiterates the message that earthly sins on earth do not go unnoticed. In Homer's classic, The Odyssey, we are met with one man's adventure that leads him into the underworld. Following what he has been told by Circe, Odysseus travels into hell, where we are giv

Operations Management and Outsourcing

Outsourcing presents a number of difficult ethical concerns for the operations manager. Recently, IBM was faced with the decision of whether or not to outsource technical jobs to India. In considering outsourcing, IBM had to balance potential negatives like job loss against potential profit gains. A Machiavellian look at the ethics of outsourcing and a review of the golden rule reveal that even these simple ethical frameworks only illustrate the complexity of the issue. A practical solution to the problem may be emerging, however, as firms that experience poor performance through outsourcing are moving jobs back to the United States. Ironically, ethical issues often follow corporations to outsourced countries, as many offshore outsourcing firms are in danger of losing information technology contracts unless they begin to adopt Western ethical standards that protect employees, the public, and customers. Prior to investigating the role of ethics within operations management, a short def

Problem of Slaves and The Article Notes on Virginia Written by Thomas Jefferson

American slavery was the most heinous acts that human beings have ever inflicted upon other human beings. Many excuses were used to justify and perpetuate slavery. Many even argued that the Declaration of Independence was not written for black people because they were not perceived to be human. The purpose of this discussion is to focus on the problem of slaves as it relates to the article "Notes on Virginia" written by Thomas Jefferson. We will also discuss the institution of slavery and the meaning of the Declaration of Independence.

Lifetime Contribution to Fashion Acceptance Speech

Human kind has always reached out for the comfort of beauty and aesthetics in every aspect of life. This is evident by the fact that even the most basic needs for human survival, such as food, clothing, and shelter, have been elevated to an art form right through human history. Indeed, who can deny that gourmet cuisine, haute couture, and architecture are all fields of art that have afforded a great deal of pleasure over the years by delighting the human senses. Yet, these fields of art have never been given the heights of recognition or status enjoyed by other traditional fields such as literature, music, or painting. True, the world of fashion may not invite focused attention and appreciation quite in the same manner that a work of literature, painting, or musical p

Vegetarian Diets for Children Do the Benefits Outweigh the Risks

Western culture today is overflowing with fad diets and health crazes while conflicting political and social viewpoints rage among the masses. Somewhere within these often unexpectedly controversial subjects lies that of vegetarianism versus meat-eating. Meat-eaters often take personal offense at the idea of a person excluding animal products from his or her diet and view vegetarians as unrealistic idealists. However, it is actually no wonder that many people are attracted to vegetarian diets, and this lifestyle choice hardly qualifies as a simple fad or social rebellion. Health experts for years have been telling people to eat more plant foods and less fat, especially the saturated fats found in meats and dairy products. Meat and other animal products have been found to be full of toxins and to be connected to many serious health problems. Studies have shown that a diet high in saturated fats, such as diets that include meat products, can contribute to obesity,

Guilds: Crafting of Fine Statuary

I am a member of the Milan guild that specializes in crafting fine statuary. In the year 1567 my assistants and I created several sculpted screens for a wealthy patron for the purpose to be placed in or outside cathedrals. The entire town for their great beauty and new earthiness that I here described admired them. The sculpted screens depict many smiling angels. We have them sculpted from marble, ivory, and wood, although we have b

The Failure of the Vietnam War

The struggle in Vietnam failed for many reasons. Many historians agree on the fact that many of the troubles began in Washington for lack of a clear plan of action. The war became more problematic when American troops were not prepared for the tactics and the determination of the North Vietnamese. In addition, as the war dragged on without any success or end in sight, the American public reacted with a fury that could not be quelled. As with all wars, the intention for an American presence in South Vietnam was to prevent the spread of Communism. While many believed the war was wrong in that it promoted imperialism, others believed that the war was an opportunity to restore law and order. While many things were unclear about the war, the one thing that did seem clear was the fact that America could not keep the war at arm's length any longer. Support and aid were not going to be enough and when the American presence was felt, things began to spin out of control.

Fire and It's Impact on the Ecosystem

Approximately, one month ago the news media was rife with details of problems caused by escalating fires that swept through forested areas in Southern California. (Kennedy, 2003) The newsreels teemed with instances of people whose houses had burned down or were in danger of being burned down. Naturally, one feels for these people deprived of their home and hearth by devastating effects of the fire. On the other hand, one must recognize the facts that not only are forest fires natural, they are a way for the earth to maintain ecological balance. Fires replenish the earth by doing away with the unwanted underbrush that threatens to suffocate the longer living plants by depriving the earth of aeration and nourishing water. It will be shown in this work that the plants have adapted to fires. Indeed, some plants have evolved to fuel the fires. Other plants have evolved to suppress fires. Still other plants have

Louis XIV And His Foreign Policy

Thesis: The objectives of Louis XIV's foreign policy were to expand the frontiers of France.

The Story of Maulava, the Slave: During Medieval Times

This story takes place in the Middle East during medieval times. While the medieval period spanned from the 5th to 15th centuries (Lamb and Johnson), this story takes place around the years 1260 - 1300. Maulava, a young woman born in what is now present-day Afghanistan is carried away by unknown assailants. She finds herself some months later a slave in Assyria. This story deals with Maulava's feelings about her fate, and her struggle to fit in with her new life. She find's comforts in the words of Rumi from The Masnavi. Eventually, Maulava finds herself caught up in the turmoil of the time of Timurlane the Mongol, and witnesses the final fall of the Assyrian Empire.

Greek and Roman Theaters

For the ancient Greeks, the design of large interiors, mainly for use in temples and private houses, was also applied to theaters where many of the now-famous Greek tragedies were often performed in front of thousands of spectators. The Greek practice "of designing large interiors led directly to the later Roman practice and marked a sharp departure from classical Greek architecture" (Lawrence, 167) which stressed the exterior of the building almost as a work of sculpture and left the interior relatively undeveloped. The best example of a Greek theater is that at Epidaurus, and although it is late Classical rather than Hellenistic, it contains all the functioning units and formal arrangement of later theaters. This semi- circular auditorium is built into the side of a hill and the diameter of its projected circle is 387 feet. Staircase aisles, laid out on radii projecting from the center of the circular orchestra, separate blocks of

Who Gave Pinta to the Santa Maria

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the book "Who Gave Pinta to the Santa Maria': Torrid Diseases in a Temperate World" by Robert S. Desowitz. Specifically, it will contain a summary and analysis of the book.