121 Results for Europe

Europe will never be like America. Europe is a product of history. America is a product of philosophy. Margaret Thatcher (1925 - ) In the year nineteen hundred, the center of world power inarguablyresided in Europe. In fact, f...
The outbreak of war in Europe in 1854, the Crimean War, broke up the cooperation Europe, led by four powers-Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia-tried to maintain, solidify, and improve after the Napoleonic Wars. Even worse, into two separate hostile groups: mainly the west with France and Britain,...
After WWII, there was an iron curtain dividing eastern and western Europe. And there were also two superpowers left standing, the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States dominated in western Europe while the Soviet Union dominated in eastern Europe. Tensions grew between the two superp...
Sahil Rattanaphas IB History period 2 January 24, 2004 "How valid is it to claim that Europe "stumbled into" a world war in 1914" The late 1800's brought upon a growing trend of Imperialism towards Europe and five of her most powerful nations, Russia, France, Engl...
December 17, 1999 The United States and the European Union recognize Northern Europe as a dynamically developing region. We reaffirm our shared commitment to promote security, stability, and economic prosperity in the region, particularly by strengthening cross-border cooperation. During the Finnish...
Marshall Plan In the spring of 1947, the atmosphere in Europe was unstable and tense. World War II left behind misery, unemployment and a housing crisis. The cold weather intensified the severe economic and social dislocation that plagued the continent following the long and destructive war. At t...
World War II in Europe Before dawn on September 1, 1939, German forces crossed into Poland in an attack so fast and brutal, they called it blitzkrieg, meaning lightning war. This time Britain and France decided to fight, and on September 3 they declared war on Germany. Roosevelt declared the Uni...
The balance of power in Europe shifted to the United States and the Soviet Union during the years 1945 to 1970 making way for change. The balance of power in Europe came with the surrender of Germany to end WWII. With no common enemy to unite them, the inherent differences between East and West, c...
World market economies are comprised of two different types of markets. Those markets are free market economy and planned market economy. Free market economy is an economic system which resolves the basic economic problem through the market mechanism. Planned market economy is an economic system w...
In Europe between the two revolutions many changes occurred and new views were cultivated and later fostered. There is one significant view that was developed and that is the social and gender definitions. At the time when the French Revolution took place class analysis had not yet been developed....
There are three main schools of thought that trace the origins of the Cold War. The Orthodox view is that "the intransigence of Leninist ideology, the sinister dynamics of a totalitarian society, and the madness of Stalin" (Doc 1) cause the Cold War. The Revisionists claim that "Ameri...
During the twentieth century, Europe went through many changes in politics and trends. On June 28, 1914, Serbian revolutionaries assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones, and his wife, Sophie. With Germany behind Austria-Hungary, Austria attacked Serb...
During the twentieth century, Europe went through many changes in politics and trends. On June 28, 1914, Serbian revolutionaries assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian and Hungarian thrones, and his wife, Sophie. With Germany behind Austria-Hungary, Austria attacked Serb...
World War I all started when the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was shot. This causes turmoil between all of Europe and eventually escalated into The Great War. Before all of this turmoil, the United States was just beginning to get some recognition as a world power. They were involved in a...
Imperialism,World War I and Revolution and Nationalism I) As some of us know what imperialism is, I would like to start you off with a definition for those who may not know what it is or what it means. Imperialism is a policy that one strong nation wants to take over or dominate other countr...
1984 In many ways, Orwell's view of the future has come true. Although we do not live in a world dominated by Communist super-powers, there are many aspects of our society that are prophesied in the book. Take, for example, the three land masses used in Nineteen Eighty-Four. There is O...
World War 1: German Guilt. Introduction Few historical areas can have aroused as much debate as that of the origins and causes of WW1. The thousands of documents and eyewitness testimonies collated have allowed historians to construct exceedingly detailed illustrations of what happened in the days...
Sports Acrobatics The roots of Sports Acrobatics date back to the time of the ancient Greeks. The word "acrobatics" is derived from a word in the Greek language meaning "to elevate." This derivation is significant, since Sports Acrobatics combines the aspects of lifting and ...
Stalin did not demonstrate truly wise and honourable leadership of his country, and it was only because of the unstable nature of Europe at this time that the people of Russia trusted and put their faith in him. Stalin was the son of an alcoholic cobbler and a washerwoman, and was all too aware of t...
Scandinavian traders set up governments along their trade route at the city of Kiev. As the Kievan Russia and the Byzantium contacts grew, Kiev became a great trading center; Therefore Constantinople became a great trading center.The role of the East Orthodox religion was played in early Russian cul...
The Crimean war was caused by numerous factors that eventually boiled over and spurred war. This time period was one based off of the balance of power and conservatism throughout Europe. The main conflict resulted from religious tensions throughout the Ottoman Empire, caused by Russia's threats...
In order to explain the differences between the maritime kingdoms of Europe and the land based empires of Eurasia we have to understand the similarities first. What these two groups had in common was that they were both looking to expand their nations. This is where the differences come in as well. ...
Immigration to Canada: The MennonitesWhen the Mennonites started to flee Europe it was because of severe persecution from the Catholics and Protestants. The Mennonites religion was seen as bad because it was different from their own. The Mennonites believe that a church is a group of voluntary adu...
What has been termed as \"the long peace\" by some has proven to be the most intense time period in world history. A historical rarity, two superpowers fought rigorously across the globe for support, each carving out their own sphere of influence. The bi-polar of international affairs resulted in ...
In AD 789, three strange ships arrived at Portland on the southern coast of England. The \"Reeve\" or representative of the King of Wessex rode out to meet these visitors. He took with him only a small group of men under the impression that the strangers were traders. The strangers slew them. Ac...