69 Results for Europe

Course BackgroundDominant Civilizations1. The dominant civilization at the time was the Roman Empire.2. Western Europe was right behind the Roman Empire in civilization.3. With the fall of the Roman Empire, Western civilization fell.The split of civilization1. Western Europe began to slit in to sepe...
Sahil Rattanaphas IB History period 2 January 24, 2004 "How valid is it to claim that Europe "stumbled into" a world war in 1914" The late 1800's brought upon a growing trend of Imperialism towards Europe and five of her most powerful nations, Russia, France, Engl...
Imperialism,World War I and Revolution and Nationalism I) As some of us know what imperialism is, I would like to start you off with a definition for those who may not know what it is or what it means. Imperialism is a policy that one strong nation wants to take over or dominate other countr...
The Great Depression of the Inter-war years (1929-1933) was the most profound shock ever to strike the world economy. Economists all around the world were looking for answers why and for how long the Depression will go on, they began to ask themselves questions about the capitalism –was it the...
The 1920s was the decade in which people called the \"Roaring Twenties\" because a lot of changes were occurring nationwide that affected everybody everywhere around the nation. Immigration has just kicked up with its \"Second wave\" of immigrants arriving from Southern and Eastern Europe. They mi...
WORLD CONFLICT IN THE 20TH CENTURY 1 The 20th century was the bloodiest 100 years in human history. Based on numbers killed, in warfare, the 20th century exceeds all other centuries combined. The three major conflicts between 1901 and 200 were World War I, World War II, an...
Foreign Policy has varied throughout United States history, in order to adapt to changing times and needs. The alterations to foreign policies are generally made depending on the relationship the United States has with other nations, and to meet their own desires. Three types of US foreign policies ...
The Effects of Nationalism from the Napoleonic Era The period of 1799-1815, otherwise known as the Napoleonic era, was one of great change both physically and ideologically. The entire continent of Europe and many of its colonial holdings were completely reshaped and/or united against ...
The Causes of World War I The murder of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife on the 28th of June caused the lead up to World War I. The Archduke heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne was assassinated in his car during a drive in Sarajevo. The assassination was the work of a terrorist group known ...
History Essay What caused World War I? What made World War I spark? What where the events leading up to it? Who is responsible? These are some of the questions that people think of when they think about the road to World War I. Most wars have a "trigger" that really starts them...
Lesson 29 1. Discuss political development in Great Britain. Political development in Great Britain has been stable, where two major political parties have "Smoothly alternated in power and pursued policies of an underlying continuity." The Conservatives place a larger emphasis on th...
Introduction Imperialism during this era was performed by the Great European Powers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who sought to extend and maintain control or influence over the weaker nations of the world, particularly in Asia and Africa. The practice of imperialism, by July 1914 h...
"Europeans in 1935 could still be optimistic about the future of world peace" How far do you agree with this statement? The Great War was won in 1918, after four years of war in unprecedented proportions throughout the world. But even after the war was over, there ensued a new battle t...
On November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California a true American hero was born. This hero's name was George Smith Patton, Jr. George Patton would play a giant role of the formation of The United States of America during the twentieth century. Ever since George was young he knew he wanted t...
World War I started in the summer of 1914. Most of the war took place in Europe. The war was long and lasted four years. World War I was unlike any previous wars. New weapons such as machine guns, tanks and poison gas made fighting deadlier than ever. Also, the civilian population was no long...
World War 1 is a dramatic point of the history of the world. This war that killed many people from all over the world started because of many causes. First cause of the war was European nations ruled smaller countries, called colonies, and they competed with each other to get more colonies. Seco...
Europe exploded in the 20th century, setting the stage for a conflict that would shatter the very foundations of the continent. As regional hostility & competition grew, World War 1 began as the first armed struggle to witness the complete mobilization of society at large, while the effects of the ...
"For it often happens that when I carelessly speak of "my life," I am forced to ask, "which life?" the one before the world war, the between the first and the second, or the life of today?" Stefan Zweig experienced so much in his one life it would seem that he h...
When World War I came to a close in mid-November of 1918, many ideas were circulating in Europe as to what the peace settlement should entail. In Britain, leaders were thinking about how to increase British colonial power. In France, many wanted to permanently punish the Germans, partly in revenge f...
Gustav Stresemann - - Weimar Foreign Policy When Gustav Stresemann became the foreign minister of the Weimar republic in 1923 it was after two years as chancellor of the Weimar republic. During this time he was able to see, firsthand, the effects of the economic and political isolation upon Ger...
Before questioning Woodrow Wilson's role in World War I, you must first examine the reasons that prompted the United States to enter the conflict. Several key events were responsible for us to get involved. After taking into account the combat in Europe, the heated debate over interventionism, and...
In the early decades of the twentieth century, the world was shocked by the progression of warfare in ways that were previously unthinkable. The First World War, or The Great War, as it was called during that time, was the result of political tension between established governments of the Balkan Pe...
The major factor leading to an incident can be described as the determining factor, as it is the one most responsible for the event's occurrence. Hitler, the man who led Germany with an aggressive foreign policy and a desire for world domination is most obviously this factor. However, Chamberla...
The Treaty of Versailles, signed on January 18th 1919, was an attempt by the victorious powers to put an end to the First World War. Dominated by the 'Big Three', consisting of America, France and Britain, the talks ultimately became a forum for conflicting interests and compromises; an e...
The Treaty of Versailles, signed on January 18th 1919, was an attempt by the victorious powers to put an end to the First World War. Dominated by the 'Big Three', consisting of America, France and Britain, the talks ultimately became a forum for conflicting interests and compromises; an e...