51 Results for Europe

THE RECONSTRUCTION OF EUROPE AFTER WORLD WAR II Even while World War II war still being fought, leaders of the Allied powers began thinking about how to reconstruct Europe after the war. Winston Churchill of Britain, Franklin Roosevelt of the United States, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union a...
This research paper documents the triumphant cultural and political revitalization of a victimized Europe, while providing details on the specifics of the liberation and the life of \"displaced persons\" particularly Jews, in post-World War II. Never before has an event in history been as tragic and...
World War 1: German Guilt. Introduction Few historical areas can have aroused as much debate as that of the origins and causes of WW1. The thousands of documents and eyewitness testimonies collated have allowed historians to construct exceedingly detailed illustrations of what happened in the days...
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has been a silent partner on the world stage for more than half of the century and the most successful political-military alliance in history. The United Nations and their peacekeeping efforts have had the spotlight for the past few years. However the driving...
The Cold War was an extremely long war that last from 1945 until 1990. It did not clearly start until 1945, but strained relations remained between the United States and the Soviet Union since 1917. The ending of WWII and the struggle between Communism and Capitalism, led to this unique war. This...
Germany and the Origins of the First World War 1 Between 1866 and 1871, thanks to the skilful diplomacy of Prussia's great minister, Prince Otto von Bismarck and to the unexcelled military genius of his generals, ...
Preface: How has the ninth edition been updated? In this updated edition, certain chapters have in added in light of the attacks of September 11, 2001. There was a chapter added on the foreign policies of Clinton and Yelstin-Putin also, an introduction to the beginnings of George W. Bush's...
The victorious forces at the end of the war divided Germany into four zones. They also divided Berlin into four zones. Each of the victorious nations controlled one zone and one sector of Berlin.The Allies (Britain, America and France) ran their zones differently to the areas controlled by Russia. ...
HISTORY- GENOCIDE 'Despite everything, I still believe people are good at heart'. These words were immortalized by a 16 year-old Jewish girl named Anne Frank. She wrote these words down in the midst of the most ghastly war in over five millennia- World War 2. This war is especially kn...
When World War I came to a close in mid-November of 1918, many ideas were circulating in Europe as to what the peace settlement should entail. In Britain, leaders were thinking about how to increase British colonial power. In France, many wanted to permanently punish the Germans, partly in revenge ...
It has been a 'splendid little war' wrote John Hay to Theodore Roosevelt after the fall of Santiago. Little, the Spanish-American War was; it was over in barely four months. Splendid? Maybe for those at home, reading the headline about its lucky victories. But for those men who fo...
1. Discuss the author's treatment of the growing crisis in Europe and the urgency of Churchill's concern that Britain desperately needed assistance to withstand Hitler. During the years of 1940 and 1941, the war in Europe caused much concern for Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill....
Darwin Darwin is the main setting of Maestro. Paul and his family move there after his father accepts a position as a medical officer. It is the capital city of the Northern Territory and Australia's northernmost city. Settlement was attempted in the early 1800s by the English, but it was...
Herbert Feis served as the Special Consultant to three Secretaries of War. This book was his finale to a series on the governmental viewed history of World War II, one of these receiving the Pulitzer Prize. Mr. Feis gives personal accounts in a strictly factual description leaving out no informati...
Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) was the 33rd president of the United States. He was born in Lamar, Missouri on May 8, 1884. He was the oldest of three kids of John Anderson and Martha Ellen Young Truman. There is something interesting about the "S" in Truman's name. His family did not...
The Monroe Doctrine The nineteenth century was an exciting and vibrant era that not only dramatically altered the physical face of our nation due to the rapid development of large cities and manufacturing facilities, but also helped modify and shape the values that have come to define our Amer...
Although many people thought that the World War II started in Europe, it actually had roots in Asia with the rape of Nanking. Between December of 1937 and March 1938, at least 369,366 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war (POWs) were slaughtered by the invading Japanese troops. An estimated 80,000 ...
Germany's invasion of France via Belgium was the initial act of war that brought about the commencement of war. However, is it fair to say that it was Germany and Germany alone who acted to bring about this first step? I would argue that a series of events led to the German ...
It has been said that one man cannot change history. Alexander the Great, Christopher Columbus, and Abraham Lincoln, all brought out the best and the worst in men. Throughout time, we have put immense power in the hands of few and now their names live on forever. How does the son of an Austrian fact...
During World War II, many countries of the world came together to fight against the oppressive nations of Germany, Italy, Japan, and their allies. The United States, Russia, and Great Britain, who emerged as leaders of the fight against these adversaries, formed an alliance that was eventually able...
Joseph Stalin was the soviet communist leader who's passing molded an era, and whose iron rule determined the lives of millions of people. Considering that he shaped the direction of post-World War II Europe, we may regard him as the most powerful person to live during the 20th c...
As Philip Berrigan walked the streets of London, Bristol, and other cities of Britain, he saw the faces of death from those who burned to death to those who were crushed from buildings collapsing; and if they survived, how they would be deformed for the rest of their lives. He became filled with e...
The creation of the Atomic bomb was one of the most profound military, as well as technological achievements of the twentieth century. Nuclear technology has made it possible to have dependable electricity in our, as well as many other countries. It also acts as a war deterrent in some ways, this is...
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born in the small Austrian town of Branau on the 20th of April 1889. He came from a middle-class family that lived comfortably, although he suggested in his book Mein Kampf that his family was poor and his childhood was filled with hardship. His father Alois Hitler ...
The overlapping crises in Hungary and Poland in the autumn of 1956 posed a severe challenge for the leaders of the Soviet Communist Party (CPSU). After a tense standoff with Poland, the CPSU Presidium (as the Politburo was then called) decided to refrain from military intervention and to s...