106 Results for Europe

Europe will never be like America. Europe is a product of history. America is a product of philosophy. Margaret Thatcher (1925 - ) In the year nineteen hundred, the center of world power inarguablyresided in Europe. In fact, f...
The US was faced with many questions concerning Europe in the years following World War II. The US had the unenvied task of deciding whether to stay out of European affairs or become involved. The United States ultimately decided to become involved in the reconstruction of Europe. In doing this t...
After WWII, there was an iron curtain dividing eastern and western Europe. And there were also two superpowers left standing, the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States dominated in western Europe while the Soviet Union dominated in eastern Europe. Tensions grew between the two superp...
The end of the war in Europe revealed signs of growing mistrust between the USA and the USSR. Issues such as the Polish question, confrontation in Iran, containment, the Marshall plan, the Czechoslovakian Crisis, the Berlin Blockade, NATO, Cominform, Tito in Yugoslavia, the Korean War, Khrushchev&ap...
The Impact of the Cold War The last thing on people's minds after World War II was to start a new war. This is what happened though. Some say the Cold War began after the Allies leaders started disagreements at the Potsdam Conference in 1945. They disagreed on who should control postw...
The Communist World and the Free World were two kinds of economic and political camps existing in 1985. At the center of these camps were two nations, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics who followed the principals of communism, and the United States of America with the belief in Capitalism and...
The balance of power in Europe shifted to the United States and the Soviet Union during the years 1945 to 1970 making way for change. The balance of power in Europe came with the surrender of Germany to end WWII. With no common enemy to unite them, the inherent differences between East and West, c...
There are three main schools of thought that trace the origins of the Cold War. The Orthodox view is that "the intransigence of Leninist ideology, the sinister dynamics of a totalitarian society, and the madness of Stalin" (Doc 1) cause the Cold War. The Revisionists claim that "Ameri...
Berlin: Changing Center of a Changing Europe The film I chose to watch was, Berlin: Changing Center of a Changing Europe. This film was interesting, educational, and easy to understand. The film was set in Berlin, Germany and focused more on the twentieth century. The film discussed the hu...
The Warsaw Pact of 1955 The Warsaw Pact of 1955 was an alliance of countries similar to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization of 1949. These countries which were subjugated by the communist regime of the Soviet Union which included: People's Republic of Albania, the People's Republic of Bulgaria...
The Cold War lasted for over half a century, and many different factors fuelled the battle. All three major nations that were involved helped to escalate the Cold War farther. The Soviet's actions in Eastern Europe, American, perhaps too aggressive actions against Soviet expansion, and Churchill and...
The \"Cold War\" is the term coined by columnist Walter Lipman to describe the competition just short of military conflict between Soviet Russia and the United States. It\'s roots go as far back as 1890 when the then allies became rivals over the development of Manchuria. The Cold War officially e...
1984 In many ways, Orwell's view of the future has come true. Although we do not live in a world dominated by Communist super-powers, there are many aspects of our society that are prophesied in the book. Take, for example, the three land masses used in Nineteen Eighty-Four. There is O...
"Cold war" is the term given to the competition, conducted through means short of direct military conflict, between the United States and the Soviet Union since World War II. Its roots go back to the 1890s when, after a century of friendship, Americans and Russians became rivals over the development...
The Key to a Better World An age old problem that has plagued many people's minds is how to make the world a better place to live. There have been a variety of strategies used by those in power to try to improve the world through out the years such as wars, treaties, and educational program...
The latter half of the twentieth century has been dominated by the Cold War and the actions and events surrounding it. During this period different alliances and treaties were formed and many of these were institutionalized. One such alliance was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This...
Berlin is the capital and the biggest city in Germany. It has a population of about 3.5 million and extends over 889 kilometers. Berlin is located in central Europe, longitude 13:25 E, latitude 52:32 N, and is 34 m above sea level. Originally, Slavic tribes who were replaced by German settlers in th...
Berlin is the capital and the biggest city in Germany. It has a population of about 3.5 million and extends over 889 kilometers. Berlin is located in central Europe, longitude 13:25 E, latitude 52:32 N, and is 34 m above sea level Originally, Slavic tribes who were replaced by German settlers in th...
After the devastating effects of WWII, Europe's economic and social conditions where in shambles. The personal suffering and internal upheavals threatened chaos. There was a lack of coal, steel, electrical power, railroad cars, locomotives, trucks, oil, and grain. All of the West European countri...
PotsDam Conference Last conference was set in Potsdam in 1945. President Churchill, Truman and Joseph Stallen attended this conference. President Truman didn't like the Soviet and soviet didn't like the Truman. They all met at Potsdam for finalizing plan for Europe. They have solved many ...
a Conference Yalta Conference was one of the most important meetings of key Allied leaders during World War II. These leaders were President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States, Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain, and Premier Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union. Their counties became ...
The Unification of GermanyThe end of the Second World War led to an unusually long period of European peace. The nation states of Europe were closer to each other than ever before. The twenty-seven states that made up Europe at that time changed to thirty-seven within fifty years of the end of the...
In the aftermath of WWII, the international context war very particular: the war has bled Europe dry and the continent was thus to be rebuilt. The world was divided into two hostile camps: the West side, under the aegis of the USA and which gathered democratic countries and was politically, eco...
Both USA and USSR contributed to the slow evolvement of the Cold War, although I would accuse the USSR of being the more responsible of the two parties. Stalin\'s initial paranoid suspicions of the West gave him the need to cripple Germany to feel protected against future threats, and I believe that...
Between1645 and 1950 the wartime alliance that existed during World War II, between the United States and the Soviet Union broke down and the Cold War began. Both Countries tried to increase its worldwide influence and spread it's competing economic and political systems. In document 1, Winst...