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Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes

The story Johnny Tremain is a fictionalized account of life during the American Revolutionary War. Johnny Tremain was not a real boy but might have been. The main character, Johnny Tremain, is 14 at the opening of the book. He is an indentured servant to a silversmith by the name of Mr.Lapham. Being an indentured servant meant that he was nearly a slave but would learn a trade, and he would be free when his seven years of service were up. The Lapham's children are four girls --Dorcas and Madge, both older than him, Cilla, who seems to have a crush on Johnny, and Isannah, who is sickly. Johnny lives in the Lapham's attic with other indentured servants including Dove, who is older than him but not as talented, and Dusty Miller. Johnny had a middle name -- Lyte -- and suspects he is related to the wealthy Lyte family of Boston, but does not know for sure. The Laphams also had children of their own. John Hancock, a real person in history, is given a role in this story, and as he orders si

Death of a Salesman

This paper presents a look at the role of women in the 1940's as illustrated in the story Death of a Salesman. The difference in women then as compared to women now will be shown with examples from the story. There was one source used to complete this paper.

The Tragedy of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was devastating to many people for many reasons. Soldiers who were sent to fight in Vietnam often dealt with intense emotional distress in harsh conditions. Many individuals have expressed the torment that the victims of the Vietnam War experienced through writing, photography, and motion pictures. These personal experiences help us relate to the weight of the war as well as understand the scope of the war's reach.

Differences in Communication Styles based on Gender: Truth or Assumptions

In order to understand the dynamics of communication management, it is first imperative to look at one of the issues that prevail in the workplace environment: gender diversity in terms of communication. Looking at the communication styles of females and males is important because in this issue lies the solution in ascertaining whether communication and interaction are indeed gender-based or not. Conversational styles adopted by males and females provide a clue in determining the relational systems existing between males and females in the workplace. For many years, research and studies on communication in the workplace persisted that there is a dichotomy, or difference, between male and female communication styles. The male-female dichotomy in communication is determined through conversational styles used by people in the workplace. Men are generally perceived as direct, confrontational, subjective and dominant, and assertive in conversing with

Varying Viewpoints of Capital Punishment

Capital punishment is an important issue because it deals with life, the value of life, and personal liberties. The death penalty has been in existence for as long as America has been a country. Execution was quite common in the early colonial days, with punishment of death resulting from such crimes as denying the "true God," lying, and stealing. Interestingly enough, the framers of the Constitution did not consider capital punishment cruel and unusual punishment. (Inciardi 488) The death penalty has always been a sensitive subject, sparking debate from all sides. Those who support capital punishment believe that it is a just and fair punishment for murder. They also believe that capital punishment serves as a deterrent for other would-be murderers. Those who oppose capital punishment believe that murder by the state is no different than murder on the street. They believe that lifetime prison sentences are fair justice. However, abolitionists have always ma

Mayoral Debate

This is a paper that outlines a current mayoral debate in Philadelphia analyzing the audience, the debater, the subject and its implications. It has one source.

Germany's Changing Health Care System

Introduction In 1949, when the occupying armies of the Allies left the region that had been the German nation, two states were created, Communist-bloc East Germany, and a western-friendly democracy, West Germany. In 1961, the East Germany government erected a wall in Berlin to keep East Germans from becoming West Germans. The wall, a hated symbol but also a real wedge into German culture and society, stood until 1989. Suddenly, in the spring and summer of that year, there was an exodus of East German citizens through embassies in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. In early October, there were unheard-of public demonstrations against the East German government in Berlin and Leipzig. With the world watching on TV, on November 9, 1989, the citizens of East German and West Germany breached the Berlin wall, and changed Germanâ€"and even Europeanâ€"society in far-reaching ways. Only twenty-one days later, on November 28, 1989,

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Testing

Several legal and ethical considerations are adhered in testing to allow the validity of any tests provided. From the Code of Ethics relative to testing, it is appropriate that standardized tests or any other tests follow legal contents and ethical procedures such as follows.
• Tests provided must be appropriate to the educational attainment required from the examiners.
• Communicating the test procedures, how the test will be administered,

Project Acquaintance Rape

Acquaintance rape in which the rapist and the survivor previously knew each other is a larger problem than most people think. Between fifteen and thirty percent of college women have been the victim of acquaintance rape at some point in their lives and two-thirds of rape victims between the ages of eighteen and twenty nine know their attacker.[1] These alarming statistics indicate the need for women and men to take precautionary measures to prevent acquaintance rape. Alcohol and drugs are by far the largest issue associated with acquaintance rape. Statistics show that seventy-five percent of the date- rapists and fifty-five percent of the victims had been drinking or taking drugs before the rape occurred.[2] Women should avoid individuals, parties or groups, when either alcohol or drug use is excessive. Date rape drugs such as Rohyponol and GHB can be slipped into someone's drink to facilitate a sexual a

Plato's Apology

The Apology "The Apology" is a literary piece of work by Plato. It is one of the most accurate accounts of Socrates life. Plato was a disciple of Socrates and regarded him as a great mentor. Socrates never wrote anything in his life but passed on his knowledge to Plato. "The apology" is an attempt to defend the character of Socrates by showing him in an honest and sympathetic light. Plato wanted to preserve Socrates reputation. Socrates Socrates was one of the most eminent philosophers of his time. He sowed the seed of what is now western philosophy. He can be better known as the founder of western philosophy. Despite coming from a rich family, Socrates gave it all up for a normal and simple life. He chose to mingle with the common people in Athenian public places. Socrates teachings influenced a lot of people especially the youth of Athens. Due to this reason he was charged with treason, corrupting the youth of Athens and blasphemy. He was brought forward to a ju

Affirmative Action Should be Eliminated

Proponents of affirmative action argue that affirmative action is necessary to create a "level playing field" for all Americans because it is a way of redressing discrimination that persists in spite of civil rights laws and constitutional guarantees. Minorities and females still don't make as much money as men do and we live in a society that often has difficulty accepting individuals with different race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. "Operational needs" often present cases when affirmative action is required for effective job performance. One example of "operational needs" is a police force which has to interact with the community. Officers who belong to the same

Comparison of An American Childhood by Annie Dillard On Liberty by Mill and Consilience by Wilson

This is a comparison of the three works by Dillard, Mill and Wilson to show how progressive learning can structure social intellects. It has 3 sources.

Affirmative action debate

When they were first initiated, affirmative action policies were needed to address the discrimination faced by women and members of minority ethnic groups. These policies have enabled many people to secure better employment and educational opportunities. In their wake, however, affirmative action policies have also spawned criticisms of reverse discrimination, and given rise to charges that in the long run, these policies harm the people they were intended to help. This paper argues that while affirmative action policies were necessary in 1965, they are no longer appropriate in 2003. In fact, this paper presents arguments why affirmative action policies are ineffective in addressing the discrimination problems faced by African Americans, Latinos and other racial minorities. 1. Race is not a sharply-defined category. Many critics of affirmative action point to the problem of "racial boxing" that these policies inherently promo

The Dreamkeepers: A Critique

This paper is a critique of the book, The Dreamkeepers, by Gloria Ladson Billings.

Literary Analysis

Money changes everything; Anton Chekhov demonstrates that the mere thought of money can severely impact a personal relationship in his short story, "The Lottery Ticket." An older couple with a family holds what could be a winning lottery ticket, but resists checking the numbers while they daydream about what they might do with the money. At first, their reaction to the possibility of wealth is joyful; but rather than share their dreams and communicate their wishes, Ivan Dmitritch and his wife Masha recede into their own worlds. Because Ivan is the protagonist, the reader is more privy to his thoughts; however, both of them plan for an influx of money. After only a brief and cold discussion about perhaps buying a villa, investing, or traveling, they immediately slip into paranoia and resentment. Ivan perceives his wife suddenly as being very old, as "stingy," and as one who would thwart his happiness. However, the first line of the story shows that Ivan was "very well sat

Macbeth A Character Analysis

This paper examines the changes that take place in the character of Macbeth during Shakespeare's play about Macbeth's life.

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing, direct sales, and viral marketing all play a key role in modern marketing. All three methods have distinct uses, and can be highly effective when used correctly. In this paper, each of the three marketing strategies is briefly discussed, and specific examples of each strategy are given. An Internet marketing strategy is at its simplest only a combination of marketing techniques that use the Internet as a marketing tool. It is this strategy that "determines whether your online marketing campaign is successful or a flop" ( Internet marketing strategies can be useful in targeting your market and enabling customers to easily locate you ( Internet marketing strategies can take several forms. For example, the simplest (and also somewhat ineffective) Internet marketing strategy would simply consist of creatin

Fahrenheit 451

In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury develops several characters to make his case against the evils of censorship. In a world void of books and intellectual freedom, reins brain-dead Mildred and control-freak Beatty. In sharp contrast, Clarisse is a happy young girl thirsty for knowledge about the world around her. Clarisse is a catalyst for her friend Montag to transform his life from a mindless drone to an intellectual thinker. Although Clarisse fails to survive society's intolerance for breaking the rules, Montag escapes to enjoy a new and better life. Bradbury uses Mildred as a character to illustrate what happens to a person that is devoid of information regarding what is going on in their own world. Mildred lives a robotic, unhappy life as evidenced by her attempted suicide and her reliance on technical diversions from reality and

Why Louisiana Technical College Needs More Parking

The parking situation at Louisiana Tech University needs improvement. The University is notably one of the best in the state and offers students, among other things, quality education at a quality facility. Unfortunately, there is not enough parking to accommodate the University's growing student population. Students at Louisiana Tech consistently find themselves struggling to find somewhere to park their cars. The parking problem is due to various factors, including lack of regulation related to student parking rules, visitor parking violations, yearly growth, and parking requirements for special events. The addition of a larger parking area for students will make the University more accessible to the thousands of students that must commute every year and more appealing to prospective students, both in and out of state, who will be looking for many comforts in their new environment. Additional parking would

Telecommunications and Data Technology

This paper examines how voice and data technology affect the business sector through their use and application.

Air Pollution Laws and the Clean Air Act

Air pollution is a problem for all Americans. The average adult breathes over 3,000 gallons of air on a daily basis (Spellman, 1999). Children breathe even more air per pound of body weight and are more susceptible to air pollution. Air pollution threatens the health of human beings and all other living things on Earth. Even though we cannot see all of them, pollutants in the air create smog and acid rain, cause cancer or other serious health effects, diminish the protective ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, and contribute to the potential for global climate change. For this reason, it is important to have air pollution laws, which are strict and enforceable. This paper will describe existing air pollution laws in the United States. Existing Laws The Clean Air Act, initially enacted in 1963 and significantly amended in 1970 and 1990, is the primary federal law under which the EPA operates (Rothbard, 1990). The Clean Air Act was the first comprehensive environmental law. Due to the

Analysis of No Longer at Ease by Achebe

Background No Longer At Ease The book No Longer at Ease by Chinua Achebe tells the story of a Nigerian man named Obi Okonkwo who struggles with cultural identity and loyalty. The story deals with many topics including nationalism, colonialism, conflict and self-identity. The novel by Achebe focuses on a young man's life and his lost connection with his African roots. Throughout the novel the author shares many themes of conflict and struggle. This struggle extends from his personal perceptions of what is right and wrong, but also addresses the conflict that exists within the country of Nigeria during the main characters youth. Within the story, a tale of "the young man's hatred for the ruling elite" comes out (Hamilton, 2002). The story takes place primarily in the setting of post-colonial Nigeria. The main character spends time both in his native country and in Europe. The main character of the novel, Obi, grows up in his native Nigeria, a country that has witn

Organizational Communication

ABB Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) is constantly attempting to streamline it operation. (Pearce & Robinson, 2003) In 1997, the company had four core business segments: industrial automation and robotic, electrical power generation and distribution; oil, gas and petrochemicals and, industry and building technology. In 2000, ABB underwent an expansion to six divisions. These were: automation technology, electricity transmission, electricity distribution, oil, gas, petrochemicals, building technology and financial services.(Bierbaum, Kischewski, Kischewski, & Schmidt, 2001) In 2003, ABB in a strategic shift in favor of specialization, has chosen to concentrate its resources and research and development on two main core sectors of power technology and automation technology.(ABBWebPage, 2003) The organization has dedicated and committed leaders who are willing to critically analyze the market they face and change the organization to make i

Book Review Louis Harlan's edited edition of Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington's body of work, study, and his life as a whole, as most notably encompassed within the text his own autobiography, entitled, Up From Slavery, is often set against the live of W.E.B. Du Bois. As noted by the scholar Louis T. Harlan, conventional wisdom holds that Booker T. Washington advocated a fairly conservative point of view, regarding the place of African-Americans in American society, in contrast to Du Bois's advocacy of immediate political as well as economic equality for the races of America. Booker T. Washington's ethos of putting down one's bucket' where one stood, as an African American, is seen as fundamentally conciliatory to white society, rather than offering a potentially liberating point of view to America's community of oppressed African Americans. Blacks under the tyranny of Jim Crow's de facto segregation, or even the de jure educational and economic segregation of the North, were hungry not simply for economic advancement,


Introduction The purpose of this essay is to discuss the external and internal factors that impact the planning function of management within the Sea Spring Corporation. The Sea Spring Corporation is a multinational conglomerate that manufactures computer components, cellular telephones and PDA's. Throughout this essay we will focus on the following internal and external factors; Rapid change, Globalization, Technology, E-Business, Innovation, Diversity and Ethics.