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Twelve Angry Men Directed by Sidney Lamet: Analyze the Evidence and Argue For or Against Reasonable Doubt As It Is Portrayed In The Film

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the film Twelve Angry Men directed by Sidney Lamet. Specifically, it will analyze the evidence and argue for or against reasonable doubt as it is portrayed in the film. The premise of this classic film is the validity of the American jury system. Does it work, and is justice truly served in this film? In the end, I believe justice is not served, and the jury makes the incorrect decision, but for the right reasons. There were too many holes in the testimony and too many questions left unanswered by the trial, and the jury did have reasonable doubt that the boy killed his father. That, however, does not mean the boy is innocent. So many things point to his committing the crime, it is hard to believe he did not. However, the jury must look at "reasonable doubt," and they do. They realize that the evidence is so unclear, and there are so many questions left unanswered; there is not total proof the boy did it. They follow the rules, but in the end, they may have made the wrong choice for the right reasons, and that points to the fundamental flaws in the American criminal justice system.

Introduce, Discuss, and Analyze the book "The Fall of Berlin 1945" by Antony Beevor

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the book "The Fall of Berlin 1945" by Antony Beevor. Specifically, it will summarize and review the book, ending with a critical analysis of the book. Beevor's book is a detailed and disturbing look at the last days of World War II in Berlin. As it fell to allied forces, the violence and destruction were nearly absolute. Beevor's account looks at all aspects of the fall of Berlin, and thus the fall of Nazi Germany. As he notes in the Preface to the book, "[F]ew things reveal more about political leaders and their systems than the manner of their downfall" (Beevor xxxiii). That is his reason for writing this book, and the reason most people read it. It is a fascinating glimpse into the fall of a powerful leader and nation, and it has many similarities with what is going on throughout the world today. Beevor's book opens with the desperate situation in Berlin in the last month of 1944, when bombing raids were common

A Brief Introduction to Verizon's History

"We never stop working for you" is the slogan displayed by one of America's largest broadband and telecommunications provider that continues to amaze not only Americans, but the entire world due to its innovations and sustained efforts aimed at transforming communication into a "piece of cake" that anyone can chew. Based in New York and incorporated in Delaware, the company made its entrance on the telecommunications market on June 3, 2000, as a result of a merger between two U.S. based corporations – Bell Atlantic and GTE. But as any valuable child that is brought into the economic world belongs to parents having at least the same potential, it should be said that the mergerers mentioned above had been prominent figures of the American business landscape before the alliance took place. GTE was one of the world's largest telecommunication companies boasting revenues of more than 25 billion dollars, in 1999, and approximately 35 million access lines s

Americans With Disabilities Act: History and Court Cases

This paper will address several issues with regard to the Americans With Disabilities Act (1990). First it will address the history of the act including court cases leading up to its adoption as well as several after the fact that have, clarified or changed the interpretation of the Act. The work will discuss ways in which the ADA has helped people in their everyday lives and also in the business world. Lastly the paper will address the issue of whether the ADA has had an overall neutral, good or bad effect upon people with disabilities and those who care for them.

My Interest in the Field

I am a person who has a passion in taking care of plants and nature. Hence, I am always interested in the study of biology. When I was in high school, biology was among my favorite classes. I even excel in this class because I have really been very interested in studying information about plants. From my interest in plants and animals grew a similar interest in the study of humans and all the subjects that concern our physical and bodily nature. I realized then that perhaps, my interest will always focus on the study of science and living things. Such interest involved me to a number of volunteer works and participation to the field of medicine. I had worked as a volunteer in a dental and medical center in Irvine. My job then was to provide assistance to doctors, setup and bring tools, and setup patient charts. When I was in my second year in high school, during the time when SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, a deadly disease) spread in Asia, particularly in China,

Analysis for Majoring in Criminal Justice

This two page paper presents an analysis about the writer's major and how it will help meet the career goals. There were three sources used to complete this paper.

Strategic Plan Development: How Does Globalization Increase the Complexity of Total Quality Management for The Blue Martini Lounge?

According to Pakistani Total Quality Management (TQM) specialist Engr Irfan Ali, the Japanese car industry evolved 'Total Quality Management' as a tool for promoting excellence in such organizations, a way of eliminating inefficient processes, and a way of maximizing value throughout the organization by promoting best practices. (Ali, 2006) However, globalization also makes the tight control and supervision of organizational processes required by the philosophy of TQM more difficult. For example, take a night

The Industrial Age and Water Pollution

Since the beginnings of the Industrial Age in the mid 19th century, the earth has experienced a very rapid increase in the amount of pollutants in the air and the water, due to emissions from automobiles, factories, chemical plants and other manufacturing methods which use fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, to create power. But within the last thirty years or so, the amount of pollution in our air and water has reached what some consider as a tipping point, meaning that pollution is slowly yet surely poisoning not only our air and water but also living environments all over the planet. Many proposals have been put forward concerning ways to decrease pollution and to help slow down global warming, yet the causes and effects of air and water pollution must first be understood before international governments set about creating ways to combat the destruction of our natural environments. Technically, water pollution occurs when "environmental stresses associated with chemica

Leadership Styles and Strategies Have Changed

Introduction Through time, leadership styles and strategies have changed. Even its definition has changed. At some point in the past, leadership is the ability of an individual to exercise his power over a group of people. Leaders played a greater part in the decision-making in the ancient times. However, the individuals that make up the group went through changes; thus, the society has changed. Leaders remain as leaders but they are not alone the responsible being in making choices for the group. They still are leaders, yet the role of each member of the group is recognized and considered vital in the process of decision-making. Believing that each member of the group is imperative in attaining the goals set by the group, leadership becomes more of an association within the group rather than a solitary role. The community and even the country, as a whole, are as well exercising different leadership styles. Each department has an assigned leader who looks forward to the att

Sociology Theory and the Future

One of the ideas of Marxism was that of 'alienation' – the idea that humans as a species were alienated from their human nature in the face of technological and industrial advancements; in short, as a side effect of capitalism (Marx, Tucker, & Engel). Socialists unhappily herald capitalism as the advent of bureaucracy, that human beings are surrounded by bureaucracy at every turn; we create it, revel in it, are lost without it and fear its decline. Marx proposed that this onslaught of progress prompted humans to alienate themselves – not merely from each other, but from their own humanness. If we examine that claim in the light of big business versus humanity, there are some links to be made. One might speculate that the rise of corporations has tumbled philanthropy before it. Corporations make millions from brands, products and advertising. On the surface they affect an interest in the masses; some corporations attempt to lift their public images and denot

The World Needs Humanity in Education

Introduction The world needs educated people to continue developing and nurturing the needs of humanity. Education is of utmost importance and plays a key element in the lives of the people of every nation. The success of an individual and the gage of a nation's development can be measured by the level of the individual and collective education, respectively. Education is an investment and it may be difficult to go through but the rewards are immense as time goes by. In the 21st century, everything changes and technology continues to revolutionize the modern times as a result of better educated people yet there are still disparities between the " first world countries" and the emerging nations. The rich countries are becoming more prosperous and the Third World countries are getting poorer due to the fact that the population of the poor countries is getting less education and illiteracy is becoming an all time high. Education in Poor Countries People need not to beco

The Zapatista Uprising

Rebellions, uprisings, revolutions – whatever the name we all know what they stand for, as they have been a constant in our history regardless of the moment or place, be it of political, racial, economic, religious or ideological origin. Today, in the 21st century, after two world wars, in the age of globalization and intercultural communication, of technology, democracy and human rights, such events continue to appear and exist, as our world is not perfect yet. One representative example is the Zapatista Uprising, a post-modern revolutionary movement from Mexico. The Zapatista National Liberation Army (known as EZLN- Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) is actually a rebel group that started a military uprising against the Mexican government. They did this on January 1st 1994 (when Mexico joined the North American Free Trade Agreement – NAFTA) by occupying some towns in the state of Chiapas. This was only the beginning of their "battle", a

Is it Liberty or Death for a Man of the Cloth?

"Give me liberty, or give me death." Patrick Henry's words ring in my ears and yet I can not fully reconcile myself to the motivations they create. I am a man of the cloth; a man who set aside the battle-hardened skepticism of the military for a life spent preaching God's way. And his way is neither death, nor violence, and yet I stand ready to deal in both. Is it liberty or death for a man of the cloth? For a man of God? For thousands of

Crime at Wall Street in the 1980's

Introduction During 1980's the Wall Street was expecting nascent financial structuring. The Wall Street market was expecting mergers and acquisitions deals, the speculations were responsible for creating panic among certain group of traders; and heavy transaction of shares and bonds took place. The consistent rise and periodic fall in shares prices of certain companies deviated much from their expected results, and relied much on the ongoing rumors. The market reacted much sharply. The activity inside the Stock market, and other related factors, fostered a merger boom and uprising, which was supported by several persuasive and mostly American's introduced financial dealings i.e. junk bonds, leveraged buyouts, and other highly leveraged transaction loans. White Collar Crime A pair of Ivan Boesky and Michael Milken adopted a vicious plan for making stock money by creating false rumors regarding financial mergers and acquisitions. Michael Milken, former executive of Drexel

Gender Inequality: What Makes Men and Women Different From Each Other

Gender inequality has long been battled upon by scholars. There is the continuing controversy of what makes men and women different from each other. Is it in their biological make up or is it in how their culture and society brought them up? For some sociologists, they believe that culture sets the limitation on the roles each gender must assume. Because women are the ones who get pregnant, give birth and nurse their offspring their roles have been defined around the home and child care. And because of this, men are the ones who "hunt" or work to gather food. They are the ones who control instruments or weapons, accumulate possessions and gain the reputation, therefore making society dominated by their gender. It is society that defined and set "rules" on how men and women should act according to their gender roles. Sex typing was defined and associated what behaviors are "appr

Symbolic Interactionism and its Function in Today's Media: the Case of Reality TV Shows

Today's mass media, specifically the television medium, is centered on reflecting or mirroring the "reality" of life, offering the public (as audience) programs and glimpses of life as lived by the characters/actors of reality TV shows. The reality TV phenomenon have become the staple genre for most TV programs in the country today, influencing not only American society but other cultures and societies exposed to the TV medium as well. It is interesting to note that with the advent of reality TV shows, there is an attempt to portray the 'extraordinary' out of ordinary life. That is, in order to make reality TV "sell" to the audience, the depiction of life must be out of ordinary, an experience that audiences can relate to because it happens i

Business Questions Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests

Question 1 Do parametric and non-parametric test share any of the same characteristics? Yes, parametric and non-parametric tests require assumptions about the data used in the tests. Both types of statistics generally assume random sampling and also assume a specific level of measurement. In both cases the assumptions for the test must be met for the test results to be valid. Second, both types of tests are hypothesis tests and require the same statement of the null hypothesis and the research hypothesis. Third, both kinds of tests have specific formulas to calculate a test statistic. These test statistics must be accurately calculated in order for the test results to be valid.

Job's Curse-A Close analysis of The Book of Job translated by Raymond P. Scheindlin (New York: W.W. Norton 1999)

"Blot out that day when I was born and the night that said 'a male has been conceived!" (3:1, p.57) The conventional, moralistic reading of the skeletal story of Job tends to take into consideration only the frame narrative of the tale. The framing Job prose fragment suggests a rather straightforward narrative of virtue rewarded, much like an Aesop's fable with a happy ending. The framing prose narrative tells the tale of a man named Job, a good and prosperous man who loves God. Over the course of the narrative, Job is tested by the loss of everything that is dear to him. Then, Job is eventually rewarded for his resistance to the temptation to curse God and to give up. However, a considerably more complex figure of Job emerges in a close analysis of the debate between Job and his friends in the poetic part of the tale. This poetry takes the form of philosophical musing, and is written in a considerably different style than the framing prose. The poetry makes

Romanticism, Poetry and Art - John Constable and William Blake

Until the early nineteenth century, art and poetry emphasized form and structure. Works of art in this classical style aspired to an idealized perfection, whether in form or subject. Classical paintings often depicted gods or war heroes in idealized poses, while examples of classical poetry extolled the epitomes of virtue, whether in areas such as beauty or bravery in battle. The most important characteristic shared by art and literature until this period, however, was its orientation to rationalism, the noticeable absence of emotion. The mid-nineteenth century brought on a rebellion against the restraints and strictures of classicism. Instead of posed heroic portraits, paintings began to show nature in its raw state, without idealization. Literary imagery was meant to evoke strong emotion. Dubbed romanticism, this new art movement showed a range of feelings, from passion to melancholia. This paper looks at examples of poetry and art that typify the romantic art movement. It lo

Nineteenth Century Art and Photography

The nineteenth-century marked an age of radical change during which the arts were affected by revolutions in both science and philosophy. Artists were dramatically affected by these revolutions, as each art style was rapidly superseded by yet a newer style that incorporated the new change. European governments extended their rule to every part of the globe, spreading the influence of European culture into colonies in Africa, the Americas, India, Asia, and Australia, and clearing the way for influences from those areas to flow back to Europe (De La Croix, 1991). As a result, the art of the nineteenth century reflected a wide variety of philosophies rationalizing change and the reactions to change. In addition to these revolutions, artists were also affected by new influences, such as the advent of photography, produced print, and printed reproduction. Therefore, the collective techniques of an industrial age forced nineteenth-century artists to analyze their function and to study c

Integrating a Drinking and Drug History into a Psychosocial Assessment

Health and Education Services (HES), Inc., is an agency located in Haverhill, MA. This specific agency provides a wide range of community based mental health and substance abuse assistance. As a student intern from Boston University, the therapist's primary intern responsibilities include the provision of individual and family therapy sessions. The intern has over 10 years of experience doing a wide range of social service work in the community. The client was assigned for psychosocial assessment and to provide ongoing individual therapy sessions. The initial interview was conducted in a small, private office with no windows at the community mental health center at HES. The client is a Hispanic male and the initial questionnaire regarding alcohol/drug issues indicated that he had problems with both cocaine and alcohol. The main presenting problem for the client appears to be the alcohol issues, which have cost him his job and are in danger of costing him his family as well.

Adam and Eve, and the Fall - as interpreted by Freud

The story of the Oedipal Conflict, as narrated by Freud, is in many ways a psychological story or myth of origins. The Freudian tale attempts to explain the history of conflict in human sexual relations. Why has human nature, specifically human sexual nature, resulted in so much unhappiness rather than pleasure? Freud theorized that it was because, even from the cradle, sexual conflict is the result of trauma and anger, namely the young boy's traumatic realization that he cannot sexually enjoy his mother, like his father. A secondary plot, in the form of the Electra complex of penis envy relates a young girl's traumatic realization that she cannot possess her mother the way her father possesses her mother because she lacks a penis. Thus it is only fitting to use Freud's tale of conflict and sexual origins to the Bible's tale of the Fall of Adam and Eve. The tale of the Fall of Man from Genesis also purports to explain the unhappiness, pain, and anxiety that ha

Examination of the United States Position on the Kyoto Treaty

Global warning is a serious problem which affects the world and all of the citizens of the world (Demuth, 2001; Gardiner, 2004). There have been many policies implemented in an effort to reduce the speed of global warning which is caused by a buildup of Green House Gases. The Kyoto Treaty is one such policy, although there was a substantial delay because of the United States (and other nations) refusal to participate in the effort to reduce global warning, the treaty is now effective (Bhagwati, 2004). The purpose of this discussion is to examine the United States position on the Kyoto Treaty. Let us begin the discussion by briefly explaining the Kyoto Treaty.

The Bronx: Community Assessment

This paper will attempt to assess the Bronx, section #8 according to six criteria: physical environment, sociocultural environment, biophysical environment, psychological environment, behavioral environment, and health system considerations.

What is John Brown's Proper Place in History?

When determining John Brown's proper place in history many aspects have to be considered. First, are his personal actions, as well as the actions he inspired in others during his lifetime. Brown crafted a plan that he believed would end slavery in America. He felt that although slavery had been outlawed other in places where it already was allowed, that this simply was not enough. He saw the practice as barbaric, violent, cruel, inhumane, and contrary to the founding beliefs the United States was based upon. He had considered the options present to him, including those already being unsuccessfully implemented by Abolitionists of the era, and determined that it would be by force that slavery would come to an end. Brown and an army of less than two-dozen men raided the arsenal at Harper's Ferry with the hopes of achieving one of two goals. The first was to seize the 100,000 weapons stored at the Arsena