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Parchman State Penitentiary: One of the Oldest Detention Institutions in the United States

The Parchman State Penitentiary is considered to be one of the oldest detention institutions in the US. It indeed the first prison to be built in the Mississippi state back in the early 20th century. However, despite the traditional role it has played in the overall institutional system it is not, in its turn, deprived of controversy, which in the end builds up to one important issue that splits the American society: the rightfulness of the death penalty. As a result of its longtime activity, the Parchman State Penitentiary has become and it is viewed nowadays as a symbol of the conflict surrounding the sensitive issue of the morality of the death row. Its history is quite log, but, despite it all it is rather poor in missing details. In the early 1900's the Mississippi State Legislature purchased a considerable amount of land, 8,000 acres of land in the Sunflower County, whereas today it has a surface of around 18,000 acres. In the beginning, it was called the Parchman Farm, a

Sales Forecasting

Every entrepreneur needs to know if there is actual demand for his or her product or service and there are grounds to believe that the demand will continue in the future. The more unique the product or service concept, the greater the challenge in predicting future sales levels (Gleeson 2005). Predicting the future has always engaged people. The modern concept of risk and the development of the probability theory in the 17th century reinforced the human tendency. The probability theory used past indicators in making educated guesses out of a particular set of events. Existing businesses use their trading history in making projections, while new businesses need to carefully study their markets in predicting likely sales revenues. Forecasting is important because it is the lifeblood of the business, needed to fund working capital to enable it to run effectively. Expenses and investments must be made against delays and uncertain sales levels. The business must make cash flow forecasts to

Analysis of Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the essay "Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain by Jessica Mitford. Specifically it will contain an analysis of the essay, including the writer's point and the major ways the writer illustrates that point. The author's point in this essay is quite clear from the start. She discusses the practice of embalming, the secrecy behind it, and describes in detail how the procedure works. After reading this essay, the reader has to wonder about the practice of embalming. If more people understood what goes on behind the "formaldehyde curtain," they might not accept embalming quite so readily. The author, who seems to be an expert on death and dying, creates a vivid portrayal of the funeral industry in this essay. It is clear her ultimate goal is to share many of the common practices of the funeral industry, and show how barbaric they are. Her point is that if more people understood these practices, North American funeral practic

The Commercialization of the Funeral Industry

In "Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain," Jessica Mitford presents a compelling, if unnerving, argument for the commercialization of death and the funerary industry in North America and specifically in the United States. She explains that the role of the funeral director has evolved to the point that he (or she) "has put on a well-oiled performance in which the concept of death played no part whatsoever" (Mitford). Embalming plays a central role in this show because it is the means through which the funeral industry can present the deceased in a manner that will make them appear as lifelike as is possible, given their limitations. Embalming and presenting the dead has spawned a vast supporting market into which, Mitford notes, Americans willingly shovel hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Mitford argues that the funerary industry in America has become a commercial venture, in which the dead are paraded about for the satisfaction of the living. In such a situation, the role of the embalmer takes on a special purpose. In that case, "the purpose of embalming is to make the

World Physical Geography: Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park is the most famous and the first U.S. national park. It' s located on the territory of three states: Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. Yellowstone occupies the territory of 3.470 square miles (nearly 9,900 km2) and is mostly located in northwestern part of Wyoming. Yellowstone is famous for its geysers and geothermic springs and it's also populated by various kinds of wildlife typical for American West: grizzly, wolves, bison, elk and other species. Yellowstone is the biggest virgin ecosystem, which remains on the planet today in intact state. Climate in Yellowstone is continental, which is explained by remote location from the Pacific coast. Summer in Yellowstone is short and mild. Temperatures at daytime rarely exceed 90F and range between 70-80 degrees F; nights are cool with temperatures falling below 40F quite often. Winter is long and cold with temperatures that rarely rise above freezing. The highest records for Yellowstone are the following: 98

Erich Maria Remarque – All Quiet on the Western Front

The famous novel All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque relates the terrible experience of the First World War, its disasters and cruelty, from the perspective of a nineteen year old soldier, called Paul Baümer, who fights on the front accompanied by his former schoolmates. The war is described in all its absurdity, as a crashing experience for a human being and the very title of the novel speaks about the most terrible aspect of the war- human life itself is the target of the war and thus, it becomes meaningless. The death and the lives of the thousands of people that fight in the war are unimportant in the face of the political conflict. The war is seen as a trespassing against human condition itself because the experience is unendurable and devastating for all of its participants. Almost all the characters of novel whom we become acquainted with die, but death is not the only absurdity of the war. First of all, as the characters discuss it themselves th

Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology

Summary Today's American Culture and the culture of many industrialized nations are extremely dependent on technology to carry out daily tasks. Indeed, the advent of the internet and other technological devices has rapidly changed the culture in which we live. A large percentage of Americans have personal computers/laptops, cell phones and PDA's. These devices have changed the manner in which we do business and the internal functioning of the nation's infrastructure. The most apparent change is the manner in which we communicate and interpersonal relationships. Technology has become such a part of our lives that it influences the manner in which we operate. There have been many positive things that have come as a result of the increased use of technology, such as better medical care, and a greater capacity to produce. However, some have argued that this influence has become increasingly negative and has given way to a generation that is void of feeling an

Lab Experiment:Concept of Gravity and its Affect on the Movement and Overall Acceleration of Objects

The purpose of this lab experiment is to understand what the concept of gravity and its affect on the movement and overall acceleration of objects. Theoretically we are told that gravity causes acceleration of 9.8 m/sec, however in a practical sense this change is hard to observe without practical tests because objects that are falling take a split second to reach the ground. Therefore this lab exercise tests our ability to use simple mechanisms to measure the acceleration of gravity and see if the formulas that we have learned in theory can be applied in practical demonstration. The observed evidence that we actually collected were not as accurate as we thought, the overall measurements of acceleration came out to be significantly less the 9.8 for the paper slip, however it was more accurate for the pendulum. Of course user error has a significant role in this because we were not completely accurate in timing the experiment. However, I think that air resistance may also have an effect on our results. Since

Nursing Education

This paper presents an exploration of the need for nursing education in the future. The writer examines the nursing profession and argues that as medical science continues to advance and specialize the education that nurses need will also increase. There were five sources used to complete this paper.

Family Influence

This paper takes a look at the lives of four authors and the role of their family in shaping up their personalities. Family plays a huge role in shaping up the lives of individuals.

Abigail Adams: An American Woman by Charles W. Akers

Although both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were Founding Fathers of America and played a profound influence in shaping the emerging nation's laws and policies after America became a nation, the two men differed substantially in their attitudes towards diplomatic relations with France. Adams was president during the XYZ affair, when Revolutionary France prevented American ships from trading with England, during France's war with England. This caused Adams to respond with fear and hostility towards France, despite Jefferson's more positive feelings towards the nation. Later, Jefferson defeated Adams in the presidential election of 1800, partly because of Adams' loss of popularity due to his clumsy handling of diplomatic affairs with France. Adams' loyal wife Abigail bitterly resented Jefferson's ascent to the presidency. Also, Abigail disliked France, by and large, and when she visited there she alwa

Romancing the Stone

In "Romancing the Stone," heroine Joan Wilder is a successful romance novelist, secure in her career but not in herself. She is very attractive, but plays down her looks by not dressing well at times. Her career dominates her life, and she has become well known around the world for her books. She develops a relationship with Jack Colton when she travels to South America to help her sister, which is very unlike her. It is clear she is becoming attracted to Jack, but they are completely opposite, and they seem to have too many

Job Selection Criteria

1.Qualifications and Knowledge A strong record of personal achievement in academic or other fields. Completion of a Bachelor degree by the end of 2006. Knowledge and awareness of the political and economic environment, both in Australia and internationally. An understanding of, and interest in, the work and goals of the department. Why are you applying for the Graduate Trainee Program in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade? What skills and attributes would you be able to contribute to DFAT's goals and work? You should give examples based on your academic achievements, work experience and/or extra-curricular activities. I deem the Graduate Trainee Program as one of the epitomes of DFAT's thrust in showcasing the best and brightest Australia has to offer the international community. Being part of a vibrant, dedicated and diverse group of individuals entrusted to foster understanding and promote the country's foreign and trade relations is a challenge anyone

Business Research Problem/Opportunity

This paper develops a business problem involving a store-brand cereal and a name-brand cereal. Problem statement, construct development, operational definitions, units of measure, and business research process are included.

Border Security

The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in September 11, 2001 or commonly known as 9/11 made America join the ranks of countries that suffered from the effects of terrorism for decades such as the France, United Kingdom, Germany and Italy. America's innocence was since this terrorist incident is of greater enormity compared to other terrorist events that occurred – and in terms of the socio-political impact, the message was brought home that "no one is safe" and it was time to close ranks and protect the homeland from future incidents such as 9/11. The U.S. government's initial response to 9/11was the rapid implementation of the Patriot Act of 2001 or completely known as "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001." The legislation contains sections that defines and effects controls and measures in the fight against terrorism such as (Senate and House of Represent

Poetry – Anne Bradstreet and Adrienne Rich

Anne Bradstreet and Adrienne Rich are two of the most important female poets in the American literature, their writing sharing some common features as well. Their poetry seems to be made according to Adrienne Rich's definition of poetry: " I believe that poems are made of words and the breathing between them: that is the medium. I believe as well that poetry isn't language in the abstract but language as in: I want to learn your language. You need more than one language to get by in this city. To learn a language is to earn a soul. She is teaching English as a second language." (Rich)1 As Rich emphasized in her article poetry is not made merely of the strands of words form it, but also of the breathing they leave between them, that is, the rhythm, the music, the life and pulse of the words. Words and language are not abstract objects arranged in a certain pattern, they are entities that have a life of their own. Adrienne Rich is a feminist poet, as her poetry profus

Hinduism and Buddhism: Differences in the Two Oldest Religions

Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the oldest religions known to man. Although they may share common concepts, there are differences. One of the major differences of the two religions is: Hindu believes in Atman, the eternal self and Brahman as eternity in nature while Buddhism disapproves this kind of idea. The Buddhists interpretations with their beliefs are deeper than Hinduism and sometimes those beliefs are contradictory to other religions. The Maya means "illusion" to everything one sees is a belief of Hinduism. Buddhism also believes in Maya although for them "no one perceives a given thing in the same way could be said to mean that is has no objective reality, only a subjective one existing solely in the mind of the perceiver (Buddhist Information of North America, 2006)". The Karma doctrine in both religions is the same in which actions will always have an effect whether good or bad and the consequences will return to a person who performed it. Dharma is a co

Philosophy of Judaism

Understanding the sublime is one of the keys to understanding Judaism. The sublime infuses the writings of the Torah. The ancient writers wrote of the sublime and the sublime has colored the interpretations of the Holy Scriptures throughout history in Jewish thought. Heschel and other writers wrote of the sublime as a reason that Judaism has transformed generations of people and brought them into prominence as theologians, philosophers, and artists, transcending boundaries of time and space. It has brought the Jewish people through difficult times and through historic wars, displacements and changes, into other countries and continents, into a new age. The sublime has transcended time and space through the power of contemplation and inspiration of one God. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Ph.D., a revered contemplative, who was born in Warsaw and educated in Poland and Germany, was Professor of Ethics and Mysticism at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America until 1972, when he died.

Eveline and Mrs. Mallard

Liberation and freedom are exquisite possessions. The possible attainment or loss of it can both cause equal amount of anxiety as revealed by lead characters in the two short stories we shall now discuss. Eveline in James Joyce's short story Eveline and Mrs. Mallard in Kate Chopin's 'The story of an Hour' are standing at the threshold of a new life. The difference between the two is that while Mrs. Mallard is eagerly looking forward to the new life, Eveline is deeply scared of the unknown. When you are at a point in your life that offers an escape into the enchanting world of the unknown, not everyone is very welcoming of it. Eveline is in love with Frank or rather Frank is deeply in love with her and wants to whisk her away to Buenos Ayres where the two would get married and live a life of her dreams. She would be in a new land where "people would treat her with respect (Joyce 4)" and it would be exciting "to explore a new life with Frank (Joyce 5)." But all that is not enough to convince h

Social Norm

Violating the Social Norm of What Constitutes a Family Description of the norm you chose to violate and why you chose it One of the most commonly accepted social norms in contemporary American society is the supposition that every family functions as a secure unit. In this unit, the parents are supposed to be the primary social authority over their children. The children are assumed to be under the control of their parents, and their parents provide the children with guidance and wisdom. According to this ideal, childhood progresses to adulthood in a sort of orderly succession, with the child assuming more and more adult-like behavior, slowly, when they are ready for new responsibilities. Child supervision is a private affair of the parents, and is not subject to the control of the state. A norm is not necessarily a legally codified entity. Many families can exist outside of this social norm of the nuclear, in-control family, and many families are unhappy, contrary to the

Comparison of Sugar in Snacks

Snack 1: Nature's Path Heritage Muesli with Raspberries and Hazelnuts: contains organic sugar cane juice, organic grape juice concentrate, organic barley malt extract, and organic honey as sources of sugar. However, none of the sugar sources in the cereal product are in the first four ingredients. In fact, the first sugar source, the organic sugar cane juice, is the tenth ingredient in the cereal. The muesli contains nine grams of sugar per ½ cup serving, about one-sixth of the total weight per serving which is

Primary Data

1. Primary data is that which is obtained by soliciting direct responses from individuals being queried. These individuals are reporting their personal experience, attitudes and feelings. Primary data is the outcome of interviewing and survey methods. Secondary data is information obtained by reviewing the existing academic literature consisting of studies that have been done, analyzing what is "out there", and determining trends or patterns of evidence from many studies. Problems with primary data include the possibility that the research design is limited in the fact that it is given to a strictly controlled, limited group, which may not be representative of the overall population. The results from a convenience sample cannot be generalized to the population. Factors including but not limited to gender, nationality, economic situation and others could be expected to impact the effectiveness of application of results to 'real world' situations. Sometimes

Rational Choice Theory

In order to assess the Rational Choice Theory this paper will examine four standards in an effort to determine whether the theory meets the criteria as a sound criminology theory. Those four criteria are; 1). The theory is logically stated and internally consistent, 2). The theory is testable through empirical research, 3). The theory is supported by empirical findings and finally, 4). The theory is useful in developing policy.

Management Decisions

This paper presents a detailed examination of management decisions as they relate to factors in the external environment. Issues including the health of the economy, terrorist attacks, consumer taste and competition are included in the discussion about how management decisions are impacted by outside factors. There were four sources used to complete this paper.

Special Education

How do the special education professionals in a school system interact with external social service organizations? This is a question that has become increasingly important as the demands on educational institutions have grown considerably over the past couple of decades and, in many cases, they do not have the financial or human resources required. I talked with the administration and special education professionals in a K-5 school to determine if they were using external services and, if so, which ones and why. Because special education covers so many areas, we decided to narrow it down to speech and language support. The school has 600 students total in all the grades. Two full-time and three part-time Speech/Language Therapists (shared between the three elementary schools) evaluate students, consult with parents and teachers, develop materials to enhance abilities and provide necessary services to those students who are identified as being dis