77 Results for Europe

Our history books are full of ethnic and religious groups who have been mistreated. However, these books say very little, if anything at all about the Gypsies. In this paper I am going to discuss a few of the many hardships and prejudices that Gypsies have faced, and continue to face toda...
This research paper documents the triumphant cultural and political revitalization of a victimized Europe, while providing details on the specifics of the liberation and the life of \"displaced persons\" particularly Jews, in post-World War II. Never before has an event in history been as tragic and...
The years between 1939 and 1945 marked a historical time known as the Holocaust. This genocide led to the unnecessary death of approximately six million people throughout Europe. A large percentage of the victims were children of all ages. Born to fend off hatred and discrimination, these childre...
ANCIENT (3,000 BC – 476 AD) -Egypt & Sumeria – roots of Western Civilization -The Greece – Golden Age -2 periods: Hellenic & Hellenistic (Alexander the Great & followers) -Sophisticated culture–math, philosophy, etc. -Eventually conquered by Rome -2 periods: Roman Republic & Roman E...
6:00 a.m. – Where am I? I think I remember a terrible accident and a hospital room, and yet here I am, in the middle of a ghetto or something, and everyone is dressed funny. They all have yellow star armbands on, too. They're Jews!!! They all look like they came out of a movie or something...
Prejudice was the main factor that led to the holocaust. For some, resisting these forms of oppression was survival. Considering the dehumanizing the Nazis had forced upon the Jews, people took whatever courage and strength they had to get through this period of time. I believe luck also had a par...
There are many people that say it never happened but there is no room for denial in a topic like this. The holocaust did happen and it was a terrible thing. There are so many wrong things that happened during the holocaust. One of the worst things I believe that happened were the murders and kill...
"Death seemed to guard all exits." This motto defined the fate of the millions of Europeans between 1941 and 1945. As the Nazi Germany gained control of one country after another in World War 2, the killing of Jews, Gypsies, Slaves, Poles, Homosexuals, and more began. The Nazi's built...
Most educated people in the world today believe that the holocaust was a pivotal moment in Jewish history and led to the establishment of the state of Israel. But this theory is simplistic. It does not take into account the many factors in history that led to the establishment of the state of Isra...
DBQ #: Spread of Islamic CivilizationFrom its beginnings in Arabia to its extensive empire encompassing the Middle East, parts of Asia, North Africa, and parts of Europe,paul duffy is fat the spread of Islam in the late 600s and 700s has drawn much study. The spread of Islamic beliefs and civiliza...
Tarek El ZeinHolocaust Jesus or Hitler?Anti-Semitism was widespread in Europe at the time Hitler came to power. Much of this anti-Semitism was rooted, first, in religious beliefs that arose more than 1500 years before Hitler came to power, and second, on political beliefs, often cynically exploit...
Between 1873 and 1896, Europe, and the world experienced a period of economic stagnation, often referred to as the "Great Depression" of the nineteenth century. Anti-Semitism spread throughout this time in Germany. Jews were blamed for whatever may have been wrong, by public officials, and politicia...
Since the beginning of Christ, Jews have been fated from the mainstream of society. They have often been outcaste and therefore marginalized. Germany\'s defeat in World War 1 and a worldwide depression in the 1930s left the German economy in ruins and made many Germans angry and resentful. Adolf Hit...
When the control of Germany was undertaken by Adolph Hitler, the entire world became infected by his Nazi fascism, especially the European Jews. Through Hitler\'s beliefs of \"white skin, blue eyes, light hair\" being the race of God, Jewish people were oppressed, forced into hard labor, and murder...
Almost 3 million Jews of Eastern European and Russian decent settled in New York City's Lower East side between 1890 and 1910. The primary reason for this large migration in such numbers was to escape the harsh persecution of the Russian government. During this time of mass European migration...
Melson Summary Chapter Three - Like the Armenians, Jews had to overcome social, economic, political, cultural spheres - they did not suffer a massacre but anti-Semitic reaction to undo their emancipation and social mobilization - anti-Semitism took form in a political party and failed befor...
Anne Frank and Elizabeth Cassuto were both Jewish girls that lived in Holland. In fact, they went to the same school. They lived in the time in Europe when the Holocaust was happening. Both the girls and their families were scared that they were going to get sent to a concentration or extermination ...
Even the most horrific events, like the Holocaust, teach a lesson or two and present a challenge to meet adversity eye to eye. When it comes to tragedy, the most important thing to concentrate on is the lesson this particular disaster presents. The most significant paradigm of the Holocaust is tha...
The Holocaust is likely one of the most misunderstood historical events of modern times. There are those that underestimate the extent of world knowledge about the German atrocities. There are also those whom are ignorant of the way in which the Jews reacted to their situation. The incredible ex...
The State of Israel was founded on May 14, 1948, creating a national homeland for all Jewish people throughout the world. The establishment of a uniquely Jewish state in the Arab controlled Middle East has created serious tension between the Jews and their Arab neighbors, and more specifically, th...
DifferencesIt was a cold January night in Brooklyn. I was helping my father provide a sound system for a Jewish high school play. Normally when one thinks of Jewish people, they think that they are just regular people who instead of going to church go to temple. However there are many different ...
The millions of Jews who were taken from their places of residence, ghettos or transit camps did not in any way know that they were being brought to extermination camps nor did they know what fate awaited for them. Most of them had not even heard of the existence of such camps. Rumors about death ...
HISTORY- GENOCIDE 'Despite everything, I still believe people are good at heart'. These words were immortalized by a 16 year-old Jewish girl named Anne Frank. She wrote these words down in the midst of the most ghastly war in over five millennia- World War 2. This war is especially kn...
FREEDOM IS ALL WE HAVE TO LOSE "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." (Kristofferson) This sounds like a very prophetic statement. But is it? At first glance you may make sense of it, but when you look beneath the surface of this statement, you will realize that...
Snow in August is a good example about the prejudice and racism in the 1940's. Pete Hamill has truly done a marvelous job at depicting the effects of WWII on an anti Jewish town, Brooklyn, New York. Brooklyn was in the midst of religious and racial turmoil. Hamill describes how ripped apart thi...