59 Results for Europe

Contents 1 Introduction 2 The American-German History 2.1 The First German Settlers in the USA 2.2 The American-German Relationship before and during the Second World War 2.3 New Evaluation of the American-German Relationship after the Second World War 2.4 The Vietnam War and the Firs...
The Cold War was an extremely long war that last from 1945 until 1990. It did not clearly start until 1945, but strained relations remained between the United States and the Soviet Union since 1917. The ending of WWII and the struggle between Communism and Capitalism, led to this unique war. This...
Preface: How has the ninth edition been updated? In this updated edition, certain chapters have in added in light of the attacks of September 11, 2001. There was a chapter added on the foreign policies of Clinton and Yelstin-Putin also, an introduction to the beginnings of George W. Bush's...
The victorious forces at the end of the war divided Germany into four zones. They also divided Berlin into four zones. Each of the victorious nations controlled one zone and one sector of Berlin.The Allies (Britain, America and France) ran their zones differently to the areas controlled by Russia. ...
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Capital Punishment is the ruling by a court, sentencing an individual who has been convicted of a serious crime to death. How serious is the death penalty? Well, thirty-eight of the fifty States in the Union have the death penalty enacted in their state (Bright 13). The dea...
It has been a 'splendid little war' wrote John Hay to Theodore Roosevelt after the fall of Santiago. Little, the Spanish-American War was; it was over in barely four months. Splendid? Maybe for those at home, reading the headline about its lucky victories. But for those men who fo...
1. Discuss the author's treatment of the growing crisis in Europe and the urgency of Churchill's concern that Britain desperately needed assistance to withstand Hitler. During the years of 1940 and 1941, the war in Europe caused much concern for Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill....
The Monroe Doctrine The nineteenth century was an exciting and vibrant era that not only dramatically altered the physical face of our nation due to the rapid development of large cities and manufacturing facilities, but also helped modify and shape the values that have come to define our Amer...
Michael Mackay The electorate of the people, Tocqueville and Mill The election of officials is a sticky situation. In a democracy the people rule and elect the officials that they want. But what happens when they start choosing unqualified persons and the quality of the ruling becomes poor? Or w...
Globalization is an apparent concern in our world today. Not only are countries trading goods and conducting business with one another, they are also exchanging cultures and religious beliefs on some levels. While there are still many drastic differences between the developed countries and the und...
Christianity was traditionally understood to be founded byJesus of Nazareth. Paul of Tarsus, after his conversion onthe road to Damascus, worked tirelessly to establishChristianity among both Jews and God-fearing Gentiles of theDiaspora. Clues in the New Testament indicate that there wasa significa...
A Comaprison between France and America There are few countries in the world that share as similar governmental structures as the United States and France. It would be expected, however, that France and America would share such similarities in government based upon the fact that the original French...
History of Labor in America The Industrial Revolution was dawning in the United States. At Lowell, Massachusetts, the construction of a big cotton mill began in 1821. It was the first of several that would be built there in the next 10 years. The machinery to spin and wea...
The creation of the Atomic bomb was one of the most profound military, as well as technological achievements of the twentieth century. Nuclear technology has made it possible to have dependable electricity in our, as well as many other countries. It also acts as a war deterrent in some ways, this is...
Within culture throughout time, individuals have been different from one another, and in several ways. Appearance, actions, and even thought are some of these differentiating characteristics. One's thoughts do not necessarily have to conform to another's. Yet when given power, an individua...
\"December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.\" On December 7, 1941 the Japanese bombed the United States Military Base Pearl Harbor located at Oahu, Hawaii. At 6 a.m. (Hawaii...
Death Penalty The first established death penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for twenty-five different crimes. The death penalty was also part of the Fourteenth Century B.C.'s Hittite Code;...
The Pearl Harbor Conspiracy "December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." On December 7, 1941 the Japanese bombed the United States Military Base Pearl Harbor located at Oahu...
A. Abstract The history of the United States has undergone many changes in the past 500 years. We have gone from being a nation governed by a hierarchy in a faraway land, to being a republic governed by the people living in it. We have experienced monarchy and we are now experiencing democracy....
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a severe, highly communicable viral disease of cattle, sheep, and swine. It also will affect goats, deer, and other cloven-hoofed animals. This disease is characterized by fever and blister-like lesions on the tongue and lips in the mouth, on the udders, and between...
Automobiles in the 1950's The purpose of this paper is to provide a clear picture of automobiles in the 1950's and the impact the automobile had on American society. The 1950's were a time of economic growth for America, where income exceeded car prices and vision was limited only ...
There are three things which are important to keep in mind when considering the American phenomenon. One is its size (huge), the other is its history (short but eventful), and the third, diversity, is both a result of the first two and a contributing factor in shaping the United States' unique role ...
A country's foreign policy is only partly the result of decisions made by its government: it is mainly imposed by circumstances. IntroductionAustralia, during the last fifty years, has been a country unsure of its place in the world. She has been bouncing from ally to ally, begging for a place unde...
Rome and The United States of America share titles of world powers, while being divided by thousands of years. Looking at each of these great nations, a myriad of similarities evolve, almost as if the United States is an altered Blueprint of Ancient Rome. The basis of both civilizations possessed ...