109 Results for Europe

"Describe the factors that enabled European corporations to accumulate huge profits from their enterprises begun in Africa between 1885 and 1914." Several factors enabled European corporations to accumulate huge profits from their enterprises between 1885 and 1914. These events include...
Plate tectonics is the joining theory of the Earth. People thought that the Earth was cooling and shrinking like a prune would. One of the first well thought out idea for continental drift was the continents were moving and fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. If put together continents matched and ...
The Honorable Art of Tattoo The art of Tattoo has been around since 12,000 years before Christ and has gone through many years' of judgment by people of different races and cultures. This art form spanned many different cultures with many different meanings and is being transformed today. ...
Lynn White's essay is about the role of religion in the ecological crisis. With technology, we alter the environment of the earth. In Northern Europe, the first revolution in technology brought on an ecological crisis. This invention was known as the "plow". Instead of the scratching the earth, it d...
The Agricultural Revolution This video was about the development of mankind and how agriculture helped develop mankind. Agriculture and production of food began about 10,000 years ago. Hence, the world population could not have grown without the agricultural revolution. Without the developmen...
Large scale nationalistic values arose in 19th century Europe. This was a time when the majority of the political systems favored liberalism, a belief that there should be a free market economy and also people were rewarded because of their talent not there inherited privilege. Nationalism can be...
Summary The beginning of the book gives stories of different people around the world and explains how these people are affected by their existence in a "global village". These examples are given for two reasons. The first is to show how the entire world is connected and the second is ...
Democracy Democracy is almost everywhere in the world. Europe has used its form of government for almost half a century. North and South America are now virtually a hemisphere of democracy; Africa is experiencing democratic reform; and new, democracies have taken root in A...
ANCIENT (3,000 BC – 476 AD) -Egypt & Sumeria – roots of Western Civilization -The Greece – Golden Age -2 periods: Hellenic & Hellenistic (Alexander the Great & followers) -Sophisticated culture–math, philosophy, etc. -Eventually conquered by Rome -2 periods: Roman Republic & Roman E...
Learning new ways of life is something I enjoy doing. I have been to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. I love to travel all over the world to gain an experience of the countries' culture. Having family members scattered all around the world is one reason for my visits to different parts of t...
Pandemics Throughout history, pandemics/epidemics have had dire effects on societies and sent shockwaves through the world. They have undermined economies and eroded the very foundations and values these societies were based on. Two of these pandemics, perhaps the worst, are the Bubonic ...
In the early fifteenth century the way of transportation was via ship. This transatlantic world called for other means of survival than just food alone. Therefore, people needed more to stay alive and pleased. Ships helped out with many tasks including getting from one part of the world to the ot...
Implications of Neanderthal-Homo Sapiens Hybrid from the Abrigo do Lagar Velho (Portugal) In a recent excavation at Abrigo do Lagar Velho in Portugal, Duarte et al (1999) unearthed what was later to be recognized as early human skeletal remains which pointed to interbreeding between Neanderthal and ...
In the beginning of Sidney Mintz's book, Sweetness and Power, there is an engraving by William Blake that depicts three ethnically contrasting, naked women. The woman in the middle is a Caucasian European, and on both sides of her are women representing Africa and the early Americas, thus hint...
The lunar eclipse is tonight and it only occurs once every four years. The next Lunar eclipse will be in march 2007. The Lunar eclipse is when the sun goes behind the moon and the moon seems to look like a bright orange ball in the sky. You do not need a telescope to see the lunar eclipse in the sky...
One of the earliest known arts is often called \"Cave Art\". This art has been found in many different locations such as: Europe, Australia, Africa, China, as well as many other places. This kind of art usually depicted animals, but also included humans, weapons, and symbols. Many of these paintings...
Introduction Imperialism during this era was performed by the Great European Powers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who sought to extend and maintain control or influence over the weaker nations of the world, particularly in Asia and Africa. The practice of imperialism, by July 1914 h...
The musical instruments collection of the metropolitan museum holds approximately five thousand examples from six continents and the pacific islands dating from about 300B.C. to the present. In this exhibit we can find all categories of instrument present in our history. Indeed, classified by contin...
The presence of Europe in Africa in the late nineteenth century was one of extreme power. The countries of France, Britain, and Germany had especially large claims to the African continent during this time. The motives of imperialism for these countries greatly define Europe at this time. Insatiable...
Heart Of Darkness: Racism Through his (and thusly Marlow's) prejudiced perspective, negative, animalistic characterization of the African country and its natives and idolization of the Europeans, Conrad condones and embraces the racism that ran rampant during his lifetime. Both Conrad and his...
Everyone knows how hard it is to find a mate for marriage. Having said that, each person is free to decide how the mate selection will take place. Some people would rather conduct this selection by themselves, without any help, while others prefer to get help from an outside source, like their paren...
Heart of Darkness: Heart of Controversy Chinua Achebe believes that Joseph Conrad's Heart Of Darkness is racist based on Conrad's descriptions of Africa and it's people. Achebe, author of Things Fall Apart, stresses Conrad's depiction of Africa as the antithesis of Europe and civilizat...
In the 15th and 16th centuries, the exploration of the African coast by Europeans, especially the Portuguese, brought about great change. Exploration paved the way towards changes in society and economics of both Africa and Europe. The greatest change however was that of slavery. There was an emer...
Exterminate All the Brutes In the early 1800s, European nations played a minor role in Africa, controlling only areas along the coast. Areas which provided markets for trade and an opportunity to increase their economy were concentrated upon. Although there was little monetary value, Europe r...
In tracing the origins of slavery and racism, one must keep in mind that neither is an event or circumstance that occurred in North America in the 17th through 19th centuries. We must examine slavery as an institution and racism as a mentality defined by the oppressor, independent to the oppressed....