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Media Communication

Political candidates are increasingly utilizing alternative methods for the dispersal of their political messages and platforms. These alternative methods incorporate advanced technologies that allow the public to obtain information through diverse media. Examples include are video-streamed press conferences available online and podcasts. I think that these new methods are highly effective and allow the public to obtain important informat

Spirituality, Faith and Religion

It is believed that there are approximately 4,200 religions worldwide. Each has its own set of values and beliefs that set it and the members apart. However, each has a similarity to other religions and their creeds. As a life-long Pentecostal, I, too, have a certain set of beliefs that are different as well as related to other religions. To help me broaden my perspective on other religions, I decided to experience, compare and contrast a Jewish service and beliefs to my own. First, it is important to better understand my personal religious background. Faith and religion have always been an integral part of my life. In fact, my religious beliefs are what led me to a career in social work. The Pentecostals place a strong emphasis on a direct personal experience with God through the baptism of the Holy Spirit as shown in the Bible on the Day of the Pentecost. Pentecostals believe that one must be saved by believing in Jesus Lord and Savior for the forgiveness of sins and to be made acceptable to God. We are strongly attach

Debate Over Evolution Versus Intelligent Design

Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the debate over evolution versus intelligent design appears to be how two individuals can consider the exact same evidence – a beautiful sunset, for example, or a baby's laugh -- to arrive a diametrically opposite conclusions concerning how the world came to be the way it is today. According to one historian, Charles Darwin developed his innovative theory of evolution and natural selection in private between 1837–1839, following his return from his voyage around the world on the HMS Beagle; however, it took him fully 20 more years before he finally codified his thoughts in On the Origin of Species (1859), a work that has remained highly influential in contemporary Western society and thought (Desmond 3). Throughout On The Origin of Species, Darwin was careful to compile evidence from biology, geology, and other sciences in support of his theo

Introduce, Discuss, and Analyze Archaeology Digs: Two Megiddo, Israel Web sites, including Comparison and Evaluation Each

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of archaeology. Specifically, it will contain an analysis of two Megiddo, Israel Web sites, including comparison and evaluation of the two sites. These two sites cover the same archaeological dig in Israel, but they are very different in design and content. Comparing the two sites shows the vast differences between information presented on the Internet, and gives the student an idea of how to view and evaluate Web information for research and review.

Kellogg's Advertising

1. The elements of the promotion mix used by Kellogg's include advertising and sales promotion. Of these two, advertising is the most important in building the brand's image. Kellogg's brands are identified by their trademark characters-Tony the Tiger; Toucan Sam; and Snap, Crackle, and Pop, for example ("Kellogg's Most Po

Corporate Ethical Values

In a recent article, Richtermeyer, Greller, and Valentine (2006) applied a measure known as the "corporate ethical values (CEV)" scale while looking at the differences in ethical value ratings across several job categories, industries, certifications, and organizational size. The focus of the research was on the accounting and finance professions which the authors describe as having received increased attention in the wake of recent corporate scandals involving such major companies as Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and Arthur Anderson. Richtermeyer, Greller, and Valentine (2006) believe that accounting and finance professionals, though knowledgeable regarding the measurement of corporate performance in many dimensions, may know less about the manner in which companies are evaluated from an ethical standpoint. In light of the provisions of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Public Law No. 107-204, 116 Stat. 745), accounting and finance professionals and the

The Physical Fitness Environment and It's Benefits

Today's physical fitness environment is a far cry from where it was just a few short years ago. In fact, Americans have always been health conscious, and that line of thinking has only gotten stronger as more information has become available through various media, including the internet, and television. Not only has the proliferation of information been a huge benefit for the average American, but other areas have benefited as well, including the studies that have been perpetuated to fulfill that need for information. One such study showed that "age-adjusted all cause mortality rates declined across physical fitness quintiles from 64.0 per 10,000 person-years in the least-fit men to 18.6 per 10,000 person-years in the most-fit men (slope, -4.5). Corresponding values for women were 39.5 per 10,000 person-years to 8.5 per 10,000 person-years (slope, -5.5)." (Blair 1989) With provable results such as the ones provided by this study, many individuals are attempting to stave off the inevitable, while ensuring a longer and healthier lifestyle by eating healthier foods, consistent exercising while at the

Rewards and Motivation in the Workplace

1. In any workplace, both team and individual rewards and motivation are needed. "Reward systems are strategic mechanisms that are used to help achieve the initiator's goals (Klubnik & Rochelle, 1996)," and as such they are an essential part of an organization's productivity paradigm ("Individual and Group Motivation in the Workplace"). If not implemented thoughtfully, individual reward systems can disrupt the team, whereas systems that reward the entire team for good performance tend to promote good teamwork and, therefore, excellent productivity. On the other hand, organizations where only team motivations are provided shortchange workers who do outstanding work regardless of the lack of motivation of the rest of the team. Such workers are likely to move on, leaving the team in worse shape than before, because its only productive members have left. The optimum balance is to provide and promote team motivation and rewards the most heavily but to provide individual monetary rewards, as well. Organizations need to en

Business and the Decision Making Process

The decision-making process involves a selection of a "course of action among alternatives"1, leading to a final choice. In business and management, the decision making process is based on several decision making models, such as: SWOT analysis (concerning an individual's or a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), analytic hierarchy process (used for multi-level goal hierarchy), buyer decision processes, cost-benefit analysis, decision tree, force field analysis, strategic planning and others. Another economic field that uses quantitative methods in marketing. The activities of a marketing plan must be grouped in order to be carried on logically and chronologically. A series of methods and techniques can be used for coordinating a marketing program's activities, some of them being considered a classic: regression and correlation analysis, matrix analysis, while others are referred to as modern techniques: linear programming, input-output analysis, Markov chains,

Y. Lincoln and E. Guba's Naturalistic Inquiry and Policy Making

According to Y. Lincoln and E. Guba's Naturalistic Inquiry (1985), the post-positivist view of policy making construes the leader of an organization primarily as a facilitator, in contrast to the positivist view of a leader as a problem solver and director who uses his or her hierarchical authority. In the post-positivist view, even simply researching data requires the credibility of supposedly objectively verified facts to be established by analyzing "multiple realities, rather than assuming a single truth exists (Lincoln & Guba, 1985, p.296). Post-positivism thus focuses on a particular situation, rather than setting general principles of ethics for all persons to follow. Thus, at the outset, it would seem that the post-positive perspective would be ideal leadership approach for the currently divided United Nations. The United Nations is an inclusive body, and counts amongst its membership nation-states historically in conflict with one another. The new multi-polar, mult

Explanation of Johnson's Theory

Dorothy E. Johnson formulated her Behavioral Systems Model, an analytical theory or approach to the practice of nursing during the 1960s. Deploying a rigorous scientific analysis towards human behavior (as embodied in the psychological approach of B.F. Skinner towards human behavior and psychology) was increasingly popular in Post-World War II American academic research and medical practice. Julia George writes in her textbook Nursing Theories (1994) that Dorothy E. Johnson created her Behavioral System Model to render the patient's behaviors the nurse's primary area of analysis. In other words, what can be observed is what is important when acting as a nurse, rather than the patient's presumed internal state. Treat the patient, not the illness, and see the patient from the perspective of an observer, not an involved emotional participant. In Johnson's view, every human person was a kind of ecosystem, or constellation of behaviors existing in a state of sufficien

Personality Theories by Erik Erickson in Nursing

This three page paper presents an examination of personality theories by famed theorist Erik Erickson and how the theory applies to the field of nursing. The writer explores the theory of locomotor development and explains how it is used in the writer's daily profession as a nurse. There were two sources used to complete this paper.

Handling a Difficult Work Situation

This particular situation occurred when the previous worker's shift was about to end and mine was about to begin, so I was not completely up to speed with everything that had happened and would need to be done on my shift, and the individual that was leaving his shift was likely just ready to leave and go on to whatever he normally did after work. However, there was a patient standing there that needed assistance, and while I was technically not 'on the clock,' the other individual was clearly not interested in helping the individual because he apparently was concerned that it would take too much time and he would then not be able to leave 'on time' exactly when his shift was due to be over. At the beginning of this particular situation, I indicated to my co-worker that there was a customer/patient waiting, and I saw him look at the clock and then look back at me as if to say "isn't it time for you to start work?" Me: "You want to get that customer? He's been standing there for a wh

A Value System: A Set of Values Adopted by an Individual or Society Influencing the Behavior of the Individual or Members of the Society

According to an essay published online by the U.S. Army and excerpted from the Army's Consideration of Others Handbook, everyone has a value system. A value system is a set of values adopted by an individual or society influencing the behavior of the individual or members of the society, often without the conscious awareness of the members of that society. Different experiences produce

Compulsive Gambling is a Social Problem in the United States

Many ordinary Americans go for a night-out to a casino or visit Las Vegas for a glamorous weekend of gambling every year. Most return home refreshed and ready to face the everyday humdrum reality of their lives once more. For them, gambling is a harmless recreation. Most people gamble recreationally and responsibly (Desai, 2006). Others, however, forget all about the real fabric of their lives, their families, relationships, and responsibilities, as they become more and more heavily involved in the "world" of gambling. Access to gambling has increased dramatically, making it easy to participate. The film Two for the Money shows the world of gambling to be a world of illusion-a seemingly harmless escape for most people, but a ruinous place that promises riches and delivers poverty to others. Compulsive gambling as a social problem in the United States is rapidly increasing, especially among young people. It often starts in elementary school with small bets on the basketb

Benefits of Using Logistics Management

As the vice-president in charge of physical distribution at a Wal-Mart store, I would employ technology and logistics management to assure that products are available, delivered in a timely manner and with the right level of customer service. To accomplish this, I would utilize Just in Time delivery, RFID technology, and by maintaining the customer-foc

"Eugenie Grandet": Most Famous Novel by Honore de Balzac, Concentrates on Money and Power

"Eugenie Grandet" (written in 1833, part of the grand project"La Comedie Humaine") is the most famous novel by French writer Honore de Balzac. Many of Balzac's novels concentrate on money and power. In the novel "Eugenie Grandet" the focus on these elements is even stronger. The story is of a young woman who grows up as an only child. Her father is a very cheapskate man, and this affects his relations with the rest of the family. Her mother although very gentle and caring does not seem to play a significant role. Eugenie lives with her parents and servant Nanon in Saumur. On her twenty –third birthday her father makes preparations to arrange the marriage of his daughter so that this will not affect his wealth in the slightest. The same evening, her cousin Charles arrives with a letter asking for support after his parent's death. Eugenie becomes very captivated by her cousin and starts building up dreams of marring him. Balzac's used us with finding various representations of human types in his feminine characters. Eugenie Grandet

Religious Beliefs and Social Work

Ever since I could remember, my faith and religion have been an integral part of my life. My religion provides me with a moral compass, through which I judge the ethics of an action or behavior. Coming from a religious family, Pentecostalism has always been a cornerstone of my relationship with my relatives. The Pentecostal Church forms an extended family, where I derive further affection, support and kinship. Finally, it is my religious beliefs that have led me to social work, a profession that I view as my calling. I have been an active member of the Pentecostal Church since birth, a fact that sometimes surprises people who assume that I am Catholic, due to my Puerto Rican heritage. However, I find that there are a lot of similarities between these religious traditions. For example, both Catholicism and Pentecostalism place a strong premium on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Like most other Christian denominations, I grew up believing in Biblical Doctrine, and in the acceptan

Critique of the article"Pigeon Wars" by Mooallem

Author Mooallem presents the history behind the "Pigeon Wars" to indicate how long the problem has been plaguing Los Angeles, and why people are so emotional about it. Pigeons are notoriously dirty and annoying birds, and the author presents the history to indicate how people are at their wit's end with the pigeon infestation. In addition, he writes a long history to show that pigeons cannot systematically be killed, they simply return. They must be controlled using other measures. He writes, "The futility of killing pigeons is a far better established fact. An emptied niche in any eco

Beethoven: He Was Very Emotional and Used His Music for Expressing

How many artists, composers and musicians do not enjoy recognition during their own lifetime? This surely was not the case with Ludwig Van Beethoven. Although his life was made up of trials and tribulations, his deaf ears were able to feel the vibrations of audiences clapping and stamping their approval of his works. Now, three hundred years later, he is just as well-know and appreciated, if not even more so. Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn, Germany, with a gift of music. He was barely six years old when his father, another musician, clearly recognized his genius and began to exploit his talents by having him perform for audiences. In 1792, the composer Franz Joseph Haydn met Beethoven and also recognized the talent. He demanded that Beethoven study with him in Vienna (Koolbergen, 5). Although Beethoven would probably not agree, it was fortunate that he was very emotional and used his music for expressing his mix of inner thoughts and feelings. When losing one of the loves of

Ethics and Plagiarism

Thesis: A personal ethical commitment is part of what makes students a success. A lack of ethical commitment will ultimately result in academic failure. Therefore, academic ethics are vital and students should commit themselves to maintaining the highest personal ethical standards. I believe that I also believe that ethical behavior is essential to creating and sustaining long term personal and professional relationships. I think that students who are academically dishonest cheat themselves out of an education and harm their fellow students by skewing the grading curve for the class as a whole. As students, I think that each of us have the opportunity to lead by example. The example we offer is based on our actions, statements and attitudes. I think plagiarism is a serious problem in school. Plagiarism involves using the either the words or the ideas of others without proper citation. I believe that widespread access to the Internet has made plagiarism one of the most common and m

Labor Unions and Trade Unions on the Rise in Latin America

Introduction Discussion It is hard to speak generally, as each country faces its own political stress, but Socialistic Trade Unions and Labor Unions have arisen in Latin America (Ecuador, Peru, Columbia, Mexico and Bolivia) as a result of political pressure from within (dictators who suppress people and information and flagging economies that continue poverty and cheap labor) and without (Asian economic sanctions, Spanish and Japanese firms that refuse to yield to popular pressure, the war in Iraq with its threat of an Imperialistic change in that country's

Pricing Factors with Kellogg's Cereal

1. The market for Kellogg's cereal is inelastic in that consumers are not very responsive to price changes as opposed to being willing to switch brands when prices go up ("Consumer Demand"). Although there are substitutes, Kellogg's branding and flavor make substitutes unacceptable to interested consumers. The lower-priced brands are typically perceived as inferior in taste and/or quality, whether these attributes are objectively determined or not. 2. Kellogg's is a premium product, and its premium brand is well established internationally due to its substantial investment in advertising and its longstanding reputation in the cereal industry ("Case No: 23/LM/Apr

"Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros: Written From the Perspective of an 11-Year-Old Girl, Rachel

In her short story, "Eleven", Sandra Cisneros writes from the perspective of an 11-year-old girl, Rachel. This immediately places the reader in a time zone of particular emotional sensitivity. Eleven, as the author obviously understands, is a very sensitive age, especially in a young girl's life. One is on the verge of a new stage of life – the teenage years. One emerges from childhood to pre-adulthood. This element makes the story particularly poignant, and connects the author with her readers on a very fundamental level. Moreover, she transcends the singular life stage of 11 years to also address the facts of growing up and older: a human being is an accumulation of experiences; some of these experiences are so intense that they are never forgotten, no matter how hard one tries; and even if one does live to be 102, as the author wishes she were, wisdom does always come with age. Like the author says, when you're eleven "'re also ten, and nin

Myer - Briggs Tool: Personality Assessments Used in Business and Different Industries

One of the most commonly personality assessments used in business and different industries is the Myer – Briggs tool. Known as the MBTI or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, this methodology was first introduced in 1943 and has been thoroughly improved ever since due to subsequent studies and face-to-face interviews and follow-ups1. The MBTI relates to Isabel Briggs Myers's studies on Jung. According to these, there are four major ways in which people can differ from one another, named by the researcher 'preferences'2. This leads to two different kinds of mental processes and two different mental orientations. The tandem is perception/judgment, that is, one on hand the instrument helps point out how people form perceptions, while the second shows, in terms of mental preferences, how people make their decisions. On the other hand, in terms of mental orientations, we will be referring to energy consciousness and outside world relationship. In terms of percept