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Walt Whitmans Poem: Song of Myself: Speaking to Every Man

Walt Whitman's poem, "Song of Myself," is a significant piece of literature because it reveals one man's attempt at not only understanding his own experience but his fellow man's as well. It reaches out to every individual--smart or simple. Whitman desired to cross boundaries with this poem and help us realize how we ultimately depend on earth other. His eyewitness accounts of the suffering brought about by the Civil War probably provided the impetus for writing the poem. His compassion for his fellow man is only matched by his appreciation for life itself. "Song of Myself" is indeed a celebration--of life, of man, of being a part of the universe. When we take time to understand the poem, we realize that we are coming close to understanding the poet as he wished to be remembered. It is important to understand that Whitman wished to challenge contemporary literature, which he felt was written for the "exceptional man" (Spiller) rather than the simple man. The c

My Invented Country: Analysis

Allende Isabel has been writing since 1982 and up till now have produced 12 books." My invented country", her latest novel is basically a collection of historic/ past events, both on personal and national level and how all of them are interrelated and affects each other. Because the events have been merely derived from the memory of the author, neither the effects are in much chronological manner nor very authentic as the author herself admits that the when the line between imagination and reality is crossed in her mind is not known. Thus the book cannot be considered a good guide to her native country, Chile. Infact, the plot is quiet hazy and elusive probably because Isabel didn't think long over the plot rather only wanted to provide her readers with another book within the time period of two years as she has always been doing. The book may be seem interesting time pass however, if critically analyzed there are too many flaws in it to be considere

The Chronic Offender of DUI

There is reason to believe that the most frequent chronic offenders are the ones least likely to be classified as criminals, either by the courts or by the community: drunk drivers. Yet, the number of drivers arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol makes it clear that this is probably the single greatest category of criminal behavior in the nation. As reported on the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Web site, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration noted that approximately 1.4 million drivers were arrested in 2001 for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. That equaled an arrest rate of one for every 137 licensed drivers in the United States (2003). Moreover, drunk or substance-impaired driving is not likely to be an isolated incident, like the instance of the Honors Society high school student who swipes a CD player on a dare and the like. Rather, drunk and impaired drivers are very likely to be chronic offen

The Bill of Rights

The first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States which establishes basic American civil liberties that the government cannot violate is known as the Bill of Rights (Encarta pp). Ratified by the states in 1791, three years after the Constitution was ratified, the Bill of Rights originally applied only to the federal government, however, the Supreme Court, in a series of 20th century cases, decided that most of its provisions apply to the states as well (Encarta pp). Throughout the last two centuries, the Bill of Rights has been used by many countries as a model for defining civil liberties in their own constitutions (Encarta pp). Although memories of civil rights violations during the colonial period were still vivid in 1789 as George Washington was inaugurated as America's first president, the draft constitution that was submitted to the states for ratification included relatively few basic rights (Early pp). The omission of individual li

Existentialism: What is the First Principle of Existentialism

Every human being is free, and societal constraints exist not externally, but only in our own mindsâ€"or only so much as our minds create such constraints. The essential freedom of the human animal can be experienced by the sufferer as loneliness at times and even inspire terror and horror in the heart of the free human entity, according to the existentialists. Despite the fact that the word freedom is usually thought of in a positive fashion in popular political parlance, to truly experience the raw freedom that we all enjoy can be daunting. But true existentialism requires the active acceptance of our free and unconstrained nature. (C.Wyatt, "Existentialism: A Primer," 1996) In general, existentialism is a philosophical movement characterized by an emphasis on individualism, individual freedom, and subjectivity. These three combined philosophic rubrics or emphases of the existential movements all arise from the philosophy's stress upon human fre

What Would the World be Like Without French Culture

French culture, especially French art and literature, has profoundly influenced the Western world over the centuries. France's capital, Paris, is widely considered as one of the world's great intellectual capitals, and the city has been at the center of Western cultural life since the Middle Ages. A number of famous French philosophers, writers, writers, painters, architects, music composers, and in recent years, film directors, have made significant contributions to the cultural development of the West. So much so, that a world without French culture is hard to imagine. However, in this essay, we shall do exactly that, i.e., discuss how things such as literature, food, language, music, art, and relationship between cultures would be like without French Culture.

Character Comparison: Beneatha from "Raisin in the Sun" and Sylvia from "The Lesson"

The characters, Beneatha from "Raisin in the Sun" and Sylvia from "The Lesson" have many differences but also some commonalities. Beneatha is a rather intelligent individual that seems to want the best for her life. She wants to get further schooling so that she can become a doctor but her family is poor. Beneatha knows that her mother will be receiving a check but is insistent that the money belongs to her mother and not the entire family. Beneatha seems to be a rather levelheaded woman who wants the best for herself and family. Throughout the play, Beneatha seems to have mixed feelings about her schooling and her love life. (A Raisin in the Sun) There are two men in Beneatha's life, one is Joseph Asagai (a Nigerian intellectual) and the other is George Murchison (a wealthy black man). Asagai is the man that Beneatha is

Bio Ethical Principles in Psychiatric Treatment

This paper is a case study of a young boy whose parents are divorced and whose mother is from Mainland China. The boy has been diagnosed with depression and a treatment has been prescribed. The mother has issues with her son receiving psychiatric treatment and is of the belief that he does not need treatment. This paper will examine the considerations that must be addressed by the medical professional in this situation. The definition and applications of bioethics will be explored in relation to how the medical profession would address this situation.

The Chinese Economic Debate

Introduction When a bubble economy is thriving, people are prone to believe that it will last forever (Ignatius, 2004). This general feeling existed in Japan in the 1980s and in America in the late '90s. Today, many people believe that this is what is happening in China -- the "miracle economy," where returns have been so consistently high that people are starting to view investing in China as a "sure thing." On any of the capital's boulevards, billboards advertise "Season's Park," a brand-new fancy apartment complex that bills itself as "Home of the Tycoons (Ignatius, 2004)." The entrance is features images of the Statue of Liberty and the Arc de Triomphe, and there's a telephone "hotline" so newly wealthy Chinese residents can rush to buy property there. The new Chinese leadership understands the danger of overheating and is now taking slow yet steady steps to slow the economy from last year's 9.1 percent growth rate. However, like Alan Greenspan's 1996 warning about "irrational exu

Sample Graduate School Statement of Purpose

I typed so furiously my roommate thought my fingers had become infected with a strange disease. When he asked what I was working on with such intensity, I told him that I was placing the finishing touches on my senior project. I didn't want to tell him that I had also vowed to help my company restructure their database for Internet sales and that I had to leave for work in a few hours. Taking on several projects at once is one of my trademarks, something I do out of sheer enjoyment for the love and thrill of programming. Plus, I always finish my work on time. My senior project, which was about building online sales assistance systems using CWAdvisor and Internet Voice, turned out to be a success according to my instructors; their positive feedback further spurned my desire to take my career one giant step forward and apply to graduate school. Although I gravitate toward and therefore specialize in Internet sales-based systems creation and engineering, I have also worked i

Chris Cunningham as a Director

Movies are a dream, and probably a picture of the images in the mind that are formed of a person and this is the person who is guiding the entire movie. Normally this individual is the leader of the pack making the movie, and he is the director. In the past, this was not the scene and the movies were being made by studios, which had set formulae for making movies and through the movies, money. That was money making venture, but it did not have many dreams woven into them. This still exists in certain types of movies in certain countries, but the cheapest method of making movies is now on the video, and this has led to enormous dynamism in the production of these movies. They were also not so original a few years back and did not get into diversions regarding ART or similar outlandish' ventures. (The Duke on The Work of Chris Cunningham') At that time there would be just a few songs playing and this would be the main music e

Developing a Website

1) To offer some features of the website, the manager must choose between hiring a set of dedicated professionals (e.g., system administrator, maintenance programmer, copywriter/editor, designer, and webmaster) and outsourcing these functions. If the manager makes the human resource investment to hire the group of professionals, they need to be fully utilized to help generate profits. How would you make this decision, and how would it affect the selection of the package of features you offer on the website' The Website writers are as much of human beings as all others and are similarly susceptible to human foibles as others. One of the stories among them is that when a site is submitted to the major search engines, it automatically increases traffic to the site, and that will increase sales from the site and thus profits. On the other side, some experts do not believe this to be true, and this can be checke

Zachman's Framework for Enterprise Architecture

This paper identifies the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture which goes a long way in helping align and integrate the companies in their businesses all over the globe.

An Overview of the Branches of Philosophy

Generally speaking, philosophy the critical examination of the grounds for fundamental beliefs and an analysis of the basic concepts employed in the expression of such beliefs. Philosophical inquiry is a central element in the intellectual history of many historical civilizations. The word is from the Greek (by way of Latin, philosophia) and means "love of wisdom" (Martinich & Stroll 2004:17). This paper provides a brief definition and description of three approaches to philosophical investigation: metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology (including its two branches, aesthetics and ethics). Metaphysics. This branch of philosophy deals with the ultimate nature of human existence,

Societal Change Motivated by the Brown vs. Board of Education Ruling

The Brown vs. Board of Education sparked change across the United States in many ways. While the ruling was specifically intended to end segregation, it was also responsible for inspiring African Americans to fight for the freedom they deserved. The ruling was the beginning of a new society that could finally be recognized. While fighting for freedom and equal treatment proved to be a painful and difficult process, no one would argue that it was a lost cause. When the decision was handed down, schools in 21 states were still segregated. The court ruling forced them to decide how they would adhere to a new system. While they were allowed a certain amount of time to comply, they were also told by the court to act with "deliberate speed" (Davidson 1144). The area that experienced the most difficulty with desegregation was the Deep South. In fact, in 1956, just one year after Brown vs. Board of Education, a "Southern Manifesto" (1144) emerged, declaring to use "

Wal Mart Diversity Plan for Expansion to Urban America

Wal-Mart is the most successful discount retailer in America. Yet although the company has become synonymous with American success, because of its relatively inexpensive prices and diversity of goods, it has also become synonymous in some areas with all that is wrong with American commerce and workplace relations. This is despite its desired projected image as a homey' American company, full of Midwestern family values. This image, combined with urban dweller's greater desire and ease at shopping at smaller stores exclusively dedicated to the purveying of specific, rather than general arrays of goods, has made its desired expansion in areas such as New York City and other East Coast areas fairly problematic. In fact, sometimes it has seems that the more Wal-Mart has attempted to create a more diverse image for itself, by stressing the presence of women in its upper managerial ranks, to hiring retirees and mentally challenged individuals as greeters to the s

Media and Race

I watched NBC coverage of the Olympics at randomly selected times to consider in what ways their coverage addressed the diversity of the American landscape. I did not include MSNBC or other secondary NBC broadcasts. At first glance, the broadcasts appear to be completely "color-blind," with absolutely no reference made to a person's racial or ethnic origin except when they had been born in another country. Thus, one female gymnast, to all appearances African-American, was identified as having come here from Cuba. She was not singled out for this comment, as the broadcasts also pointed out other American athletes who had been born in another country but were competing for the United States, as well as a number of athletes who were born in other countries, lived in the United States but who were competing for the countries of their births. I never noted race mentioned in any of those statements by the commentators. However, while the athletes came fro

Ratio Analysis For A Small Business

Ratio analysis is a key tool to understand the potential and current profitability of any small business. There are different types of financial ratios, all used for different purposes. In general, they tend to fall into three categories. The first category, that of liquidity ratios are the standard measures of any business' financial health, and include the business' standard and quick ratios. The standard current ratio for a healthy business is two, meaning the business has twice as many assets as liabilities, as tracked monthly or quarterly. The quick or acid test liquidity ratio also measures a business' liquidity but excludes inventories when countin

E Commerce: Drill-Down Report

My company frequently uses the drill-down report for managing the sales and costs, according to the regions, states, city, and county. As drill-down report is frequently used with group sections and detail data; the detail data section is hidden with drill-down capability, and all that is visible when the report opens is the summary information of the sales and costs in the group section. A drill-down on a summary item such as the sal


Alfred Hitchcock was the master of horror thrillers- a genre that he single- handedly created and developed. Hitchcock's films were meant to evoke a blood-curling response from the viewers and the two films that managed to achieve that completely were Psycho and The Birds. The Birds was released in 1963 and while it was a total fantasy with no hint of realism, the director used exceptional camera tricks and photography techniques to convince the viewers that it could actually happen to them. "The Birds was fantasy in purest form. Hitchcock deserted his former dependence on classical unity in plot construction and occupied himself instead with a strictly thematic approach, which, henceforth, became his principal mode of operation. In the wild, savage behavior of the birds he wanted to show the menace which surrounds us everywhere, although we are seldom aware of it." (Tuska: 91) The film was loosely based on Daphne du Maurier's short story The Birds. But Hi

The Future of Training in Technology

Introduction The future of training and development in the workplace over the next five to ten years will be impacted both by changes in the business environment and technological advances. The entry of a new generation of individuals who grew up with computers, changing definitions of quality, and shortages of skilled workers will all impact the future of training. Training must keep up with the rapid pace of change through a constant vigilance in assessing technological and societal changes. Technology can be a great boon to the training progress through reduced costs and training time, but it is also important to consider that technology used without appropriate care and knowledge can actually hinder training initiatives. In a global business world, training can help offer consistency and improve basic skill levels among employees. In the past, training has often been seen as a secondary and often unimportant factor of organizational life. However, tod

SO LONG A LETTER: The Journey of Self-Discovery

"So Long a Letter" is a unique short novel and is quite distinctive in its description of pain, humiliation, suffering and heartbreak since it takes us away from western culture and lifestyle and introduces us to a new and different culture with its own interpretations of various common issues including polygamy and women liberation. I liked this book because it is quite enlightening in the way it gives us an insight into the lives of those who follow a different religion and exist in a seemingly alien culture. This book gives you an opportunity to assess your own problems from a different viewpoint.

Cultural Mis-perceptions

In M. Butterfly, David Henry Hwang presents a somewhat reversed story of Puccini's adaptation of David Belasco's Madame Butterfly. Indeed, Bernard Boursicot, the French diplomat in Beijing and Shi Peipu, a Chinese opera singer, are the rather strange protagonists of a "psychosexual drama"[1], where homophobia and racism, as well as cultural mis-perceptions seem to join into one story. In my opinion, the book itself and much of what lies beneath the lines are much harder to grasp than what we see at first glance. The cultural misconceptions that the Westerners have about Asia may appear as a racial sexism obsession about the ideal Asian woman that the Westerners have. Indeed, the French diplomat sustains all along that in his twenty years affair with the Chinese opera singer, he never knew that the respective person was a man. How could this be'! Well, in my opinion, the general idea that the au

Electronic Commerce

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an integrated approach aimed at improving the customer's total experience. This holistic endeavor involves understanding and optimizing customer interactions across all touchpoints such as Web sites, retail outlets, call centers, help desks and kiosks, across all company divisions or departments such as sales, marketing, accounting, customer service, and purchasing, and across all stages of company interaction such as presales, product/service and post-sa

E Commerce

My company does not use an enterprise-marketing database; rather it still uses the legacy systems to answer the marketing questions. There are several legacy systems in my company that consist of various files--- including customers, products, orders, back-order, and shipping. All of these different databases create the problems of duplications and outdated information, however, for a small company, where I work, these da