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Gustave Caillebotte's The Orange Trees

The work chosen for evaluation in this essay is Gustave Caillebotte's 1878 oil on canvas painting titled The Orange Trees, a 61 x 46 work in which two central human figures are positioned in a formal garden in which orange trees are planted in sculpted boxes. The male figure in the foreground is the artist's brother, Marital; he wears a straw hat and purple shoes and is depicted reading a newspaper or magazine, his back to the artist, and his head bent over the reading material. In the background is the artist's cousin, Zoe, who wears a striped dress and red boots and who is bending over one of the boxed orange trees in a very formal garden. Also present in the picture are formal, wrought iron garden chairs and a winding path surrounded by formal plantings. According to the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (MFAH) Web site (1), "Capturing the specific light effects of midday, Gustave Caillebotte contrasts the cool colors of shade with the dazzling, flattening effects of direct sunlight." Analysis The painting by Caillebotte

Physical Education in Running

I recently went for a run, as I often do, and found myself listening to the sounds of my breathing as I breathed in, and breathed out. Each breath was to me a symbol of what I can teach, and what I have been taught by my efforts in physical education. I learned to control each and every inhale, and then slowly exhale as I pace myself around the track. Initially, I was apprehensive about even attem

Management Planning and Ethics

The planning function of management is perhaps the most important of all management functions, because it provides the strategic framework in which the organization evolves, including its mission, strategic vision, strategic objectives and all other functions derive here from. According to several functions, we can summarize the planning function according to a vision-mission-objectives-goals scheme1. We will follow on each of these points in the educational organization where I work as a teacher assistant and see how each fits. In terms of vision, this is generally a short statement that represents an ideal for the future, a general objective that the organization strives to achieve in all its actions. In our case, the organization's vision can be "providing quality education to all". It is a statement that encompasses all the activities that take place in the organization, with their final objective of providing quality education. Quality is perhaps the key word in this vision statement. There are many schools and are educational structures that provide education, we are interested in pro

Organization Function of Management in Education

In order to be able to proceed with the organization function of management, as it is seen in the educational organization where I work, we first need to be able to define the main coordinates of this management function. As such, the organization function of management refers to "establishing the internal organizational structure of the business"1 and its focus is on "division, coordination, and control of tasks and the flow of information within the organization". First of all, working as a teacher assistant means that I am part of a hierarchical structure in our school. There are two levels of task coordination. The vertical, top-down coordination can be assimilated to subordination and refers to general strategic directions communicated by the higher educational structures. Indeed, as a teacher assistant, one needs to recognize the professorial norms, as well as the educational schedule, as this was created by the educational board. I know, for example, t

Nurse Residency Program

John P. Kotter (1998) suggests several strategies in order to facilitate change within an organization. The most notable section of his article relates to eight steps that can be taken to implement change and transform an organization. These range from the beginning stages of identifying and establishing the urgency of change, through identifying opposition and obstacles to maintaining existing changes and optimizing future opportunities for change. The medical profession, as a public service provider whose quality can result in life or death, should be subject to continuous change in order to optimize this service. An area that can benefit substantially from optimization is the nursing profession. Residency programs have been required for physicians, but not specifically for nurses. The benefits of these programs for physicians have been obvious. This has however not been the case for the nursing profession. Only recently have residency programs been implemented for them.

The Pepsi Cola Company

The Pepsi Cola Company owns some of the world's most well-known soft drinks, brands ranging from Pepsi Cola to Seven – Up and Mirinda. In fact, the Pepsi Cola Company has developed a well diversified portfolio of products meant to cover all ranges of taste, age and consumer preference. Initially, there was Pepsi Cola and a whole range of brands developed along this line to match the diet orientation of certain times (Pepsi Diet), the preference of cola and sour taste (Pepsi Lime, Pepsi Twist) or different other tastes merged with the cola taste (Pepsi Wild Cherry or Pepsi Vanilla). However, as mentioned, the company also developed its portfolio of products by purchasing other brands. In 1964, it acquired M

Making Successful Decisions: The Managerial Decision Making Process

Making everyday decisions, such as deciding which toothpaste to buy, where to eat lunch, or which route to take home from work, may seem like simple tasks unworthy of a formal decision making process. These routing tasks may not deserve critical scrutiny; however, tasks which affect the health of a company and even a career, deserve a closer look. While some people prefer to jump into decisions, successful decisions come from critically thought through processes. From executives of major firms to lower lever managers, each is charged with the task of making decisions, which can directly or indirectly affect the health of the company he or she works for (Harrison & Pelletier, 1995). For that reason, many people turn to a formal decision-making process, such as the Managerial Decision Making Process. The Managerial Decision Making Process is used by many organizations, allowing them to make strategic choices, instead of blind decisions (Harrison & Pelletier, 1995). The model for

Euthanasia and/or Physician-Assisted Suicide: An Issue of Passionate Debate

Euthanasia and/or physician-assisted suicide is as controversial as abortion, and remains an issue of passionate debate. Some people feel that it is morally wrong to deny a terminally ill patient assistance in ending his/her life, while others believe that no human has the right to end a life. Euthanasia and/or physician-assisted suicide is a complex issue of various moral and ethical views. The word 'euthanasia' is rooted in Greek, meaning 'good death,' ( 'eu' – good; 'thanatos' – death) (Robinson). The general meaning refers to the act of assisting an individual who has chosen to terminate his/her life, however other definitions of euthanasia include both "voluntary and involuntary termination of life," thus resulting in various meanings and much confusion (Robinson). Passive euthanasia is the act of hastening death by removing life support equipment, ceasing medical procedures and medications, and not performing

The AACN/University Health System Consortium (UHC) Residency Program

Nursing Graduates: A proposed study design Abstract: This will provide a brief overview of the instruments used to measure the success of the AACN/University Health System Consortium (UHC) Residency Program and ways to improve the UHC study design.

Organizational Change: Enron

The final sequence in the organizational change challenge differed very little from the initial sequence. Having performed well in the initial sequence, it was unnecessary to change the final sequence very much. However, two of the spots in the final sequence were changed from where they were located in the initial sequence, because it appeared that they would be in a better location and that they would more strongly benefit the company (Enron) based on that sequence. The exercise applied to Enron very strongly, because there are many changes that Enron had to address. When the scandal first hit, everyone was very shocked, but Enron tried to recover from the problems that it had seen. In order to do this, however, it was obvious that there would need to be many changes made. The Enron scandal shocked most of the nation, and seriously injured the financial life of many individuals who worked for the company. A lot of these people were nearing retirement age and everything they had worked for all of th

SAT's Greatest Test: Social, Legal, and Demographic Forces

Article Summary Article I. The SAT's Greatest Test: Social, legal, and demographic forces threaten to dethrone the most widely used college-entrance exam. SAT, a standardized testing used for college entrance exam have experienced a lot of turbulence and criticism for the past two decades. Critic's basic argument on the issue is that females and minority student are being discriminated by the employment of SAT unto college entry level. With these premises, the College Board had kept their ground on the issue by substantiating their claim that SAT is not by any means a biased test. Gaston Caperton, the College Board's president places emphasis on the unequal educational system as the real issue rather than blaming the problem unto the students and the test. However, many believe that the dilemma that SAT is now facing lies on the basic foundation of the system of testing. Debates are now mounting with regards to the present competence of SAT's system and questionnair

American History: Indian Policy

Indian Policy: In 1881, President Chester Arthur said that the U.S. had to deal with "the appalling fact that though thousands of lives have been sacrificed and hundreds of millions of dollars" have been spent on "the Indian problem," nothing has been permanent or satisfactory. And so, he proposed: one, apply state laws to the Indians living on reservations within each state; and two, give the Indians land in the West in turn for their agreement to "sever their tribal relations and to engage at once in agricultural pursuits" (after all, "their hunting days are over" and its best for them to "

Colonial Ideologies of American Society

One of the central and most enduing foundational ideologies in American culture is that of freedom, democracy and equality. The ideal and ideology of freedom from oppression and coercion began with the very founding of America in the fight for freedom from the colonial and territorial domination of the British. This historical experience has been a driving force within the American experience for the very beginning. However, the history of American ideology, like any nation and culture, is complex and often reveals opposing views and ideologies that are in conflict with one another. There is also a more conservative life-view and ideology that is part of the American cultural fabric. This ideological strand is essentially opposed to change and rejects diversity and the freedom and equality of all. This life-view is evident in the racist part of American history and in the history of the fight for civil rights and gender as well as class equality. Therefore American culture is cha

Joseph and Potiphar's Wife

Joseph was his father's favorite child and because of that, his brother's hated him. One day they ganged up on him and threw him into a pit. Midianite merchants came and found Joseph and lifted him out of the pit. They sold him for twenty pieces of silver to Ishmeelites who took Joseph into Egypt. Potiphar, who was an officer of Pharaoh's and captain of Pharaoh's guard bought Joseph as a slave. Thus, Potiphar became Joseph's master or owner. Because Potiphar was captain of Pharaoh's guard, it stands to reason that he was prosperous and well paid and thus, able to afford to buy a slave. The King James version of the Bible says Potiphar "saw that the Lord was with him [Joseph] and that he made all that he did to prosper in his hand" (Gen. 39:3). In other words, Potiphar is a perceptive individual. He sees that Joseph does everything well and has good judgment. Joseph, meanwhile, appears determined to make something good come from his situtation. He works hard and takes good care o

Post-Baccalaureate Training for Registered Nurses

INTRODUCTION: THE PROBLEM Professionals in the nursing profession have known for some time that the field faces a serious problem with its newly licensed registered nurses (RN). In 200, the University Health System Consortium and the American Association of Colleges of nursing got together to solve the difficulties faced by new RNs, which included too many mistakes and an unacceptably high rate of burnout (AACN, 2005). At this meeting they concluded that under-preparation was at least part of the problem. They noted that only just over half of hospital nursing staff across the country had a BSN degree and that only 8% had masters degrees (AACN, 2005). However, research done on new nurses found that newly licensed nurses encountered considerable difficulty making the transition from student to professional nurse (AACN, 2005). One study found that these new graduates did not have all the training they needed to fulfill their responsibilities as RNs. In addition, it was found that the

Plastic Surgery: No One Is Perfect

In my opinion, I think no one is perfect in the world. But because of technology change that makes people want to alter their look to a more perfect way, this way people can become more confident if they can change their appearance that they consider ugly looking. So for this point, it is not a bad thing to do if it will help them gain confidence. Plastic and cosmetic surgery is now common. Due to its commonness that more and more people would like to undertake these types of surgery as the cost of it gradually falls. The difference between plastic and cosmetic surgery is the former is the general term and includes reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive surgery is when a body part gets damaged and doctors restore it. Cosmetic surgery is for aesthetics or to look beautiful when someone doesn't like the shape of their nose, for example, they go to a cosmetic surgeon to have it fixed the way they want. But surgery has a lot of risks that you would not expect and sometimes it can harm people in such a terrible way. One needs to really consider before getting plastic

Opening Scenes in Three Films: Easy Rider, The French Lieutenant's Woman and The Pelican Brief

The opening scene of a film establishes what sort of film is to follow and the tone that will be taken. If the opening scene does not do this, it may lose the audience before long. The audience wants to know what it is watching and decides how to watch the film based on the opening scene. If the scene is comic, the audience will expect a comedy. If the scene is serious, shifting to comedy may be confusing. The opening scenes to three films shows how the tone can be set. Easy Rider (Hopper, 1969) would be classified as a road movie. The film became a model for a generation, suggesting the importance of personal freedom as well as opposition to conformity and to the Establishment in the late 1960s. in a way, the film suggests that the idealism of the sixties is giving way to disappointment and disenchantment, specifically to the realization that the ideal will not be met. The film covers a large portion of the American landscape, touring through deserts, cities, rural areas, mo

Drugs in Society: If Drugs Were Legalized, Would Drug Use Increase? and Would Crime Worsen?

Issue 1: If drugs were legalized, would drug use increase or decrease? Would crime and additional drug-related problems worsen or not? If illegal drugs were decriminalized, the same people who use drugs now would probably continue to use them. However, they wouldn't have to steal to support their habit and could live more normal lives, so drug-related crimes would likely be reduced. People who reject using drugs would continue to reject using them because the reasons why they do not use drugs have little to do with legal or illegal. They reject drug use because they have other more important things to do with their lives, such as getting ahead in the world, earning a living, and paying a mortgage. Drug use gets in the way of success. This is clearly seen in the drug statistics which show that "young people ages fourteen to twenty-five are the largest percentage users of illegal drugs, and that there is a significant drop in the reported use of illegal drugs after th

Manipulating the Masses: The Iraq War and the Emergence of Totalitarian Democracy

The theory of government does not always match the realities of the exercise of power. America's leaders today are fond of reminding us all – American and foreign citizens alike – that the United States is the world's greatest democracy. By "greatest," of course, they mean most democratic, and not most powerful, in the sense of strongest – economically, diplomatically, or militarily. No other country in the world is supremely dedicated to the principles of freedom and justice for all. No other nation accords such importance to the idea of human rights; to basic human dignity, equality, and liberty of conscience. Over and over again, we are told that, as Americans, we enjoy the protections of the most benign and most benevolent system of government ever devised. Our political system is the best. Our judicial system the fairest. Our economic system the one that provides the greatest advantage to the greatest number of people. Ours is a land

The Mighty Alexander the Great

Within the annals of history, there are few leaders who were as powerful, as well known, and as mysterious as Alexander the Great. In his short but glorious life, he conquered what was then the known world and is now considered one of the most powerful military leaders of all time. In this paper, evidence will be presented and discussed proving the power of Alexander the Great as a leader. The topic is significant far beyond the often mythological depictions of Alexander throughout history because of the huge impact that the ambition and actions of Alexander had on the culture, politics and legal system of his time. This research will not only provide refreshing insight, but will also prove the power of the leadership of this enigmatic man.

Discuss and Analyze The Events of The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago and What Caused Them

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of American history. Specifically it will discuss the events at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and what caused them. The 1968 Convention in Chicago is remembered for its violent riots and government response to those riots. The problems in Chicago had roots in the Vietnam War, but the many causes went deeper than that. Vietnam helped create a division in the country, but the country was ripe for division and dissension. The postwar consensus in American society was highest in the 1950s when the economy was healthy, and most Americans were content. However, underlying the consensus was unrest in many areas. Teens, born in the war years were tired of following the strict mores of society. They rebelled by wearing jeans, listening to rock and roll, and opposing the morals of their parents. They wanted something different than suburbia, and so they tried to be more liberal and outspoken than their parents. This was the generation that would protest the Vietnam War, dabble in illegal drugs, and eventually rise up ag

Analysis of Franklin Roosevelt's Deal or New Deal and Its Affect on American Society

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of American history. Specifically it will discuss Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" and its affect on American society, even today. Roosevelt's "New Deal" was sweeping reform and legislation geared to create jobs and get the country back on its feet after the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression. Millions of people were out of work, homeless, and hopeless. Roosevelt began a reliance on the federal government for assistance that is still common today. Many people were critical of his plans at the time, feeling that too much reliance on the government was not good for society. Today, we take many of the programs Roosevelt began for granted, and after seeing the government response to Katrina, and other government blunders, it seems that the skeptics may have been right. Too much government may protect the people, but then they come to expect it, and protection can never completely defend against

Human Resources: How New Director Plans to Run the Department

This five page paper explains in first person, how a new human resource director plans to run the department.

Islam Questions and Answers

QUESTION NUMBER ONE: Discuss influences that Persian, Greek, Indian and Chinese cultures had on the development of Islamic arts and sciences. It would seem pertinent at the beginning of this paper to put Islam into an historical context, and place it in properly among the greatest cities of the world in terms of its art, science, literature and advanced culture. In fact, what most Westerners know today as Baghdad – the capitol city of the nation that Saddam Hussein ruled and that American fighter jets attacked in their campaign to overthrow Hussein; the city that is presently the scene of bloody daily suicide bombings by Islamic terrorists ("insurgents") opposed to the U.S. occupation – was a very different city when it was in its prime in around 800 CE. Indeed, Islam was a very different culture during that time period. "The city...formed two vast semi-circles on the right and left banks of the Tigris, twelve miles in diameter," according to Willia

Business Overview - Banco Popular, Spain

Banco Popular is the third largest commercial banking company in Spain. While Spain is the base and the largest market for Banco Popular, the institution has operating facilities in several other European countries, as well as joint operating agreements to provide banking services in Mexico and some South American countries (Banco Popular, 2004). This overview of Banco Popular includes the history of the banking institution and a description of the markets in which the bank participates. The opportunities available to Banco Popular in the markets in which it participates are discussed. The effects of government regulations on the operation of the bank are considered. The performance of the bank (with a primary focus on financial performance) is reviewed. Banco Popular was founded in 1926 in Madrid, Spain as Banco Popular Espaňol. Within the Spanish market, Banco Popular operates as a national bank with headquarters in Madrid where it operates under the name Banco Po