57 Results for Europe

Slaves heavily supported the economy of the south due to the fact that so much money was invested into them and they produced a sizable chunk of cotton that was exported to the North and Europe. Since the economy was based on cotton, the more that you produced the more money you could make. Since al...
Colonial America began as people from Europe chose to journey to the New World. These immigrants were searching for the tales of opportunity as well as escape the grasp of the king and the Church of England. As the population increased in the New World, so did the need of a larger and more broad lab...
Even as Europeans staked their claims to the lands of the Americas, discoveries forced Europe's intellectuals to rethink the geographical, cosmographical, and spatial categories in which they had conceived of their world. Print helped to diffuse these novel concepts, although it also sustained ...
Industrialization began its mighty impact in the later part of the 18th century when Europe's economy was introduced to the concept of industrialization. This concept impacted not only Europe but the world as a whole. Many new ideas and opportunities quickly followed. Industrialization broug...
During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries many different factors peaked interest in colonization and exploration for Europeans. As a continent, Europe was changing rapidly. Nationally Spain, France, and England each had their own reasons for growth. All of Europe dealt with the excitement and u...
Colonial America experienced rapid growth during the 18th century, with its population doubling every 25 years. Much of the foundation and growth of the American colonies can be attributed to the promise of economic opportunity. While land was plentiful and labor was in high demand, the colonist&apo...
Europeans governments and businessmen stopped at nothing to ensure their economic success, they committed genocide plus ethnocide. The main reason Europe hurried to the new land was for resources and land which is money. Money was the center to the madness. In every battle between the natives and th...
An article "Before the Mayflower" goes into a discussion of development of racism in Europe and Americas. I shall use the facts provided by the author and the concepts of Marxism to analyze and dissect the origins of racism in Americas and Europe.With the discovery of Africa by Europeans a new era b...
In the 15th and 16th centuries, the exploration of the African coast by Europeans, especially the Portuguese, brought about great change. Exploration paved the way towards changes in society and economics of both Africa and Europe. The greatest change however was that of slavery. There was an emer...
Alexander Falconbridge, The African Slave Trade(1788)Alexander Falconbridge was a surgeon on several of the slave ships that sailed from Africa to Europe. In this document Mr. Falconbridge describes the living conditions that the African people had to endure during the middle passage from Africa to ...
In tracing the origins of slavery and racism, one must keep in mind that neither is an event or circumstance that occurred in North America in the 17th through 19th centuries. We must examine slavery as an institution and racism as a mentality defined by the oppressor, independent to the oppressed....
Changes and Continuities in Demographic Migratory Patterns from 1000-1750 There were many changes and continuities in demographic migratory patterns from 1000-1750. Demography is the study of the movement and population of people. This enables us to learn about lives of people in the past. Bo...
In the early American colonies, the south and the north developed into two distinctly different colonies. Although their origins were both from Europe, their customs and living habits became so different that it would play a major role in America's history. There are many reasons why these differe...
It is hard to say just how the Europeans took over the New World and ruled globally, but there's always this one reason that really personally blows my mind. It worked for them but it's not quite the very nice way of taking care of business. It is how they took over the New World and became ric...
Slavery in America started when the New World was first discovered. It started off when the first colonists came to the Americas and in order to survive they needed to farm the land and grow crops. Since they were not accustomed for the hot sun and were too lazy for hard labor. In order to survive...
The Middle Passage The middle passage was the journey of the slave ships from the west coast of Africa, across the Atlantic, to North America. This voyage is referred to as the middle passage because it was the middle leg of a trade route that developed between North America, Europe, and Africa. ...
In Portugal, slavery was a major issue that plagued the land, as was white merchants from Europe invading the area with their goods. Many white Europeans came to Africa to make money and profit for their own righteousness. White merchant would sell goods in Africa to make a higher profit. African wo...
Colonial America was a successful establishment in less than a hundred years. The first official census of the United States was 3,900,000 in 1790. Most of the population came from a high birthrate from the settlers; while the other half of the population came from the intense immigration of slaves...
The Haitian Revolution The most important individual in the Haitian Revolution was Toussaint L' Ouverture. He was a good leader and he worked hard to fight for the slaves. Toussaint L' Ouverture was born 1774. He freed slaves and led a rebellion in 1791. Toussaint wanted to fight fo...
The lifestyles of the Chesapeake and New England colonists had few similarities. Both left from Europe destined for the New World, they sought religious freedom. Once here the colonies setup farms and cultivated the land. This is were there similarities ended. The Chesapeak...
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano is a detailed story about the life of a well-educated slave published. One section of the story in particular describes one of his many experiences in the New World with one of his owners. This narrative is a very powerful one telling ab...
Bartolome de Las Casas was born in Sevile, Spain. Las Casas left his home for Hispaniola with Nicolas de Ovando, the governor. He was the first ordained priest in the New World. He participated in several expeditions and he took part in the bloody conquest and received Encomienda for his efforts. H...
There are always many factors that allow an empire to be great as there many factors for why one would be less sufficient. In this essay I will discuss two empires in all, the Roman and the Mauryan Empires. We will then discuss the social, political, and economic aspects that led these empires ...
During the Colonial period many people from Europe arrived in America to live as indentured servants. There were many reasons why immigrants made their way to the colonies, but the most prominent reason was a simple one - a chance at a better life. Documented accounts give us various perspectives of...
Slavery... a societal institution based on ownership, dominance and exploitation of one human being by another. The owners may exact work or other services without payment and can deny the slave's freedom in activity and mobility. Therefore, they are regarded as an article of property an...