3 Results for Europe

Transatlantic Slave Trade From the 1520s to the 1860s an estimated 11 to 12 million African men, women, and children were forcibly embarked on European vessels for a life of slavery in the Western Hemisphere. Many more Africans were captured or purchased in the interior of the continent but a large ...
The tropical forests are the biomass more productive of the planet and of greater diversity. The amount of precipitations and the temperature cause that their only limited factor is the light. They extend by Central America and of the South, central Africa, Malaysian and Indonesia mainly. The Amazon...
Although there had been a British and greater European presence in Africa prior to the last two decades of the 19th century it was primarily coastal and revolved around the slave trade. With the abolition of the slave trade within the British Empire in 1803 and a complete abolition of slavery across...