18 Results for Europe

HISTORY- GENOCIDE 'Despite everything, I still believe people are good at heart'. These words were immortalized by a 16 year-old Jewish girl named Anne Frank. She wrote these words down in the midst of the most ghastly war in over five millennia- World War 2. This war is especially kn...
When World War I came to a close in mid-November of 1918, many ideas were circulating in Europe as to what the peace settlement should entail. In Britain, leaders were thinking about how to increase British colonial power. In France, many wanted to permanently punish the Germans, partly in revenge ...
Darwin Darwin is the main setting of Maestro. Paul and his family move there after his father accepts a position as a medical officer. It is the capital city of the Northern Territory and Australia's northernmost city. Settlement was attempted in the early 1800s by the English, but it was...
1939, Theresienstadt, A gift from Hitler. A place of hope and happiness for Jews and Jewesses alike. Theresienstadt was somewhere they could wait the war out without fear until the shadow of Nazism passed. It was a place filled with the most prosperous artists and musicians, daily shows and ope...
It has been said that one man cannot change history. Alexander the Great, Christopher Columbus, and Abraham Lincoln, all brought out the best and the worst in men. Throughout time, we have put immense power in the hands of few and now their names live on forever. How does the son of an Austrian fact...
INTRODUCTION Hitler was an incredibly gifted person. He was an intelligent speaker, as he managed to sway 14.7 million people to vote for him even though his ideas were unpopular. Hitler was able to take over half of Europe with a country that was heavily in debt and had poor morale. He even negotia...
As Philip Berrigan walked the streets of London, Bristol, and other cities of Britain, he saw the faces of death from those who burned to death to those who were crushed from buildings collapsing; and if they survived, how they would be deformed for the rest of their lives. He became filled with e...
Within culture throughout time, individuals have been different from one another, and in several ways. Appearance, actions, and even thought are some of these differentiating characteristics. One's thoughts do not necessarily have to conform to another's. Yet when given power, an individua...
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born in the small Austrian town of Branau on the 20th of April 1889. He came from a middle-class family that lived comfortably, although he suggested in his book Mein Kampf that his family was poor and his childhood was filled with hardship. His father Alois Hitler ...
Western Civilization Final Exam Tuesday, June 23, 1998 Question: What were the causes of the World War II? Do you believe that the war could have been prevented? Why or Why not? After the fall of the Weimar government, and the rise to power of the National Socialists headed by Adolph Hitler, Germany...
Western CivilizationFinal ExamTuesday, June 23, 1998 Question:What were the causes of the World War II? Do you believe that the war could have been prevented? Why or Why not?After the fall of the Weimar government, and the rise to power of the National Socialists headed by Adolph Hitler, Germany u...
In the Second World War, a man named Adolph Hitler, the leader of the infamous Nazi regime, had a plethora of things on his mind. From guarding the stricken land of Poland against Soviet advancement, to making sure the western shores of the Atlantic Ocean in France were closely guarded, Hitler had ...
The 1936 Olympics have become a mere footnote in history, remembered mostly for the heroics of Jesse Owens. The events that followed in Germany, namely the Holocaust and World War II overshadowed the Berlin games. However, it is very important to note that a world gathering like the Olympics ...
Adolf Hitler was born and reared in Germany. He was just like any other man, de-voted to his country. Hitler served as a soldier and a statesman. He gained the trust of mil-lions that fought and died in his name. We must understand how he gained and abused power. We must know the life and impact of...
On November 18th of 1918, Germany, a member of the Central Powers, surrendered unconditionally to the allies. World War I had ended with a total of 37 million casualties, including 9 million dead combatants. German propaganda had not prepared that nation for defeat, and its suddenness resulted in...
Adolf HitlerIn 1939, a mighty ruler by the name of Adolf Hitler, led his powerful German army into World War II. Hitler's square black mustache and the lock of hair that hung down on his forehead made him resemble a comic book character to some people. However, h...
WW1 had sign. impact on Germany. Brought about collapse of Hohenzollern monarchy & its replacement by a democratic system, which, after early difficulties, seemed to flourish before becoming a casualty of the Great Depression. War's legacy allowed Adolf Hitler to rise from relative obscurity to...
IntroductionThere is no question in my mind that the mass killings of the Jews during World War II affected the lives of these people and the people who loved and knew them greatly. I wholeheartedly disagree with the people who claim it never happened, whether they are against the Holocaust "theory...