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The Flaws of King Lear

King Lear, the aging king of Britain, tests his daughters on who loves him the most and who should inherit his throne (Crowther 2003). His two older daughters, Goneril and Regan, flatter him with their answers, but the honesty of the youngest, Cordelia, throws the king into a rage. He disowns her. Cordelia accepts the proposal of the king of France, a suitor, without her father's blessings. As Goneril and Regan quickly display their hypocrisy, King Lear's insanity slowly develops. He eventually leaves his older daughters' houses to wander on a heath during a great thunderstorm where he unleashes his madness. The disguised Edgar soon joins him at the heath in eluding the search by his father, the nobleman Gloucester. Gloucester has been tricked by an illegitimate son, Edmund, into believing that Edgar is trying to kill him. In meantime, Cordelia leads a French army in an effort at saving her father. Edmund gets romantically entangled with both Goneril and Regan. In a duel, Edgar kills

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

The first chapter of Anne Fadiman's The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down sets the stage for the frustrating cross-cultural conflicts that took place in Merced, in Central California. Language barriers and belief system differences prevented Lia from receiving optimal care, even though both her family and the doctors did their absolute best to help her epilepsy. Although Fadiman focuses on the Hmong and their encounters with the Western medical system, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down describes a universal phenomenon. Not far into the book readers can see that what Fadiman presents is more than the story about Lia Lee. The lessons learned from Lia's story can and should be applied universally. Lia's story simply provides an extreme example of what occurs everyday in health care. Doctors and other health care practitioners assume a lot about their patients and their patients' families. In many cases they presume ignorance, assuming a paternalistic attitude toward patient car

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Cloning technology is at the center of a debate in the medical and scientific world. The various ethical and social problems related to cloning have also become an issue that has evoked a broad range of concern, ranging for religion to healthcare. Central to this debate is the subject of embryonic stem cell research. The possibly of engineering body parts from cloned cells has become a reality that has enormous implications for science and healthcare and holds the promise of curing many diseases that are incurable at present. On the other hand there is the view that stem cell research has negative social and moral implications and that it can adversely affect the family and other important aspects of out culture. This paper will attempt to present a balanced view of the research in this field with the emphasis on the more positive affects of this new medical research. I hope to show that despite the many problems and questions raised by stem cell research, it does provide a valuabl

Symbolism in "The Glass Menagerie"

"The Glass Menagerie," by Tennessee Williams, is one of the most iconic plays of the 20th century. The play takes place in St. Louis in 1937 and tells the story of the Wingfield family. The family is inclusive of Amanda Wingfield - the somewhat unstable mother; Laura Wingfield - the crippled daughter of Amanda; and Tom Wingfield - the frustrated son of Amanda and the narrator of the play. The cast also includes Jim, a friend of Tom and also a prospective boyfriend for Laura. The story is interesting and is characterized as a memory play because it is based on the memories of Tom Wingfield (Themes, Motifs & Symbols). Tom Wingfield's character seems to care for both his mother and sister, however, some of his actions are suspect and he seems to have a difficult time expressing his emotions. Throughout the play, he says things that are rather cruel to both his sister and his mother. Tom's sister Laura is a peculiar girl that also has a physi

The Power of Interpersonal Communication in Human Life

Introduction and Rationale Interpersonal communication is a connection, association or involvement between two persons (Lexicon Publishing LLC 2007). The richness or effectiveness of interpersonal communication determines the strength of a relationship, organization or society. This study will investigate some current available literature on what constitutes powerful or effective interpersonal communication and how it can be enhanced to further enrich human relations. Literature Review Hyatt, I. Ralph. How to Have a Healthy Conversation. USA Today: Society for the Advancement of Education, January 2007 Hyatt writes that effective communication, regardless of gender, must take into consideration the person and context in which the communication takes place. He clarifies that no special formula is required for a man to speak effectively with a woman. Effective interpersonal communication requires common sense, sensitivity, and respect. Whether verbal or non-verbal, c

Las Tejanas 300 Years of History

Las Tejanas: 300 Years of History is the story of, in the words of its introduction, "women of Spanish-Mexican origin in Texas" (xv). Well researched and written by Teresa Palomo Acosta and Ruthe Winegarten, the non-fiction work attempts to fill in the gaps in the literature on Tejanas while capitalizing on recent primary source discoveries. The work offers a comprehensive look on women of Spanish-Mexican origin in all aspects of life from their origins as Natives to recent political advancements of Tejanas in the United States. A fine accomplishment, there is great evidence and detail and no area regarding these women is excluded from the work. While there is little theme to Las Tejanas, as sections are often unrelated, short, and disjointed, the general idea is the advancement of the women of Spanish-Mexican origin from their earliest days to their liberated accomplishments of the present. The authors accomplish this theme offering little analysis or bias and offer lit

CAFR Fund Reconciliation

Fund accounting involves breaking the income of the entity into categories to match the expenses of those projects or departments. The general purpose of this is to restrict the allocation of funds and to hold each fund responsible for staying on budget. This purpose is thwarted, however, if the financial statements do not include the performance of the individual funds. The reconciliation of the individual funds to the general fund is an aspect of government and not-for-profit accounting that does not exist in the private sector and is central to the mission of fund accounting. According to Note D on pages 58 to 60, each fund is accounted for as a separate entity, all using an accrual basis. The activities of the funds are then merged into one statement in a process similar to consolidating the financial statements of a large corporation. Activity between funds is not included in the government-wide funds because the net result would be zero. Note R, section 5 on page 70 summarizes the mos

Chopin's The Awakening

Still Asleep and Mostly Happy that Way: The Awakening (1899) as Socially Critical Text and (and in) Kate Chopin's Time Within Kate Chopin's novel The Awakening, which was first published in 1899 to mixed (actually, mostly negative) reviews, and then greeted publicly with a great deal of condemnation (Sprinkle, 1995), the main character Edna Pontellier suffers increasing despair and hopelessness, as a married woman of 28 with two small sons. These spring from her realizations that she is unhappy, misunderstood, and, worst of all, alone with her feelings in a traditional Catholic, Creole-dominated social environment in which women's roles, in particular, are especially narrow and truncated. Once Edna knows she returns the younger, enviably carefree Robert Lebrun's attraction to her, she also recognizes, regretfully and with wistfulness for lost youthful opportunities at passion, that she is nevertheless trapped inside a loveless marriage, with responsibilit

Arista Records: Analysis, Five Forces at Work

In an industry or competitive analysis, there are five forces at work. These help a company to determine whether its strengths are sufficient to mitigate its weaknesses, and concomitantly, whether the business is sufficiently competitive to survive in the industry. The company Arista Records has a longstanding reputation for excellence in the industry. The main factor that sets it apart from other companies is a tradition begun by Clive Davis, the founder of the company. This factor is also one of the key elements playing a role in the success of the company, regardless of fluctuations such as the Milli Vanilli scandal an a high turnover in managers. At the center of industry analysis is the competition factor. Competition, or rivalry, is offered by both existing companies within the industry, as well as new entrants. The first of the five elements of industry analysis is the threat of entry by new competitors. The music record industry is high

The Therapy of Human Touch

Introduction There is a contest going on between conventional and alternative methods of treating sicknesses. Conventional or traditional medicine relies on pills and other forms of mechanical intrusion into the ailing body. Alternative or holistic medicine aims at restoring the ailing body's balance by filling up its depleted energy field. Opponents have come up with views of the Healing Touch method as mere superstition, which cannot be outwardly proved. But it continues to gather advocates among the public. Body The Healing or Therapeutic Touch is a method, which is believed to help restore the natural healing processes of the body by redirecting and re-balancing the body's natural energy fields (Bruno 1999). Its purpose is to reduce pin an anxiety, promote relaxation and stimulate the body's natural healing processes. It is considered the modern version of the ancient "laying off of the hands," found in the Bible, Eastern philosophy, ancient Gr


Safeway offers consumers several private label brands at variable rates of cost savings. The Safeway SELECT brand encompasses a wide variety of products marketed not necessarily as high-end items but as high-quality ones such as their water crackers. The water crackers are packaged in rectangular tubes with a single row of the round biscuits. Like the Carr's brand they mimic, the Safeway SELECT water cracker package is black and may be touted as an apt party cracker to carry cheese and other deli selections. Like Safeway, Wal-Mart has launched several popular private labels. One of Wal-Mart's most successful private labels is the Equate brand, which offers an almost comprehensive line of heath and beauty products. Equate Ibuprofin can easily be compared with Advil, one of the more popular national brands. Unlike the Advil package, the Equate name is printed relatively small on the box of 200mg pills. However, the Equate logo is ubiquitous in Wal-Mart stores and is

Dignity of Human Life

The principle of human dignity is one of the core principles for the doctrines of ethics and Christianity. Also, it is the fundamental concept from which all the human rights derive, and the basis for social order. In brief, the phrase 'human dignity' refers both to self-respect and to the respect for the other human beings. According to some thinkers, dignity is very close to the concept of virtue or righteousness. As R. Harcum indicates, the etymological root of 'dignity' is 'worthiness', or intrinsic value: "The word dignity, from the Latin dignus, 'worthy,' means to have intrinsic worth, or excellence, or to be esteemed by others."(Harcum, 1994, p.101) The intrinsic worthiness of all human beings was first established by the Judaic tradition, which advocated that man was created in God' image, and therefore and therefore is worthy in himself, independently of his acts. In the Holy Bible, righteousness and moral integrity

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

According to Harris County's 2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) generated and published by the County Auditor's Office, Capital Projects Funds are used to account for bond sale proceeds and other revenues which are used for the construction and acquisition of major capital projects in the county including the Flood Control District, and the county's Sports and Convention Corporation. According to the CAFR, Capital Projects Funds include: Roads: This fund is used to finance the construction and improvement of roads throughout the County, Permanent Improveme

Tulane University - Essay for Admission

The rapidly changing economic situation over the past decade led to tremendous growth and transformation in the healthcare industry. Most traditional single-entity hospitals are now developing into multi-organizational hospital systems. Meanwhile, the challenge to remain a successful entity and deliver high-quality services becomes increasingly difficult. Such a difficult environment demands the leadership of individuals with strong business administration backgrounds, in addition to a thorough understanding of the healthcare field. In order to fulfill this need, I plan on combining my years as a business owner with a master's degree in health administration. The administration of a health center requires myriad responsibilities to set policies and procedures and oversee the daily operations of the institution. The board of directors, CEO and direct reports must ensure the most efficient operations possible to provide necessary medical care to patients. This necessitates the recruitme

Strategic Plan of Boeing

Abstract In the past few years, competition among companies conducting business in the international business sector has increased dramatically, forcing many international companies to reexamine and reform their management styles. As a result of this increased competitive environment, several management concepts and theories have emerged as a significant factor attributable to the success or failure of a company. An international company demonstrable of this type of success as a result of their management concepts is Boeing. Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined, with capabilities in rotorcraft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems (Boeing, 2006). Boeing has been the premier manufacturer of commercial jetliners for over 40 years, and in 1997 Boeing and McDonnell Douglas merged together, giving Boeing

Fiction Writing Exercise

She lifted her free hand, gave a little nod, turned around, and walked out of the doctor's office. Then her slow step began on the stairs, going down. When she returned to the street it had begun to get dark and Phoenix knew she must try to hurry or her grandson would be scared. "I don't know what got in me to sit around like that now an old woman gots to hurry," she mumbled to herself. Once she was on the path again to go through the woods she tucked the soothing lotion for the boy into a pocket and the windmill she bought him in another and began letting her feet show her the way. Over the path and working hard not to get caught in thorn bushes again Phoenix barely noticed the hunter coming out of the woods at her again. "Hey grandma, why did you go to town only to turn around and come back so fast?" he asked with a wide toothed grin. Phoenix learned a long time ago about white men. Her momma told her right before being sold across the river that w

Industrial Hygiene Incident Report

Executive Summary Professional Services Laboratories responded to a hazardous incident in our local town that involved a spill incident at the GPM Chemical Facility. Professional services has a contract laboratory located within the facility to assist with environmental and safety sampling. On March 1, 2007 a spill occurred that involved methanol. It was the result of an employee who did not follow recommended procedures in the transfer of the substance from one container to another. The onsite industrial hygienist from Professional Services Laboratories responded to the scene of the spill within 5 minutes and initiated emergency and sampling procedures. The results of the sampling performed by Professional Services Laboratories revealed a short duration, high concentration exposure by inhalation in the immediate area of the spill. Due to the volatility of the methanol vapor, the explosive hazard and inhalation hazard dissipated within ½ hour after the spill. The employee was

US Army Values: Loyalty

Loyalty is one of the US Army's seven values, which is supposed to come about through the allegiance that soldiers show towards the US Constitution, the Army, one's own unit, and to other soldiers. Loyalty is a very important value for soldiers to possess because it maintains unity and stability throughout the armed forces. Without such unity and stability the army would easily fail in its duty to engage in combat,

Harris County

Harris County has a population of approximately 3.6 million residents. Its head of government is the Judge, who is elected by the population of the county. He presides over a Commissioner's Court of four elected officials who are elected by different precincts. This is the governing board of county (Page 11). The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) in question is for the fiscal year ending February 28, 2005. The general fund has two sets of budget figures presented, an adopted budget of, through which most revenues and expenditures pass, $1.310 billion and an adjusted budget of $2.134 billion (100)

Strategic Management in Music

The music industry has seen more rapid and extreme changes than any of the other consumer media in the world. This is true in a variety of respects, the most significant of which include commercial and technological change. These two areas of change have worked concomitantly since the rise of Rock and Roll in the 1950s to transform the music industry to the various forms it has evolved into today. This has a significant impact on companies such as Arista Records, which has, in comparison with other companies, worked with its artists in a very traditional way. While this has been successful in the past, the future of Arista Records is to a large degree dependent on how it can integrate its proven, traditional values, with the rapidly changing world of technology and music. In addition to the rapid increase of consumer spending on music since 1984, the increased demand for music in the comfort of the home also resulted in rapid technological improvements to music.

Case Analysis: Nick in An American Heart

This paper presents a case analysis about a character named Nick who appears in the movie An American Heart. The writer explores the case history and creates a case analysis with an intervention plan and a conclusion.

Issues in Human Development: Good Will Hunting

Introduction: In the film Good Will Hunting written by Mat Damon and Ben Affleck and directed by Gus Van Sant (1997) Will Hunting (Matt Damon) is a profoundly intelligent mathematician in the body of a deeply troubled, having been the victim of brutal abuse as a child and been left without a family, 20 year old janitor at the prestigious MIT in Boston. Will spends his days getting in trouble with a group of his neighborhood friends from South Boston, and in a dilapidated, stark lonely apartment and his evenings cleaning the hallways of this institution of great learning. One evening he stumbles upon an extra credit proof (math equation) posted by a Fields Medal Winning professor Gerald Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard) for his students to solve and he proceeds to anonymously solve the difficult equation on the blackboard. When the professor discovers the correct equation he goes on a hunt for the anonymous genius and eventually finds Will, the janitor. Will in the mean time has one more

Currency: The Eurozone

The Eurozone has brought an amount of benefits to the countries that have joined it. It is however significant that several of the most prosperous countries have not joined. There are both advantages and disadvantages to the issue, especially as they relate to other regions in the world. In Africa, for example, a central currency has been introduced by the French government. Below is an exploration of the issues, ending with speculation revolving around whether it is feasible for Southern Africa to adopt a common currency. According to Vladimir Pikora, the main advantage of the Eurozone is related to the currency risk. Exporters are attracted to Eurozone countries because the common currency mitigates financial losses resulting from changing exchange rates. Pikora however points out that this advantage extends only to Eurozone exporters and traders, while a substa

Most Important Invention

If You had to Name the Most Important Invention, What would It Be? For What Reason? For those who believe and those who treasure it, life is indeed precious. It is the embodiment of what makes us humans, and living the best life we could has to always be an endeavor of each and every one of us. Life is wonderful, life is great so goes the common adage and no greater honor can one have when his – or her life – has been immortalized in history, the arts or the sciences. Take the inventions of great scientists who have filled the annals of history and contributed top making our world a better place. Thus, one might or may try to invent a most important object or idea that can truly revolutionize how people can live. It could be a gadget that would improve travel or communication or an idea that could bring world peace and prosperity. Whatever the invention is, it would tr

Duty Ethics Provide a Case for Euthanasia

This paper presents an exploration of the topic of euthanasia. The writer presents both sides of the debate and argues that euthanasia should be legalized as it allows those who have no hope of recovery to end their suffering. There were four sources used to complete this paper.