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Personal Essay on Career

I have often heard that a satisfying career is the key to a happy and fulfilled life since it enables an individual to achieve a feeling of well- being, on an economic, social, and psychological level. While, no doubt, there is a great deal of merit in the preceding observation, I personally believe that an equally important benefit lies in the very act of seeking to build a satisfying career. The basis of my belief stems from the fact that working towards obtaining career satisfaction helps a person realize her or his fullest potential by virtue of taking on the toughest of challenges and dreaming the biggest of dreams. Indeed, with the right kind of mind-set the sky can well prove to be the limit for an individual's personal and professional aspirations. However, as I will attempt to demonstrate in this paper, building a satisfying career requires ambition, planning, and the foundation of a good college education. My own ambition to seek a more satisfying and personally fulfilling career was, in fact, fueled by my present job as a customer service representative of an Insu

Cuban Sovereignty 1898 1902

This paper looks at the issue of whether Cuba was sovereign and independent in 1898 and in 1902. This issue is discussed by reference to the historical framework leading up to these years, as presented in six books: Perez's Cuba Between Reform and Revolution, Benjamin's The United States and Cuba, Bethell's Cuba: A Short History, Parez's The War of 1898, Williamson's The Penguin History of Latin America, and Wiarda and Kline's Latin American Politics and Development.

Letter to My Child

This is a two page letter to one's unborn child. There are four references used for this paper.

AIDS and Alcohol

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (1992), there are two reasons to investigate connections between alcohol, HIV infection, and AIDS: alcohol may have a negative effect on the immune system, and alcohol may trigger high-risk sexual behavior. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV can be transmitted through sexual relations with an infected individual, through exchange of infected blood or blood products, or to a newborn from an HIV-positive mother. HIV-infected persons may have the virus for many years before clinical signs of disease appear. Eventually, HIV breaks down the body's immune system, mainly by damaging a class of white blood cells that are responsible for immune protection. As a result, people who have AIDS are in danger of developing lung infections, brain abscesses, and a many other infections caused by microorganisms that usually do not produce disease in he

A Critical Essay on a Text Critical of the United States The Crystal Frontier

The title of Carlos Fuentes' The Crystal Frontier may seem on its surface quite difficult to understandâ€"how can a frontier, even the great American frontier, be crystal, even crystal-clear' The title refers to a crystal and beautiful office building cleaned by Mexican workers in one of the tales that make up the book, but the title also takes on a metaphorical significance beyond that of the story of the illegal, imported office workers. The title is a metaphor in fact, highlights the strangeness and uncertainty, the lack of clarity and the lies of the border between the United States and Mexico both in terms of geography (that is, in physical space) and in personal relationships that are at the heart of the book. Even the structure of the book is meant to challenge the reader's sense of reality. The nine short stories that make up the book are all interlinked loosely. They suggest that the true border between Mexico and the United States

Madness and Control Affecting Women in The Yellow Wall Paper

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the short story "The Yellow Wall-Paper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Specifically, it will examine the theme of madness in the story. Madness is central to the story in "The Yellow Wall-Paper," specifically madness affecting women. The central character goes mad because no one will listen to her, she feels isolated and alone, and her husband is clearly in control of every situation+. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" shows how difficult it was to be a woman in a time when men ruled work, home, and family.*

Price Elasticity: Consumption, Factors and Price Changes at Starbuck's

Price elasticity of any product on the market today is linked to a number of different variables. This paper will examine a product, Starbuck's gourmet coffee, its price elasticity, and the effect of consumption of the product based on price changes. Additionally, this paper will examine the factors leading to the price elasticity of Starbuck's gourmet coffee, such as substitutes and compliments for the product. Finally, this paper will look at examples in price changes during the last year of sales, and examine the effect of those changes.

Adult Education: Strengthening Our Society and Creating a Better World

It is assumed by many adults in Western culture that learning is a process experienced by children alone. Many adults believe themselves to be incapable of learning anything, hence the popular cliché, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." While this pathetically self-defeating belief is less prevalent today than in times past, it is still common for adults to attempt to separate themselves entirely from the educational process. The human brain is constantly interpreting and making sense of all surroundings, regardless of age or social status. Each person is constantly adapting to new situations, and always exposed to stimuli from the outside environment that creates new neurological pathways within the brain. From the moment that the first neuron fires within the developing brain tissue of the unborn child to the final brain wave created in the moment before death, people are in a constant state of learning. However, it is the person who considers him

Barbie and Me: Introduce, Discuss and Analyze

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze a toy from childhood. Specifically, it will consider the Barbie doll that I grew up with that really captured my imagination. It will discuss how the doll helped shape and reflects my character and personality. What are your attitudes toward it today and why' In what ways is it different with the present generation of Children's toys and games' What semiotic messages can be deduced' Barbie helped shape my life, and made me feel what it was like to be a woman.

Four Functions of Management: Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling

Most would classically define management as "planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the resources of an organization in order to achieve effectively the objectives of the business" (Borgsdorf & Pliszka, 1999, p. 6). Indeed, any growth-oriented company must pay attention to all of these at all levels of management and production. Without performance planning, coaching and counseling, it quickly becomes clear that no amount of organizing, leading or controlling will get the company or any of its employees anywhere. Arguably, then, it is useless to speak about organizing, leading and controlling unless employees understand and adhere to all aspects of planning. Even in small, closely held companies, it is necessary to appraise even founders and family members for their planning skills, and "Individuals who consistently miss the boat must be coached or removed from people- management responsibilities" (Ayres-Williams, 1992, p. 295+). That sounds like th

Legalization of Marijuana for Personal Use

I intend to discuss the issue of whether marijuana should be legalized or not. My audience will be college students. Because all issues related to marijuana are emotional as well as logical, I have to assume that individuals within my audience, a college class, will hold a wide variety of opinions. I expect that some will be opposed to the idea on various moral or practical grounds, that others will be in agreement based on logical or practical grounds, and that some will be in favor of it for personal reasons, most likely because they like to use it and would like to be able to do so without fear of being arrested, having a serious black market on their record, or of having to deal with illegal drug dealers in order to buy it. My own view will be that marijuana for personal use should be legalized but regulated in much the way we do alcoholic beverages. I can make several arguments for this view. One that at first seems very persuasive is that people are discoveri

Definition of Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is defined as a hereditary, progressive degeneration of the neuroepithelium of the retina characterized by night blindness and progressive contraction of the visual field. RP refers to a group of hereditary disorders that affect the retina's ability to respond to light. It primarily affects rod cells, or the photoreceptors responsible for night vision and seeing in dim light. Rod cells also account for peripheral vision. Cone cells can also be affected as the disease progresses. Cone cells are responsible for color vision and seeing in bright light. [i] RP is a relatively rare condition. It affects an estimated fifty thousand to one hundred thousand individuals in the United States. Worldwide, RP is estimated to affect 1.5 million people. The incidence of non-syndromic RP is 1 in 4000.[ii] Ocular signs start with the breakdown of rod cells. Rods are present within the outside macula, or center of the retina. The periphera

Benjamin Franklin as a Self Made Man

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of Benjamin Franklin. Specifically, it will discuss Benjamin Franklin as a "Self-Made Man," including how his many accomplishments during his life aided in his success. Benjamin Franklin was a self-made man because he began his life humbly, and rose to play one of the most important roles in American history, as literature clearly indicates.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an important subject and is essential to understanding human behavior. The purpose of this discussion is to provide an in depth investigation of emotional intelligence. The discussion will focus on emotional intelligence as it relates to group dynamics. Let us begin our discussion with a definition of emotional intelligence.

Observation of a Park

The park always seems to be the place we go when we want to relax. The park is obviously a place of escaping the constraints of the world. People are walking, children are playing, and the pace in general seems to be at a more relaxed pace in the park. My visit to the park was one that I thought would reveal a certain level of tranquility and peace. It did, until I started paying attention. When I first arrived at the park, it was mid-morning and the air was brisk and fresh. The breeze that rustled through the tree branches immediately refreshed me. The sun danced brilliantly on the green leaves as they swayed in the breeze. It even smelled nice. I found my way to a bench in the shade where I would be fairly undisturbed as I observed my surroundings. Slowly drowning out the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze was the sound of children playing. On the other side of the park, several children were using the typical park accessories. Two children w

E Business

A typical infrastructure of any technological system' would serve to connect all the various components that make up the entire structure and provide information on links between each of the elements. In the infrastructure of systems', the computer network as well as the information network would make up the structure of the business. The various elements are generally entire networking software, and a hardware system made up of computers, servers, modems, hubs, and any form of wireless technology. The building in which the business is to be housed will consist of the building infrastructure' that will be made up of the system that will support the information technology network system. This will be made up of electrical cables and wires, conduits, and electricity that will help in the functioning of all the above listed components, as well as for the safety measures of fire alarms, etc. The mos

Essentials of a Good Essay

Far from inducing a series of yawns, a good essay grabs the reader's attention and leaves him or her satisfied, even changed. Through an essay, a writer can impart his or her ideas in an organized, structured, straightforward format. Although some opinions may be imparted through an essay, generally they are strongly supported by facts and evidence. The best essays inform readers about a specific topic while focusing on a strong central idea, or thesis. Because so many academic essays can too often be boring, writing an essay that is genuinely enjoyable to read requires a good deal of patience, planning, and practice. Moreover, essays can be about any topic and can be written in a variety of formats and styles; therefore, it would be impossible to provide guidelines for a universally good essay. For example, an essay about biology will look and feel totally different from an essay on political philosophy. Some essays are short, som

Net Present Value: Otherwise Known as NPV

Net Present Value, otherwise known as NPV, is an accounting term used in capital budgeting where the present value of net cash inflow is subtracted from the present value of cash outflows. Then this value is compared with projected profit ratios for the project in the future. In other words, NPV is useful, particularly to investors, because it compares the value of a dollar today versus the value of that same dollar in the future, after taking inflation and return into account. NPV is also often used in capi

Stress in "A Hope in the Unseen"

Stress experienced early in one's life can wield an influence for many years to come; and can even reveal itself in new social situations. The nature of the stress, however, does not seem to determine the type of impact it will have on the individual's life. Stress associated with performing well in school cannot simply be reduced to the difficulty of the curriculum, but must also be tied to outside social factors that might make it even more difficult for a student to perform. The way in which this student is affected by the stress is largely determined by social support systemsâ€"the most important of which, for most individuals, is the mother figure. Psychological stress associated with performance in school can impact a number of aspects of life, and have unforeseen consequences later on. Cedric Jennings, the protagonist in ,A Hope in the Unseen grew up in a poor, inner-city neighborhood. He was one of the less than a handful of students i

Social Norms: An Excellent Definition

The social norms approach seems to be one of the most successful methodology directed towards health problems and risks associated with behavior that has been used lately. First developed by Alan Berkowitz and H. Wesley Perkins, the social norms methodology has already encountered several successes. The basic idea that Berkowitz and Perkins used in the development of their methodology was that society is governed by social norms, norms that may affect the way we act and some of the decisions that we take. For example, the dress code of a certain organization may be considered a social norm. The fact that we respect it and show up at work wearing a suit and tie instead of jeans influences the way we dress up and creates a habitude. Berkowitz and Perkins first used this idea to investigate the influence of social norms on alcohol consumption in teenagers, high school and college students. Their research sustained the idea that alcohol consumption

To What Extent Can I Determine My Own Destiny

Whether one is the master of his own will, or merely a puppet in some grander play, has been the subject for debate for centuries. Does one have autonomy or are they a victim of determinism' Clearly those who favor autonomy, or free will, believe that each person has their destiny in their hands, directing it as they see fit, able to make alternate choices if they so desire. Those who favor determinism, see the world in a different light. They see a world with external causes limiting one's actions and removing the control from the individual. Some believe the two concepts are mutually exclusive of one another, while others see them existing symbiotically. When one considers to what extent they can determine their own destiny, these facets of this debate must be explored. Determinism is most often defined as "generally, the doctrine that every fact in the universe is guided entirely by law (in Christian theology, by God's law). All facts in the universe

African American Vernacular English (AAVE)

African American Vernacular English (AAVE)[1] is the dialect of English used by most African Americans in familiar and informal settings[2]. Although the language spoken by African Americans in different parts of the United States exhibits some regional variation, the dialect has fairly uniform characteristics.[3] It has a well-formed grammar and an interesting, though controversial, history. Dismissed as bad English' by some, it has evoked considerable debate interest among academics and linguists many of whom recognize its importance, especially as a medium of instruction for the African Americans. This paper explores the origins of AAVE, discusses whether the dialect is a creole, investigates its similarity with other creoles and examines its grammar.

The Makings of a Great Teacher

Almost everyone can remember having a great teacher while they were in school. Most of the great teachers have a few things in common. Teachers who are thought of as "great" are usually passionate about teaching. They seem to love teaching and share this love with the students in their class. These teachers know their subjects well and teach outside of their textbooks. They often will make their subject material seem relevant to a student's life. If they show students the big picture and how math, for example, will help them in their lives, the subjects make more sense to the students. The teachers that students admire the most are fair to everyone. Even if a student receives a bad grade or is disciplined, this teacher makes them feel as if he or she would not treat any one else any differently. The great teacher makes his or her class exciting. The passion he or she brings to teaching is also transmitted to the subject matter. He or she inspires others

Workforce Turnover

Most businesses define a certain level of turnover that is normal and acceptable if not even desirable. In many instances, a healthy exit of employees presents opportunities for phasing out unnecessary positions, hiring less expensive replacements and infusing innovation by obtaining employees with more current training and education. And, often the organization can consider more attractive staffing options such as outsourcing, the use of

Developing a Fair Compensation Plan

There are many factors to consider when developing a fair compensation plan. Internal and external equity are key considerations for offering comparable salary and benefits. Internal equity refers to fairness between employees in the same company while external equity refers to relative wage fairness compared to wages with other businesses. In addition to wages, it's important to determine what affects an individual's motivation. In this effort, expectancy theory can be applied. Expectancy theory is based on three perceptions, valence, instrumentality and expectancy. This paper describes the steps to achieve internal and external equity as well as high levels of motivation and cautions of the repercussions for failure to do so. With regards to internal equity, job descriptions, job analysis and job evaluation help employers compare different jobs and create fair compensation. Job descriptions define the responsibilities, requirements, functions, duties, location, environment, conditions, and other aspects of jobs. Job a